71 research outputs found

    Development of a large-scale neuroimages and clinical variables data atlas in the neuGRID4You (N4U) project

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    © 2015 Elsevier Inc.. Exceptional growth in the availability of large-scale clinical imaging datasets has led to the development of computational infrastructures that offer scientists access to image repositories and associated clinical variables data. The EU FP7 neuGRID and its follow on neuGRID4You (N4U) projects provide a leading e-Infrastructure where neuroscientists can find core services and resources for brain image analysis. The core component of this e-Infrastructure is the N4U Virtual Laboratory, which offers easy access for neuroscientists to a wide range of datasets and algorithms, pipelines, computational resources, services, and associated support services. The foundation of this virtual laboratory is a massive data store plus a set of Information Services collectively called the 'Data Atlas'. This data atlas stores datasets, clinical study data, data dictionaries, algorithm/pipeline definitions, and provides interfaces for parameterised querying so that neuroscientists can perform analyses on required datasets. This paper presents the overall design and development of the Data Atlas, its associated dataset indexing and retrieval services that originated from the development of the N4U Virtual Laboratory in the EU FP7 N4U project in the light of detailed user requirements

    Semantics-driven Abstractive Document Summarization

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    The evolution of the Web over the last three decades has led to a deluge of scientific and news articles on the Internet. Harnessing these publications in different fields of study is critical to effective end user information consumption. Similarly, in the domain of healthcare, one of the key challenges with the adoption of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) for clinical practice has been the tremendous amount of clinical notes generated that can be summarized without which clinical decision making and communication will be inefficient and costly. In spite of the rapid advances in information retrieval and deep learning techniques towards abstractive document summarization, the results of these efforts continue to resemble extractive summaries, achieving promising results predominantly on lexical metrics but performing poorly on semantic metrics. Thus, abstractive summarization that is driven by intrinsic and extrinsic semantics of documents is not adequately explored. Resources that can be used for generating semantics-driven abstractive summaries include: • Abstracts of multiple scientific articles published in a given technical field of study to generate an abstractive summary for topically-related abstracts within the field, thus reducing the load of having to read semantically duplicate abstracts on a given topic. • Citation contexts from different authoritative papers citing a reference paper can be used to generate utility-oriented abstractive summary for a scientific article. • Biomedical articles and the named entities characterizing the biomedical articles along with background knowledge bases to generate entity and fact-aware abstractive summaries. • Clinical notes of patients and clinical knowledge bases for abstractive clinical text summarization using knowledge-driven multi-objective optimization. In this dissertation, we develop semantics-driven abstractive models based on intra- document and inter-document semantic analyses along with facts of named entities retrieved from domain-specific knowledge bases to produce summaries. Concretely, we propose a sequence of frameworks leveraging semantics at various granularity (e.g., word, sentence, document, topic, citations, and named entities) levels, by utilizing external resources. The proposed frameworks have been applied to a range of tasks including 1. Abstractive summarization of topic-centric multi-document scientific articles and news articles. 2. Abstractive summarization of scientific articles using crowd-sourced citation contexts. 3. Abstractive summarization of biomedical articles clustered based on entity-relatedness. 4. Abstractive summarization of clinical notes of patients with heart failure and Chest X-Rays recordings. The proposed approaches achieve impressive performance in terms of preserving semantics in abstractive summarization while paraphrasing. For summarization of topic-centric multiple scientific/news articles, we propose a three-stage approach where abstracts of scientific articles or news articles are clustered based on their topical similarity determined from topics generated using Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), followed by extractive phase and abstractive phase. Then, in the next stage, we focus on abstractive summarization of biomedical literature where we leverage named entities in biomedical articles to 1) cluster related articles; and 2) leverage the named entities towards guiding abstractive summarization. Finally, in the last stage, we turn to external resources such as citation contexts pointing to a scientific article to generate a comprehensive and utility-centric abstractive summary of a scientific article, domain-specific knowledge bases to fill gaps in information about entities in a biomedical article to summarize and clinical notes to guide abstractive summarization of clinical text. Thus, the bottom-up progression of exploring semantics towards abstractive summarization in this dissertation starts with (i) Semantic Analysis of Latent Topics; builds on (ii) Internal and External Knowledge-I (gleaned from abstracts and Citation Contexts); and extends it to make it comprehensive using (iii) Internal and External Knowledge-II (Named Entities and Knowledge Bases)

