5,915 research outputs found

    A cost-effective heuristic to schedule local and remote memory in cluster computers

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    Cluster computers represent a cost-effective alternative solution to supercomputers. In these systems, it is common to constrain the memory address space of a given processor to the local motherboard. Constraining the system in this way is much cheaper than using a full-fledged shared memory implementation among motherboards. However, memory usage among motherboards can be unfairly balanced. On the other hand, remote memory access (RMA) hardware provides fast interconnects among the motherboards of a cluster. RMA devices can be used to access remote RAM memory from a local motherboard. This work focuses on this capability in order to achieve a better global use of the total RAM memory in the system. More precisely, the address space of local applications is extended to remote motherboards and is used to access remote RAM memory. This paper presents an ideal memory scheduling algorithm and proposes a cost-effective heuristic to allocate local and remote memory among local applications. Compared to the devised ideal algorithm, the heuristic obtains the same (or closely resembling) results while largely reducing the computational cost. In addition, we analyze the impact on the performance of stand alone applications varying the memory distribution among regions (local, local to board, and remote). Then, this study is extended to any number of concurrent applications. Experimental results show that a QoS parameter is needed in order to avoid unacceptable performance degradation. © 2011 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.This work was supported by Spanish CICYT under Grant TIN2009-14475-C04-01 and by Consolider-Ingenio under Grant CSD2006-00046.Serrano Gómez, M.; Sahuquillo Borrás, J.; Petit Martí, SV.; Hassan Mohamed, H.; Duato Marín, JF. (2012). A cost-effective heuristic to schedule local and remote memory in cluster computers. Journal of Supercomputing. 59(3):1533-1551. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-011-0566-8S15331551593IBM journal of Research and Development staff (2008) Overview of the IBM blue gene/P project. IBM J Res Dev 52(1/2):199–220Blocksome M, Archer C, Inglett T, McCarthy P, Mundy M, Ratterman J, Sidelnik A, Smith B, Almási G, Castaños J, Lieber D, Moreira J, Krishnamoorthy S, Tipparaju V, Nieplocha J (2006) Design and implementation of a one-sided communication interface for the IBM eServer Blue Gene® supercomputer. In: Proceedings of the 2006 ACM/IEEE conference on supercomputing, SC ’06, Tampa, FL, USA, November 2006, pp 54–54Kumar S, Dózsa G, Almasi G, Heidelberger P, Chen D, Giampapa M, Blocksome M, Faraj A, Parker J, Ratterman J, Smith BE, Archer C (2008) The deep computing messaging framework: generalized scalable message passing on the blue gene/P supercomputer. In: Proceedings of the 22nd annual international conference on supercomputing, Island of Kos, Greece, June 2008, pp 94–103Tipparaju V, Kot A, Nieplocha J, Bruggencate MT, Chrisochoides N (2007) Evaluation of remote memory access communication on the cray XT3. In: Proceedings of the 21th international parallel and distributed processing symposium, Long Beach, California, USA, March 2007, pp 1–7Nussle M, Scherer M, Bruning U (2009) A resource optimized remote-memory-access architecture for low-latency communication. In: International conference on parallel processing, Sept 2009, pp 220–227http://www.hypertransport.org/Serrano M, Sahuquillo J, Hassan H, Petit S, Duato J (2010) A scheduling heuristic to handle local and remote memory in cluster computers. In: Proceedings of the 12th IEEE international conference on high performance computing, Melbourne, Australia, Sept 2010, pp 35–42Keltcher CN, McGrath KJ, Ahmed A, Conway P (2003) The AMD opteron processor for multiprocessor servers. IEEE MICRO 23(2):66–76Duato J, Silla F, Yalamanchili S (2009) Extending hypertransport protocol for improved scalability. In: First international workshop on hypertransport research and applications.Litz H, Fröening H, Nuessle M, Brüening U (2007) A hypertransport network interface controller for ultra-low latency message transfers. HyperTransport Consortium White Paperhttps://www.simics.net/http://www.cs.wisc.edu/gems/http://www.cs.virginia.edu/stream/Woo SC, Ohara M, Torrie E, Singh JP, Gupta A (1995) The SPLASH-2 programs: Characterization and methodological considerations. In: Proceedings of the 22nd annual international symposium on computer architecture, New York, NY, USA, 1995, pp 24–36Levitin A (2003) Introduction to the design and analysis of algorithms. Addison Wesley, ReadingOleszkiewicz J, Xiao L, Liu Y (2004) Parallel network RAM: Effectively utilizing global cluster memory for large data-intensive parallel programs. In: Proceedings of 33rd international conference on parallel processing, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, pp 353–360Liang S, Noronha R, Panda DK (2005) Swapping to remote memory over infiniband: An approach using a high performance network block device. In: Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE international conference on cluster computing, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, pp 1–10Oguchi M, Kitsuregawa M (2000) Using available remote memory dynamically for parallel data mining application on ATM-connected PC cluster. In: Proceedings of the 14th international parallel & distributed processing symposium, Cancun, Mexico, pp 411–420Werstein P, Jia X, Huang Z (2007) A remote memory swapping system for cluster computers. In: Proceedings of the eighth international conference on parallel and distributed computing, applications and technologies, Adelaide, Australia, pp 75–81Midorikawa H, Kurokawa M, Himeno R, Sato M (2008) DLM: A distributed large memory system using remote memory swapping over cluster nodes. In: Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE international conference on cluster computing, Tsukuba, Japan, October 2008, pp 268–27

