778 research outputs found

    DREAM3: Network Inference Using Dynamic Context Likelihood of Relatedness and the Inferelator

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    Many current works aiming to learn regulatory networks from systems biology data must balance model complexity with respect to data availability and quality. Methods that learn regulatory associations based on unit-less metrics, such as Mutual Information, are attractive in that they scale well and reduce the number of free parameters (model complexity) per interaction to a minimum. In contrast, methods for learning regulatory networks based on explicit dynamical models are more complex and scale less gracefully, but are attractive as they may allow direct prediction of transcriptional dynamics and resolve the directionality of many regulatory interactions.We aim to investigate whether scalable information based methods (like the Context Likelihood of Relatedness method) and more explicit dynamical models (like Inferelator 1.0) prove synergistic when combined. We test a pipeline where a novel modification of the Context Likelihood of Relatedness (mixed-CLR, modified to use time series data) is first used to define likely regulatory interactions and then Inferelator 1.0 is used for final model selection and to build an explicit dynamical model.Our method ranked 2nd out of 22 in the DREAM3 100-gene in silico networks challenge. Mixed-CLR and Inferelator 1.0 are complementary, demonstrating a large performance gain relative to any single tested method, with precision being especially high at low recall values. Partitioning the provided data set into four groups (knock-down, knock-out, time-series, and combined) revealed that using comprehensive knock-out data alone provides optimal performance. Inferelator 1.0 proved particularly powerful at resolving the directionality of regulatory interactions, i.e. "who regulates who" (approximately of identified true positives were correctly resolved). Performance drops for high in-degree genes, i.e. as the number of regulators per target gene increases, but not with out-degree, i.e. performance is not affected by the presence of regulatory hubs

    DREAM4: Combining Genetic and Dynamic Information to Identify Biological Networks and Dynamical Models

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    Current technologies have lead to the availability of multiple genomic data types in sufficient quantity and quality to serve as a basis for automatic global network inference. Accordingly, there are currently a large variety of network inference methods that learn regulatory networks to varying degrees of detail. These methods have different strengths and weaknesses and thus can be complementary. However, combining different methods in a mutually reinforcing manner remains a challenge.We investigate how three scalable methods can be combined into a useful network inference pipeline. The first is a novel t-test-based method that relies on a comprehensive steady-state knock-out dataset to rank regulatory interactions. The remaining two are previously published mutual information and ordinary differential equation based methods (tlCLR and Inferelator 1.0, respectively) that use both time-series and steady-state data to rank regulatory interactions; the latter has the added advantage of also inferring dynamic models of gene regulation which can be used to predict the system's response to new perturbations.Our t-test based method proved powerful at ranking regulatory interactions, tying for first out of methods in the DREAM4 100-gene in-silico network inference challenge. We demonstrate complementarity between this method and the two methods that take advantage of time-series data by combining the three into a pipeline whose ability to rank regulatory interactions is markedly improved compared to either method alone. Moreover, the pipeline is able to accurately predict the response of the system to new conditions (in this case new double knock-out genetic perturbations). Our evaluation of the performance of multiple methods for network inference suggests avenues for future methods development and provides simple considerations for genomic experimental design. Our code is publicly available at http://err.bio.nyu.edu/inferelator/


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    In spite of many efforts in the past, inference or reverse engineering of regulatory networks from microarray data remains an unsolved problem in the area of systems biology. Such regulatory networks play a critical role in cellular function and organization and are of interest in the study of a variety of disease areas and ecotoxicology to name a few. This dissertation proposes information theoretic methods/algorithms for inferring regulatory networks from microarray data. Most of the algorithms proposed in this dissertation can be implemented both on time series and multifactorial microarray data sets. The work proposed here infers regulatory networks considering the following six factors: (i) computational efficiency to infer genome-scale networks, (ii) incorporation of prior biological knowledge, (iii) choosing the optimal network that minimizes the joint network entropy, (iv) impact of higher order structures (specifically 3-node structures) on network inference (v) effects of the time sensitivity of regulatory interactions and (vi) exploiting the benefits of existing/proposed metrics and algorithms for reverse engineering using the concept of consensus of consensus networks. Specifically, this dissertation presents an approach towards incorporating knock-out data sets. The proposed method for incorporating knock-out data sets is flexible so that it can be easily adapted in existing/new approaches. While most of the information theoretic approaches infer networks based on pair-wise interactions this dissertation discusses inference methods that consider scoring edges from complex structures. A new inference method for building consensus networks based on networks inferred by multiple popular information theoretic approaches is also proposed here. For time-series datasets, new information theoretic metrics were proposed considering the time-lags of regulatory interactions estimated from microarray datasets. Finally, based on the scores predicted for each possible edge in the network, a probabilistic minimum description length based approach was proposed to identify the optimal network (minimizing the joint network entropy). Comparison analysis on in-silico and/or real time data sets have shown that the proposed algorithms achieve better inference accuracy and/or higher computational efficiency as compared with other state-of-the-art schemes such as ARACNE, CLR and Relevance Networks. Most of the methods proposed in this dissertation are generalized and can be easily incorporated into new methods/algorithms for network inference