    Generation and Applications of Knowledge Graphs in Systems and Networks Biology

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    The acceleration in the generation of data in the biomedical domain has necessitated the use of computational approaches to assist in its interpretation. However, these approaches rely on the availability of high quality, structured, formalized biomedical knowledge. This thesis has the two goals to improve methods for curation and semantic data integration to generate high granularity biological knowledge graphs and to develop novel methods for using prior biological knowledge to propose new biological hypotheses. The first two publications describe an ecosystem for handling biological knowledge graphs encoded in the Biological Expression Language throughout the stages of curation, visualization, and analysis. Further, the second two publications describe the reproducible acquisition and integration of high-granularity knowledge with low contextual specificity from structured biological data sources on a massive scale and support the semi-automated curation of new content at high speed and precision. After building the ecosystem and acquiring content, the last three publications in this thesis demonstrate three different applications of biological knowledge graphs in modeling and simulation. The first demonstrates the use of agent-based modeling for simulation of neurodegenerative disease biomarker trajectories using biological knowledge graphs as priors. The second applies network representation learning to prioritize nodes in biological knowledge graphs based on corresponding experimental measurements to identify novel targets. Finally, the third uses biological knowledge graphs and develops algorithmics to deconvolute the mechanism of action of drugs, that could also serve to identify drug repositioning candidates. Ultimately, the this thesis lays the groundwork for production-level applications of drug repositioning algorithms and other knowledge-driven approaches to analyzing biomedical experiments

    Enhanced interpretation of the Mini-Mental State Examination

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    The goal of the research reported in this thesis is to contribute to early and accurate detection of dementia. Early detection of dementia is essential to maximising the effectiveness of treatment against memory loss. This goal is pursued by interpreting the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) in novel ways. The MMSE is the most widely used screening tool for dementia, it is a questionnaire of 30 items. The objectives of the research are as follows: to reduce the dimensions of the MMSE to the most relevant ones in order to inform a predictive model by using computational methods on a data set of MMSE results, to construct a model predicting a diagnosis informed by the features extracted from the previous step by applying, comparing and combining traditional and novel modelling methods, to propose a semantic analysis of the sentence writing question in the MMSE in order to utilise information recorded in MMS examinations which has not been considered previously. Traditional methods of analysis are inadequate for questionnaire data such as the MMSE due to assumptions of normally distributed data. Alternative methods for analysis of discrete data are investigated and a novel method for computing information theoretic measures is proposed. The methods are used to demonstrate that an automated analysis of the MMSE sentence improves the accuracy of differentiating between types of dementia. Finally, models are proposed which integrate the semantic annotations with the MMSE data to derive rules for difficult to distinguish types of dementia

    Discovering lesser known molecular players and mechanistic patterns in Alzheimer's disease using an integrative disease modelling approach

