225 research outputs found

    Hybrid Genetic Algorithms and Simulated Annealing for Multi-trip Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows

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    Vehicle routing problem with time windows (VRPTW) is one of NP-hard problem. Multi-trip is approach to solve the VRPTW that looking trip scheduling for gets best result. Even though there are various algorithms for the problem, there is opportunity to improve the existing algorithms in order gaining a better result. In this research, genetic algoritm is hybridized with simulated annealing algoritm to solve the problem. Genetic algoritm is employed to explore global search area and simulated annealing is employed to exploit local search area. Four combination types of genetic algorithm and simulated annealing (GA-SA) are tested to get the best solution. The computational experiment shows that GA-SA1 and GA-SA4 can produced the most optimal fitness average values with each value was 1.0888 and 1.0887. However GA-SA4 can found the best fitness chromosome faster than GA-SA1

    Green logistic network design : intermodal transportation planning and vehicle routing problems.

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    Due to earth\u27s climate change and global warming, environmental consideration in the design of logistic systems is accelerating in recent years. In this research we aim to design an efficient and environmentally friendly logistical system to satisfy both government and carriers. In particular, we considered three problems in this dissertation: intermodal network design, deterministic green vehicle routing problem and stochastic green vehicle routing problem. The first problem aims to design an economic and efficient intermodal network including three transportation modes: railway, highway and inland waterway. The intent of this problem is to increase the utilization percentage of waterway system in the intermodal transportation network without increasing the cost to the consumer. In particular, we develop a real world coal transportation intermodal network across 15 states in the United States including highway, railway and inland waterway. The demand data were obtained from the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) under the US Department of Transportation (DOT). Four boundary models are built to evaluate the potential improvement of the network. The first boundary model is a typical minimum cost problem, where the total transportation cost is minimized while the flow balance and capacity restrictions are satisfied. An additional constraint that help obtain an upper bound on carbon emission is added in the second boundary model. Boundary model 3 minimizes the total emission with flow balance and capacity restrictions the same as boundary model 1. Boundary model 4 minimizes the total emission with an additional current cost restriction to achieve a less-aggressive lower bound for carbon emission. With a motivation to minimize the transportation and environmental costs simultaneously, we propose multi-objective optimization models to analyze intermodal transportation with economic, time performance and environmental considerations. Using data from fifteen selected states, the model determines the tonnage of coal to be transported on roadways, railways and waterways across these states. A time penalty parameter is introduced so that a penalty is incurred for not using the fastest transportation mode. Our analysis provides authorities with a potential carbon emission tax policy while minimizing the total transportation cost. In addition, sensitivity analysis allows authorities to vary waterway, railway and highway capacities, respectively, and study their impact on the total transportation cost. Furthermore, the sensitivity analysis demonstrates that an intermodal transportation policy that uses all the three modes can reduce the total transportation cost when compared to one that uses just two modes. In contrast with traditional vehicle routing problems, the second problem intends to find the most energy efficient vehicle route with minimum pollution by optimization of travel speed. A mixed integer nonlinear programming model is introduced and a heuristic algorithm based on a savings heuristic and Tabu Search is developed to solve the large case for this problem. Numerical experiments are conducted through comparison with a solution obtained by BONMIN in GAMS on randomly generated small problem instances to evaluate the performance of the proposed heuristic algorithm. To illustrate the impact of a time window constraint, travel speed and travel speed limit on total carbon emission, sensitivity analysis is conducted based on several scenarios. In the end, real world instances are examined to further investigate the impact of these parameters. Based on the analysis from the second problem, travel speed is an important decision factor in green vehicle routing problems to minimize the fuel cost. However, the actual speed limit on a road may have variance due to congestion. To further investigate the impact of congestion on carbon emission in the real world, we proposed a stochastic green vehicle routing problem as our third problem. We consider a green vehicle problem with stochastic speed limits, which aims to find the robust route with the minimum expected fuel cost. A two-stage heuristic with sample average approximation is developed to obtain the solution of the stochastic model. Computational study compares the solutions of robust and traditional mean-value green vehicle routing problems with various settings

    Rich Vehicle Routing Problems and Applications

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    Parallel and Distributed Computing

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    The 14 chapters presented in this book cover a wide variety of representative works ranging from hardware design to application development. Particularly, the topics that are addressed are programmable and reconfigurable devices and systems, dependability of GPUs (General Purpose Units), network topologies, cache coherence protocols, resource allocation, scheduling algorithms, peertopeer networks, largescale network simulation, and parallel routines and algorithms. In this way, the articles included in this book constitute an excellent reference for engineers and researchers who have particular interests in each of these topics in parallel and distributed computing

