956 research outputs found

    A quantitative and qualitative analysis of Nordic surnames

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    Proceedings of the 18th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics NODALIDA 2011. Editors: Bolette Sandford Pedersen, Gunta Nešpore and Inguna Skadiņa. NEALT Proceedings Series, Vol. 11 (2011), 74-81. © 2011 The editors and contributors. Published by Northern European Association for Language Technology (NEALT) http://omilia.uio.no/nealt . Electronically published at Tartu University Library (Estonia) http://hdl.handle.net/10062/16955


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    Proceedings of the 18th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics NODALIDA 2011. Editors: Bolette Sandford Pedersen, Gunta Nešpore and Inguna Skadiņa. NEALT Proceedings Series, Vol. 11 (2011), iii-vii. © 2011 The editors and contributors. Published by Northern European Association for Language Technology (NEALT) http://omilia.uio.no/nealt . Electronically published at Tartu University Library (Estonia) http://hdl.handle.net/10062/16955

    Conference Program

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    Proceedings of the 18th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics NODALIDA 2011. Editors: Bolette Sandford Pedersen, Gunta Nešpore and Inguna Skadiņa. NEALT Proceedings Series, Vol. 11 (2011), xii-xvii. © 2011 The editors and contributors. Published by Northern European Association for Language Technology (NEALT) http://omilia.uio.no/nealt . Electronically published at Tartu University Library (Estonia) http://hdl.handle.net/10062/16955

    Principles of Sampling in Educational Research in Higher Education

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    Innovation and creativity in European society are fostered via a dynamic and flexible European higher education based on the integration between education and research at all levels (Communiqué, 2009). The synergy between education and research is effeciently driven via educational research. Sampling as an element of the educational research has a two-fold role: sample size is inter-connected with statistical analysis of the data and generalisation. Against this background, little attention has been given to principles of sampling in educational research. The research question is as follows: what principles form sampling in educational research? The aim of the research is to analyse scientific literature and work out principles of sampling in educational research underpinning elaboration of a new research question for further studies in educational research. The present research involves a process of analysing the meaning of the key concept “principle”. In the empirical study, explorative research was employed. Interpretive research paradigm was used. The empirical study involved six experts from different countries in February 2013 – July 2014. The findings of the research allow drawing the conclusions on the elaborated principles of sampling in educational research. Directions of further research are proposed

    Cohabitation or marriage? The role of family values in Norway in the beginning of 21st century

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    Master's thesis in global studies. VID Specialized University, Stavanger, May 2019Cohabitation has become a normal phenomenon among Norwegians. It may be seen as a transition before dating and marrying, but it may also be a choice of living together as a family. But even if it is widely accepted, many young Norwegians do see marriage as the highest step in relationships. Marriage is regarded as the most committed type of union formation, whereas cohabitation is seen as less stable (Wiik, 2010, p. 51). That is why marriage may bring extra security for the family relationships. Parenthood out of wedlock has been increasing in Norway. However, many young couples get married short after they become parents. In my thesis, I also describe why people choose different timing for such big events. Changes like increasing divorce rates, law fertility rates, greater women participation in labor market, growing amount of children born outside marriage may have different explanations. Development of gender equality is of a great factor here. Both men and women are in the process of finding balance between work and family (Esping-Andersen & Billari, 2015, pp. 6-9). Growing individualization leads to more independent choices in private lives of individuals (Wiik, Bernhardt & Noack, 2010, pp. 272-273). As a result, detraditionalization leads to reconstructing older traditions (Ellingsæter, 2018, p. 263). Marriage, in this context, preserves some of its symbolic values, which lack in cohabitation (Wiik, 2010, p.51). Recent trends that may be observed in Norway may also find the explanation in the Second Demographic Transition process (Lesthaeghe, 2011, pp. 179-218). However, a reversal may be possible. In case of achieving egalitarian relationships based on mutual understanding, a new equilibrium of stable family life may be the outcome (Esping-Andersen & Billari, 2015, pp. 24-25).submittedVersio

    Identification of University Inventors and University Patenting Patterns at Lund University:Conceptual- Methodological & Empirical Findings

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    One of the most interesting indicators to show the change in the socio-economic role of universities in the last several decades has been the use of university patenting. However except some individual studies in European countries (e.g. Finland, Norway, Belgium, Italy, Germany and France) there has been no such a comprehensive data available for Sweden and most other European countries. The main motivation of this paper is therefore to obtain a systematic database on university patenting activities in Sweden. The main method of this research is data-matching between the EPO-patents and Lund University Faculty registers, and manual controls. The methodology of this research underlines the importance of searching for university-patents by the name of university inventors rather their affiliated university. The rate of patenting activity showed a positive trend between the years 1990 and 2004. 458 patents have been filed by Lund University researchers. The total number of inventors is 250. Although the number of large firms is lesser than the SMEs, the former group (e.g. Ericsson, Astra-Zeneca) has applied for a larger number of patents than the total number of patents of SMEs.university patents; technology transfer; innovation; Swedish Model

