673 research outputs found

    Survey of Federal, National, and International standards applicable to the NASA applications data services

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    An applications data service (ADS) was developed to meet the challenges in the data access and integration. The ADS provides a common service to locate and access applications data electronically and integrate the cross correlative data sets required by multiple users. Its catalog and network services increase data visibility as well as provide the data in a more rapid manner and a usable form

    NASA and the challenge of ISDN: The role of satellites in an ISDN world

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    To understand what role satellites may play in Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN), it is necessary to understand the concept of ISDN, including key organizations involved, the current status of key standards recommendations, and domestic and international progress implementation of ISDN. Each of these areas are explained. A summary of the technical performance criteria for ISDN, current standards for satellites in ISDN, key players in the ISDN environment, and what steps can be taken to encourage application of satellites in ISDN are also covered

    From National Hierarchies to International Standardization: Historical and Modal Changes in the Coordination of Telecommunications

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    Die Konvergenz von Telekommunikation und Datenverarbeitung hat eine globale Expansion von Netzen und Diensten ausgelöst, die von einer Deregulierung des Sektors begleitet wurde. Eine Vielzahl heterogener Akteure auf dem Weltmarkt muß die jeweiligen Entwicklungs- und Produktionsaktivitäten ebenso wie das Angebot neuer Dienste koordinieren. Der alte Modus hierarchischer Koordination, der technische, ökonomische und politische Steuerung internalisierte und sich in der Ära souveräner Nationalstaaten früherer Jahrzehnte etablierte, ließ sich nicht in eine transnationale Hierarchie transformieren. Koordination beschränkt sich daher auf die Herstellung technischer Kompatibilität von Systemen der Telekommunikation. Es hat sich ein Netz internationaler und regionaler Standardisierungsgremien herausgebildet, das ständig größer wird. Diese Gremien erarbeiten die benötigten Empfehlungen, die eher optional und komplementär als substitutiv sind, was eine Arbeitsteilung anstelle von Konkurrenz begünstigt hat.The convergence of telecommunications and computer technology stimulated a global expansion of networks and services which was accompanied by a deregulation of this industry. In the liberalized worldmarket a great number of heterogeneous actors must coordinate the development and production of technology as well as the provision of new services. The old mode of hierarchical coordination internalizing technical, economic and political control, which originated from the sovereign state system of earlier decades, could not be transformed into transnational hierarchy. Thus coordination is widely restricted to achieving technical compatibility of telecommunications systems. A network of international and regional standardization committees, growing in number, has evolved. They issue the required technical recommendations, which are usually more complementary and optional than substitutive, so that division of labor instead of competition prevails.Abstract 1 Introduction 2 Large Technical Systems in National Containment: The Old Order in Telecommunications 3 From National Isolation to Minimal International Coordination 3.1 Modes of International Coordination: Some Theoretical Considerations 3.2 The Long Road to Little International Coordination 4 Trans-border Expansion of Telecommunications and the Erosion of the Old Order 5 Technical Systems' Compatibility Requirements and the Proliferation of International Standardization 5.1 Basic Problems of International Standardization Procedures 5.2 The Proliferation of International Standardization Organizations 6 Conclusion Bibliograph

    ISDN at NASA Lewis Research Center

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    An expository investigation of the potential impact of the Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) at NASA Lewis Research Center is described. To properly frame the subject, the paper contains a detailed survey of the components of Narrowband ISDN. The principles and objectives are presented as decreed by the Consultative Committee for International Telephone and Telegraph (CCITT). The various channel types are delineated and their associated service combinations are described. The subscriber-access network functions are explained pictorially via the ISDN reference configuration. A section on switching techniques is presented to enable the reader to understand the emergence of the concept of fast packet switching. This new technology is designed to operate over the high bandwidth, low error rate transmission media that characterizes the LeRC environment. A brief introduction to the next generation of networks is covered with sections on Broadband ISDM (B-ISDN), Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), and Synchronous Optical Networks (SONET). Applications at LeRC are presented, first in terms of targets of opportunity, then in light of compatibility constraints. In-place pilot projects and testing are described that demonstrate actual usage at LeRC

    Intelligent Integrated Management for Telecommunication Networks

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    As the size of communication networks keeps on growing, faster connections, cooperating technologies and the divergence of equipment and data communications, the management of the resulting networks gets additional important and time-critical. More advanced tools are needed to support this activity. In this article we describe the design and implementation of a management platform using Artificial Intelligent reasoning technique. For this goal we make use of an expert system. This study focuses on an intelligent framework and a language for formalizing knowledge management descriptions and combining them with existing OSI management model. We propose a new paradigm where the intelligent network management is integrated into the conceptual repository of management information called Managed Information Base (MIB). This paper outlines the development of an expert system prototype based in our propose GDMO+ standard and describes the most important facets, advantages and drawbacks that were found after prototyping our proposal

    Research into alternative network approaches for space operations

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    The main goal is to resolve the interoperability problem of applications employing DOD TCP/IP (Department of Defence Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) family of protocols on a CCITT/ISO based network. The objective is to allow them to communicate over the CCITT/ISO protocol GPLAN (General Purpose Local Area Network) network without modification to the user's application programs. There were two primary assumptions associated with the solution that was actually realized. The first is that the solution had to allow for future movement to the exclusive use of the CCITT/ISO standards. The second is that the solution had to be software transparent to the currently installed TCP/IP and CCITT/ISO user application programs

    Deep Space Network information system architecture study

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    The purpose of this article is to describe an architecture for the Deep Space Network (DSN) information system in the years 2000-2010 and to provide guidelines for its evolution during the 1990s. The study scope is defined to be from the front-end areas at the antennas to the end users (spacecraft teams, principal investigators, archival storage systems, and non-NASA partners). The architectural vision provides guidance for major DSN implementation efforts during the next decade. A strong motivation for the study is an expected dramatic improvement in information-systems technologies, such as the following: computer processing, automation technology (including knowledge-based systems), networking and data transport, software and hardware engineering, and human-interface technology. The proposed Ground Information System has the following major features: unified architecture from the front-end area to the end user; open-systems standards to achieve interoperability; DSN production of level 0 data; delivery of level 0 data from the Deep Space Communications Complex, if desired; dedicated telemetry processors for each receiver; security against unauthorized access and errors; and highly automated monitor and control

    A simple data compression scheme for binary images of bacteria compared with commonly used image data compression schemes

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    A run length code compression scheme of extreme simplicity, used for image storage in an automated bacterial morphometry system, is compared with more common compression schemes, such as are used in the tag image file format. These schemes are Lempel-Ziv and Welch (LZW), Macintosh Packbits, and CCITT Group 3 Facsimile 1-dimensional modified Huffman run length code. In a set of 25 images consisting of full microscopic fields of view of bacterial slides, the method gave a 10.3-fold compression: 1.074 times better than LZW. In a second set of images of single areas of interest within each field of view, compression ratios of over 600 were obtained, 12.8 times that of LZW. The drawback of the system is its bad worst case performance. The method could be used in any application requiring storage of binary images of relatively small objects with fairly large spaces in between