312 research outputs found

    Study on pseudo-Hilbert scan and its application to HDR tone mapping

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    制度:新 ; 報告番号:甲3137号 ; 学位の種類:博士(工学) ; 授与年月日:2010/7/12 ; 早大学位記番号:新541

    Volumetric Imaging Using 2D Phased Arrays

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    Incremental elasticity for array databases

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    Relational databases benefit significantly from elasticity, whereby they execute on a set of changing hardware resources provisioned to match their storage and processing requirements. Such flexibility is especially attractive for scientific databases because their users often have a no-overwrite storage model, in which they delete data only when their available space is exhausted. This results in a database that is regularly growing and expanding its hardware proportionally. Also, scientific databases frequently store their data as multidimensional arrays optimized for spatial querying. This brings about several novel challenges in clustered, skew-aware data placement on an elastic shared-nothing database. In this work, we design and implement elasticity for an array database. We address this challenge on two fronts: determining when to expand a database cluster and how to partition the data within it. In both steps we propose incremental approaches, affecting a minimum set of data and nodes, while maintaining high performance. We introduce an algorithm for gradually augmenting an array database's hardware using a closed-loop control system. After the cluster adds nodes, we optimize data placement for n-dimensional arrays. Many of our elastic partitioners incrementally reorganize an array, redistributing data only to new nodes. By combining these two tools, the scientific database efficiently and seamlessly manages its monotonically increasing hardware resources.Intel Corporation (Science and Technology Center for Big Data

    Results on geometric networks and data structures

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    This thesis discusses four problems in computational geometry. In traditional colored range-searching problems, one wants to store a set of n objects with m distinct colors for the following queries: report all colors such that there is at least one object of that color intersecting the query range. Such an object, however, could be an `outlier' in its color class. We consider a variant of this problem where one has to report only those colors such that at least a fraction t of the objects of that color intersects the query range, for some parameter t. Our main results are on an approximate version of this problem, where we are also allowed to report those colors for which a fraction (1-epsilon)t intersects the query range, for some fixed epsilon > 0. We present efficient data structures for such queries with orthogonal query ranges in sets of colored points, and for point stabbing queries in sets of colored rectangles. A box-tree is a bounding-volume hierarchy that uses axis-aligned boxes as bounding volumes. R-trees are box-trees with nodes of high degree. The query complexity of a box-tree with respect to a given type of query is the maximum number of nodes visited when answering such a query. We describe several new algorithms for constructing box-trees with small worst-case query complexity with respect to queries with axis-parallel boxes and with points. We also prove lower bounds on the worst-case query complexity for box-trees, which show that our results are optimal or close to optimal. The geometric minimum-diameter spanning tree (MDST) of a set of n points is a tree that spans the set and minimizes the Euclidian length of the longest path in the tree. So far, the MDST can only be found in slightly subcubic time. We give two fast approximation schemes for the MDST, i.e. factor-(1+epsilon) approximation algorithms. One algorithm uses a grid and takes time O*(1/epsilon^(5 2/3) + n), where the O*-notation hides terms of type O(log^O(1) 1/epsilon). The other uses the well-separated pair decomposition and takes O(1/epsilon^3 n + (1/epsilon) n log n) time. A combination of the two approaches runs in O*(1/epsilon^5 + n) time. The dilation of a geometric graph is the maximum, over all pairs of points in the graph, of the ratio of the Euclidean length of the shortest path between them in the graph and their Euclidean distance. We consider a generalized version of this notion, where the nodes of the graph are not points but axis-parallel rectangles in the plane. The arcs in the graph are horizontal or vertical segments connecting a pair of rectangles, and the distance measure we use is the L1-distance. We study the following problem: given n non-intersecting rectangles and a graph describing which pairs of rectangles are to be connected, we wish to place the connecting segments such that the dilation is minimized. We obtain the following results: for arbitrary graphs, the problem is NP-hard; for trees, we can solve the problem by linear programming on O(n^2) variables and constraints; for paths, we can solve the problem in time O(n^3 log n); for rectangles sorted vertically along a path, the problem can be solved in O(n^2) time

