37 research outputs found

    Representing Conversations for Scalable Overhearing

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    Open distributed multi-agent systems are gaining interest in the academic community and in industry. In such open settings, agents are often coordinated using standardized agent conversation protocols. The representation of such protocols (for analysis, validation, monitoring, etc) is an important aspect of multi-agent applications. Recently, Petri nets have been shown to be an interesting approach to such representation, and radically different approaches using Petri nets have been proposed. However, their relative strengths and weaknesses have not been examined. Moreover, their scalability and suitability for different tasks have not been addressed. This paper addresses both these challenges. First, we analyze existing Petri net representations in terms of their scalability and appropriateness for overhearing, an important task in monitoring open multi-agent systems. Then, building on the insights gained, we introduce a novel representation using Colored Petri nets that explicitly represent legal joint conversation states and messages. This representation approach offers significant improvements in scalability and is particularly suitable for overhearing. Furthermore, we show that this new representation offers a comprehensive coverage of all conversation features of FIPA conversation standards. We also present a procedure for transforming AUML conversation protocol diagrams (a standard human-readable representation), to our Colored Petri net representation

    Integrated Social and Quality of Service Trust Management of Mobile Groups in Ad Hoc Networks

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    Abstract—We propose to combine social trust derived from social networks with quality-of-service (QoS) trust derived from communication networks to obtain a composite trust metric as a basis for evaluating trust of mobile nodes in mobile ad hoc network (MANET) environments. We develop a novel modelbased approach to identify the best protocol setting under which trust bias is minimized, that is, the peer-to-peer subjective trust as a result of executing our distributed trust management protocol is close to ground truth status over a wide range of operational and environment conditions with high resiliency to malicious attacks and misbehaving nodes. Keywords—trust management; mobile ad hoc networks; QoS trust; social trust; trust bias minimization. I

    Petri Net Plans A framework for collaboration and coordination in multi-robot systems

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    Programming the behavior of multi-robot systems is a challenging task which has a key role in developing effective systems in many application domains. In this paper, we present Petri Net Plans (PNPs), a language based on Petri Nets (PNs), which allows for intuitive and effective robot and multi-robot behavior design. PNPs are very expressive and support a rich set of features that are critical to develop robotic applications, including sensing, interrupts and concurrency. As a central feature, PNPs allow for a formal analysis of plans based on standard PN tools. Moreover, PNPs are suitable for modeling multi-robot systems and the developed behaviors can be executed in a distributed setting, while preserving the properties of the modeled system. PNPs have been deployed in several robotic platforms in different application domains. In this paper, we report three case studies, which address complex single robot plans, coordination and collaboration

    Debugging multi-agent systems with design documents

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    Debugging multi-agent systems, which are concurrent, distributed, and consist of complex components is difficult, yet crucial. The development of these complex systems is supported by agent-oriented software engineering methodologies which utilise agents as the central design metaphor. The systems that are developed are inherently complex since the components of these systems may interact in flexible and sophisticated ways and traditional debugging techniques are not appropriate. Despite this, very little effort has been applied to developing appropriate debugging tools and techniques. Debugging multi-agent systems without good debugging tools is highly impractical and without suitable debugging support developing and maintaining multi-agent systems will be more difficult than it need be. In this thesis we propose that the debugging process can be supported by following an agent-oriented design methodology, and then using the developed design artifacts in the debugging phase. We propose a domain independent debugging framework which comprises the developed processes and components that are necessary in using design artifacts as debugging artifacts. Our approach is to take a non-formal design artifact, such as an AUML protocol design, and encode it in a machine interpretable manner such that the design can be used as a model of correct system behaviour. These models are used by a run-time debugging system to compare observed behaviour against specified behaviour. We provide details for transforming two design artifact types into equivalent debugging artifacts and show how these can be used to detect bugs. During a debugging episode in which a bug has been identified our debugging approach can provide detailed information about the possible reason for the bug occurring. To determine if this information was useful in helping to debug programs we undertook a thorough empirical study and identified that use of the debugging tool translated to an improvement in debugging performance. We conclude that the debugging techniques developed in this thesis provide effective debugging support for multi-agent systems and by having an extensible framework new design artifacts can be explored and as translations are developed they can be added to the debugging system

