15,630 research outputs found

    On Rules and Parameter Free Systems in Bounded Arithmetic

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    We present model–theoretic techniques to obtain conservation results for first order bounded arithmetic theories, based on a hierarchical version of the well known notion of an existentially closed model.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia MTM2005-0865

    Characterizations of pretameness and the Ord-cc

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    It is well known that pretameness implies the forcing theorem, and that pretameness is characterized by the preservation of the axioms of ZF\mathsf{ZF}^-, that is ZF\mathsf{ZF} without the power set axiom, or equivalently, by the preservation of the axiom scheme of replacement, for class forcing over models of ZF\mathsf{ZF}. We show that pretameness in fact has various other characterizations, for instance in terms of the forcing theorem, the preservation of the axiom scheme of separation, the forcing equivalence of partial orders and their dense suborders, and the existence of nice names for sets of ordinals. These results show that pretameness is a strong dividing line between well and badly behaved notions of class forcing, and that it is exactly the right notion to consider in applications of class forcing. Furthermore, for most properties under consideration, we also present a corresponding characterization of the Ord\mathrm{Ord}-chain condition

    Class forcing, the forcing theorem and Boolean completions

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    The forcing theorem is the most fundamental result about set forcing, stating that the forcing relation for any set forcing is definable and that the truth lemma holds, that is everything that holds in a generic extension is forced by a condition in the relevant generic filter. We show that both the definability (and, in fact, even the amenability) of the forcing relation and the truth lemma can fail for class forcing. In addition to these negative results, we show that the forcing theorem is equivalent to the existence of a (certain kind of) Boolean completion, and we introduce a weak combinatorial property (approachability by projections) that implies the forcing theorem to hold. Finally, we show that unlike for set forcing, Boolean completions need not be unique for class forcing

    A Combination Framework for Complexity

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    In this paper we present a combination framework for polynomial complexity analysis of term rewrite systems. The framework covers both derivational and runtime complexity analysis. We present generalisations of powerful complexity techniques, notably a generalisation of complexity pairs and (weak) dependency pairs. Finally, we also present a novel technique, called dependency graph decomposition, that in the dependency pair setting greatly increases modularity. We employ the framework in the automated complexity tool TCT. TCT implements a majority of the techniques found in the literature, witnessing that our framework is general enough to capture a very brought setting

    Notions of denseness

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    The notion of a completely saturated packing [Fejes Toth, Kuperberg and Kuperberg, Highly saturated packings and reduced coverings, Monats. Math. 125 (1998) 127-145] is a sharper version of maximum density, and the analogous notion of a completely reduced covering is a sharper version of minimum density. We define two related notions: uniformly recurrent and weakly recurrent dense packings, and diffusively dominant packings. Every compact domain in Euclidean space has a uniformly recurrent dense packing. If the domain self-nests, such a packing is limit-equivalent to a completely saturated one. Diffusive dominance is yet sharper than complete saturation and leads to a better understanding of n-saturation.Comment: Published in Geometry and Topology at http://www.maths.warwick.ac.uk/gt/GTVol4/paper9.abs.htm