    Dynamic pricing services to minimise CO2 emissions of delivery vehicles

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    In recent years, companies delivering goods or services to customers have been under increasing legal and administrative pressure to reduce the amount of CO2 emissions from their delivery vehicles, while the need to maximise profit remains a prime objective. In this research, we aim to apply revenue management techniques, in particular incentive/dynamic pricing to the traditional vehicle routing and scheduling problem while the objective is to reduce CO2 emissions. With the importance of accurately estimating emissions recognised, emissions models are first reviewed in detail and a new emissions calculator is developed in Java which takes into account time-dependent travel speeds, road distance and vehicle specifications. Our main study is a problem where a company sends engineers with vehicles to customer sites to provide services. Customers request for the service at their preferred time windows and the company needs to allocate the service tasks to time windows and decide on how to schedule these tasks to their vehicles. Incentives are provided to encourage customers choosing low emissions time windows. To help the company in determining the schedules/routes and incentives, our approach solves the problem in two phases. The first phase solves time-dependent vehicle routing/scheduling models with the objective of minimising CO2 emissions and the second phase solves a dynamic pricing model to maximise profit. For the first phase problem, new solution algorithms together with existing ones are applied and compared. For the second phase problem, we consider three different demand modelling scenarios: linear demand model, discrete choice demand model and demand model free pricing strategy. For each of the scenarios, dynamic pricing techniques are implemented and compared with fixed pricing strategies through numerical experiments. Results show that dynamic pricing leads to a reduction in CO2 emissions and an improvement in profits

    Driver helper dispatching problems: Three essays

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    The driver helper dispatching problems (DHDPs) have received scant research attention in past literature. In this three essay format dissertation, we proposed two ideas: 1) minimizing of the total cost as the new objective function to replace minimizing the total distance cost that is mostly used in past traveling salesman problem (TSP) and vehicle routing problem (VRP) algorithms and 2) dispatching vehicle either with a helper or not as part of the routing decision. The first study shows that simply separating a single with-helper route into two different types of sub-routes can significantly reduce total costs. It also proposes a new dependent driver helper (DDH) model to boost the utilization rate of the helpers to higher levels. In the second study, a new hybrid driver helper (HDH) model is proposed to solve DHDPs. The proposed HDH model provides the flexibility to relax the constraints that a helper can only work at one predetermined location in current-practice independent driver helper (IDH) model and that a helper always travels with the vehicle in the current-practice DDH model. We conducted a series of full-factorial experiments to prove that the proposed HDH model performs better than both two current solutions in terms of savings in both cost and time. The last study proposes a mathematical model to solve the VRPTW version of DHDPs and conducts a series of full factorial computational experiments. The results show that the proposed model can achieve more cost savings while reducing a similar level of dispatched vehicles as the current-practice DDH solution. All these three studies also investigate the conditions under which the proposed models would work most, or least, effectively

    A solution approach for multi-trip vehicle routing problems with time windows, fleet sizing, and depot location

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    RÉSUMÉ: We present a solution approach for a multi-trip vehicle routing problem with time windows in which the locations of a prescribed number of depots and the fleet sizes must also be optimized. Given the complexity of the task, we divide the problem into subproblems that are solved sequentially. First, we address strategic decisions, which are solved once and remain constant thereafter. Depots are allocated by solving a p-median problem and fleet sizes are determined by identifying the vehicle requirements of several worst-case demand instances. Then, we address the operational planning aspect: optimizing the vehicle routes on a daily basis to satisfy the fluctuating customer demand. We assign customers to depots based on distance and “routing effort,” and for the routing problem we combine a tailor-made branch-and-cut algorithm with a heuristic consisting of a route construction phase and packing of routes into vehicle trips. Our strategic decision models are robust in the sense that when applied to unseen data, all customers could be visited with the allocated fleet sizes and depot locations. Our operational routing methods are both time and cost-effective. The exact method yields acceptable optimality gaps in 20 min and the heuristic runs in less than 2min, finding optimal or near-optimal solutions for small instances. Finally, we explore the trade-off between depot and fleet costs, and routing costs to make recommendations on the optimal number of depots. Our solution approach was entered into the 12th AIMMS-MOPTA Optimization Modeling Competition and was awarded the first prize

    Driver helper dispatching problems: Three essays

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    The driver helper dispatching problems (DHDPs) have received scant research attention in past literature. In this three essay format dissertation, we proposed two ideas: 1) minimizing of the total cost as the new objective function to replace minimizing the total distance cost that is mostly used in past traveling salesman problem (TSP) and vehicle routing problem (VRP) algorithms and 2) dispatching vehicle either with a helper or not as part of the routing decision. The first study shows that simply separating a single with-helper route into two different types of sub-routes can significantly reduce total costs. It also proposes a new dependent driver helper (DDH) model to boost the utilization rate of the helpers to higher levels. In the second study, a new hybrid driver helper (HDH) model is proposed to solve DHDPs. The proposed HDH model provides the flexibility to relax the constraints that a helper can only work at one predetermined location in current-practice independent driver helper (IDH) model and that a helper always travels with the vehicle in the current-practice DDH model. We conducted a series of full-factorial experiments to prove that the proposed HDH model performs better than both two current solutions in terms of savings in both cost and time. The last study proposes a mathematical model to solve the VRPTW version of DHDPs and conducts a series of full factorial computational experiments. The results show that the proposed model can achieve more cost savings while reducing a similar level of dispatched vehicles as the current-practice DDH solution. All these three studies also investigate the conditions under which the proposed models would work most, or least, effectively
