206 research outputs found

    Efficient algorithms for pairing-based cryptosystems

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    We describe fast new algorithms to implement recent cryptosystems based on the Tate pairing. In particular, our techniques improve pairing evaluation speed by a factor of about 55 compared to previously known methods in characteristic 3, and attain performance comparable to that of RSA in larger characteristics.We also propose faster algorithms for scalar multiplication in characteristic 3 and square root extraction over Fpm, the latter technique being also useful in contexts other than that of pairing-based cryptography

    Point compression for the trace zero subgroup over a small degree extension field

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    Using Semaev's summation polynomials, we derive a new equation for the Fq\mathbb{F}_q-rational points of the trace zero variety of an elliptic curve defined over Fq\mathbb{F}_q. Using this equation, we produce an optimal-size representation for such points. Our representation is compatible with scalar multiplication. We give a point compression algorithm to compute the representation and a decompression algorithm to recover the original point (up to some small ambiguity). The algorithms are efficient for trace zero varieties coming from small degree extension fields. We give explicit equations and discuss in detail the practically relevant cases of cubic and quintic field extensions.Comment: 23 pages, to appear in Designs, Codes and Cryptograph

    Analysis of Parallel Montgomery Multiplication in CUDA

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    For a given level of security, elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) offers improved efficiency over classic public key implementations. Point multiplication is the most common operation in ECC and, consequently, any significant improvement in perfor- mance will likely require accelerating point multiplication. In ECC, the Montgomery algorithm is widely used for point multiplication. The primary purpose of this project is to implement and analyze a parallel implementation of the Montgomery algorithm as it is used in ECC. Specifically, the performance of CPU-based Montgomery multiplication and a GPU-based implementation in CUDA are compared

    The Q-curve construction for endomorphism-accelerated elliptic curves

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    We give a detailed account of the use of Q\mathbb{Q}-curve reductions to construct elliptic curves over F_p2\mathbb{F}\_{p^2} with efficiently computable endomorphisms, which can be used to accelerate elliptic curve-based cryptosystems in the same way as Gallant--Lambert--Vanstone (GLV) and Galbraith--Lin--Scott (GLS) endomorphisms. Like GLS (which is a degenerate case of our construction), we offer the advantage over GLV of selecting from a much wider range of curves, and thus finding secure group orders when pp is fixed for efficient implementation. Unlike GLS, we also offer the possibility of constructing twist-secure curves. We construct several one-parameter families of elliptic curves over F_p2\mathbb{F}\_{p^2} equipped with efficient endomorphisms for every p \textgreater{} 3, and exhibit examples of twist-secure curves over F_p2\mathbb{F}\_{p^2} for the efficient Mersenne prime p=21271p = 2^{127}-1.Comment: To appear in the Journal of Cryptology. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1305.540

    Optimizations of Isogeny-based Key Exchange

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    Supersingular Isogeny Diffie-Hellman (SIDH) is a key exchange scheme that is believed to be quantum-resistant. It is based on the difficulty of finding a certain isogeny between given elliptic curves. Over the last nine years, optimizations have been proposed that significantly increased the performance of its implementations. Today, SIDH is a promising candidate in the US National Institute for Standards and Technology’s (NIST’s) post-quantum cryptography standardization process. This work is a self-contained introduction to the active research on SIDH from a high-level, algorithmic lens. After an introduction to elliptic curves and SIDH itself, we describe the mathematical and algorithmic building blocks of the fastest known implementations. Regarding elliptic curves, we describe which algorithms, data structures and trade-offs regard- ing elliptic curve arithmetic and isogeny computations exist and quantify their runtime cost in field operations. These findings are then tailored to the situation of SIDH. As a result, we give efficient algorithms for the performance-critical parts of the protocol

    Computing cardinalities of Q-curve reductions over finite fields

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    We present a specialized point-counting algorithm for a class of elliptic curves over F\_{p^2} that includes reductions of quadratic Q-curves modulo inert primes and, more generally, any elliptic curve over F\_{p^2} with a low-degree isogeny to its Galois conjugate curve. These curves have interesting cryptographic applications. Our algorithm is a variant of the Schoof--Elkies--Atkin (SEA) algorithm, but with a new, lower-degree endomorphism in place of Frobenius. While it has the same asymptotic asymptotic complexity as SEA, our algorithm is much faster in practice.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of ANTS-XII. Added acknowledgement of Drew Sutherlan

