17 research outputs found

    Levelset and B-spline deformable model techniques for image segmentation: a pragmatic comparative study

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    International audienceDeformable contours are now widely used in image segmentation, using different models, criteria and numerical schemes. Some theoretical comparisons between some deformable model methods have already been published. Yet, very few experimental comparative studies on real data have been reported. In this paper,we compare a levelset with a B-spline based deformable model approach in order to understand the mechanisms involved in these widely used methods and to compare both evolution and results on various kinds of image segmentation problems. In general, both methods yield similar results. However, specific differences appear when considering particular problems

    Fast Marching Energy CNN

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    Leveraging geodesic distances and the geometrical information they convey is key for many data-oriented applications in imaging. Geodesic distance computation has been used for long for image segmentation using Image based metrics. We introduce a new method by generating isotropic Riemannian metrics adapted to a problem using CNN and give as illustrations an example of application. We then apply this idea to the segmentation of brain tumours as unit balls for the geodesic distance computed with the metric potential output by a CNN, thus imposing geometrical and topological constraints on the output mask. We show that geodesic distance modules work well in machine learning frameworks and can be used to achieve state-of-the-art performances while ensuring geometrical and/or topological properties

    A Review of Left Ventricular Myocardium Analysis and Diagnosis Techniques for CT Images of Heart

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    Abstract Cardiovascular diseases associated with the left ventricle are main reason of deaths in heart diseases. Early diagnosis using advanced technologies will definitely aid in saving many lives. Cardiac computed tomography (CT) images are one of the tools for this function. Automatic segmentation of left ventricular myocardium is carried out from cardiac CT images. The system uses a iterative strategy for localization of left ventricle followed by deformation of myocardial surface to obtain refine segmentation i.e. blood pool surface of the CT image is extracted and triangulated surface is taken as an area of interest. Geometric characterization of triangulated surface gave precise localization of left ventricle. Subsequently, initialization of epicardial and endocacardial masks is done and myocardial wall is extracted. This paper gives review of different techniques used for segmentation revealed in previously reported literature along with the proposed technology. The proposed system is expected to work based on the standard rules defined by medical experts for disease diagnosis are yet to define

    Feature-sensitive and Adaptive Image Triangulation: A Super-pixel-based Scheme for Image Segmentation and Mesh Generation

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    With increasing utilization of various imaging techniques (such as CT, MRI and PET) in medical fields, it is often in great need to computationally extract the boundaries of objects of interest, a process commonly known as image segmentation. While numerous approaches have been proposed in literature on automatic/semi-automatic image segmentation, most of these approaches are based on image pixels. The number of pixels in an image can be huge, especially for 3D imaging volumes, which renders the pixel-based image segmentation process inevitably slow. On the other hand, 3D mesh generation from imaging data has become important not only for visualization and quantification but more critically for finite element based numerical simulation. Traditionally image-based mesh generation follows such a procedure as: (1) image boundary segmentation, (2) surface mesh generation from segmented boundaries, and (3) volumetric (e.g., tetrahedral) mesh generation from surface meshes. These three majors steps have been commonly treated as separate algorithms/steps and hence image information, once segmented, is not considered any more in mesh generation. In this thesis, we investigate a super-pixel based scheme that integrates both image segmentation and mesh generation into a single method, making mesh generation truly an image-incorporated approach. Our method, called image content-aware mesh generation, consists of several main steps. First, we generate a set of feature-sensitive, and adaptively distributed points from 2D grayscale images or 3D volumes. A novel image edge enhancement method via randomized shortest paths is introduced to be an optional choice to generate the features’ boundary map in mesh node generation step. Second, a Delaunay-triangulation generator (2D) or tetrahedral mesh generator (3D) is then utilized to generate a 2D triangulation or 3D tetrahedral mesh. The generated triangulation (or tetrahedralization) provides an adaptive partitioning of a given image (or volume). Each cluster of pixels within a triangle (or voxels within a tetrahedron) is called a super-pixel, which forms one of the nodes of a graph and adjacent super-pixels give an edge of the graph. A graph-cut method is then applied to the graph to define the boundary between two subsets of the graph, resulting in good boundary segmentations with high quality meshes. Thanks to the significantly reduced number of elements (super-pixels) as compared to that of pixels in an image, the super-pixel based segmentation method has tremendously improved the segmentation speed, making it feasible for real-time feature detection. In addition, the incorporation of image segmentation into mesh generation makes the generated mesh well adapted to image features, a desired property known as feature-preserving mesh generation

    Minimal paths and deformable models for image analysis

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    We present an overview of part of our work on minimal paths. Introduced first in order to find the global minimum of active contours' energy using Fast Marching [18], we have then used minimal paths for finding multiple contours for contour completion from points, curves or regions in 2D or 3D images. Some variations allow to decrease computation time, make easier initialization and centering a path in a tubular structure. Fast Marching is also an efficient way to solve balloon model evolution using level sets. We show applications like for road and vessel segmentation and for virtual endoscopy.Nous présentons une synthèse d'une partie de nos travaux sur les chemins minimaux. Introduits au départ pour trouver le minimum global de l'énergie pour les contours actifs à l'aide du Fast Marching [18], nous les avons utilisés par la suite pour la recherche de contours multiples pour compléter des points, des courbes ou des régions dans des images 2D et 3D. Plusieurs variantes permettent d'améliorer le temps de calcul, de simplifier l'initialisation ou de centrer le chemin dans une structure tubulaire. Le Fast Marching est aussi un moyen efficace de résoudre l'évolution d'un modèle de contour actif ballon par "level sets". Nous montrons des applications notamment pour la segmentation de routes et vaisseaux et pour l'endoscopie virtuelle