5,315 research outputs found

    Teachers as designers of GBL scenarios: Fostering creativity in the educational settings

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    This paper presents a research started in 2010 with the aim of fostering the creativity of teachers through the design of Game-Based Learning scenarios. The research has been carried out involving teachers and trainers in the co-design and implementation of digital games as educational resources. Based on the results grained from the research, this paper highlights successful factors of GBL, as well as constraints and boundaries that the introduction of innovative teaching and learning practices faces within educational settings

    Холістичний підхід до підготовки ІКТ-компетентних педагогічних кадрів

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    The article intends to explore and estimate the possible pedagogical advantages and potential of cloud computing technology application with aim to increase organizational level, availability and quality of ICT-based learning tools and re-sources. Holistic model of a specialist is proposed and the problems of development of a system of methodological and technological support for elaboration of cloud-based learning environment of educational institution are considered.Cтаття присвячена аналізу і оцінці можливих педагогічних переваг і потенціалу застосування технології хмарних обчислень з метою підвищення організаційного рівня, доступності і якості засобів та ресурсів ІКТ-орієнтованого навчання. Запропонована холістична модель фахівця та висвітлено проблеми розвитку системи методичного та технологічного підтримування процесів розгортання хмаро-орієнтованого навчального середовища освітньої установи

    Using the remote educational technologies in training students for psychology teaching

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    The paper discusses the model of professional training of students for teaching psychology on the basis of remote educational technologies in pedagogical high school. The model is presented by blocks of the maintenance of professional training, the information-educational environment, psychological-pedagogical support of professional training.Remote education technologies, training of students, psychology teaching, Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession,

    Electronic Social Networks as Supporting Means of Educational Process in Higher Education Institutions

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    Given research describes experience of electronic social networks use in educational practices. It was determined that electronic social networks can be a powerful tool for support of educational process in higher education institutions, namely to support study of different disciplines. There are main advantages of electronic social networks use for education: universal accessibility and free of charge; possibility of instant messaging and multimedia data; user-friendly intuitive interface; ability to search data and information; availability of event scheduling, invitations, reminder settings; support for synchronous and asynchronous communication between network members; access from different devices. It is emphasized that one of the main advantages of electronic social networks is receipt of quick feedback and convenience of their tools and services. Nowadays, it is important to include network educational interaction in existing models of study organization. It is advisable to use electronic social networks to manage educational process in higher education institution. Efficiency of electronic social networks use depends on intensity and need for their use in educational system management for implementation of organizational, educational, psychological and pedagogical functions and ensuring universal communication with subjects of educational process. Expediency of electronic social networks use to carry out research work at university is described. Electronic social networks are convenient tool to conduct surveys and questionnaires, to create thematic groups for specific issue discussion. Also it is possible to interact with researchers from different countries, share experiences and disseminate research findings, invite those who wish to participate in various scientific activities using these networks

    May I Suggest? Comparing Three PLE Recommender Strategies

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    Personal learning environment (PLE) solutions aim at empowering learners to design (ICT and web-based) environments for their learning activities, mashingup content and people and apps for different learning contexts. Widely used in other application areas, recommender systems can be very useful for supporting learners in their PLE-based activities, to help discover relevant content, peers sharing similar learning interests or experts on a specific topic. In this paper we examine the utilization of recommender technology for PLEs. However, being confronted by a variety of educational contexts we present three strategies for providing PLE recommendations to learners. Consequently, we compare these recommender strategies by discussing their strengths and weaknesses in general

    The Impact of ICT on the Personal Self‑Development of Students

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    The article focuses on the impact of information and communication technologies on the students’ self-development, analysis of the degree of the development, and attempts to identify controversy in the system of higher education today. The results of experiment are shown in the paper. Self-development, in our understanding, is a purposeful activity of the individual aimed at improving the quality of their skills and abilities, that is, self-improvement

    Developing the scales on evaluation beliefs of student teachers

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    The purpose of the study reported in this paper was to investigate the validity and the reliability of a newly developed questionnaire named ‘Teacher Evaluation Beliefs’ (TEB). The framework for developing items was provided by the two models. The first model focuses on Student-Centered and Teacher-Centered beliefs about evaluation while the other centers on five dimensions (what/ who/ when/ why/ how). The validity and reliability of the new instrument was investigated using both exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis study (n=446). Overall results indicate that the two-factor structure is more reasonable than the five-factor one. Further research needs additional items about the latent dimensions “what” ”who” ”when” ”why” “how” for each existing factor based on Student-centered and Teacher-centered approaches

    Professional Development Of An Educational Psychologist In The System Of Psychological And Counseling Service Of The University

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    The priority goal of modernizing the Russian education system is to ensure a high quality of knowledge. The psychological and counseling service is capable of implementing many qualitative changes in the higher education system. The development of the psychological and counseling service is due to its role in the modernization of Russian education, on the one hand, and the growing need for educational psychologists, on the other. The outflow of psychologists from the education system negatively affects the quality of the services and the image of the psychological and counseling service in education and society as a whole. Consequently, the career and personal development of a psychologist in the educational organization of higher education requires special research. The psychological support for an entry-level psychologist is necessary during the period of his/her professional development. The peculiarities of the psychological and counseling service require that a psychologist independently identify the directions and priorities of professional activity and show initiative in organizing the work and assessing its effectiveness. This, as a rule, is difficult for an entry-level educational psychologist. Certain difficulties for an entry-level psychologist are associated with the specifics of professional psychological and counseling activity. The tools of the professional activity of a trained psychologist are the personal and professional qualities, skills and abilities. Therefore, specific requirements are imposed on the personal and professional qualities of a psychologist. At the same time, in the professional environment, there are no unified standards for the personality of a psychologist and criteria for assessing the degree of his/her professionalism. Despite the constant updating of research in the field of psychological support for education, the identification of the necessary conditions for the training of a high-level specialist, the contradiction between the demand of modern society for a well-trained specialist and the insufficient level of readiness of young specialists for productive professional activity is deepening. An educational psychologist beginning to work at a university turns out to be unable to interact in a professional environment and experiences difficulties in establishing contacts with students and their parents