394 research outputs found

    Survey on individual components for a 5 GHz receiver system using 130 nm CMOS technology

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    La intención de esta tesis es recopilar información desde un punto de vista general sobre los diferentes tipos de componentes utilizados en un receptor de señales a 5 GHz utilizando tecnología CMOS. Se ha realizado una descripción y análisis de cada uno de los componentes que forman el sistema, destacando diferentes tipos de configuraciones, figuras de mérito y otros parámetros. Se muestra una tabla resumen al final de cada sección, comparando algunos diseños que se han ido presentando a lo largo de los años en conferencias internacionales de la IEEE.The intention of this thesis is to gather information from an overview point about the different types of components used in a 5 GHz receiver using CMOS technology. A review of each of the components that form the system has been made, highlighting different types of configurations, figure of merits and parameters. A summary table is shown at the end of each section, comparing many designs that have been presented over the years at international conferences of the IEEE.Departamento de Ingeniería Energética y FluidomecánicaGrado en Ingeniería en Electrónica Industrial y Automátic

    Low power digitally controlled oscillator for IoT applications

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    This work is focused on the design of a Low Power CMOS DCO for IEEE 802.11ah in IoT applications. The design methodology is based on the Unified current-control model (UICM), which is a physics-based model and enables an accurate all-region model of the operation of the device. Additionally, a transformer-based resonator has been used to solve the low-quality factor issue of integrated inductors. Two digitally controlled oscillators (DCO) have been implemented to show the advantages of utilizing a transformedbased resonator and the methodology based on the UICM model. These designs aim for the operation in low voltage supply (VDD) since VDD scaling is a trend in systems-onchip (SoCs), in which the circuitry is mostly digital. Despite the degradation caused by VDD scaling, new RF and analog circuits must deliver similar performance of the older CMOS nodes. The first DCO design was a low power LC-tank DCO, implemented in 40nm bulk-CMOS. The first design presented a DCO operating at 45% of the nominal VDD without compromise the performance. By reducing the VDD below the nominal value, this DCO reduces power consumption, which is a crucial feature for IoT circuits. The main contribution of this first DCO is the reduction of VDD scaling impact on the phase-noise do the DCO. The LC-based DCO operates from 1.8 to 1.86 GHz. At the maximum frequency and 0.395V VDD, the power consumption is a mere 380 W with a phase-noise of -119.3 dBc/Hz at 1 MHz. The circuit occupies an area of 0.46mm2 in 40 nm CMOS, mostly due to the inductor. The second DCO design was a low-power transformer-based DCO design, implemented in 28nm bulk-CMOS. This second design aims for the VDD reduction to below 0.3 V. Operating in a frequency range similar to the LC-based DCO, the transformer-based DCO operated with 0.280V VDD with a power consumption of 97 W. Meanwhile, the phase-noise was -101.95 dBc/Hz at 1 MHz. Even in the worst-case scenario (i.e., slow-slow and 85oC), this second DCO was able to operate at 0.330V VDD, consuming 126 W, while it keeps a similar phase-noise performance of the typical case. The core circuit occupies an area of 0.364 mm2.Este trabalho objetiva o projeto de um DCO de baixa potência em CMOS para aplicações de IoT e aderentes ao padrão IEEE 802.11ah. A metodologia de projeto é baseada no modelo de controle de corrente unificado (UICM), que é um modelo com embasamento físico que permite uma operação precisa em todas as regiões de operação do dispositivo. Adicionalmente, é utilizado um ressonador baseado em transformador visando solucionar os problemas provenientes do baixo fator de qualidade de indutores integrados. Para destacar as melhorias obtidas com o projeto do ressonador baseado em transformador e com a metodologia baseada no modelo UICM, dois projetos de DCO são realizados. Esses projetos visam a operação com baixa tensão de alimentação (VDD), uma vez que o escalonamento do VDD é uma tendência em sistemas em chip (SoCs), em que o circuito é majoritariamente digital. Independente da degradação causada pelo escalonamento de VDD, circuitos analógicos e de RF atuais devem oferecer desempenho semelhante ao alcançado em tecnologias CMOS mais antigas. O primeiro projeto foi um DCO de baixa potência com tanque LC, implementado em tecnologia bulk-CMOS de 40nm. O primeiro projeto apresentou uma operação a 45% do VDD nominal sem comprometer o desempenho. Ao reduzir o VDD abaixo do valor nominal, este DCO reduz o consumo de energia, que é uma característica crucial para circuitos IoT. A principal contribuição deste DCO é a redução do impacto do escalonamento do VDD no ruído de fase. O DCO com tanque LC opera de 1,8 a 1,86 GHz. Na frequência máxima e com VDD de apenas 0,395V, o consumo de energia é 380 W e o ruído de fase é -119,3 dBc/Hz a 1 MHz. O circuito ocupa uma área de 0.46mm2 em processo CMOS de 40 nm. O segundo projeto foi um DCO de baixa potência baseado em transformador, implementado em tecnologia bulk- CMOS de 28nm. Este projeto visa a redução de VDD abaixo de 0,3 V. Operando em uma faixa de frequência semelhante ao primeiro DCO, o DCO baseado em transformador opera com VDD de 0,280V e com consumo de potência de 97 W. O ruído de fase foi de -101,95 dBc/Hz a 1 MHz. Mesmo no pior caso de processo, este DCO opera a um VDD de 0,330V, consumindo 126 W, com o ruído de fase semelhante ao caso típico. O circuito ocupa uma área de 0.364mm2

