168 research outputs found

    Incentive-driven QoS in peer-to-peer overlays

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    A well known problem in peer-to-peer overlays is that no single entity has control over the software, hardware and configuration of peers. Thus, each peer can selfishly adapt its behaviour to maximise its benefit from the overlay. This thesis is concerned with the modelling and design of incentive mechanisms for QoS-overlays: resource allocation protocols that provide strategic peers with participation incentives, while at the same time optimising the performance of the peer-to-peer distribution overlay. The contributions of this thesis are as follows. First, we present PledgeRoute, a novel contribution accounting system that can be used, along with a set of reciprocity policies, as an incentive mechanism to encourage peers to contribute resources even when users are not actively consuming overlay services. This mechanism uses a decentralised credit network, is resilient to sybil attacks, and allows peers to achieve time and space deferred contribution reciprocity. Then, we present a novel, QoS-aware resource allocation model based on Vickrey auctions that uses PledgeRoute as a substrate. It acts as an incentive mechanism by providing efficient overlay construction, while at the same time allocating increasing service quality to those peers that contribute more to the network. The model is then applied to lagsensitive chunk swarming, and some of its properties are explored for different peer delay distributions. When considering QoS overlays deployed over the best-effort Internet, the quality received by a client cannot be adjudicated completely to either its serving peer or the intervening network between them. By drawing parallels between this situation and well-known hidden action situations in microeconomics, we propose a novel scheme to ensure adherence to advertised QoS levels. We then apply it to delay-sensitive chunk distribution overlays and present the optimal contract payments required, along with a method for QoS contract enforcement through reciprocative strategies. We also present a probabilistic model for application-layer delay as a function of the prevailing network conditions. Finally, we address the incentives of managed overlays, and the prediction of their behaviour. We propose two novel models of multihoming managed overlay incentives in which overlays can freely allocate their traffic flows between different ISPs. One is obtained by optimising an overlay utility function with desired properties, while the other is designed for data-driven least-squares fitting of the cross elasticity of demand. This last model is then used to solve for ISP profit maximisation

    Differential Evolution in Wireless Communications: A Review

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    Differential Evolution (DE) is an evolutionary computational method inspired by the biological processes of evolution and mutation. DE has been applied in numerous scientific fields. The paper presents a literature review of DE and its application in wireless communication. The detailed history, characteristics, strengths, variants and weaknesses of DE were presented. Seven broad areas were identified as different domains of application of DE in wireless communications. It was observed that coverage area maximisation and energy consumption minimisation are the two major areas where DE is applied. Others areas are quality of service, updating mechanism where candidate positions learn from a large diversified search region, security and related field applications. Problems in wireless communications are often modelled as multiobjective optimisation which can easily be tackled by the use of DE or hybrid of DE with other algorithms. Different research areas can be explored and DE will continue to be utilized in this contex

    Traffic Scheduling in Software-defined Backhaul Network

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    In the past few years, severe challenges have arisen for network operators, as explosive growth and service differentiation in data demands require an increasing number of network capacity as well as dynamic traffic management. To adapt to the network densification, wireless backhaul solution is attracting more and more attentions due to its flexible deployment. Meanwhile, the software-defined network (SDN) proposes an promising architecture that can achieve dynamic control and management for various functionalities. In this case, by applying the SDN architecture to wireless backhaul networks, the traffic scheduling functionality may satisfy the ever-increasing and differentiated traffic demands. To tackle the traffic demand challenges, traffic scheduling for software-defined backhaul networks (SDBN) is investigated from three aspects in this thesis. In the first aspect, various virtual networks based on service types are embedded to the same wireless backhaul infrastructure. An algorithm, named VNE-SDBN, is proposed to solve the virtual network embedding (VNE) problem to improve the performance of the revenue of infrastructure providers and virtual network request acceptance ratio by exploiting the unique characteristics of SDBNs. In the second aspect, incoming traffic is scheduled online by joint routing and resource allocation approach in backhaul networks operated in low-frequency microwave (LFM) and those operated in millimetre wave (mmW). A digraph-based greedy algorithm (DBGA) is proposed considering the relationship between the degrees of vertices in the constructed interference digraph and system throughput with low complexity. In the third aspect, quality-of-service is provided in terms of delay and throughput with two proposed algorithms for backhaul networks with insufficient spectral resources. At last, as a trial research on E-band, a conceptual adaptive modulation system with channel estimation based on rain rate for E-band SDBN is proposed to exploit the rain attenuation feature of E-band. The results of the research works are mainly achieved through heuristic algorithms. Genetic algorithm, which is a meta-heuristic algorithm, is employed to obtain near-optimal solutions to the proposed NP-hard problems. Low complexity greedy algorithms are developed based on the specific problem analysis. Finally, the evaluation of proposed systems and algorithms are performed through numerical simulations. Simulations for backhaul networks with respect to VNE, routing and resource allocation are developed