    Efficient storage of versioned matrices

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    Thesis (M. Eng.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2011.This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.Cataloged from student submitted PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 95-96).Versioned-matrix storage is increasingly important in scientific applications. Various computer-based scientific research, from astronomy observations to weather predictions to mechanical finite-element analyses, results in the generation of large matrices that must be stored and retrieved. Such matrices are often versioned; an initial matrix is stored, then a subsequent matrix based on the first is produced, then another subsequent matrix after that. For large databases of matrices, available disk storage can be a substantial constraint. I propose a framework and programming interface for storing such versioned matrices, and consider a variety of intra-matrix and inter-matrix approaches to data storage and compression, taking into account disk-space usage, performance for inserting data, and performance for retrieving data from the database. For inter-matrix "delta" compression, I explore and compare several differencing algorithms, and several means of selecting which arrays are differenced against each other, with the aim of optimizing both disk-space usage and insert and retrieve performance. This work shows that substantial disk-space savings and performance improvements can be achieved by judicious use of these techniques. In particular, a combination of Lempel-Ziv compression and a proposed form of delta compression, it is possible to both decrease disk usage by a factor of 10 and increase query performance for a factor of two or more, for particular data sets and query workloads. Various other strategies can dramatically improve query performance in particular edge cases; for example, a technique called "chunking", where a matrix is broken up and saved as several files on disk, can cause query runtime to be approximately linear in the amount of data requested rather than the size of the raw matrix on disk.by Adam B. Seering.M.Eng

    Collection of abstracts of the 24th European Workshop on Computational Geometry

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    International audienceThe 24th European Workshop on Computational Geomety (EuroCG'08) was held at INRIA Nancy - Grand Est & LORIA on March 18-20, 2008. The present collection of abstracts contains the 63 scientific contributions as well as three invited talks presented at the workshop

    LIPIcs, Volume 258, SoCG 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 258, SoCG 2023, Complete Volum

    Low-discrepancy point sampling of 2D manifolds for visual computing

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    Point distributions are used to sample surfaces for a wide variety of applications within the fields of graphics and computational geometry, such as point-based graphics, remeshing and area/volume measurement. The quality of such point distributions is important, and quality criteria are often application dependent. Common quality criteria include visual appearance, an even distribution whilst avoiding aliasing and other artifacts, and minimisation of the number of points required to accurately sample a surface. Previous work suggests that discrepancy measures the uniformity of a point distribution and hence a point distribution of minimal discrepancy is expected to be of high quality. We investigate discrepancy as a measure of sampling quality, and present a novel approach for generating low-discrepancy point distributions on parameterised surfaces. Our approach uses the idea of converting the 2D sampling problem into a ID problem by adaptively mapping a space-filling curve onto the surface. A ID sequence is then generated and used to sample the surface along the curve. The sampling process takes into account the parametric mapping, employing a corrective approach similar to histogram equalisation, to ensure that it gives a 2D low-discrepancy point distribution on the surface. The local sampling density can be controlled by a user-defined density function, e.g. to preserve local features, or to achieve desired data reduction rates. Experiments show that our approach efficiently generates low-discrepancy distributions on arbitrary parametric surfaces, demonstrating nearly as good results as popular low-discrepancy sampling methods designed for particular surfaces like planes and spheres. We develop a generalised notion of the standard discrepancy measure, which considers a broader set of sample shapes used to compute the discrepancy. In this more thorough testing, our sampling approach produces results superior to popular distributions. We also demonstrate that the point distributions produced by our approach closely adhere to the blue noise criterion, compared to the popular low-discrepancy methods tested, which show high levels of structure, undesirable for visual representation. Furthermore, we present novel sampling algorithms to generate low-discrepancy distributions on triangle meshes. To sample the mesh, it is cut into a disc topology, and a parameterisation is generated. Our sampling algorithm can then be used to sample the parameterised mesh, using robust methods for computing discrete differential properties of the surface. After these pre-processing steps, the sampling density can be adjusted in real-time. Experiments also show that our sampling approach can accurately resample existing meshes with low discrepancy, demonstrating error rates when reducing the mesh complexity as good as the best results in the literature. We present three applications of our mesh sampling algorithm. We first describe a point- based graphics sampling approach, which includes a global hole-filling algorithm. We investigate the coverage of sample discs for this approach, demonstrating results superior to random sampling and a popular low-discrepancy method. Moreover, we develop levels of detail and view dependent rendering approaches, providing very fine-grained density control with distance and angle, and silhouette enhancement. We further discuss a triangle- based remeshing technique, producing high quality, topologically unaltered meshes. Finally, we describe a complete framework for sampling and painting engineering prototype models. This approach provides density control according to surface texture, and gives full dithering control of the point sample distribution. Results exhibit high quality point distributions for painting that are invariant to surface orientation or complexity. The main contributions of this thesis are novel algorithms to generate high-quality density- controlled point distributions on parametric surfaces and triangular meshes. Qualitative assessment and discrepancy measures and blue noise criteria show their high sampling quality in general. We introduce generalised discrepancy measures which indicate that the sampling quality of our approach is superior to other low-discrepancy sampling techniques. Moreover, we present novel approaches towards remeshing, point-based rendering and robotic painting of prototypes by adapting our sampling algorithms and demonstrate the overall good quality of the results for these specific applications.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Low-discrepancy point sampling of 2D manifolds for visual computing