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    Convergence of exponentially advancing technologies is driving medical research with life changing discoveries. On the contrary, repeated failures of high-profile drugs to battle Alzheimer's disease (AD) has made it one of the least successful therapeutic area. This failure pattern has provoked researchers to grapple with their beliefs about Alzheimer's aetiology. Thus, growing realisation that Amyloid-β and tau are not 'the' but rather 'one of the' factors necessitates the reassessment of pre-existing data to add new perspectives. To enable a holistic view of the disease, integrative modelling approaches are emerging as a powerful technique. Combining data at different scales and modes could considerably increase the predictive power of the integrative model by filling biological knowledge gaps. However, the reliability of the derived hypotheses largely depends on the completeness, quality, consistency, and context-specificity of the data. Thus, there is a need for agile methods and approaches that efficiently interrogate and utilise existing public data. This thesis presents the development of novel approaches and methods that address intrinsic issues of data integration and analysis in AD research. It aims to prioritise lesser-known AD candidates using highly curated and precise knowledge derived from integrated data. Here much of the emphasis is put on quality, reliability, and context-specificity. This thesis work showcases the benefit of integrating well-curated and disease-specific heterogeneous data in a semantic web-based framework for mining actionable knowledge. Furthermore, it introduces to the challenges encountered while harvesting information from literature and transcriptomic resources. State-of-the-art text-mining methodology is developed to extract miRNAs and its regulatory role in diseases and genes from the biomedical literature. To enable meta-analysis of biologically related transcriptomic data, a highly-curated metadata database has been developed, which explicates annotations specific to human and animal models. Finally, to corroborate common mechanistic patterns — embedded with novel candidates — across large-scale AD transcriptomic data, a new approach to generate gene regulatory networks has been developed. The work presented here has demonstrated its capability in identifying testable mechanistic hypotheses containing previously unknown or emerging knowledge from public data in two major publicly funded projects for Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and Epilepsy diseases

    A formal architecture-centric and model driven approach for the engineering of science gateways

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    From n-Tier client/server applications, to more complex academic Grids, or even the most recent and promising industrial Clouds, the last decade has witnessed significant developments in distributed computing. In spite of this conceptual heterogeneity, Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) seems to have emerged as the common and underlying abstraction paradigm, even though different standards and technologies are applied across application domains. Suitable access to data and algorithms resident in SOAs via so-called ‘Science Gateways’ has thus become a pressing need in order to realize the benefits of distributed computing infrastructures.In an attempt to inform service-oriented systems design and developments in Grid-based biomedical research infrastructures, the applicant has consolidated work from three complementary experiences in European projects, which have developed and deployed large-scale production quality infrastructures and more recently Science Gateways to support research in breast cancer, pediatric diseases and neurodegenerative pathologies respectively. In analyzing the requirements from these biomedical applications the applicant was able to elaborate on commonly faced issues in Grid development and deployment, while proposing an adapted and extensible engineering framework. Grids implement a number of protocols, applications, standards and attempt to virtualize and harmonize accesses to them. Most Grid implementations therefore are instantiated as superposed software layers, often resulting in a low quality of services and quality of applications, thus making design and development increasingly complex, and rendering classical software engineering approaches unsuitable for Grid developments.The applicant proposes the application of a formal Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) approach to service-oriented developments, making it possible to define Grid-based architectures and Science Gateways that satisfy quality of service requirements, execution platform and distribution criteria at design time. An novel investigation is thus presented on the applicability of the resulting grid MDE (gMDE) to specific examples and conclusions are drawn on the benefits of this approach and its possible application to other areas, in particular that of Distributed Computing Infrastructures (DCI) interoperability, Science Gateways and Cloud architectures developments

