50 research outputs found

    Design of Overlay Networks for Internet Multicast - Doctoral Dissertation, August 2002

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    Multicast is an efficient transmission scheme for supporting group communication in networks. Contrasted with unicast, where multiple point-to-point connections must be used to support communications among a group of users, multicast is more efficient because each data packet is replicated in the network – at the branching points leading to distinguished destinations, thus reducing the transmission load on the data sources and traffic load on the network links. To implement multicast, networks need to incorporate new routing and forwarding mechanisms in addition to the existing are not adequately supported in the current networks. The IP multicast are not adequately supported in the current networks. The IP multicast solution has serious scaling and deployment limitations, and cannot be easily extended to provide more enhanced data services. Furthermore, and perhaps most importantly, IP multicast has ignored the economic nature of the problem, lacking incentives for service providers to deploy the service in wide area networks. Overlay multicast holds promise for the realization of large scale Internet multicast services. An overlay network is a virtual topology constructed on top of the Internet infrastructure. The concept of overlay networks enables multicast to be deployed as a service network rather than a network primitive mechanism, allowing deployment over heterogeneous networks without the need of universal network support. This dissertation addresses the network design aspects of overlay networks to provide scalable multicast services in the Internet. The resources and the network cost in the context of overlay networks are different from that in conventional networks, presenting new challenges and new problems to solve. Our design goal are the maximization of network utility and improved service quality. As the overall network design problem is extremely complex, we divide the problem into three components: the efficient management of session traffic (multicast routing), the provisioning of overlay network resources (bandwidth dimensioning) and overlay topology optimization (service placement). The combined solution provides a comprehensive procedure for planning and managing an overlay multicast network. We also consider a complementary form of overlay multicast called application-level multicast (ALMI). ALMI allows end systems to directly create an overlay multicast session among themselves. This gives applications the flexibility to communicate without relying on service provides. The tradeoff is that users do not have direct control on the topology and data paths taken by the session flows and will typically get lower quality of service due to the best effort nature of the Internet environment. ALMI is therefore suitable for sessions of small size or sessions where all members are well connected to the network. Furthermore, the ALMI framework allows us to experiment with application specific components such as data reliability, in order to identify a useful set of communication semantic for enhanced data services

    A Distance-Heuristic Tree Building Approach in Application Layer Multicast

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    In the application layer multicast (ALM), clustering nearby nodes can effectively improve the multicast performance. However, it is difficult for the ALM solution to quickly and accurately position the newcomer, because group members have no direct knowledge of underlying network topology. Additionally, ALM delivery trees with different performances are built when group members join the group in different join sequences. To alleviate the above problems, this paper proposes a distance-heuristic tree building protocol (called DHTB). DHTB uses our proposed distance-constrained cluster model and close-member-first-receive (CF) rule. In the model, most nearby nodes are grouped into some distance-constrained clusters, with little cluster organization and maintenance overhead. The CF rule arranges or rearranges the locations of group members according to related distances, and effectively positions the newcomer with the help of on-demand landmarks. Both the distance-constrained cluster model and CF rule are distance-heuristic. Therefore DHTB can alleviate the join sequence problem, and build the ALM tree with desirable performance

