2,122 research outputs found

    A Social Platform for Knowledge Gathering and Exploitation, Towards the Deduction of Inter-enterprise Collaborations

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    AbstractSeveral standards have been defined for enhancing the efficiency of B2B web-supported collaboration. However, they suffer from the lack of a general semantic representation, which leaves aside the promise of deducing automatically the inter-enterprise business processes. To achieve the automatic deduction, this paper presents a social platform, which aims at acquiring knowledge from users and linking the acquired knowledge with the one maintained on the platform. Based on this linkage, this platform aims at deducing automatically cross-organizational business processes (i.e. selection of partners and sequencing of their activities) to fulfill any opportunity of collaboration

    Process model for university-industry research collaboration

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to improve the understanding of university-industry research collaboration through the development of a new process model. Design/methodology/approach – A literature review was carried out on collaborative partnering and supporting factors namely social capital and the role of knowledge. Empirical research involved a series of 32 structured interviews with relevant stakeholders, with subsequent grouping and conceptualisation allowing common themes to be identified and a new process model to be proposed. Findings – The study finds that there is a lack of integrative frameworks for the management of research collaborations. Through building on the suggested best practice described in the paper, application of the model to the management of an engineering research programme has allowed the benefits of this approach as well as some of the underlying issues to be explored in detail. Research limitations/implications – The research focused on university-industry research collaborations and although it may be applicable to other forms of collaborations, e.g. industry-to-industry, there could be features that are particular to the area under investigation. Practical implications – A model has been proposed, which is a logical methodology that can be utilised by practitioners from both academia and industry in order to improve the process of research collaboration and facilitate more effective transfer of knowledge. Originality/value – The model builds on previous literature on alliance and collaboration management but crucially is based on an innovative new process-based methodology, which provides practitioners with a “route map” of how to develop and manage research collaborations. The model uses a holistic approach to collaboration through capturing process, knowledge and social elements

    ERAWATCH Country Reports 2011: The Netherlands

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    The main objective of the ERAWATCH Annual Country Reports is to characterise and assess the performance of national research systems and related policies in a structured manner that is comparable across countries. The 2011 country reports assess the evolution on the national R&D investments targets, the efficiency and effectiveness of national policies and investments into R&D, the articulation between education, research and innovation, with an increased focus on the last two in terms of their wider governance and policy mix. The reports for EU MS and AS integrates in the assessment the evolution of the national policy mixes in the perspective of the Europe 2020 Strategy goals and on the realisation and better governance of ERA.JRC.J.2-Knowledge for Growt

    Knowledge-based system for collaborative process specification

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    Le marchĂ© industriel est aujourd’hui de plus en plus dynamique et compĂ©titif. Cette tendance Ă©volutive de l’écosystĂšme amĂšne les entreprises Ă  prendre part Ă  un nombre croissant de rĂ©seaux industriels, dans l’optique de maintenir leur activitĂ© et d’accroĂźtre leur compĂ©titivitĂ©. La qualitĂ© d’interaction et de collaboration de partenaires de ces rĂ©seaux dĂ©pend grandement de la capacitĂ© de leurs systĂšmes d’information (SIs) respectifs Ă  gĂ©rer et Ă  partager les informations. Le projet MISE (Mediation Information System Engineering) relĂšve pleinement de cette problĂ©matique en proposant une approche de conception d’une solution (conceptuelle et technologique) pour le support de l’interopĂ©rabilitĂ© d’entreprises au travers de leurs SIs. Ce projet s’appuie sur la notion de MDE (Model-Driven Engineering) et s’articule autour de trois niveaux : mĂ©tier, logique et technologique. Les travaux de thĂšse dont il est ici question relĂšvent du niveau mĂ©tier en prĂ©sentant une dĂ©marche d’obtention d’un modĂšle indĂ©pendant de toute implĂ©mentation (CIM pour Computer Independent Model). Il s’agit en particulier de s’appuyer sur un systĂšme basĂ© sur la gestion de connaissance pour concevoir des processus collaboratifs en BPMN (Business Process Modelling Notation). En se positionnant Ă  un niveau d’abstraction au dessus de celui du CIM, on peut capitaliser, manipuler et raisonner une connaissance permettant d’une part de caractĂ©riser des collaborations et d’autre part de mettre en place des mĂ©canismes de dĂ©duction pour descendre au niveau de CIM. Ces principes sont en outre illustrĂ©s par le biais d’un prototype dĂ©veloppĂ© pour valider l’approche. ABSTRACT : Enterprises are now operating in an environment where market is more open, globalized, and competitive. Changes in market conditions are obliging enterprises to become involved in various kinds of industrial networks in order to maintain their business efficiency. The integration of business partners depends deeply on the ability to capture and share information seamlessly amongst the information systems (ISs) of different enterprises. The MISE (Mediation Information System Engineering) project was evolved in order to tackle this problem by providing an information technology solution for supporting the enterprise interoperability through ISs. It is developed on the basis of the MDE (Model Driven Engineering). This dissertation addresses the business level of the interoperability, and the CIM (Computer Independent Model) of the MDE. Its main objective is to develop a knowledge-based system for supporting the design of collaborative processes that conform to the BPMN (Business Process Modeling Notation). We propose to work at the upper level of the CIM to capture knowledge that allows us to characterize collaboration by basing on the perspectives and experiences of business partners. We use this knowledge together with the existing knowledge (instances about business processes) from the MIT Process Handbook for moving down to the CIM level. The prototype of our knowledge-based system is also developed in order to validate and evaluate the approach

    A Systematic Literature Review to Understand Cross-organizational Relationship Management and Collaboration

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    An increasingly dynamic, unpredictable and challenging environment leads organizations to cross their own borders and establish partnerships to other organizations for remaining competitive. This cross-organizational relationship allows participating organizations to share resources with each other and collaborate to better handle an identified opportunity for joint work. However, besides having a mutual or compatible goal, it is common that these organizations face several challenges during the partnership. The present research aims to explore the cross-organizational relationship management. To this end, this paper outlines the systematic literature review performed to understand the collaboration and relationship establishment between different organizations and organize an ICT related body of knowledge about the topic. A discussion about the findings, challenges and open issues identified from the retrieved literature is also provided to guide further work

    Enterprise 2.0: Collaboration and Knowledge Emergence as a Business Web Strategy Enabler

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    The Web is becoming in many respects a powerful tool for supporting business strategy as companies are quickly becoming more and more reliant on new Web-based technologies to capitalize on new business opportunities. However, this introduces additional managerial problems and risks that have to be taken into consideration, if they are not to be left behind. In this chapter we explore the Web’s present and future potential in relation to information sharing, knowledge management, innovation management, and the automation of cross-organizational business transactions. The suggested approach will provide entrepreneurs, managers, and IT leaders with guidance on how to adopt the latest Web 2.0-based technologies in their everyday work with a view to setting up a business Web strategy. Specifically, Enterprise 2.0 is presented as a key enabler for businesses to expand their ecosystems and partnerships. Enterprise 2.0 also acts as a catalyst for improving innovation processes and knowledge work