    Inferring Gene Regulatory Networks from Time Series Microarray Data

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    The innovations and improvements in high-throughput genomic technologies, such as DNA microarray, make it possible for biologists to simultaneously measure dependencies and regulations among genes on a genome-wide scale and provide us genetic information. An important objective of the functional genomics is to understand the controlling mechanism of the expression of these genes and encode the knowledge into gene regulatory network (GRN). To achieve this, computational and statistical algorithms are especially needed. Inference of GRN is a very challenging task for computational biologists because the degree of freedom of the parameters is redundant. Various computational approaches have been proposed for modeling gene regulatory networks, such as Boolean network, differential equations and Bayesian network. There is no so called golden method which can generally give us the best performance for any data set. The research goal is to improve inference accuracy and reduce computational complexity. One of the problems in reconstructing GRN is how to deal with the high dimensionality and short time course gene expression data. In this work, some existing inference algorithms are compared and the limitations lie in that they either suffer from low inference accuracy or computational complexity. To overcome such difficulties, a new approach based on state space model and Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithms is proposed to model the dynamic system of gene regulation and infer gene regulatory networks. In our model, GRN is represented by a state space model that incorporates noises and has the ability to capture more various biological aspects, such as hidden or missing variables. An EM algorithm is used to estimate the parameters based on the given state space functions and the gene interaction matrix is derived by decomposing the observation matrix using singular value decomposition, and then it is used to infer GRN. The new model is validated using synthetic data sets before applying it to real biological data sets. The results reveal that the developed model can infer the gene regulatory networks from large scale gene expression data and significantly reduce the computational time complexity without losing much inference accuracy compared to dynamic Bayesian network

    Multi-objective context-guided consensus of a massive array oftechniques for the inference of Gene Regulatory Networks

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    Background and Objective: Gene Regulatory Network (GRN) inference is a fundamental task in biology and medicine, as it enables a deeper understanding of the intricate mechanisms of gene expression present in organisms. This bioinformatics problem has been addressed in the literature through multiple computational approaches. Techniques developed for inferring from expression data have employed Bayesian networks, ordinary differential equations (ODEs), machine learning, information theory measures and neural networks, among others. The diversity of implementations and their respective customization have led to the emergence of many tools and multiple specialized domains derived from them, understood as subsets of networks with specific characteristics that are challenging to detect a priori. This specialization has introduced significant uncertainty when choosing the most appropriate technique for a particular dataset. This proposal, named MO-GENECI, builds upon the basic idea of the previous proposal GENECI and optimizes consensus among different inference techniques, through a carefully refined multi-objective evolutionary algorithm guided by various objective functions, linked to the biological context at hand. Methods: MO-GENECI has been tested on an extensive and diverse academic benchmark of 106 gene regulatory networks from multiple sources and sizes. The evaluation of MO-GENECI compared its performance to individual techniques using key metrics (AUROC and AUPR) for gene regulatory network inference. Friedman’s statistical ranking provided an ordered classification, followed by non-parametric Holm tests to determine statistical significance.This work has been partially funded by grant (funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033/) PID2020-112540RB-C41, AETHER-UMA (A smart data holistic approach for context-aware data analytics: semantics and context exploitation) and the Junta de Andalucia, Spain, under contract QUAL21 010UMA. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga/CBUA. Adrián Segura-Ortiz is supported by Grant FPU21/03837 (Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities)

    Information-Theoretic Inference of Large Transcriptional Regulatory Networks

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    The paper presents MRNET, an original method for inferring genetic networks from microarray data. The method is based on maximum relevance/minimum redundancy (MRMR), an effective information-theoretic technique for feature selection in supervised learning. The MRMR principle consists in selecting among the least redundant variables the ones that have the highest mutual information with the target. MRNET extends this feature selection principle to networks in order to infer gene-dependence relationships from microarray data. The paper assesses MRNET by benchmarking it against RELNET, CLR, and ARACNE, three state-of-the-art information-theoretic methods for large (up to several thousands of genes) network inference. Experimental results on thirty synthetically generated microarray datasets show that MRNET is competitive with these methods.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Using answer set programming to integrate RNA expression with signalling pathway information to infer how mutations affect ageing.