    Efficient radio resource management for the fifth generation slice networks

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    It is predicted that the IMT-2020 (5G network) will meet increasing user demands and, hence, it is therefore, expected to be as flexible as possible. The relevant standardisation bodies and academia have accepted the critical role of network slicing in the implementation of the 5G network. The network slicing paradigm allows the physical infrastructure and resources of the mobile network to be “sliced” into logical networks, which are operated by different entities, and then engineered to address the specific requirements of different verticals, business models, and individual subscribers. Network slicing offers propitious solutions to the flexibility requirements of the 5G network. The attributes and characteristics of network slicing support the multi-tenancy paradigm, which is predicted to drastically reduce the operational expenditure (OPEX) and capital expenditure (CAPEX) of mobile network operators. Furthermore, network slices enable mobile virtual network operators to compete with one another using the same physical networks but customising their slices and network operation according to their market segment's characteristics and requirements. However, owing to scarce radio resources, the dynamic characteristics of the wireless links, and its capacity, implementing network slicing at the base stations and the access network xix becomes an uphill task. Moreover, an unplanned 5G slice network deployment results in technical challenges such as unfairness in radio resource allocation, poor quality of service provisioning, network profit maximisation challenges, and rises in energy consumption in a bid to meet QoS specifications. Therefore, there is a need to develop efficient radio resource management algorithms that address the above mentioned technical challenges. The core aim of this research is to develop and evaluate efficient radio resource management algorithms and schemes that will be implemented in 5G slice networks to guarantee the QoS of users in terms of throughput and latency while ensuring that 5G slice networks are energy efficient and economically profitable. This thesis mainly addresses key challenges relating to efficient radio resource management. First, a particle swarm-intelligent profit-aware resource allocation scheme for a 5G slice network is proposed to prioritise the profitability of the network while at the same time ensuring that the QoS requirements of slice users are not compromised. It is observed that the proposed new radio swarm-intelligent profit-aware resource allocation (NR-SiRARE) scheme outperforms the LTE-OFDMA swarm-intelligent profit-aware resource (LO-SiRARE) scheme. However, the network profit for the NR-SiRARE is greatly affected by significant degradation of the path loss associated with millimetre waves. Second, this thesis examines the resource allocation challenge in a multi-tenant multi-slice multi-tier heterogeneous network. To maximise the total utility of a multi-tenant multislice multi-tier heterogeneous network, a latency-aware dynamic resource allocation problem is formulated as an optimisation problem. Via the hierarchical decomposition method for heterogeneous networks, the formulated optimisation problem is transformed to reduce the computational complexities of the proposed solutions. Furthermore, a genetic algorithmbased latency-aware resource allocation scheme is proposed to solve the maximum utility problem by considering related constraints. It is observed that GI-LARE scheme outperforms the static slicing (SS) and an optimal resource allocation (ORA) schemes. Moreover, the GI-LARE appears to be near optimal when compared with an exact solution based on spatial branch and bound. Third, this thesis addresses a distributed resource allocation problem in a multi-slice multitier multi-domain network with different players. A three-level hierarchical business model comprising InPs, MVNOs, and service providers (SP) is examined. The radio resource allocation problem is formulated as a maximum utility optimisation problem. A multi-tier multi-domain slice user matching game and a distributed backtracking multi-player multidomain games schemes are proposed to solve the maximum utility optimisation problem. The distributed backtracking scheme is based on the Fisher Market and Auction theory principles. The proposed multi-tier multi-domain scheme outperforms the GI-LARE and the SS schemes. This is attributed to the availability of resources from other InPs and MVNOs; and the flexibility associated with a multi-domain network. Lastly, an energy-efficient resource allocation problem for 5G slice networks in a highly dense heterogeneous environment is investigated. A mathematical formulation of energy-efficient resource allocation in 5G slice networks is developed as a mixed-integer linear fractional optimisation problem (MILFP). The method adopts hierarchical decomposition techniques to reduce complexities. Furthermore, the slice user association, QoS for different slice use cases, an adapted water filling algorithm, and stochastic geometry tools are employed to xxi model the global energy efficiency (GEE) of the 5G slice network. Besides, neither stochastic geometry nor a three-level hierarchical business model schemes have been employed to model the global energy efficiency of the 5G slice network in the literature, making it the first time such method will be applied to 5G slice network. With rigorous numerical simulations based on Monte-Carlo numerical simulation technique, the performance of the proposed algorithms and schemes was evaluated to show their adaptability, efficiency and robustness for a 5G slice network

