379 research outputs found

    Advances in Rotating Electric Machines

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    It is difficult to imagine a modern society without rotating electric machines. Their use has been increasing not only in the traditional fields of application but also in more contemporary fields, including renewable energy conversion systems, electric aircraft, aerospace, electric vehicles, unmanned propulsion systems, robotics, etc. This has contributed to advances in the materials, design methodologies, modeling tools, and manufacturing processes of current electric machines, which are characterized by high compactness, low weight, high power density, high torque density, and high reliability. On the other hand, the growing use of electric machines and drives in more critical applications has pushed forward the research in the area of condition monitoring and fault tolerance, leading to the development of more reliable diagnostic techniques and more fault-tolerant machines. This book presents and disseminates the most recent advances related to the theory, design, modeling, application, control, and condition monitoring of all types of rotating electric machines

    Advances in dual-three-phase permanent magnet synchronous machines and control techniques

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    Multiphase electrical machines are advantageous for many industrial applications that require a high power rating, smooth torque, power/torque sharing capability, and fault-tolerant capability, compared with conventional single three-phase electrical machines. Consequently, a significant number of studies of multiphase machines has been published in recent years. This paper presents an overview of the recent advances in multiphase permanent magnet synchronous machines (PMSMs) and drive control techniques, with a focus on dual-three-phase PMSMs. It includes an extensive overview of the machine topologies, as well as their modelling methods, pulse-width-modulation techniques, field-oriented control, direct torque control, model predictive control, sensorless control, and fault-tolerant control, together with the newest control strategies for suppressing current harmonics and torque ripples, as well as carrier phase shift techniques, all with worked examples

    Control of Asymmetric Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator Systems

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    The thesis focuses on the control of asymmetric permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) system, with particular reference to the suppression of its second harmonic (2h) power, DC bus voltage and torque ripples. The asymmetries include the unbalanced resistances, unbalanced inductances, and unbalanced 3-phase back-electromotive forces (EMFs). The mathematical model of the general asymmetries in the PMSG system is firstly presented. The power ripple and torque ripple due to the asymmetries without/with negative-(N-) sequence currents are then analysed in detail. It shows that there are 2h impedances in the synchronous dq-axis frame. Consequently, the N-sequence currents emerge under the conventional current proportional and integral (PI) control, which will result in undesired 2h power, DC bus voltage and torque ripples. To suppress the 2h torque resulted from the N-sequence currents, three typical methods aiming for balanced currents without N-sequence currents are reviewed, evaluated and their relationship is revealed. It shows that all these three methods are capable of suppressing the N-sequence currents as verified by experiments. However, the 2h power and DC bus voltage cannot be suppressed. To suppress the undesired 2h power and DC bus voltage, an improved power control without any sequential component decomposers under general unbalanced conditions is proposed. Its effectiveness is validated by elaborated experiments on a prototype PMSG with inherent asymmetry and deliberately introduced asymmetries. However, the 2h torque is compromised. To solve the 2h torque, power and DC bus voltage simultaneously, the compensation in parallel with the DC bus is investigated in the PMSG system with asymmetric impedances. The undesired 2h power from the PMSG is compensated by the 2h power from the compensation unit. Two topologies of the compensation unit and corresponding control methods are investigated, while the compensation effectiveness is validated by experiments. Furthermore, the compensation unit with external circuits in series with the asymmetric PMSG is investigated. By the compensation in series, the original unbalanced system is modified to a balanced system in theory. Therefore, the N-sequence currents, 2h power, DC bus voltage, and torque ripple can be naturally suppressed. The feasibility of this compensation method is verified by experiments at different speeds and load conditions, although the effectiveness may be slightly affected by the non-linearity of the compensation inductors in practice. Finally, the research of suppressing the 2h DC bus voltage and torque ripple is extended to the dual 3-phase PMSG system with one channel failed. By utilizing the windings, rectifier or inverter in the faulty channel which are still functional, three methods designated as two sets in parallel, two DC buses in parallel and N-sequence currents compensation are investigated, which require minimum extra hardware investment compared with the compensation in parallel and in series

    Predictive current control in electrical drives: an illustrated review with case examples using a five-phase induction motor drive with distributed windings

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    The industrial application of electric machines in variable-speed drives has grown in the last decades thanks to the development of microprocessors and power converters. Although three-phase machines constitute the most common case, the interest of the research community has been recently focused on machines with more than three phases, known as multiphase machines. The principal reason lies in the exploitation of their advantages like reliability, better current distribution among phases or lower current harmonic production in the power converter than conventional three-phase ones, to name a few. Nevertheless, multiphase drives applications require the development of complex controllers to regulate the torque (or speed) and flux of the machine. In this regard, predictive current controllers have recently appeared as a viable alternative due to an easy formulation and a high flexibility to incorporate different control objectives. It is found however that these controllers face some peculiarities and limitations in their use that require attention. This work attempts to tackle the predictive current control technique as a viable alternative for the regulation of multiphase drives, paying special attention to the development of the control technique and the discussion of the benefits and limitations. Case examples with experimental results in a symmetrical five-phase induction machine with distributed windings in motoring mode of operation are used to this end

