11 research outputs found

    The numerical solution of sparse matrix equations by fast methods and associated computational techniques

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    The numerical solution of sparse matrix equations by fast methods and associated computational technique

    The numerical solution of banded linear systems by generallized factorization procedures

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    The numerical solution of banded linear systems by generallized factorization procedure

    An elementary algorithm for computing the determinant of pentadiagonal Toeplitz matrices

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    AbstractOver the last 25 years, various fast algorithms for computing the determinant of a pentadiagonal Toeplitz matrices were developed. In this paper, we give a new kind of elementary algorithm requiring 56⋅⌊n−4k⌋+30k+O(logn) operations, where k≥4 is an integer that needs to be chosen freely at the beginning of the algorithm. For example, we can compute det(Tn) in n+O(logn) and 82n+O(logn) operations if we choose k as 56 and ⌊2815(n−4)⌋, respectively. For various applications, it will be enough to test if the determinant of a pentadiagonal Toeplitz matrix is zero or not. As in another result of this paper, we used modular arithmetic to give a fast algorithm determining when determinants of such matrices are non-zero. This second algorithm works only for Toeplitz matrices with rational entries

    Generalized preconditioning strategies

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    Over the past decade Professor David J. Evans [1968] has suggested the use of ‘Preconditioning’ in iterative methods for solving large, sparse systems of linear equations, which arise from the finite difference approximations to the partial differential equations. Since then, certain aspects on preconditioning have appeared in the literature and a whole new theory constructed. The versatility of the preconditioning concept is shown by the stimulating exploration of new numerical algorithms and methods of their realization. The aim of this thesis is to emphasise in the theory we use and develop together with the practice we state. This study led to a new form of preconditioning, which has not yet appeared in the literature. Specifically, we consider the conditioning matrix factorized into two rectangular matrices, so as to develop a new preconditioned iterative method and its related properties as well. It requires the selection of two parameters to be applied, a preconditioning parameter at its optimal value and an acceleration parameter in such a fashion that a simultaneous displacement method is applicable. [Continues.

    Numerical studies of fast electron transport in laser irradiated targets

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    Imperial Users onl

    Parallel algorithms for the solution of elliptic and parabolic problems on transputer networks

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    This thesis is a study of the implementation of parallel algorithms for solving elliptic and parabolic partial differential equations on a network of transputers. The thesis commences with a general introduction to parallel processing. Here a discussion of the various ways of introducing parallelism in computer systems and the classification of parallel architectures is presented. In chapter 2, the transputer architecture and the associated language OCCAM are described. The transputer development system (TDS) is also described as well as a short account of other transputer programming languages. Also, a brief description of the methodologies for programming transputer networks is given. The chapter is concluded by a detailed description of the hardware used for the research. [Continues.

    Design and analysis of numerical algorithms for the solution of linear systems on parallel and distributed architectures

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    The increasing availability of parallel computers is having a very significant impact on all aspects of scientific computation, including algorithm research and software development in numerical linear algebra. In particular, the solution of linear systems, which lies at the heart of most calculations in scientific computing is an important computation found in many engineering and scientific applications. In this thesis, well-known parallel algorithms for the solution of linear systems are compared with implicit parallel algorithms or the Quadrant Interlocking (QI) class of algorithms to solve linear systems. These implicit algorithms are (2x2) block algorithms expressed in explicit point form notation. [Continues.

    Analysis and design of parallel algorithms

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    The present state of electronic technology is such that factors affecting computation speed have almost been minimised; switching for instance is almost instantaneous. Electronic components are so good, in fact, that the time taken for a logic signal to travel between two points is now a significant factor of instruction times. Clearly, with the actual physical size of components being very small and the high circuit density, there is little scope for improving computation speech significantly by such means as even denser circuitry or still faster electronic components. Thus, development of faster computers will require a new approach that depends on the imaginative use of existing knowledge. One such approach is to increase computation speed through parallelism. Obviously, a parallel computer with p identical processors is potentially p times as fast as a single computer, although this limit can rarely be achieved

    Preconditioned iterative methods for solving elliptic partial differential equations

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    Preconditioned iterative methods for solving elliptic partial differential equation