1,174 research outputs found

    Unbounded-error quantum computation with small space bounds

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    We prove the following facts about the language recognition power of quantum Turing machines (QTMs) in the unbounded error setting: QTMs are strictly more powerful than probabilistic Turing machines for any common space bound s s satisfying s(n)=o(loglogn) s(n)=o(\log \log n) . For "one-way" Turing machines, where the input tape head is not allowed to move left, the above result holds for s(n)=o(logn)s(n)=o(\log n) . We also give a characterization for the class of languages recognized with unbounded error by real-time quantum finite automata (QFAs) with restricted measurements. It turns out that these automata are equal in power to their probabilistic counterparts, and this fact does not change when the QFA model is augmented to allow general measurements and mixed states. Unlike the case with classical finite automata, when the QFA tape head is allowed to remain stationary in some steps, more languages become recognizable. We define and use a QTM model that generalizes the other variants introduced earlier in the study of quantum space complexity.Comment: A preliminary version of this paper appeared in the Proceedings of the Fourth International Computer Science Symposium in Russia, pages 356--367, 200

    Complexity of Two-Dimensional Patterns

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    In dynamical systems such as cellular automata and iterated maps, it is often useful to look at a language or set of symbol sequences produced by the system. There are well-established classification schemes, such as the Chomsky hierarchy, with which we can measure the complexity of these sets of sequences, and thus the complexity of the systems which produce them. In this paper, we look at the first few levels of a hierarchy of complexity for two-or-more-dimensional patterns. We show that several definitions of ``regular language'' or ``local rule'' that are equivalent in d=1 lead to distinct classes in d >= 2. We explore the closure properties and computational complexity of these classes, including undecidability and L-, NL- and NP-completeness results. We apply these classes to cellular automata, in particular to their sets of fixed and periodic points, finite-time images, and limit sets. We show that it is undecidable whether a CA in d >= 2 has a periodic point of a given period, and that certain ``local lattice languages'' are not finite-time images or limit sets of any CA. We also show that the entropy of a d-dimensional CA's finite-time image cannot decrease faster than t^{-d} unless it maps every initial condition to a single homogeneous state.Comment: To appear in J. Stat. Phy

    Complete Symmetry in D2L Systems and Cellular Automata

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    We introduce completely symmetric D2L systems and cellular automata by means of an additional restriction on the corresponding symmetric devices. Then we show that completely symmetric D2L systems and cellular automata are still able to simulate Turing machine computations. As corollaries we obtain new characterizations of the recursively enumerable languages and of some space-bounded complexity classes

    Quantum Branching Programs and Space-Bounded Nonuniform Quantum Complexity

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    In this paper, the space complexity of nonuniform quantum computations is investigated. The model chosen for this are quantum branching programs, which provide a graphic description of sequential quantum algorithms. In the first part of the paper, simulations between quantum branching programs and nonuniform quantum Turing machines are presented which allow to transfer lower and upper bound results between the two models. In the second part of the paper, different variants of quantum OBDDs are compared with their deterministic and randomized counterparts. In the third part, quantum branching programs are considered where the performed unitary operation may depend on the result of a previous measurement. For this model a simulation of randomized OBDDs and exponential lower bounds are presented.Comment: 45 pages, 3 Postscript figures. Proofs rearranged, typos correcte

    On the Algorithmic Nature of the World

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    We propose a test based on the theory of algorithmic complexity and an experimental evaluation of Levin's universal distribution to identify evidence in support of or in contravention of the claim that the world is algorithmic in nature. To this end we have undertaken a statistical comparison of the frequency distributions of data from physical sources on the one hand--repositories of information such as images, data stored in a hard drive, computer programs and DNA sequences--and the frequency distributions generated by purely algorithmic means on the other--by running abstract computing devices such as Turing machines, cellular automata and Post Tag systems. Statistical correlations were found and their significance measured.Comment: Book chapter in Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic and Mark Burgin (eds.) Information and Computation by World Scientific, 2010. (http://www.idt.mdh.se/ECAP-2005/INFOCOMPBOOK/). Paper website: http://www.mathrix.org/experimentalAIT

    Scale-invariant cellular automata and self-similar Petri nets

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    Two novel computing models based on an infinite tessellation of space-time are introduced. They consist of recursively coupled primitive building blocks. The first model is a scale-invariant generalization of cellular automata, whereas the second one utilizes self-similar Petri nets. Both models are capable of hypercomputations and can, for instance, "solve" the halting problem for Turing machines. These two models are closely related, as they exhibit a step-by-step equivalence for finite computations. On the other hand, they differ greatly for computations that involve an infinite number of building blocks: the first one shows indeterministic behavior whereas the second one halts. Both models are capable of challenging our understanding of computability, causality, and space-time.Comment: 35 pages, 5 figure

    Making Classical Ground State Spin Computing Fault-Tolerant

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    We examine a model of classical deterministic computing in which the ground state of the classical system is a spatial history of the computation. This model is relevant to quantum dot cellular automata as well as to recent universal adiabatic quantum computing constructions. In its most primitive form, systems constructed in this model cannot compute in an error free manner when working at non-zero temperature. However, by exploiting a mapping between the partition function for this model and probabilistic classical circuits we are able to show that it is possible to make this model effectively error free. We achieve this by using techniques in fault-tolerant classical computing and the result is that the system can compute effectively error free if the temperature is below a critical temperature. We further link this model to computational complexity and show that a certain problem concerning finite temperature classical spin systems is complete for the complexity class Merlin-Arthur. This provides an interesting connection between the physical behavior of certain many-body spin systems and computational complexity.Comment: 24 pages, 1 figur