    A 195.6dBc/Hz peak FoM P-N class-B oscillator with transformer-based tail filtering

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    A complementary p-n class-B oscillator with two magnetically coupled second harmonic tail resonators is presented. For the same oscillation amplitude (constrained by reliability considerations) and the same tank, the p-n oscillator achieves 3-4dB better Figure of Merit (FoM) than an n-only reference one. After frequency division by 2, the p-n oscillator has a measured phase noise that ranges from -150.8 to -151.5 dBc/Hz at 10MHz offset from the carrier when the frequency of oscillation is varied from 3.64 to 4.15GHz. With a power consumption of 6.3mW, a peak FoM of 195.6 dBc/Hz is achieved.This work was supported by the European Marie Curie Grant Agreement No 251399. Paulo Mendes research was partially supported by grant SFRH/BSAB/1245/2012.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Analysis and design of a 195.6 dBc/Hz peak FoM P-N class-B oscillator with transformer-based tail filtering

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    A complementary p-n class-B oscillator with two magnetically coupled second harmonic tail resonators is presented and compared to an N-only reference one. An in depth analysis of phase noise, based on direct derivation of the Impulse Sensitivity Function (ISF), provides design insights on the optimization of the tail resonators. In principle the complementary p-n oscillator has the same optimum Figure of Merit (FoM) of the N-only at half the voltage swing. At a supply voltage of 1.5 V, the maximum allowed oscillation amplitude of the N-only is constrained, by reliability considerations, to be smaller than the value that corresponds to the optimum FoM even when 1.8 V thick oxide transistors are used. For an oscillation amplitude that ensures reliable operation and the same tank, the p-n oscillator achieves a FoM 2 to 3 dB better than the N, only depending on the safety margin taken in the design. After frequency division by 2, the p-n oscillator has a measured phase noise that ranges from -150.8 to -151.5 dBc/Hz at 10 MHz offset from the carrier when the frequency of oscillation is varied from 7.35 to 8.4 GHz. With a power consumption of 6.3 mW, a peak FoM of 195.6 dBc/Hz is achieved.This work was supported by the European Marie Curie IAPP Grant Agreement N 251399.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    SiGe-based broadband and high suppression frequency doubler ICs for wireless communications

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    制度:新 ; 報告番号:甲3419号 ; 学位の種類:博士(工学) ; 授与年月日:2011/9/15 ; 早大学位記番号:新574