    Data Dissemination And Information Diffusion In Social Networks

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    Data dissemination problem is a challenging issue in social networks, especially in mobile social networks, which grows rapidly in recent years worldwide with a significant increasing number of hand-on mobile devices such as smart phones and pads. Short-range radio communications equipped in mobile devices enable mobile users to access their interested contents not only from access points of Internet but also from other mobile users. Through proper data dissemination among mobile users, the bandwidth of the short-range communications can be better utilized and alleviate the stress on the bandwidth of the cellular networks. In this dissertation proposal, data dissemination problem in mobile social networks is studied. Before data dissemination emerges in the research of mobile social networks, routing protocol of finding efficient routing path in mobile social networks was the focus, which later became the pavement for the study of the efficient data dissemination. Data dissemination priorities on packet dissemination from multiple sources to multiple destinations while routing protocol simply focus on finding routing path between two ends in the networks. The first works in the literature of data dissemination problem were based on the modification and improvement of routing protocols in mobile social networks. Therefore, we first studied and proposed a prediction-based routing protocol in delay tolerant networks. Delay tolerant network appears earlier than mobile social networks. With respect to delay tolerant networks, mobile social networks also consider social patterns as well as mobility patterns. In our work, we simply come up with the prediction-based routing protocol through analysis of user mobility patterns. We can also apply our proposed protocol in mobile social networks. Secondly, in literature, efficient data dissemination schemes are proposed to improve the data dissemination ratio and with reasonable overhead in the networks. However, the overhead may be not well controlled in the existing works. A social-aware data dissemination scheme is proposed in this dissertation proposal to study efficient data dissemination problem with controlled overhead in mobile social networks. The data dissemination scheme is based on the study on both mobility patterns and social patterns of mobile social networks. Thirdly, in real world cases, an efficient data dissemination in mobile social networks can never be realized if mobile users are selfish, which is true unfortunately in fact. Therefore, how to strengthen nodal cooperation for data dissemination is studied and a credit-based incentive data dissemination protocol is also proposed in this dissertation. Data dissemination problem was primarily researched on mobile social networks. When consider large social networks like online social networks, another similar problem was researched, namely, information diffusion problem. One specific problem is influence maximization problem in online social networks, which maximize the result of information diffusion process. In this dissertation proposal, we proposed a new information diffusion model, namely, sustaining cascading (SC) model to study the influence maximization problem and based on the SC model, we further plan our research work on the information diffusion problem aiming at minimizing the influence diffusion time with subject to an estimated influence coverage

    Compact tree plus algorithms for application-level multicast communications in multihome networks

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    Application-level multicast (ALM) communications replicate packets on host level to deliver them from a single source to multiple clients, so that it can efficiently realize a variety of network applications using moving pictures such as video conferences, distance learning, and video-on-demands. In this paper, we propose the CT+ (compact tree plus) algorithm for finding a better ALM routing tree in terms of delay minimization between hosts. CT+ consists of a tree construction stage from the existing CT algorithm, and a newly added iterative tree improvement stage. Then, we define the extended ALM routing problem and its heuristic algorithm ExCT+, to optimize the effectiveness of the multihome network in ALM communications by selecting multihomed hosts and connections in the ALM routing tree simultaneously. For their evaluations, we construct a network simulation model named MINET (multiple-ISP network simulator), where the topology is composed of multiple ISP backbone networks with IX connections, and the network traffic is generated by following the M/M/1 queuing process. The simulation results using MINET verify the effectiveness of our algorithms.</p

    Exploiting Mobile Social Networks from Temporal Perspective:A Survey

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    With the popularity of smart mobile devices, information exchange between users has become more and more frequent, and Mobile Social Networks (MSNs) have attracted significant attention in many research areas. Nowadays, discovering social relationships among people, as well as detecting the evolution of community have become hotly discussed topics in MSNs. One of the major features of MSNs is that the network topology changes over time. Therefore, it is not accurate to depict the social relationships of people based on a static network. In this paper, we present a survey of this emerging field from a temporal perspective. The state-of-the-art research of MSNs is reviewed with focus on four aspects: social property, time-varying graph, temporal social property, and temporal social properties-based applications. Some important open issues with respect to MSNs are discussed