    Computational approaches to study drug resistance mechanisms

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    Drug resistance is a major obstacle faced by therapists in treating complex diseases like cancer, epilepsy, arthritis and HIV infected patients. The reason behind these phenomena is either protein mutation or the changes in gene expression level that induces resistance to drug treatments. These mutations affect the drug binding activity, hence resulting in failure of treatment. All this information has been stored in PubMed directories as text data. Extracting useful knowledge from an unstructured textual data is a challenging task for biologists, since biomedical literature is growing exponentially on a daily basis. Building an automated method for such tasks is gaining much attention among researchers. In this thesis we have developed a disease categorized database ZK DrugResist that automatically extracts mutations and expression changes associated with drug resistance from PubMed. This tool also includes semantic relations extracted from biomedical text covering drug resistance and established a server including both of these features. Our system was tested for three relations, Resistance (R), Intermediate (I) and Susceptible (S) by applying hybrid feature set. From the last few decades the focus has changed to hybrid approaches as it provides better results. In our case this approach combines rule-based methods with machine learning techniques. The results showed 97.7% accuracy with 96% precision, recall and F-measure. The results have outperformed the previously existing relation extraction systems thus facilitating computational analysis of drug resistance against complex diseases and further can be implemented on other areas of biomedicine. Literature is filled with HIV drug resistance providing the worth of training data as compared to other diseases, hence we developed a computational method to predict HIV resistance. For this we combined both sequence and structural features and applied SVM and Random Forests classifiers. The model was tested on the mutants of HIV-1 protease and reverse transcriptase.Taken together the features we have used in our method, total contact energies among multiple mutations have a strong impact in predicting resistance as they are crucial in understanding the interactions of HIV mutants. The combination of sequence-structure features o↵ers high accuracy with support vector machines as compared to Random Forests classifier. Both single and acquisition of multiple mutations are important in predicting HIV resistance to certain drug treatments. We have discovered the practicality of these features; hence these can be used in the future to predict resistance for other complex diseases. Another way to deal drug resistance is the application of drug repurposing. Drug often binds to more that one targets defined as polypharmacology which can be applied to drug repositioning also referred as therapeutic switching. The traditional drug discovery and development is a high-priced and tedious process, thus making drug repurposing a popular alternate strategy. We have proposed a method based on similarity scheme that predicts both approved and novel targets for drug and new disease associations. We combined PPI, biological pathways, binding site structural similarities and disease-disease similarity measures. We used sixty drugs for training the algorithm and tested it on eight separate drugs. The results showed 95% accuracy in predicting the approved and novel targets surpassing the existing methods. All these parameters help in elucidating the unknown associations between drug and diseases for finding the new uses for old drugs. Hence repurposing offers novel candidates from existing pool of drugs providing a ray of hope in combating drug resistance

    The Genitive Ratio and its Applications

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    The genitive ratio (GR) is a novel method of classifying nouns as animate, concrete or abstract. English has two genitive (possessive) constructions: possessive-s (the boy's head) and possessive-of (the head of the boy). There is compelling evidence that preference for possessive-s is strongly influenced by the possessor's animacy. A corpus analysis that counts each genitive construction in three conditions (definite, indefinite and no article) confirms that occurrences of possessive-s decline as the animacy hierarchy progresses from animate through concrete to abstract. A computer program (Animyser) is developed to obtain results-counts from phrase-searches of Wikipedia that provide multiple genitive ratios for any target noun. Key ratios are identified and algorithms developed, with specific applications achieving classification accuracies of over 80%. The algorithms, based on logistic regression, produce a score of relative animacy that can be applied to individual nouns or to texts. The genitive ratio is a tool with potential applications in any research domain where the relative animacy of language might be significant. Three such applications exemplify that. Combining GR analysis with other factors might enhance established co-reference (anaphora) resolution algorithms. In sentences formed from pairings of animate with concrete or abstract nouns, the animate noun is usually salient, more likely to be the grammatical subject or thematic agent, and to co-refer with a succeeding pronoun or noun-phrase. Two experiments, online sentence production and corpus-based, demonstrate that the GR algorithm reliably predicts the salient noun. Replication of the online experiment in Italian suggests that the GR might be applied to other languages by using English as a 'bridge'. In a mental health context, studies have indicated that Alzheimer's patients' language becomes progressively more concrete; depressed patients' language more abstract. Analysis of sample texts suggests that the GR might monitor the prognosis of both illnesses, facilitating timely clinical interventions

    Front Matter - Soft Computing for Data Mining Applications

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    Efficient tools and algorithms for knowledge discovery in large data sets have been devised during the recent years. These methods exploit the capability of computers to search huge amounts of data in a fast and effective manner. However, the data to be analyzed is imprecise and afflicted with uncertainty. In the case of heterogeneous data sources such as text, audio and video, the data might moreover be ambiguous and partly conflicting. Besides, patterns and relationships of interest are usually vague and approximate. Thus, in order to make the information mining process more robust or say, human-like methods for searching and learning it requires tolerance towards imprecision, uncertainty and exceptions. Thus, they have approximate reasoning capabilities and are capable of handling partial truth. Properties of the aforementioned kind are typical soft computing. Soft computing techniques like Genetic
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