    Efficient radio resource management for future generation heterogeneous wireless networks

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    The heterogeneous deployment of small cells (e.g., femtocells) in the coverage area of the traditional macrocells is a cost-efficient solution to provide network capacity, indoor coverage and green communications towards sustainable environments in the future fifth generation (5G) wireless networks. However, the unplanned and ultra-dense deployment of femtocells with their uncoordinated operations will result in technical challenges such as severe interference, a significant increase in total energy consumption, unfairness in radio resource sharing and inadequate quality of service provisioning. Therefore, there is a need to develop efficient radio resource management algorithms that will address the above-mentioned technical challenges. The aim of this thesis is to develop and evaluate new efficient radio resource management algorithms that will be implemented in cognitive radio enabled femtocells to guarantee the economical sustainability of broadband wireless communications and users' quality of service in terms of throughput and fairness. Cognitive Radio (CR) technology with the Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) and stochastic process are the key technologies utilized in this research to increase the spectrum efficiency and energy efficiency at limited interference. This thesis essentially investigates three research issues relating to the efficient radio resource management: Firstly, a self-organizing radio resource management algorithm for radio resource allocation and interference management is proposed. The algorithm considers the effect of imperfect spectrum sensing in detecting the available transmission opportunities to maximize the throughput of femtocell users while keeping interference below pre-determined thresholds and ensuring fairness in radio resource sharing among users. Secondly, the effect of maximizing the energy efficiency and the spectrum efficiency individually on radio resource management is investigated. Then, an energy-efficient radio resource management algorithm and a spectrum-efficient radio resource management algorithm are proposed for green communication, to improve the probabilities of spectrum access and further increase the network capacity for sustainable environments. Also, a joint maximization of the energy efficiency and spectrum efficiency of the overall networks is considered since joint optimization of energy efficiency and spectrum efficiency is one of the goals of 5G wireless networks. Unfortunately, maximizing the energy efficiency results in low performance of the spectrum efficiency and vice versa. Therefore, there is an investigation on how to balance the trade-off that arises when maximizing both the energy efficiency and the spectrum efficiency simultaneously. Hence, a joint energy efficiency and spectrum efficiency trade-off algorithm is proposed for radio resource allocation in ultra-dense heterogeneous networks based on orthogonal frequency division multiple access. Lastly, a joint radio resource allocation with adaptive modulation and coding scheme is proposed to minimize the total transmit power across femtocells by considering the location and the service requirements of each user in the network. The performance of the proposed algorithms is evaluated by simulation and numerical analysis to demonstrate the impact of ultra-dense deployment of femtocells on the macrocell networks. The results show that the proposed algorithms offer improved performance in terms of throughput, fairness, power control, spectrum efficiency and energy efficiency. Also, the proposed algorithms display excellent performance in dynamic wireless environments

    Optimizing infrastructure placement in Wireless Mesh Networks

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    Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) are a promising flexible and low cost technology to efficiently deliver broadband services to communities. In a WMN, a mesh router is deployed at each house, which acts both as a local access point and a relay to other nearby houses. Since mesh routers typically consist of off-the-shelf equipment, the major cost of the network is in the placement and management of Internet Transit Access Points (ITAP) which act as the connection to the internet. In designing a WMN, we therefore aimed to minimize the number of ITAPs required whilst maximizing the traffic that could be served to each house. We investigated heuristic and meta-heuristic approaches with an efficient combination of move operators to solve these placement problems by using single and multi-objective formulations. Many real-world optimisation problems involve dealing with multiple and sometimes conflicting objectives. A multi-objective approach to optimize WMN infrastructure placement design with three conflicting objectives is presented: it aims to minimize the number of ITAPs, maximize the fairness of bandwidth allocation and maximize the coverage to mesh clients. We discuss how such an approach could allow more effective ITAP deployment, enabling a greater number of consumers to obtain internet services. Two approaches are compared during our investigation of multi-objective optimization, namely the weighted sum approach and the use of an evolutionary algorithm. In this thesis we investigate a multi-objective optimization algorithm to solve the WMN infrastructure placement problem. The move operators demonstrate their efficiency when compared to simple Hill Climbing (HC) and Simulated Annealing (SA) for the single objective method
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