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    A challenge of systems biology is to integrate incomplete knowledge on pathways with existing experimental data sets and relate these to measured phenotypes. Research on ageing often generates such incomplete data, creating difficulties in integrating RNA expression with information about biological processes and the phenotypes of ageing, including longevity. Here, we develop a logic-based method that employs Answer Set Programming, and use it to infer signalling effects of genetic perturbations, based on a model of the insulin signalling pathway. We apply our method to RNA expression data from Drosophila mutants in the insulin pathway that alter lifespan, in a foxo dependent fashion. We use this information to deduce how the pathway influences lifespan in the mutant animals. We also develop a method for inferring the largest common sub-paths within each of our signalling predictions. Our comparisons reveal consistent homeostatic mechanisms across both long- and short-lived mutants. The transcriptional changes observed in each mutation usually provide negative feedback to signalling predicted for that mutation. We also identify an S6K-mediated feedback in two long-lived mutants that suggests a crosstalk between these pathways in mutants of the insulin pathway, in vivo. By formulating the problem as a logic-based theory in a qualitative fashion, we are able to use the efficient search facilities of Answer Set Programming, allowing us to explore larger pathways, combine molecular changes with pathways and phenotype and infer effects on signalling in in vivo, whole-organism, mutants, where direct signalling stimulation assays are difficult to perform. Our methods are available in the web-service NetEffects: http://www.ebi.ac.uk/thornton-srv/software/NetEffects

    Learning condition-specific networks

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    Condition-specific cellular networks are networks of genes and proteins that describe functional interactions among genes occurring under different environmental conditions. These networks provide a systems-level view of how the parts-list (genes and proteins) interact within the cell as it functions under changing environmental conditions and can provide insight into mechanisms of stress response, cellular differentiation and disease susceptibility. The principle challenge, however, is that cellular networks remain unknown for most conditions and must be inferred from activity levels of genes (mRNA levels) under different conditions. This dissertation aims to develop computational approaches for inferring, analyzing and validating cellular networks of genes from expression data. This dissertation first describes an unsupervised machine learning framework for inferring cellular networks using expression data from a single condition. Here cellular networks are represented as undirected probabilistic graphical models and are learned using a novel, data-driven algorithm. Then several approaches are described that can learn networks using data from multiple conditions. These approaches apply to cases where the condition may or may not be known and, therefore, must be inferred as part of the learning problem. For the latter, the condition variable is allowed to influence expression of genes at different levels of granularity: condition variable per gene to a single condition variable for all genes. Results on simulated data suggest that the algorithm performance depends greatly on the size and number of connected components of the union network of all conditions. These algorithms are also applied to microarray data from two yeast populations, quiescent and non-quiescent, isolated from glucose starved cultures. Our results suggest that by sharing information across multiple conditions, better networks can be learned for both conditions, with many more biologically meaningful dependencies, than if networks were learned for these conditions independently. In particular, processes that were shared among both cell populations were involved in response to glucose starvation, whereas the processes specific to individual populations captured characteristics unique to each population. These algorithms were also applied for learning networks across multiple species: yeast (S. cerevisiae) and fly (D. melanogaster). Preliminary analysis suggests that sharing patterns across species is much more complex than across different populations of the same species and basic metabolic processes are shared across the two species. Finally, this dissertation focuses on validation of cellular networks. This validation framework describes scores for measuring how well network learning algorithms capture higher-order dependencies. This framework also introduces a measure for evaluating the entire inferred network structure based on the extent to which similarly functioning genes are close together on the network

    Gene regulatory network modelling with evolutionary algorithms -an integrative approach

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    Building models for gene regulation has been an important aim of Systems Biology over the past years, driven by the large amount of gene expression data that has become available. Models represent regulatory interactions between genes and transcription factors and can provide better understanding of biological processes, and means of simulating both natural and perturbed systems (e.g. those associated with disease). Gene regulatory network (GRN) quantitative modelling is still limited, however, due to data issues such as noise and restricted length of time series, typically used for GRN reverse engineering. These issues create an under-determination problem, with many models possibly fitting the data. However, large amounts of other types of biological data and knowledge are available, such as cross-platform measurements, knockout experiments, annotations, binding site affinities for transcription factors and so on. It has been postulated that integration of these can improve model quality obtained, by facilitating further filtering of possible models. However, integration is not straightforward, as the different types of data can provide contradictory information, and are intrinsically noisy, hence large scale integration has not been fully explored, to date. Here, we present an integrative parallel framework for GRN modelling, which employs evolutionary computation and different types of data to enhance model inference. Integration is performed at different levels. (i) An analysis of cross-platform integration of time series microarray data, discussing the effects on the resulting models and exploring crossplatform normalisation techniques, is presented. This shows that time-course data integration is possible, and results in models more robust to noise and parameter perturbation, as well as reduced noise over-fitting. (ii) Other types of measurements and knowledge, such as knock-out experiments, annotated transcription factors, binding site affinities and promoter sequences are integrated within the evolutionary framework to obtain more plausible GRN models. This is performed by customising initialisation, mutation and evaluation of candidate model solutions. The different data types are investigated and both qualitative and quantitative improvements are obtained. Results suggest that caution is needed in order to obtain improved models from combined data, and the case study presented here provides an example of how this can be achieved. Furthermore, (iii), RNA-seq data is studied in comparison to microarray experiments, to identify overlapping features and possibilities of integration within the framework. The extension of the framework to this data type is straightforward and qualitative improvements are obtained when combining predicted interactions from single-channel and RNA-seq datasets