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    L’Ambient Intelligence (AmI) è caratterizzata dall’uso di sistemi pervasivi per monitorare l’ambiente e modificarlo secondo le esigenze degli utenti e rispettando vincoli definiti globalmente. Questi sistemi non possono prescindere da requisiti come la scalabilità e la trasparenza per l’utente. Una tecnologia che consente di raggiungere questi obiettivi è rappresentata dalle reti di sensori wireless (WSN), caratterizzate da bassi costi e bassa intrusività. Tuttavia, sebbene in grado di effettuare elaborazioni a bordo dei singoli nodi, le WSN non hanno da sole le capacità di elaborazione necessarie a supportare un sistema intelligente; d’altra parte senza questa attività di pre-elaborazione la mole di dati sensoriali può facilmente sopraffare un sistema centralizzato con un’eccessiva quantità di dettagli superflui. Questo lavoro presenta un’architettura cognitiva in grado di percepire e controllare l’ambiente di cui fa parte, basata su un nuovo approccio per l’estrazione di conoscenza a partire dai dati grezzi, attraverso livelli crescenti di astrazione. Le WSN sono utilizzate come strumento sensoriale pervasivo, le cui capacità computazionali vengono utilizzate per pre-elaborare i dati rilevati, in modo da consentire ad un sistema centralizzato intelligente di effettuare ragionamenti di alto livello. L’architettura proposta è stata utilizzata per sviluppare un testbed dotato degli strumenti hardware e software necessari allo sviluppo e alla gestione di applicazioni di AmI basate su WSN, il cui obiettivo principale sia il risparmio energetico. Per fare in modo che le applicazioni di AmI siano in grado di comunicare con il mondo esterno in maniera affidabile, per richiedere servizi ad agenti esterni, l’architettura è stata arricchita con un protocollo di gestione distribuita della reputazione. È stata inoltre sviluppata un’applicazione di esempio che sfrutta le caratteristiche del testbed, con l’obiettivo di controllare la temperatura in un ambiente lavorativo. Quest’applicazione rileva la presenza dell’utente attraverso un modulo per la fusione di dati multi-sensoriali basato su reti bayesiane, e sfrutta questa informazione in un controllore fuzzy multi-obiettivo che controlla gli attuatori sulla base delle preferenze dell’utente e del risparmio energetico.Ambient Intelligence (AmI) systems are characterized by the use of pervasive equipments for monitoring and modifying the environment according to users’ needs, and to globally defined constraints. Furthermore, such systems cannot ignore requirements about ubiquity, scalability, and transparency to the user. An enabling technology capable of accomplishing these goals is represented by Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), characterized by low-costs and unintrusiveness. However, although provided of in-network processing capabilities, WSNs do not exhibit processing features able to support comprehensive intelligent systems; on the other hand, without this pre-processing activities the wealth of sensory data may easily overwhelm a centralized AmI system, clogging it with superfluous details. This work proposes a cognitive architecture able to perceive, decide upon, and control the environment of which the system is part, based on a new approach to knowledge extraction from raw data, that addresses this issue at different abstraction levels. WSNs are used as the pervasive sensory tool, and their computational capabilities are exploited to remotely perform preliminary data processing. A central intelligent unit subsequently extracts higher-level concepts in order to carry on symbolic reasoning. The aim of the reasoning is to plan a sequence of actions that will lead the environment to a state as close as possible to the users’ desires, taking into account both implicit and explicit feedbacks from the users, while considering global system-driven goals, such as energy saving. The proposed conceptual architecture was exploited to develop a testbed providing the hardware and software tools for the development and management of AmI applications based on WSNs, whose main goal is energy saving for global sustainability. In order to make the AmI system able to communicate with the external world in a reliable way, when some services are required to external agents, the architecture was enriched with a distributed reputation management protocol. A sample application exploiting the testbed features was implemented for addressing temperature control in a work environment. Knowledge about the user’s presence is obtained through a multi-sensor data fusion module based on Bayesian networks, and this information is exploited by a multi-objective fuzzy controller that operates on actuators taking into account users’ preference and energy consumption constraints

