24 research outputs found


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    Abstract. This study presents a straightforward adaptive prefiltering algorithm based on a double second-order generalized integrator with prefilter to solve one of the power quality issues, this algorithm is in charge of the determination of the reference harmonic currents in the control of three-phase shunt active power filter which presents an effective way to enhance the grid current quality. The proposed algorithm is used twice, to extract the harmonic currents produced by the non-linear loads and be an interesting part in the estimation of the frequency and amplitude of the fundamental voltage in various anomalies which can be noticed on the grid voltage. The performance, precision, and robustness of the proposed method are evidenced under balanced, unbalanced, and distorted grid voltage in the simulation and experimental results obtained by the implementation of the shunt active power filter on MATLAB-Simulink environment and the dSPACE 1104 platform respectively.Аннотация. В данной работе представлен простой адаптивный алгоритм предфильтрации, основанный на двойном обобщенном интеграторе с предфильтром второго порядка (DSOGI-WPF) для решения одного из вопросов качества электроэнергии. Данный алгоритм отвечает за определение опорных гармонических токов при контроле трехфазного фильтра шунта активной мощности (SAPF). Предложенный алгоритм используется дважды: для извлечения гармонических токов, создаваемых нелинейными нагрузками, и также является интересной частью оценки частоты и амплитуды основного напряжения при различных аномалиях, которые можно заметить по напряжению сети. Эффективность, точность и надежность предложенного метода подтверждаются при сбалансированном, несбалансированном и искаженном напряжении сети результатами моделирования и экспериментов, полученными при реализации SAPF в среде MATLAB-Simulink и платформе dSPACE 1104, соответственно.

    Digital implementation of modified phase locked loop based harmonic extraction for shunt active filter

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    This paper presents a digital implementation of modified synchronous reference frame in which the Phase Locked Loop (PLL) is customized to get the angle for the reference frames from the supply voltage by Enhanced Phase Locked Loop (EPLL). The extracted harmonics currents are given to an Artificial Neural Network based Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation (ANNSVPWM) which has better switching control and reduced stress on the switches to cancel the distortions at the Point of Common Coupling (PCC). The algorithm was modelled and simulated by Matlab/Simulink to validate the results. The experimental verification is carried on Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) Spartan board to check the effectiveness of the control strategy being implemented and the results conclude that the Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) values are below the required levels of power quality standards

    ANN (Artificial Neural Network) Controlled Virtual Laboratory Design for NdFeB Magnet Production

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    Magnets have an important place in electrical and electronic systems and applications nowadays. The developments in the field of magnets have also greatly expanded their usage areas. NdFeB magnets play active and important role in this development. In this study, design of virtual laboratory to be used for the production of nanocomposite NdFeB magnets has been realized. Maximum energy product (BHmax) is an important value for permanent magnets. The high BHmax value in small volume for the magnets is a desired criterion. In the study, mathematical functions were created from the data related to Br (permanent magnetism), Hc (magnetic coercivity), BHmax, Tc (Curie temperature) and density obtained in the researches on different NdFeB alloys in the laboratory. Additionally, Br functions were obtained by adding different additives (Co,Ti, Zr, Hf, V, Ta, Nb, Cr, W, Mo, Mn, Ni, Sb, Sn, Ge, Al, Bi) to the NdFeB magnets. A virtual laboratory is prepared with the created functions. The obtained results from the operation of the virtual laboratory system and the results obtained from Matlab Simulink and ANN (Artificial Neural Network) systems are compared. The designed and performed virtual laboratory system can be used both for industrial purposes and for educational purposes


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    This project proposes a hybrid DSTATCOM with LCL filter which is connected at infront  of VSI , which provides better switching harmonics elimination while using much smaller value of an inductor as compared with the traditional L-filter . A capacitor is used in series with LCL-filter to reduce the dc-link voltage of the D-STATCOM. Hence, reduced the power rating of VSI. Reduced DC- link voltage causes reduced voltage across LCL-filter.  Then reduce the power loss. A multi level cascaded – H-bridge is implemented in the VSI operation of a D-STATCOM topology. The effectiveness of the proposed DSTATCOM topology over traditional topologies is validated through MATLAB/SIMULINK software

    Control de la tensión del bus de continua de un filtro activo mediante un convertidor DC-DC

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    En este artículo se presentan los resultados experimentales obtenidos mediante un sistema compensador generador trabajando de forma aislada de la red eléctrica. Para analizar el funcionamiento del sistema se ha desarrollado un prototipo de un convertidor DC-DC bidireccional el cual permite adaptar el valor de la tensión de las baterías conectadas a su entrada con la tensión del bus de continua a la entrada del filtro activo. Para el control del convertidor DC-DC se ha utilizado un control por realimentación del estado diseñado mediante algoritmos genéticos, y en el caso del filtro activo se ha utilizado un control proporcional con prealimentación. Los resultados experimentales obtenidos muestran el correcto funcionamiento del sistema tanto en estado estacionario, como en régimen transitorio.Los autores quieren agradecer a la Universitat Jaume I y a la Generalitat Valenciana el apoyo recibido y materializado en los proyectos P11B2013-34 y GV/2014/117 respectivamente