    A cluster computer performance predictor for memory scheduling

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    Remote Memory Access (RMA) hardware allow a given motherboard in a cluster to directly access the memory installed in a remote motherboard of the same cluster. In recent works, this characteristic has been used to extend the addressable memory space of selected motherboards, which enable a better balance of main memory resources among cluster applications. This way is much more cost-effective than than implementing a full-fledged shared memory system. In this context, the memory scheduler is in charge of finding a suitable distribution of local and remote memory that maximizes the performance and guarantees a minimum QoS among the applications. Note that since changing the memory distribution is a slow process involving several motherboards, the memory scheduler needs to make sure that the target distribution provides better performance than the current one. In this paper, a performance predictor is designed in order to find the best memory distribution for a given set of applications executing in a cluster motherboard. The predictor uses simple hardware counters to estimate the expected impact on performance of the different memory distributions. The hardware counters provide the predictor with the information about the time spent in processor, memory access and network. The performance model used by the predictor has been validated in a detailed microarchitectural simulator using real benchmarks. Results show that the prediction accuracy never deviates more than 5% compared to the real results, being less than 0.5% in most of the cases.This work was supported by Spanish CICYT under Grant TIN2009-14475-C04-01, and by Consolider-Ingenio under Grant CSD2006-00046Serrano Gómez, M.; Sahuquillo Borrás, J.; Hassan Mohamed, H.; Petit Martí, SV.; Duato Marín, JF. (2011). A cluster computer performance predictor for memory scheduling. En Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing. Springer Verlag (Germany). 7017:353-362. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-24669-2_34S3533627017Meuer, H.W.: The top500 project: Looking back over 15 years of supercomputing experience. Informatik-Spektrum 31, 203–222 (2008), doi:10.1007/s00287-008-0240-6Nussle, M., Scherer, M., Bruning, U.: A Resource Optimized Remote-Memory-Access Architecture for Low-latency Communication. In: International Conference on Parallel Processing, pp. 220–227 (September 2009)Blocksome, M., Archer, C., Inglett, T., McCarthy, P., Mundy, M., Ratterman, J., Sidelnik, A., Smith, B., Almási, G., Castaños, J., Lieber, D., Moreira, J., Krishnamoorthy, S., Tipparaju, V., Nieplocha, J.: Design and implementation of a one-sided communication interface for the IBM eServer Blue Gene®supercomputer. In: Proceedings of the 2006 ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing, p. 120. ACM, New York (2006)Kumar, S., Dózsa, G., Almasi, G., Heidelberger, P., Chen, D., Giampapa, M., Blocksome, M., Faraj, A., Parker, J., Ratterman, J., Smith, B.E., Archer, C.: The deep computing messaging framework: generalized scalable message passing on the blue gene/P supercomputer. In: ICS, pp. 94–103 (2008)Tipparaju, V., Kot, A., Nieplocha, J., Bruggencate, M.T., Chrisochoides, N.: Evaluation of Remote Memory Access Communication on the Cray XT3. In: IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, pp. 1–7 (March 2007)HyperTransport Technology Consortium. HyperTransport I/O Link Specification Revision (October 3, 2008)Serrano, M., Sahuquillo, J., Hassan, H., Petit, S., Duato, J.: A scheduling heuristic to handle local and remote memory in cluster computers. In: High Performance Computing and Communications (2010) (accepted for publication)Serrano, M., Sahuquillo, J., Petit, S., Hassan, H., Duato, J.: A cost-effective heuristic to schedule local and remote memory in cluster computers. The Journal of Supercomputing, 1–19 (2011), doi:10.1007/s11227-011-0566-8Ubal, R., Sahuquillo, J., Petit, S., López, P.: Multi2Sim: A Simulation Framework to Evaluate Multicore-Multithreaded Processors. In: Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (2007)Keltcher, C.N., McGrath, K.J., Ahmed, A., Conway, P.: The AMD Opteron Processor for Multiprocessor Servers. IEEE Micro 23(2), 66–76 (2003)Duato, J., Silla, F., Yalamanchili, S.: Extending HyperTransport Protocol for Improved Scalability. In: First International Workshop on HyperTransport Research and Applications (2009)Litz, H., Fröening, H., Nuessle, M., Brüening, U.: A HyperTransport Network Interface Controller for Ultra-low Latency Message Transfers. In: HyperTransport Consortium White Paper (2007)Zhuravlev, S., Blagodurov, S., Fedorova, A.: Addressing shared resource contention in multicore processors via scheduling. In: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, pp. 129–142 (2010)Xie, Y., Loh, G.H.: Dynamic Classification of Program Memory Behaviors in CMPs. In: 2nd Workshop on Chip Multiprocessor Memory Systems and Interconnects in conjunction with the 35th International Symposium on Computer Architecture (2008)Xu, C., Chen, X., Dick, R.P., Mao, Z.M.: Cache contention and application performance prediction for multi-core systems. In: IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software, pp. 76–86 (2010)Rai, J.K., Negi, A., Wankar, R., Nayak, K.D.: Performance prediction on multi-core processors. In: 2010 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks (CICN), pp. 633–637 (November 2010)Liang, S., Noronha, R., Panda, D.K.: Swapping to Remote Memory over InfiniBand: An Approach using a High Performance Network Block Device. In: CLUSTER, pp. 1–10. IEEE, Los Alamitos (2005)Werstein, P., Jia, X., Huang, Z.: A Remote Memory Swapping System for Cluster Computers. In: Eighth International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies, pp. 75–81 (2007)Midorikawa, H., Kurokawa, M., Himeno, R., Sato, M.: DLM: A distributed Large Memory System using remote memory swapping over cluster nodes. In: IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, pp. 268–273 (October 2008