    Efficient software implementation of elliptic curves and bilinear pairings

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    Orientador: Júlio César Lopez HernándezTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: O advento da criptografia assimétrica ou de chave pública possibilitou a aplicação de criptografia em novos cenários, como assinaturas digitais e comércio eletrônico, tornando-a componente vital para o fornecimento de confidencialidade e autenticação em meios de comunicação. Dentre os métodos mais eficientes de criptografia assimétrica, a criptografia de curvas elípticas destaca-se pelos baixos requisitos de armazenamento para chaves e custo computacional para execução. A descoberta relativamente recente da criptografia baseada em emparelhamentos bilineares sobre curvas elípticas permitiu ainda sua flexibilização e a construção de sistemas criptográficos com propriedades inovadoras, como sistemas baseados em identidades e suas variantes. Porém, o custo computacional de criptossistemas baseados em emparelhamentos ainda permanece significativamente maior do que os assimétricos tradicionais, representando um obstáculo para sua adoção, especialmente em dispositivos com recursos limitados. As contribuições deste trabalho objetivam aprimorar o desempenho de criptossistemas baseados em curvas elípticas e emparelhamentos bilineares e consistem em: (i) implementação eficiente de corpos binários em arquiteturas embutidas de 8 bits (microcontroladores presentes em sensores sem fio); (ii) formulação eficiente de aritmética em corpos binários para conjuntos vetoriais de arquiteturas de 64 bits e famílias mais recentes de processadores desktop dotadas de suporte nativo à multiplicação em corpos binários; (iii) técnicas para implementação serial e paralela de curvas elípticas binárias e emparelhamentos bilineares simétricos e assimétricos definidos sobre corpos primos ou binários. Estas contribuições permitiram obter significativos ganhos de desempenho e, conseqüentemente, uma série de recordes de velocidade para o cálculo de diversos algoritmos criptográficos relevantes em arquiteturas modernas que vão de sistemas embarcados de 8 bits a processadores com 8 coresAbstract: The development of asymmetric or public key cryptography made possible new applications of cryptography such as digital signatures and electronic commerce. Cryptography is now a vital component for providing confidentiality and authentication in communication infra-structures. Elliptic Curve Cryptography is among the most efficient public-key methods because of its low storage and computational requirements. The relatively recent advent of Pairing-Based Cryptography allowed the further construction of flexible and innovative cryptographic solutions like Identity-Based Cryptography and variants. However, the computational cost of pairing-based cryptosystems remains significantly higher than traditional public key cryptosystems and thus an important obstacle for adoption, specially in resource-constrained devices. The main contributions of this work aim to improve the performance of curve-based cryptosystems, consisting of: (i) efficient implementation of binary fields in 8-bit microcontrollers embedded in sensor network nodes; (ii) efficient formulation of binary field arithmetic in terms of vector instructions present in 64-bit architectures, and on the recently-introduced native support for binary field multiplication in the latest Intel microarchitecture families; (iii) techniques for serial and parallel implementation of binary elliptic curves and symmetric and asymmetric pairings defined over prime and binary fields. These contributions produced important performance improvements and, consequently, several speed records for computing relevant cryptographic algorithms in modern computer architectures ranging from embedded 8-bit microcontrollers to 8-core processorsDoutoradoCiência da ComputaçãoDoutor em Ciência da Computaçã

    Optimization of Supersingular Isogeny Cryptography for Deeply Embedded Systems

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    Public-key cryptography in use today can be broken by a quantum computer with sufficient resources. Microsoft Research has published an open-source library of quantum-secure supersingular isogeny (SI) algorithms including Diffie-Hellman key agreement and key encapsulation in portable C and optimized x86 and x64 implementations. For our research, we modified this library to target a deeply-embedded processor with instruction set extensions and a finite-field coprocessor originally designed to accelerate traditional elliptic curve cryptography (ECC). We observed a 6.3-7.5x improvement over a portable C implementation using instruction set extensions and a further 6.0-6.1x improvement with the addition of the coprocessor. Modification of the coprocessor to a wider datapath further increased performance 2.6-2.9x. Our results show that current traditional ECC implementations can be easily refactored to use supersingular elliptic curve arithmetic and achieve post-quantum security