    Integrated Circuit Design for Hybrid Optoelectronic Interconnects

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    This dissertation focuses on high-speed circuit design for the integration of hybrid optoelectronic interconnects. It bridges the gap between electronic circuit design and optical device design by seamlessly incorporating the compact Verilog-A model for optical components into the SPICE-like simulation environment, such as the Cadence design tool. Optical components fabricated in the IME 130nm SOI CMOS process are characterized. Corresponding compact Verilog-A models for Mach-Zehnder modulator (MZM) device are developed. With this approach, electro-optical co-design and hybrid simulation are made possible. The developed optical models are used for analyzing the system-level specifications of an MZM based optoelectronic transceiver link. Link power budgets for NRZ, PAM-4 and PAM-8 signaling modulations are simulated at system-level. The optimal transmitter extinction ratio (ER) is derived based on the required receiver\u27s minimum optical modulation amplitude (OMA). A limiting receiver is fabricated in the IBM 130 nm CMOS process. By side- by-side wire-bonding to a commercial high-speed InGaAs/InP PIN photodiode, we demonstrate that the hybrid optoelectronic limiting receiver can achieve the bit error rate (BER) of 10-12 with a -6.7 dBm sensitivity at 4 Gb/s. A full-rate, 4-channel 29-1 length parallel PRBS is fabricated in the IBM 130 nm SiGe BiCMOS process. Together with a 10 GHz phase locked loop (PLL) designed from system architecture to transistor level design, the PRBS is demonstrated operating at more than 10 Gb/s. Lessons learned from high-speed PCB design, dealing with signal integrity issue regarding to the PCB transmission line are summarized

    Receiver Front-Ends in CMOS with Ultra-Low Power Consumption

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    Historically, research on radio communication has focused on improving range and data rate. In the last decade, however, there has been an increasing demand for low power and low cost radios that can provide connectivity with small devices around us. They should be able to offer basic connectivity with a power consumption low enough to function extended periods of time on a single battery charge, or even energy scavenged from the surroundings. This work is focused on the design of ultra-low power receiver front-ends intended for a receiver operating in the 2.4GHz ISM band, having an active power consumption of 1mW and chip area of 1mm². Low power consumption and small size make it hard to achieve good sensitivity and tolerance to interference. This thesis starts with an introduction to the overall receiver specifications, low power radio and radio standards, front-end and LO generation architectures and building blocks, followed by the four included papers. Paper I demonstrates an inductorless front-end operating at 915MHz, including a frequency divider for quadrature LO generation. An LO generator operating at 2.4GHz is shown in Paper II, enabling a front-end operating above 2GHz. Papers III and IV contain circuits with combined front-end and LO generator operating at or above the full 2.45GHz target frequency. They use VCO and frequency divider topologies that offer efficient operation and low quadrature error. An efficient passive-mixer design with improved suppression of interference, enables an LNA-less design in Paper IV capable of operating without a SAW-filter


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    Department of Electrical EngineeringThis thesis focuses on the design of digitally-controlled oscillators (DCO) for ultra-low-jitter digital phase-locked-loops (PLL), which requires very fine frequency resolution and low phase noise performance. Before going details of the design, fundamentals of the digital-to-analog converter (DAC), delta-sigma modulator (DSM), LC voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) are discussed in Chapters 2, 3, and 4 respectively. Detailly, Chapter 2 begins with the basic operations of the digital-toanalog converters. Plus, several types of DACs and their properties are discussed. For instance, resistorbased DAC or current source-based DAC. In Chapter 3, the backgrounds of DSMs are presented. The reason why DSMs are indispensable components in fractional number generation is presented. The meaning of the randomization and noise shaping in DSMs is discussed then high-order noise shaping DSMs are explained as well. Chapter 4, starts with the LC tanks. Integrated passive components are introduced such as spiral inductors, metal-insulator-metal (MIM) capacitors, and metal-oxide-metal (MOM) capacitors. The start-up of the oscillators also explained by using two approaches, the Barkhausen criterion and the negative resistance theory. Then the pros and cons of the CMOS and NMOS type topologies are stated. Finally, the phase noise in oscillators is analyzed by using the Leeson???s equation and the impulse-sensitivity function theory. In chapter 5, the detailed designs of the prototype DCO are presented. The designed DCO consists of 2nd order DSM, string resistor-based DAC, and CMOS-type LC VCO. The frequency resolutions of the proportional and integral path are different but the structures are identical. For the high-performance oscillator, iterative design is required. In the measurements, the designed DCO achieved 17 and 18 bit of frequency resolution in the proportional and integral path respectively, 12-14.5GHz of the frequency tuning range, 50 and 500MHz/V of KVCO for the main and auxiliary loop respectively, and -184.5 dB of figure of merit (FOM). The power consumption is 5.5mW and the prototype was fabricated in TSMC 65nm CMOS process.clos

    Study on wideband voltage controlled oscillator and high efficiency power amplifier ICs for wireless communications

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    制度:新 ; 報告番号:甲3604号 ; 学位の種類:博士(工学) ; 授与年月日:2012/2/20 ; 早大学位記番号:新595