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    Point distributions are used to sample surfaces for a wide variety of applications within the fields of graphics and computational geometry, such as point-based graphics, remeshing and area/volume measurement. The quality of such point distributions is important, and quality criteria are often application dependent. Common quality criteria include visual appearance, an even distribution whilst avoiding aliasing and other artifacts, and minimisation of the number of points required to accurately sample a surface. Previous work suggests that discrepancy measures the uniformity of a point distribution and hence a point distribution of minimal discrepancy is expected to be of high quality. We investigate discrepancy as a measure of sampling quality, and present a novel approach for generating low-discrepancy point distributions on parameterised surfaces. Our approach uses the idea of converting the 2D sampling problem into a ID problem by adaptively mapping a space-filling curve onto the surface. A ID sequence is then generated and used to sample the surface along the curve. The sampling process takes into account the parametric mapping, employing a corrective approach similar to histogram equalisation, to ensure that it gives a 2D low-discrepancy point distribution on the surface. The local sampling density can be controlled by a user-defined density function, e.g. to preserve local features, or to achieve desired data reduction rates. Experiments show that our approach efficiently generates low-discrepancy distributions on arbitrary parametric surfaces, demonstrating nearly as good results as popular low-discrepancy sampling methods designed for particular surfaces like planes and spheres. We develop a generalised notion of the standard discrepancy measure, which considers a broader set of sample shapes used to compute the discrepancy. In this more thorough testing, our sampling approach produces results superior to popular distributions. We also demonstrate that the point distributions produced by our approach closely adhere to the blue noise criterion, compared to the popular low-discrepancy methods tested, which show high levels of structure, undesirable for visual representation. Furthermore, we present novel sampling algorithms to generate low-discrepancy distributions on triangle meshes. To sample the mesh, it is cut into a disc topology, and a parameterisation is generated. Our sampling algorithm can then be used to sample the parameterised mesh, using robust methods for computing discrete differential properties of the surface. After these pre-processing steps, the sampling density can be adjusted in real-time. Experiments also show that our sampling approach can accurately resample existing meshes with low discrepancy, demonstrating error rates when reducing the mesh complexity as good as the best results in the literature. We present three applications of our mesh sampling algorithm. We first describe a point- based graphics sampling approach, which includes a global hole-filling algorithm. We investigate the coverage of sample discs for this approach, demonstrating results superior to random sampling and a popular low-discrepancy method. Moreover, we develop levels of detail and view dependent rendering approaches, providing very fine-grained density control with distance and angle, and silhouette enhancement. We further discuss a triangle- based remeshing technique, producing high quality, topologically unaltered meshes. Finally, we describe a complete framework for sampling and painting engineering prototype models. This approach provides density control according to surface texture, and gives full dithering control of the point sample distribution. Results exhibit high quality point distributions for painting that are invariant to surface orientation or complexity. The main contributions of this thesis are novel algorithms to generate high-quality density- controlled point distributions on parametric surfaces and triangular meshes. Qualitative assessment and discrepancy measures and blue noise criteria show their high sampling quality in general. We introduce generalised discrepancy measures which indicate that the sampling quality of our approach is superior to other low-discrepancy sampling techniques. Moreover, we present novel approaches towards remeshing, point-based rendering and robotic painting of prototypes by adapting our sampling algorithms and demonstrate the overall good quality of the results for these specific applications.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Low-discrepancy point sampling of 2D manifolds for visual computing

