16 research outputs found

    Three-dimensional microarchitecture of entheseal changes: preliminary study of human radial tuberosity

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    Entheseal changes (EC), alterations at insertion sites on the bones, may be related to mechanical stress among other causes, and are thus used for decades to reconstruct the activities of human past populations. They can be characterised by focal changes in robusticity and variable pattern of osteolysis and osteoformation observable on dry bone. This preliminary study aims to analyse the microstructural characteristics of the underlying bone to clarify the nature of the changes in bone microarchitecture reflecting the macroscopic changes identifiable on the surface of the enthesis. We studied the right radii of two Saharian adult individuals, dating from Neolithic (Hassi-el-Abiod, Mali, 7 000 years BP). One has a morphologically normal bicipital tuberosity while the second one shows EC. Micro-computed tomodensitometric acquisitions and 3D reconstructions were performed to characterise cancellous and cortical bone microarchitecture of these two entheses. 3D imaging appears relevant for studying microstructure of EC among past populations. Our methodology reveals at this preliminary step clear differences of canal network organisation of cortical bone between the two studied entheses. This work comes preliminary to a broader study on a historically and archaeologically documented population of Hungarian horse archers of the Honfoglalás or Conquest period (Xth century)

    Non-uniform central airways ventilation model based on vascular segmentation

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    Improvements in the understanding of the physiology of the central airways require an appropriate representation of the non-uniform ventilation at its terminal branches. This paper proposes a new technique for estimating the non-uniform ventilation at the terminal branches by modelling the volume change of their distal peripheral airways, based on vascular segmentation. The vascular tree is used for sectioning the dynamic CT-based 3D volume of the lung at 11 time points over the breathing cycle of a research animal. Based on the mechanical coupling between the vascular tree and the remaining lung tissues, the volume change of each individual lung segment over the breathing cycle was used to estimate the non-uniform ventilation of its associated terminal branch. The 3D lung sectioning technique was validated on an airway cast model of the same animal pruned to represent the truncated dynamic CT based airway geometry. The results showed that the 3D lung sectioning technique was able to estimate the volume of the missing peripheral airways within a tolerance of 2%. In addition, the time-varying non-uniform ventilation distribution predicted by the proposed sectioning technique was validated against CT measurements of lobar ventilation and showed good agreement. This significant modelling advance can be used to estimate subject-specific non-uniform boundary conditions to obtain subject-specific numerical models of the central airway flow

    Automatic adjustment of rigs to extracted skeletons

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    In the animation, the process of rigging a character is an elaborated and time consuming task. The rig is developed for a specific character, and it can not be reused in other meshes. In this paper we present a method to automatically adjust a human-like character rig to an arbitrary human-like 3D mesh, using a extracted skeleton obtained from the input mesh. Our method is based on the selection and extraction of feature points, to find an equivalence between an extracted skeleton and the animation rig.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Intensity-Based Skeletonization of CryoEM Gray-Scale Images Using a True Segmentation-Free Algorithm

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    Cryo-electron microscopy is an experimental technique that is able to produce 3D gray-scale images of protein molecules. In contrast to other experimental techniques, cryo-electron microscopy is capable of visualizing large molecular complexes such as viruses and ribosomes. At medium resolution, the positions of the atoms are not visible and the process cannot proceed. The medium-resolution images produced by cryo-electron microscopy are used to derive the atomic structure of the proteins in de novo modeling. The skeletons of the 3D gray-scale images are used to interpret important information that is helpful in de novo modeling. Unfortunately, not all features of the image can be captured using a single segmentation. In this paper, we present a segmentation-free approach to extract the gray-scale curve-like skeletons. The approach relies on a novel representation of the 3D image, where the image is modeled as a graph and a set of volume trees. A test containing 36 synthesized maps and one authentic map shows that our approach can improve the performance of the two tested tools used in de novo modeling. The improvements were 62 and 13 percent for Gorgon and DP-TOSS, respectively

    Quantification of the plant endoplasmic reticulum

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    One of the challenges of quantitative approaches to biological sciences is the lack of understanding of the interplay between form and function. Each cell is full of complex-shaped objects, which moreover change their form over time. To address this issue, we exploit recent advances in confocal microscopy, by using data collected from a series of optical sections taken at short regular intervals along the optical axis to reconstruct the Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) in 3D, obtain its skeleton, then associate to each of its edges key geometric and dynamic characteristics obtained from the original filled in ER specimen. These properties include the total length, surface area, and volume of the ER specimen, as well as the length surface area, and volume of each of its branches. In a view to benefit from the well established graph theory algorithms, we abstract the obtained skeleton by a mathematical entity that is a graph. We achieve this by replacing the inner points in each edge in the skeleton by the line segment connecting its end points. We then attach to this graph the ER geometric properties as weights, allowing therefore a more precise quantitative characterisation, by thinning the filled in ER to its essential features. The graph plays a major role in this study and is the final and most abstract quantification of the ER. One of its advantages is that it serves as a geometric invariant, both in static and dynamic samples. Moreover, graph theoretic features, such as the number of vertices and their degrees, and the number of edges and their lengths are robust against different kinds of small perturbations. We propose a methodology to associate parameters such as surface areas and volumes to its individual edges and monitor their variations with time. One of the main contributions of this thesis is the use of the skeleton of the ER to analyse the trajectories of moving junctions using confocal digital videos. We report that the ER could be modeled by a network of connected cylinders (0.87μm±0.36 in diameter) with a majority of 3-way junctions. The average length, surface area and volume of an ER branch are found to be 2.78±2.04μm, 7.53±5.59μm2 and 1.81±1.86μm3 respectively. Using the analysis of variance technique we found that there are no significant differences in four different locations across the cell at 0.05 significance level. The apparent movement of the junctions in the plant ER consists of different types, namely: (a) the extension and shrinkage of tubules, and (b) the closing and opening of loops. The average velocity of a junction is found to be 0.25μm/sec±0.23 and lies in the range 0 to 1.7μm/sec which matches the reported actin filament range