339 research outputs found

    Electrophysiological Correlates of Visual Object Category Formation in a Prototype-Distortion Task

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    In perceptual learning studies, participants engage in extensive training in the discrimination of visual stimuli in order to modulate perceptual performance. Much of the literature in perceptual learning has looked at the induction of the reorganization of low-level representations in V1. However, much remains to be understood about the mechanisms behind how the adult brain (an expert in visual object categorization) extracts high-level visual objects from the environment and categorically represents them in the cortical visual hierarchy. Here, I used event-related potentials (ERPs) to investigate the neural mechanisms involved in object representation formation during a hybrid visual search and prototype distortion category learning task. EEG was continuously recorded while participants performed the hybrid task, in which a peripheral array of four dot patterns was briefly flashed on a computer screen. In half of the trials, one of the four dot patterns of the array contained the target, a distorted prototype pattern. The remaining trials contained only randomly generated patterns. After hundreds of trials, participants learned to discriminate the target pattern through corrective feedback. A multilevel modeling approach was used to examine the predictive relationship between behavioral performance over time and two ERP components, the N1 and the N250. The N1 is an early sensory component related to changes in visual attention and discrimination (Hopf et al., 2002; Vogel & Luck, 2000). The N250 is a component related to category learning and expertise (Krigolson et al., 2009; Scott et al., 2008; Tanaka et al., 2006). Results indicated that while N1 amplitudes did not change with improved performance, increasingly negative N250 amplitudes did develop over time and were predictive of improvements in pattern detection accuracy

    Learning to become an expert : reinforcement learning and the acquisition of perceptual expertise

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    To elucidate the neural mechanisms underlying the development of perceptual expertise, we recorded ERPs while participants performed a categorization task. We found that as participants learned to discriminate computer-generated "blob'' stimuli, feedback modulated the amplitude of the errorrelated negativity (ERN)-an ERP component thought to reflect error evaluation within medial-frontal cortex. As participants improved at the categorization task, we also observed an increase in amplitude of an ERP component associated with object recognition (the N250). The increase in N250 amplitude preceded an increase in amplitude of an ERN component associated with internal error evaluation (the response ERN). Importantly, these electroencephalographic changes were not observed for participants who failed to improve on the categorization task. Our results suggest that the acquisition of perceptual expertise relies on interactions between the posterior perceptual system and the reinforcement learning system involving medial-frontal cortex

    On perceptual expertise

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    Expertise is a cognitive achievement that clearly involves experience and learning, and often requires explicit, time-consuming training specific to the relevant domain. It is also intuitive that this kind of achievement is, in a rich sense, genuinely perceptual. Many experts—be they radiologists, bird watchers, or fingerprint examiners—are better perceivers in the domain(s) of their expertise. The goal of this paper is to motivate three related claims, by substantial appeal to recent empirical research on perceptual expertise: Perceptual expertise is genuinely perceptual and genuinely cognitive, and this phenomenon reveals how we can become epistemically better perceivers. These claims are defended against sceptical opponents that deny significant top-down or cognitive effects on perception, and opponents who maintain that any such effects on perception are epistemically pernicious

    Effects of sexually dimorphic shape cues on neurophysiological correlates of women’s face processing

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    Sexual dimorphism (i.e., masculinity in males and femininity in females) is known to affect social perceptions that are important for both mate choice and intrasexual competition, such as attractiveness and dominance. Little is known, however, about the neurophysiological underpinnings mediating sexual dimorphism’s effects on face processing. Here we investigate the neurological correlates of processing sexually dimorphic faces using event-related potentials (ERPs). We employed image transformation techniques to enhance and reduce the sexually dimorphic shape features of male and female faces viewed by women performing a sex categorization task. Sexual dimorphism modulated superior-central N250 magnitude and the peak latency of the N170 and P200. The sex of the face further modulated the amplitude of the P200. These findings extend prior work linking the superior-central N250 to social categorization processes triggered by face shape, and strengthen its functional interpretation in terms of coarse- versus fine-grained categorical judgements. We conclude that ERPs can illuminate the cognitive mechanisms (i.e., mental processes) underlying behavioral responses to sexual dimorphism

    Bilateral engagement of the occipito-temporal cortex in response to dance kinematics in experts

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    Previous evidence has shown neuroplastic changes in brain anatomy and connectivity associated with the acquisition of professional visuomotor skills. Reduced hemispherical asymmetry was found in the sensorimotor and visual areas in expert musicians and athletes compared with non-experts. Moreover, increased expertise with faces, body, and objects resulted in an enhanced engagement of the occipito-temporal cortex (OTC) during stimulus observation. The present study aimed at investigating whether intense and extended practice with dance would result in an enhanced symmetric response of OTC at an early stage of action processing. Expert ballet dancers and non-dancer controls were presented with videos depicting ballet steps during EEG recording. The observation of the moving dancer elicited a posterior N2 component, being larger over the left hemisphere in dancers than controls. The source reconstruction (swLORETA) of the negativity showed the engagement of the bilateral inferior and middle temporal regions in experts, while right-lateralized activity was found in controls. The dancers also showed an early P2 and enhanced P300 responses, indicating faster stimulus processing and subsequent recognition. This evidence seemed to suggest expertise-related increased sensitivity of the OTC in encoding body kinematics. Thus, we speculated that long-term whole-body practice would result in enriched and refined action processin