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    Point distributions are used to sample surfaces for a wide variety of applications within the fields of graphics and computational geometry, such as point-based graphics, remeshing and area/volume measurement. The quality of such point distributions is important, and quality criteria are often application dependent. Common quality criteria include visual appearance, an even distribution whilst avoiding aliasing and other artifacts, and minimisation of the number of points required to accurately sample a surface. Previous work suggests that discrepancy measures the uniformity of a point distribution and hence a point distribution of minimal discrepancy is expected to be of high quality. We investigate discrepancy as a measure of sampling quality, and present a novel approach for generating low-discrepancy point distributions on parameterised surfaces. Our approach uses the idea of converting the 2D sampling problem into a ID problem by adaptively mapping a space-filling curve onto the surface. A ID sequence is then generated and used to sample the surface along the curve. The sampling process takes into account the parametric mapping, employing a corrective approach similar to histogram equalisation, to ensure that it gives a 2D low-discrepancy point distribution on the surface. The local sampling density can be controlled by a user-defined density function, e.g. to preserve local features, or to achieve desired data reduction rates. Experiments show that our approach efficiently generates low-discrepancy distributions on arbitrary parametric surfaces, demonstrating nearly as good results as popular low-discrepancy sampling methods designed for particular surfaces like planes and spheres. We develop a generalised notion of the standard discrepancy measure, which considers a broader set of sample shapes used to compute the discrepancy. In this more thorough testing, our sampling approach produces results superior to popular distributions. We also demonstrate that the point distributions produced by our approach closely adhere to the blue noise criterion, compared to the popular low-discrepancy methods tested, which show high levels of structure, undesirable for visual representation. Furthermore, we present novel sampling algorithms to generate low-discrepancy distributions on triangle meshes. To sample the mesh, it is cut into a disc topology, and a parameterisation is generated. Our sampling algorithm can then be used to sample the parameterised mesh, using robust methods for computing discrete differential properties of the surface. After these pre-processing steps, the sampling density can be adjusted in real-time. Experiments also show that our sampling approach can accurately resample existing meshes with low discrepancy, demonstrating error rates when reducing the mesh complexity as good as the best results in the literature. We present three applications of our mesh sampling algorithm. We first describe a point- based graphics sampling approach, which includes a global hole-filling algorithm. We investigate the coverage of sample discs for this approach, demonstrating results superior to random sampling and a popular low-discrepancy method. Moreover, we develop levels of detail and view dependent rendering approaches, providing very fine-grained density control with distance and angle, and silhouette enhancement. We further discuss a triangle- based remeshing technique, producing high quality, topologically unaltered meshes. Finally, we describe a complete framework for sampling and painting engineering prototype models. This approach provides density control according to surface texture, and gives full dithering control of the point sample distribution. Results exhibit high quality point distributions for painting that are invariant to surface orientation or complexity. The main contributions of this thesis are novel algorithms to generate high-quality density- controlled point distributions on parametric surfaces and triangular meshes. Qualitative assessment and discrepancy measures and blue noise criteria show their high sampling quality in general. We introduce generalised discrepancy measures which indicate that the sampling quality of our approach is superior to other low-discrepancy sampling techniques. Moreover, we present novel approaches towards remeshing, point-based rendering and robotic painting of prototypes by adapting our sampling algorithms and demonstrate the overall good quality of the results for these specific applications