    Energy Efficiency inWireless Sensor Networks: Transmission Protocols and Performance Evaluation

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    Doktorgradsavhandling, Fakultet for teknologi og realfag, Universitetet i Agder, 2016Energy efficiency is one of the major goals for achieving green wireless communications. The recent growth in ubiquitous wireless connections and multimedia applications demands higher energy efficiency for wireless communications. As a part of this picture, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) need to be more energy efficient since the battery capacity of nodes in such networks is limited in the absence of energy harvesting sources. In general, an energy efficient protocol should perform as few as possible operations when delivering user information successfully across the network. Energy efficient data transmission schemes could utilize network resources more effectively to lower down the energy consumption level. In this dissertation research, we focus on improving energy efficiency for data transmission and medium access control (MAC) protocols in WSNs. While energy consumption is inevitable for transmitting and receiving data in a WSN, the other typical and dominant energy consumption activities are idle listening, overhearing, and retransmissions due to unsuccessful transmission attempts. An energy efficient MAC protocol conserves energy by minimizing all these auxiliary operations in order to prolong network lifetime. On the other hand, balanced energy consumption among nodes which mitigates energy hole across a WSN also helps to extend network lifetime. In this context, we propose two cooperative transmission (CT) based energy balancingMAC protocols for the purpose of WSN lifetime prolongation. The first one is an asynchronous cooperative transmission MAC protocol, in which nodes generate their own wakeup schedules based on their level number in a WSN topology. The second one is a receiver initiated cooperative transmission MAC protocol in which the CT is initiated by a relay node. It is demonstrated that both proposed CT MAC protocols are able to achieve significantly extended network lifetime. In addition, an energy conserving sleeping mechanism for synchronous duty cycling MAC protocols is also proposed in this thesis. It is an eventtriggered sleeping (ETS) mechanism, which triggers the sleep mode of a node based on the incoming traffic pattern to that node. The ETS mechanism eliminates overhearing in a WSN and achieves higher energy efficiency. Furthermore, we apply packet aggregation at the MAC layer in WSNs for achieving more energy efficient data transmission. In aggregated packet transmission (APT), multiple packets are transmitted as a batch in a frame within a single duty cycle instead of transmitting merely one packet per cycle. Numerical results demonstrate that APT achieves higher throughput and shorter delay, in addition to higher energy efficiency. To evaluate the performance of the proposed MAC protocols and transmission schemes, we develop discrete time Markov chain (DTMC) models and verify them by comparing the results obtained from both analysis and discrete-event based simulations. The analytical and simulation results match precisely with each other, confirming the effectiveness of the proposed protocols and schemes as well as the accuracy of the developed models

    Using Norms To Control Open Multi-Agent Systems

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    Internet es, tal vez, el avance científico más relevante de nuestros días. Entre otras cosas, Internet ha permitido la evolución de los paradigmas de computación tradicionales hacia el paradigma de computaciónn distribuida, que se caracteriza por utilizar una red abierta de ordenadores. Los sistemas multiagente (SMA) son una tecnolog a adecuada para abordar los retos motivados por estos sistemas abiertos distribuidos. Los SMA son aplicaciones formadas por agentes heterog eneos y aut onomos que pueden haber sido dise~nados de forma independiente de acuerdo con objetivos y motivaciones diferentes. Por lo tanto, no es posible realizar ninguna hip otesis a priori sobre el comportamiento de los agentes. Por este motivo, los SMA necesitan de mecanismos de coordinaci on y cooperaci on, como las normas, para garantizar el orden social y evitar la aparici on de conictos. El t ermino norma cubre dos dimensiones diferentes: i) las normas como un instrumento que gu a a los ciudadanos a la hora de realizar acciones y actividades, por lo que las normas de nen los procedimientos y/o los protocolos que se deben seguir en una situaci on concreta, y ii) las normas como ordenes o prohibiciones respaldadas por un sistema de sanciones, por lo que las normas son medios para prevenir o castigar ciertas acciones. En el area de los SMA, las normas se vienen utilizando como una especi caci on formal de lo que est a permitido, obligado y prohibido dentro de una sociedad. De este modo, las normas permiten regular la vida de los agentes software y las interacciones entre ellos. La motivaci on principal de esta tesis es permitir a los dise~nadores de los SMA utilizar normas como un mecanismo para controlar y coordinar SMA abiertos. Nuestro objetivo es elaborar mecanismos normativos a dos niveles: a nivel de agente y a nivel de infraestructura. Por lo tanto, en esta tesis se aborda primero el problema de la de nici on de agentes normativos aut onomos que sean capaces de deliberar acercaCriado Pacheco, N. (2012). Using Norms To Control Open Multi-Agent Systems [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/17800Palanci