    Multiple faces elicit augmented neural activity

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    How do our brains respond when we are being watched by a group of people? Despite the large volume of literature devoted to face processing, this question has received very little attention. Here we measured the effects on the face-sensitive N170 and other ERPs to viewing displays of one, two and three faces in two experiments. In Experiment 1, overall image brightness and contrast were adjusted to be constant, whereas in Experiment 2 local contrast and brightness of individual faces were not manipulated. A robust positive-negative-positive (P100-N170-P250) ERP complex and an additional late positive ERP, the P400, were elicited to all stimulus types. As the number of faces in the display increased, N170 amplitude increased for both stimulus sets, and latency increased in Experiment 2. P100 latency and P250 amplitude were affected by changes in overall brightness and contrast, but not by the number of faces in the display per se. In Experiment 1 when overall brightness and contrast were adjusted to be constant, later ERP (P250 and P400) latencies showed differences as a function of hemisphere. Hence, our data indicate that N170 increases its magnitude when multiple faces are seen, apparently impervious to basic low-level stimulus features including stimulus size. Outstanding questions remain regarding category-sensitive neural activity that is elicited to viewing multiple items of stimulus categories other than faces

    Effects of stereoscopic disparity on early ERP components during classification of three-dimensional objects

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    This study investigates the effects of stereo disparity on the perception of three-dimensional (3D) object shape. We tested the hypothesis that stereo input modulates the brain activity related to perceptual analyses of 3D shape configuration during image classification. High-density (256-channel) electroencephalogram (EEG) was used to record the temporal dynamics of visual shape processing under conditions of two-dimensional (2D) and 3D visual presentation. On each trial, observers made image classification judgements ('Same'/'Different') to two briefly presented, multi-part, novel objects. On different-object trials, stimuli could either share volumetric parts but not the global 3D shape configuration and have different parts but the same global 3D shape configuration or differ on both aspects. Analyses using mass univariate contrasts showed that the earliest sensitivity to 2D versus 3D viewing appeared as a negative deflection over posterior locations on the N1 component between 160 and 220 ms post-stimulus onset. Subsequently, event-related potential (ERP) modulations during the N2 time window between 240 and 370 ms were linked to image classification. N2 activity reflected two distinct components - an early N2 (240-290 ms) and a late N2 (290-370 ms) - that showed different patterns of responses to 2D and 3D input and differential sensitivity to 3D object structure. The results revealed that stereo input modulates the neural correlates of 3D object shape. We suggest that this reflects differential perceptual processing of object shape under conditions of stereo or mono input. These findings challenge current theories that attribute no functional role for stereo input during 3D shape perception

    Aerospace medicine and biology: A continuing bibliography with indexes, supplement 128, May 1974

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    This special bibliography lists 282 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in April 1974

    Birds of a Feather Flock Together: Experience-Driven Formation of Visual Object Categories in Human Ventral Temporal Cortex

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    The present functional magnetic resonance imaging study provides direct evidence on visual object-category formation in the human brain. Although brain imaging has demonstrated object-category specific representations in the occipitotemporal cortex, the crucial question of how the brain acquires this knowledge has remained unresolved. We designed a stimulus set consisting of six highly similar bird types that can hardly be distinguished without training. All bird types were morphed with one another to create different exemplars of each category. After visual training, fMRI showed that responses in the right fusiform gyrus were larger for bird types for which a discrete category-boundary was established as compared with not-trained bird types. Importantly, compared with not-trained bird types, right fusiform responses were smaller for visually similar birds to which subjects were exposed during training but for which no category-boundary was learned. These data provide evidence for experience-induced shaping of occipitotemporal responses that are involved in category learning in the human brain

    Beyond Shape: How You Learn about Objects Affects How They Are Represented in Visual Cortex

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    Background: Experience can alter how objects are represented in the visual cortex. But experience can take different forms. It is unknown whether the kind of visual experience systematically alters the nature of visual cortical object representations. Methodology/Principal Findings: We take advantage of different training regimens found to produce qualitatively different types of perceptual expertise behaviorally in order to contrast the neural changes that follow different kinds of visual experience with the same objects. Two groups of participants went through training regimens that required either subordinate-level individuation or basic-level categorization of a set of novel, artificial objects, called ‘‘Ziggerins’’. fMRI activity of a region in the right fusiform gyrus increased after individuation training and was correlated with the magnitude of configural processing of the Ziggerins observed behaviorally. In contrast, categorization training caused distributed changes, with increased activity in the medial portion of the ventral occipito-temporal cortex relative to more lateral areas. Conclusions/Significance: Our results demonstrate that the kind of experience with a category of objects can systematically influence how those objects are represented in visual cortex. The demands of prior learning experience therefore appear t
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