430,511 research outputs found


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    This article presents an explorative study of the impact of Communities of Practice (CoPs) on the success of a certain category of Knowledge Management Systems, hereafter called Expert Recommender Information Systems. They regroup Information Systems that identify and display individuals who have been qualified by the system as experts, and who are in a position to help users solve problems involving a business process breakdown. Rather than focusing on the Expert Recommending Information System itself, the author concentrates on the service it delivers, the Expert Recommending Service (ERS). Using multiple case study research, five different organizations were investigated, essentially in order to identify how CoPs influence the success of their ERS.IS success; Communities of Practice; Expert Recommending Services; Experts

    Achieving change in primary care—causes of the evidence to practice gap : systematic reviews of reviews

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    Acknowledgements The Evidence to Practice Project (SPCR FR4 project number: 122) is funded by the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) School for Primary Care Research (SPCR). KD is part-funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Collaborations for Leadership in Applied Research and Care West Midlands and by a Knowledge Mobilisation Research Fellowship (KMRF-2014-03-002) from the NIHR. This paper presents independent research funded by the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR). The views expressed are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR or the Department of Health. Funding This study is funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) School for Primary Care Research (SPCR).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Indigenous female entrepeneurship: a qualitative studies in the context of Bolivia

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    Indigenous entrepreneurship and the gender approach to entrepreneurship are areas that have grown in interest in the entrepreneurship literature in recent years. This paper combines both research streams with the aim of analysing the social and individual factors affecting indigenous quechua female entrepreneurs of Bolivia. Based on the analysis of qualitative data from forty-two face-to-face interviews to indigenous entreprenerurs (female and male), the specific characteristics of these entrepreneurs, the barriers and the facilitators of entrepreneurial activities by women, as well as the role of social capital were extracted. The existence of a sexist and patriarchal culture has been found. However, regarding production, family becomes the production unit; the woman and the man have specific and complementary roles. In addition, there is growing individualism that results in a loss of indigenous values

    Measuring the Impact of Youth Voluntary Service Programs

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    Summary and Conclusions of a meeting of international experts hosted by the World Bank and Innovations in Civic Participation to discuss evaluation of the impact of youth civic engagement on development

    A methodology for exploring emergence in learning communities

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    Learning communities are becoming increasingly complex in nature, often being used to drive multiple agendas. For example, there is an increasing move to develop learning cities which seek to draw on synergies to both improve citizen learning and skills as well as economic regeneration. Such synergy-driven learning communities, of which the learning cities are but one example, seek to utilise interaction to develop 'emergent products', be it at the individual level or the system-wide level, which could not be produced in isolation. Successfully enabling emergence is critical to their success. Designing for specific types of emergence is however difficult given the intrinsic unpredictability of complex systems. Insight into the intrinsic characteristics of these synergy-driven learning communities and how their interaction leads to emergence over time is required. This paper reports on the methodology developed to explore these highly complex learning communities. The approach adopted was to combine exploratory case studies which established the intrinsic characteristics of the learning communities with an exploration of emergence guided by a meta-level conceptual framework of emergence. This was augmented by secondary data to aid triangulation and provide rigour. As well as discussing the rationale for the adopted approach, implementation issues and the rich information set obtained are discussed using specific case examples. Findings from the investigations led to recommendations regarding future development of appropriate methods for seeding and managing such complex learning communities. The meta level framework means the approach may be readily adapted to other complex social system

    Drivers of success in implementing sustainable tourism policies in urban areas

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    The existing literature in the field of sustainable tourism highlights a number of barriers that impede the implementation of policies in this area. Yet, not many studies have so far considered the factors that would contribute to putting this concept into practice, and few address the case of urban areas. The concept of sustainability has only received limited attention in urban tourism research, even though large cities are recognised as one of the most important tourist destinations that attract vast numbers of visitors. Adopting a case study approach, this paper discusses a number of drivers of success identified by policy-makers in London to contribute to the implementation of sustainable tourisms policies at the local level, and briefly looks at the relationship between these drivers and the constraints perceived by the respondents to hinder the implementation of such policies in practice. These findings may help policy-makers in other large cities to successfully develop and implement policies towards sustainable development of tourism in their area