    Resources and sources in anthroponomastic studies: a review of contemporary references-TRAD

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    This paper investigates the various sources that can serve as a starting point for the study of anthroponomastic processes. We examine two types of resources for this kind of research. On the one hand, we can access more or less established repertoires, as is the case of the database provided by public institutions in different countries (censuses, registers, statistical agencies, among others), whose purpose as a public service is open and multifunctional. On the other hand, this list can be complemented by other compilations of very different origin and purpose that can be used in a subsidiary manner. These corpora are mostly compiled by the onomastics researcher himself, who uses tools such as interviews, surveys or other mechanisms from which onomastic catalogues can be established, as well as gathering other relevant information in the processes that take place to determine the impact of certain parameters in the attribution processes, specifically in that which affects personal names.Este trabajo indaga en las diversas fuentes que pueden servir de punto de partida para el estudio de los procesos antroponomásticos. Examinamos dos tipos de recursos para este tipo de investigaciones. Por una parte, podemos acceder a repertorios más o menos establecidos, como es el caso de la base de datos proporcionada por instituciones públicas en diferentes países (censos, padrones, organismos de carácter estadístico, entre otros), cuyo objetivo como servicio público es de carácter abierto y plurifuncional. Por otra parte, este elenco puede complementarse con otras compilaciones de muy diverso origen y cometido que pueden emplearse de manera subsidiaria. Se trata de corpus elaborados mayoritariamente por el propio investigador en onomástica, que recurre a herramientas como entrevistas, encuestas u otros mecanismos a partir de los cuales pueden establecerse catálogos onomásticos, así como hacer acopio de otra información relevante en los procesos que se suceden para determinar el impacto de determinados parámetros en los procesos de atribución, concretamente en la que afecta a los nombres de persona

    Institutional complementarities and gender diversity on boards: a configurational approach

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    Manuscript Type: Empirical Research Question/Issue: To address the lack of a complementarities-based approach in studies of board diversity, this paper seeks to understandwhether and howcertain country-level factors are causally and jointly related towomen on boards and the nature of their complementarities (are they synergic or substitutes?). Moreover, we intend to learn more about the adoption/diffusion of board gender quotas, by taking into account their role in the existing national configurations (whether they are necessary and/or sufficient conditions). Research Findings/Insights: Using fs/QCA, our findings reveal a particular configuration of country-level conditions that supports the existence of a joint causal relation between given institutional arrangements. Furthermore, we find that board gender quota legislation is not a sufficient condition on its own to achieve a higher number of women on boards. Such evidence suggests that its diffusion across countries could be the result of institutional isomorphismor social legitimacy more than to rational reasons. Theoretical/Academic Implications: For scholars, our paper refines and expands insights from the extant comparative corporate governance literature. By finding support for the “bundled” or jointly causal nature of given institutional factors,we open a window for further research that investigates board-level phenomena in a complementarities-based perspective. Practitioner/Policy Implications: For policymakers, this study provides some insights that could better drive their choice about which mix of policies is necessary to improve female representation on boards, and especially in which institutional areas they should be implemented. It is particularly relevant, because once gender quotas are endorsed at board level, they could have ambiguous effects on firm performance and corporate governance

    Application of lithotopo units for automatic classification of rivers: Concept, development and validation

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    River classification is one of the recommendations of the European Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC, which establishes that classifications should be carried out according to different variables hierarchically organized from a smaller to a larger scale. We suggest incorporating into the Directive’s hierarchical system a geoecological unit (lithotopo unit) that discriminates rivers with similar geomorphological features and ecological funtionality. The lithotopo units are not an alternative to the Directive typology, they are a complement intended to improve it. Our method is divided into two stages, the first focused on the development of LTUs and the second on their validation. We applied the concept of lithotopo units to a 30,000 km2 region in the NW of the Iberian Peninsula (Spain) using a Geographic Information System and field work. Seven kinds of lithotopo units were identified for the study area, each with its own geomorphological processes and dynamics, and, as a consequence, particular associated habitats. Cartographic validation was done through the analysis of 122 sample sites distributed in eight basins. Of the five validation variables originally employed, specific stream power and median grain size are the two that yielded the best results. Each kind of lithotopo unit displays a range of values of specific stream power and median grain size that is internally homogeneous but different from that of the other units. The methodology thus produced, which can be applied to other regions, is transparent, objective and quantitative.Corresponding author was funded by Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria da Xunta de Galicia (award name: Plan Gallego de Investigación, Innovación y Crecimiento 2011–2015 -Plan 2C-).S