    Classification and Comparative Study of Routing Techniques in Adhoc Wireless Networks

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    Wireless systems have been in use since 1980s. We have seen their evolutions to first, second and third generation's wireless systems. Wireless systems operate with the aid of a centralized supporting structure such as an access point. These access points assist the wireless users to keep connected with the wireless system, when they roam from one place to the other. The presence of a fixed supporting structure limits the adaptability of wireless systems. In other words, the technology cannot work effectively in places where there is no fixed infrastructure. Future generation wireless systems will require easy and quick deployment of wireless networks. This quick network deployment is not possible with the Infrastructured wireless systems. Recent advancements such as Bluetooth introduced a new type of wireless systems known as ad-hoc networks. Ad-hoc networks or "short live" networks operate in the absence of fixed infrastructure. They offer quick and easy network deployment in situations where it is not possible otherwise. Ad-hoc is a Latin word, which means "for this or for this only." Mobile ad-hoc network is an autonomous system of mobile nodes connected by wireless links; each node operates as an end system and a router for all other nodes in the network. Nodes in ad-hoc network are free to move and organize themselves in an arbitrary fashion. Each user is free to roam about while communication with others. The path between each pair of the users may have multiple links and the radio between them can be heterogeneous. This allows an association of various links to be a part of the same network. A mobile ad-hoc network is a collection of mobile nodes forming an ad-hoc network without the assistance of any centralized structures. These networks introduced a new art of network establishment and can be well suited for an environment where either the infrastructure is lost or where deploy an infrastructure is not very cost effective. The popular IEEE 802.11 "WI-FI" protocol is capable of providing ad-hoc network facilities at low level, when no access point is available. However in this case, the nodes are limited to send and receive information but do not route anything across the network. Ad-hoc networks can operate in a standalone fashion or could possibly be connected to a larger network such as the Internet. An ad-hoc network has certain characteristics, which imposes new demands on the routing protocol. The most important characteristic is the dynamic topology, which is a consequence of node mobility. Nodes can change position quite frequently; the nodes in an ad-hoc network can consist of laptops and personal digital assistants and are often very limited in resources such as CPU power, storage capacity, battery power and bandwidth. This means that the routing protocol should try to minimize control traffic, such as periodic update messages. The Internet Engineering Task Force currently has a working group named Mobile Ad-hoc Networks that is working on routing specifications for ad-hoc networks. This M.Phill thesis evaluates some of the protocols put forth by the working group. This evaluation is done by means of simulation using Network simulator 2 from Berkeley. This work aims at classification of the existing routing protocols of adhoc wireless networks using some definite parameters. After classification of routing protocols of adhoc wireless network, their comparative study was undertaken in order to yield category wise distribution. Furthermore performance evaluation of these protocols was carried out by employing different parameters like fading models, mobility models, traffic patterns etc using the network simulator NS-2 Hence I explore and evaluate different methods for validation of ad hoc routing protocols which are used to set up forwarding paths in spontaneous networks of mobile/Adhoc devices to accomplish the above mentioned comparative study and classification

    Proceedings of The Multi-Agent Logics, Languages, and Organisations Federated Workshops (MALLOW 2010)

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    http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-627/allproceedings.pdfInternational audienceMALLOW-2010 is a third edition of a series initiated in 2007 in Durham, and pursued in 2009 in Turin. The objective, as initially stated, is to "provide a venue where: the cost of participation was minimum; participants were able to attend various workshops, so fostering collaboration and cross-fertilization; there was a friendly atmosphere and plenty of time for networking, by maximizing the time participants spent together"