    Investigation of the applicability of a functional programming model to fault-tolerant parallel processing for knowledge-based systems

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    In a fault-tolerant parallel computer, a functional programming model can facilitate distributed checkpointing, error recovery, load balancing, and graceful degradation. Such a model has been implemented on the Draper Fault-Tolerant Parallel Processor (FTPP). When used in conjunction with the FTPP's fault detection and masking capabilities, this implementation results in a graceful degradation of system performance after faults. Three graceful degradation algorithms have been implemented and are presented. A user interface has been implemented which requires minimal cognitive overhead by the application programmer, masking such complexities as the system's redundancy, distributed nature, variable complement of processing resources, load balancing, fault occurrence and recovery. This user interface is described and its use demonstrated. The applicability of the functional programming style to the Activation Framework, a paradigm for intelligent systems, is then briefly described

    Managing Communication Latency-Hiding at Runtime for Parallel Programming Languages and Libraries

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    This work introduces a runtime model for managing communication with support for latency-hiding. The model enables non-computer science researchers to exploit communication latency-hiding techniques seamlessly. For compiled languages, it is often possible to create efficient schedules for communication, but this is not the case for interpreted languages. By maintaining data dependencies between scheduled operations, it is possible to aggressively initiate communication and lazily evaluate tasks to allow maximal time for the communication to finish before entering a wait state. We implement a heuristic of this model in DistNumPy, an auto-parallelizing version of numerical Python that allows sequential NumPy programs to run on distributed memory architectures. Furthermore, we present performance comparisons for eight benchmarks with and without automatic latency-hiding. The results shows that our model reduces the time spent on waiting for communication as much as 27 times, from a maximum of 54% to only 2% of the total execution time, in a stencil application.Comment: PREPRIN

    HPC Cloud for Scientific and Business Applications: Taxonomy, Vision, and Research Challenges