    A Hybrid Multilevel Inverter DSTATCOM Topology to Compensate Reactive Power for Nonlinear Loads

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    This task proposes an enhanced cross breed conveyance static compensator (D-STATCOM) topology to address some viable issues, for example, control rating, channel estimate, pay execution, and power misfortune. A LCL channel has been utilized at the front end of a voltage source inverter (VSI), which gives better exchanging sounds disposal while utilizing considerably littler estimation of an inductor as contrasted and the conventional L channel. A capacitor is utilized as a part of arrangement with a LCL channel to diminish the dc-connect voltage of the D-STATCOM. This thusly diminishes the power rating of the VSI. With lessened dc-interface voltage, the voltage over the shunt capacitor of the LCL channel will be likewise less. It will decrease the power misfortunes in the damping resistor as contrasted and the conventional LCL channel with uninvolved damping. Accordingly, the proposed DSTATCOM topology will have decreased weight, cost, rating, and size with enhanced effectiveness and current remuneration capacity contrasted and the conventional topology. An orderly strategy to outline the parts of the inactive channel has been introduced. A multilevel fell H-connect is executed in the VSI task of a D-STATCOM topology. The viability of the proposed DSTATCOM topology over customary topologies is approved through MATLAB/SIMULINK programming

    New Multilevel Inverter D-STATCOM Topology To Compensate Reactive And Nonlinear Loads

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    This work proposes an enhanced half and half dissemination static compensator (D-STATCOM) topology to address some reasonable issues, for example, control rating, channel measure, remuneration execution, and power misfortune. A LCL channel has been utilized at the front end of a voltage source inverter (VSI), which gives better exchanging music disposal while utilizing substantially littler estimation of an inductor as contrasted and the conventional L channel. A capacitor is utilized as a part of arrangement with a LCL channel to diminish the dc-connect voltage of the D-STATCOM. This thus diminishes the power rating of the VSI. With decreased dc-connect voltage, the voltage over the shunt capacitor of the LCL channel will be additionally less. It will lessen the power misfortunes in the damping resistor as contrasted and the customary LCL channel with inactive damping. In this way, the proposed DSTATCOM topology will have lessened weight, cost, rating, and size with enhanced proficiency and current remuneration ability contrasted and the customary topology. An efficient technique to plan the parts of the aloof channel has been introduced. A multilevel fell H-extension is executed in the VSI operation of a D-STATCOM topology. The viability of the proposed DSTATCOM topology over customary topologies is approved through MATLAB/SIMULINK programming

    A New Hybrid Topology of D-STATCOM for Power Quality Improvement

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    This work proposes an enhanced new breed conveyance static compensator (D-STATCOM) topology to address some down to earth issues, for example, power rating, filter size, performance of compensation, and power misfortune. A LCL channel has been utilized at the front end of a voltage source inverter (VSI), which gives better exchanging music end while utilizing much littler estimation of an inductor as contrasted and the conventional L channel. A capacitor is utilized as a part of arrangement with a LCL channel to diminish the dc-interface voltage of the D-STATCOM. This thusly diminishes the power rating of the VSI. With decreased dc-connect voltage, the voltage over the shunt capacitor of the LCL channel will be likewise less. It will diminish the power misfortunes in the damping resistor as contrasted and the customary LCL channel with uninvolved damping. Accordingly, the proposed DSTATCOM topology will have lessened weight, cost, rating, and size with enhanced proficiency and current remuneration capacity contrasted and the customary topology. A deliberate system to outline the segments of the uninvolved channel has been displayed. A multilevel fell H-bridge is executed in the VSI operation of a D-STATCOM topology. The viability of the proposed DSTATCOM topology over customary topologies is approved through MATLAB/SIMULINK softwar

    A New Multilevel Inverter Topology of D-STATCOM to Compensate Reactive and Nonlinear Loads

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    This work proposes an enhanced hybrid distribution static compensator (D-STATCOM) topology to address some practical issues like power loss, filter size, performance etc. A LCL filter has been utilized at the front end of a voltage source inverter (VSI), which gives better exchanging harmonics elimination while utilizing much littler estimation of an inductor as contrasted and the conventional L channel. A capacitor is utilized in as eries with LCL channel to diminish the dc-interface voltage of the D-STATCOM. This thusly lessens the power rating of the VSI. With lessened dc-connect voltage, the voltage over the shunt capacitor of the LCL filter will be additionally less. It will decrease the power misfortunes in the damping resistor as contrasted and the conventional LCL filter with latent damping. In this way, the proposed DSTATCOM topology will have decreased weight, cost, rating, and size with enhanced proficiency and current pay capacity contrasted and the conventional topology. A deliberate methodology to outline the segments of the inactive filter has been displayed. A multilevel cascaded-H-bridge is executed in the VSI operation of a D-STATCOM topology. The viability of the proposed DSTATCOM topology over customary topologies is approved through MATLAB/SIMULINK programming