    Online Adaptive Set of Virtual Voltage Vectors for Stator Current Regulation of a Six-Phase Induction Machine Using Finite State Model Predictive Controllers

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    (This article belongs to the Special Issue Electric Power Applications II) // "This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons ttribution (CC BY) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/"Virtual voltage vectors (VVV) have been used for the control of multi-phase induction machines, where different sub-spaces appear related to the torque production and losses generation. In the literature, several sets of VVV have been used, aiming at reducing harmonic content while maintaining a low computational burden. This paper proposes the use of different sets of VVV to regulate the stator current of multi-phase drives using finite-state model predictive controllers. In the proposal, only one set is active at each control period. This active set is obtained through a preliminary analysis using performance maps. As a result, a method is derived for the online selection using the current operating point. The selection is based on a simple computation from variables usually measured on variable-speed drives. Results are provided for a symmetrical six-phase IM, showing that the proposal improves the closed-loop performance of the multi-phase drive with a low computational cost

    Applications of Power Electronics:Volume 1

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    Symmetrical six-phase induction machines: a solution for multiphase direct control strategies

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    Six-phase induction machines are considered an interesting multiphase option because they can benefit from the well-known three-phase converter technology. These multiphase machines can be classified according to the spatial distribution of their windings into two main groups: asymmetrical and symmetrical six-phase machines. In the case of symmetrical sixphase machines, some sets of voltage vectors show an important advantage from the point of view of the - current mitigation. They provide an active production in the - plane with a completely null injection of - components. This fact is a desired feature for direct control strategies, such as standard model predictive control (MPC), where a single switching state is applied during the entire sampling period. Based on these statements, this work proposes an MPC strategy for symmetrical six-phase induction machines using voltage vectors with null - voltage production in order to obtain the flux/torque generation with minimum - currents. Simulated results have been included to validate the goodness of the developed control scheme.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Mitigating the Torque Ripple in Electric Traction using Proportional Integral Resonant Controller

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    Permanent magnet (PM) machines offer high efficiencies which are attractive to be used in vehicle propulsion systems, however, their design creates an inherent torque ripple. This is particularly problematic for electric vehicles (EV) due to low damping of torsional vibration which can result in reduced vehicle comfort. This can prohibit the take up of PM machines, missing opportunities for improving vehicle energy efficiency. This paper presents the application of resonant control (RC) to suppress the impact of the PM torque ripple this enabling take up of this technology and for the first time aims to demonstrate a reduction in vibration at a vehicle level. A prototype PM machine and driveline have been fitted to a light-duty off-road vehicle. Firstly an analysis of the vehicle vibration when it is driven in a speed-control mode with a conventional proportional-integral (PI) control. The main source of the vibration is identified as the 24th harmonic torque ripple of the PM machine, which originates from the cogging torque and air-gap flux harmonics. The vibration is more severe when the torque ripple frequency is close to the natural frequency of the drivetrain. The application of Resonance Control has demonstrated over 80% reduction in speed ripple even when the torque ripple frequency is close to the natural frequency of the vehicle

    Control solutions for multiphase permanent magnet synchronous machine drives applied to electric vehicles

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    207 p.En esta tesis se estudia la utilización de un accionamiento eléctrico basado en una máquina simétrica dual trifásica aplicada al sistema de propulsión de un vehículo eléctrico. Dicho accionamiento está basado en una máquina síncrona de imanes permanentes interiores. Además, dispone de un bus CC con una configuración en cascada. Por otra parte, se incorpora un convertidor CC/CC entre el módulo de baterías y el inversor de seis fases para proveer el vehículo con capacidades de carga rápida, y evitando al mismo tiempo la utilización de semiconductores de potencia con altas tensiones nominales. En este escenario, el algoritmo de control debe hacer frente a las no linealidades de la máquina, proporcionando un comando de consigna preciso para todo el rango de par y velocidad del convertidor. Por lo tanto, deben tenerse en cuenta los efectos de acoplamiento cruzado entre los devanados, y la tensión de los condensadores de enlace en cascada debe controlarse y equilibrarse activamente. En vista de ello, los autores proponen un novedoso enfoque de control que proporciona todas estas funcionalidades. La propuesta se ha validado experimentalmente en un prototipo a escala real de accionamiento eléctrico de 70 kW, probado en un laboratorio y en un vehículo eléctrico en condiciones reales de conducción.Tecnali