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    High Performance Computing (HPC) clouds are becoming an alternative to on-premise clusters for executing scientific applications and business analytics services. Most research efforts in HPC cloud aim to understand the cost-benefit of moving resource-intensive applications from on-premise environments to public cloud platforms. Industry trends show hybrid environments are the natural path to get the best of the on-premise and cloud resources---steady (and sensitive) workloads can run on on-premise resources and peak demand can leverage remote resources in a pay-as-you-go manner. Nevertheless, there are plenty of questions to be answered in HPC cloud, which range from how to extract the best performance of an unknown underlying platform to what services are essential to make its usage easier. Moreover, the discussion on the right pricing and contractual models to fit small and large users is relevant for the sustainability of HPC clouds. This paper brings a survey and taxonomy of efforts in HPC cloud and a vision on what we believe is ahead of us, including a set of research challenges that, once tackled, can help advance businesses and scientific discoveries. This becomes particularly relevant due to the fast increasing wave of new HPC applications coming from big data and artificial intelligence.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figures, Published in ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR

    Cosmological Simulations on a Grid of Computers

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    The work presented in this paper aims at restricting the input parameter values of the semi-analytical model used in GALICS and MOMAF, so as to derive which parameters influence the most the results, e.g., star formation, feedback and halo recycling efficiencies, etc. Our approach is to proceed empirically: we run lots of simulations and derive the correct ranges of values. The computation time needed is so large, that we need to run on a grid of computers. Hence, we model GALICS and MOMAF execution time and output files size, and run the simulation using a grid middleware: DIET. All the complexity of accessing resources, scheduling simulations and managing data is harnessed by DIET and hidden behind a web portal accessible to the users.Comment: Accepted and Published in AIP Conference Proceedings 1241, 2010, pages 816-82

    The Lattice Project: A Multi-model Grid Computing System

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    This thesis presents The Lattice Project, a system that combines multiple models of Grid computing. Grid computing is a paradigm for leveraging multiple distributed computational resources to solve fundamental scientific problems that require large amounts of computation. The system combines the traditional Service model of Grid computing with the Desktop model of Grid computing, and is thus capable of utilizing diverse resources such as institutional desktop computers, dedicated computing clusters, and machines volunteered by the general public to advance science. The production Grid system includes a fully-featured user interface, support for a large number of popular scientific applications, a robust Grid-level scheduler, and novel enhancements such as a Grid-wide file caching scheme. A substantial amount of scientific research has already been completed using The Lattice Project

    Scheduling and Tuning Kernels for High-performance on Heterogeneous Processor Systems

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    Accelerated parallel computing techniques using devices such as GPUs and Xeon Phis (along with CPUs) have proposed promising solutions of extending the cutting edge of high-performance computer systems. A significant performance improvement can be achieved when suitable workloads are handled by the accelerator. Traditional CPUs can handle those workloads not well suited for accelerators. Combination of multiple types of processors in a single computer system is referred to as a heterogeneous system. This dissertation addresses tuning and scheduling issues in heterogeneous systems. The first section presents work on tuning scientific workloads on three different types of processors: multi-core CPU, Xeon Phi massively parallel processor, and NVIDIA GPU; common tuning methods and platform-specific tuning techniques are presented. Then, analysis is done to demonstrate the performance characteristics of the heterogeneous system on different input data. This section of the dissertation is part of the GeauxDock project, which prototyped a few state-of-art bioinformatics algorithms, and delivered a fast molecular docking program. The second section of this work studies the performance model of the GeauxDock computing kernel. Specifically, the work presents an extraction of features from the input data set and the target systems, and then uses various regression models to calculate the perspective computation time. This helps understand why a certain processor is faster for certain sets of tasks. It also provides the essential information for scheduling on heterogeneous systems. In addition, this dissertation investigates a high-level task scheduling framework for heterogeneous processor systems in which, the pros and cons of using different heterogeneous processors can complement each other. Thus a higher performance can be achieve on heterogeneous computing systems. A new scheduling algorithm with four innovations is presented: Ranked Opportunistic Balancing (ROB), Multi-subject Ranking (MR), Multi-subject Relative Ranking (MRR), and Automatic Small Tasks Rearranging (ASTR). The new algorithm consistently outperforms previously proposed algorithms with better scheduling results, lower computational complexity, and more consistent results over a range of performance prediction errors. Finally, this work extends the heterogeneous task scheduling algorithm to handle power capping feature. It demonstrates that a power-aware scheduler significantly improves the power efficiencies and saves the energy consumption. This suggests that, in addition to performance benefits, heterogeneous systems may have certain advantages on overall power efficiency
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