    Development of an adaptable multicast overlay network

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Informatics EngineeringMulticast is a group communication paradigm created in order to reduce, as much as possible, the amount of data generated to the network. However, limited deployment of IP Multicast protocols has motivated an interest in alternative approaches which implement a similar process of Multicast at an application-level (using solely end-systems and not the routers). In this context, different methodologies are presented, entitled Application-Layer Multicast or Overlay Multicast, which may vary in the way they operate. This dissertation’s objective is to develop and experiment a prototype of an overlay multicast system. This system should be easily configurable and adaptable in order to assume different strategies when establishing the multicast distribution tree. It is also expected to explore and integrate collaborative mechanisms between the overlay network and the Internet Service Providers (ISP). With the presented context, the first step to take is an investigation on the state of the art, where technologies relevant to this work will be presented. After this initial step, the developed system’s architecture will be described, one which enables different ways of building and maintaining the multicast distribution tree. The envisioned system can operate independently, integrating mechanisms where the distribution tree relies solely on peer decisions, which will be firstly addressed. Then, this work will move on to collaborative mechanisms between the overlay’s management (the central node) and the Internet Service Providers. Based on the proposed system architecture, several mechanisms are explored, not only focusing on alternative ways to build distribution trees, but also mechanisms allowing for some traffic engineering objectives involving the Internet Service Providers. Using the CORE network emulator, all the proposed mechanisms are tested, and results are analyzed to corroborate the system’s correct operation.O multicast é um paradigma de comunicação em grupo que tem como objetivo reduzir, tanto quanto possível, a quantidade de tráfego gerada para a rede. No entanto, a implantação limitada de protocolos IP Multicast tem motivado o interesse em abordagens alternativas que implementam processos de distribuição Multicast na camada aplicacional (ou seja, usando apenas os sistemas/aplicações finais e não os routers). Neste contexto, surgem as soluções denominadas por Application-Layer Multicast ou Overlay Multicast, podendo estas apresentar algumas variantes na sua operação. Nesta dissertação, tem-se como objetivo o desenvolvimento e experimentação de um protótipo de um sistema de Overlay Multicast. Este sistema deverá ser capaz de ser facilmente (re)configurado para assumir diferentes estratégias no estabelecimento da árvore de distribuição Multicast, e integrar mecanismos de colaboração entre a rede Overlay e os Internet Service Providers. No contexto apresentado, o primeiro passo consiste na investigação do estado da arte, onde tecnologias relevantes ao atual trabalho serão apresentadas. Após este passo inicial, a arquitectura do sistema será apresentada, uma arquitectura que considera diferentes maneiras de construir e manter a árvore de distribuição multicast. O sistema proposto pode operar de forma independente, contemplando mecanismos onde a árvore de distribuição depende apenas das decisões dos vários peers, sendo que estes serão os primeiros mecanismos a serem apresentados. De seguida, o sistema direcciona-se para mecanismos colaborativos entre a gestão da rede overlay e o ISP, de maneira a incluir conhecimento acerca da topologia da rede que nenhuma outra entidade seria capaz de providenciar. Com base na arquitectura do sistema proposto, vários mecanismos são explorados, não só mecanismos que se concentram em formas alternativas de construir a árvore de distribuição, mas também mecanismos que permitem cumprir os objetivos de engenharia de tráfico dos ISPs. Por fim, utilizando o emulador de redes CORE, todas as soluções serão testadas, e os seus resultados analisados por forma a validar a correta operação de todo o sistema


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    The gap between abstract, mathematics-oriented research in cryptography and the engineering approach of designing practical, network security protocols is widening. Network researchers experiment with well-known cryptographic protocols suitable for different network models. On the other hand, researchers inclined toward theory often design cryptographic schemes without considering the practical network constraints. The goal of this dissertation is to address problems in these two challenging areas: building bridges between practical network security protocols and theoretical cryptography. This dissertation presents techniques for building performance sensitive security protocols, using primitives from linear feedback register sequences (LFSR) sequences, for a variety of challenging networking applications. The significant contributions of this thesis are: 1. A common problem faced by large-scale multicast applications, like real-time news feeds, is collecting authenticated feedback from the intended recipients. We design an efficient, scalable, and fault-tolerant technique for combining multiple signed acknowledgments into a single compact one and observe that most signatures (based on the discrete logarithm problem) used in previous protocols do not result in a scalable solution to the problem. 2. We propose a technique to authenticate on-demand source routing protocols in resource-constrained wireless mobile ad-hoc networks. We develop a single-round multisignature that requires no prior cooperation among nodes to construct the multisignature and supports authentication of cached routes. 3. We propose an efficient and scalable aggregate signature, tailored for applications like building efficient certificate chains, authenticating distributed and adaptive content management systems and securing path-vector routing protocols. 4. We observe that blind signatures could form critical building blocks of privacypreserving accountability systems, where an authority needs to vouch for the legitimacy of a message but the ownership of the message should be kept secret from the authority. We propose an efficient blind signature that can serve as a protocol building block for performance sensitive, accountability systems. All special forms digital signatures—aggregate, multi-, and blind signatures—proposed in this dissertation are the first to be constructed using LFSR sequences. Our detailed cost analysis shows that for a desired level of security, the proposed signatures outperformed existing protocols in computation cost, number of communication rounds and storage overhead