93 research outputs found

    Routing in the Space Internet: A contact graph routing tutorial

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    A Space Internet is possible, as long as the delay and disruption challenges imposed by the space environment are properly tackled. Because these conditions are not well addressed by terrestrial Internet, more capable Delay-Tolerant Networking (DTN) protocols and algorithms are being developed. In particular, the principles and techniques for routing among ground elements and spacecraft in near-Earth orbit and deep-space are enacted in the Contact Graph Routing (CGR) framework. CGR blends a set of non-trivial algorithm adaptations, space operations concepts, time-dynamic scheduling, and specific graph models. The complexity of that framework suggests a need for a focused discussion to facilitate its direct and correct apprehension. To this end, we present an in-depth tutorial that collects and organizes first-hand experience on researching, developing, implementing, and standardizing CGR. Content is laid out in a structure that considers the planning, route search and management, and forwarding phases bridging ground and space domains. We rely on intuitive graphical examples, supporting code material, and references to flight-grade CGR implementations details where pertinent. We hope this tutorial will serve as a valuable resource for engineers and that researchers can also apply the insights presented here to topics in DTN research.Fil: Fraire, Juan Andres. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales; Argentina. Universitat Saarland; AlemaniaFil: De Jonckère, Olivier. Technische Universität Dresden; AlemaniaFil: Burleigh, Scott C.. California Institute of Technology; Estados Unido

    Unterbrechungstolerante Fahrzeugkommunikation im öffentlichen Personennahverkehr

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    Communication systems play an important role in the efficient operation of public transport networks. Recently, traditional voice-centric real-time communication is complemented and often replaced by data-centric asynchronous machine-to-machine communication. Disruption tolerant networking in combination with license-exempt high bandwidth technologies have the potential to reduce infrastructure investments and operating costs for such applications, because a continuous end-to-end connectivity is no longer required. In this thesis the feasibility of such a system is investigated and confirmed. First, realistic use-cases are introduced and the requirements to the communication system are analyzed. Then the channel characteristics of several WLAN-based technologies are experimentally evaluated in real public transport scenarios. Since the results are promising, the next step is gaining a deeper understanding of the special mobility properties in public transport networks. Therefore, we analyze existing traces as well as our own newly acquired trace. Our trace features additional operator meta-data that is not available for existing traces, and we report on unexpected properties that have not been quantified before. Then the trace is combined with the experimentally obtained channel parameters in order to analyze the characteristics of inter-vehicle contacts. We present the statistical distribution of situation-specific contact events and the impact of radio range on contact capacity. Then results of all steps above are used to propose a routing scheme that is optimized for public transport networks. In the final simulation-based evaluation we show that this router outperforms previously proposed algorithms.Kommunikationssysteme leisten einen wichtigen Beitrag zum effizienten Betrieb des öffentlichen Personennahverkehrs. Seit einigen Jahren wird dabei der Sprechfunk zunehmend durch asynchronen M2M-Datenfunk ergänzt und in vielen Anwendungsgebieten sogar vollständig ersetzt. Die Kombination aus unterbrechungstoleranten Netzwerken und lizenzfreien Drahtlostechnologien birgt ein erhebliches Potential zur Reduzierung von Infrastrukturinvestitionen und Betriebskosten, da für diese Anwendungen eine dauerhafte Ende-zu-Ende Verbindung nicht mehr erforderlich ist. In dieser Arbeit wird die Machbarkeit eines solchen Systems untersucht und belegt. Zunächst werden dazu Anwendungsfälle vorgestellt und deren Anforderungen an das Kommunikationssystem analysiert. Dann werden die Kanalcharakteristika mehrerer WLAN-Technologien im realen ÖPNV-Umfeld experimentell ermittelt und bewertet. Auf Grundlage der erfolgversprechenden Ergebnisse werden im nächsten Schritt die besonderen Mobilitätseigenschaften von ÖPNV-Netzen untersucht. Zu diesen Zweck analysieren wir existierende und eigene, neu aufgezeichnete Bewegungsdaten von ÖPNV-Fahrzeugen. Unsere Daten enthalten dabei zusätzliche Metadaten der Verkehrsbetriebe, die zuvor nicht verfügbar waren, so dass wir unerwartete Effekte beschreiben und erstmals quantifizieren können. Anschließend werden die Bewegungsdaten mit den zuvor experimentell erfassten Kanaleigenschaften kombiniert, um so die Kommunikationskontakte zwischen den Fahrzeugen genauer zu betrachten. Wir stellen die statistische Verteilung der situationsabhängigen Kontaktereignisse vor, sowie den Einfluss der Funkreichweite auf die Kontaktkapazität. Dann werden die Ergebnisse aller vorhergehenden Schritte verwendet, um ein neues, optimiertes Routingverfahren für ÖPNV-Netze vorzuschlagen. In der simulationsbasierten Evaluation belegen wir, dass dieser Router die Leistung bisher bekannter Verfahren übertrifft

    Actas da 10ª Conferência sobre Redes de Computadores

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    Universidade do MinhoCCTCCentro AlgoritmiCisco SystemsIEEE Portugal Sectio

    Data availability in challenging networking environments in presence of failures

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    This Doctoral thesis presents research on improving data availability in challenging networking environments where failures frequently occur. The thesis discusses the data retrieval and transfer mechanisms in challenging networks such as the Grid and the delay-tolerant networking (DTN). The Grid concept has gained adaptation as a solution to high-performance computing challenges that are faced in international research collaborations. Challenging networking is a novel research area in communications. The first part of the thesis introduces the challenges of data availability in environment where resources are scarce. The focus is especially on the challenges faced in the Grid and in the challenging networking scenarios. A literature overview is given to explain the most important research findings and the state of the standardization work in the field. The experimental part of the thesis consists of eight scientific publications and explains how they contribute to research in the field. Focus in on explaining how data transfer mechanisms have been improved from the application and networking layer points of views. Experimental methods for the Grid scenarios comprise of running a newly developed storage application on the existing research infrastructure. A network simulator is extended for the experimentation with challenging networking mechanisms in a network formed by mobile users. The simulator enables to investigate network behavior with a large number of nodes, and with conditions that are difficult to re-instantiate. As a result, recommendations are given for data retrieval and transfer design for the Grid and mobile networks. These recommendations can guide both system architects and application developers in their work. In the case of the Grid research, the results give first indications on the applicability of the erasure correcting codes for data storage and retrieval with the existing Grid data storage tools. In the case of the challenging networks, the results show how an application-aware communication approach can be used to improve data retrieval and communications. Recommendations are presented to enable efficient transfer and management of data items that are large compared to available resources

    Information-centric communication in mobile and wireless networks

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    Information-centric networking (ICN) is a new communication paradigm that has been proposed to cope with drawbacks of host-based communication protocols, namely scalability and security. In this thesis, we base our work on Named Data Networking (NDN), which is a popular ICN architecture, and investigate NDN in the context of wireless and mobile ad hoc networks. In a first part, we focus on NDN efficiency (and potential improvements) in wireless environments by investigating NDN in wireless one-hop communication, i.e., without any routing protocols. A basic requirement to initiate informationcentric communication is the knowledge of existing and available content names. Therefore, we develop three opportunistic content discovery algorithms and evaluate them in diverse scenarios for different node densities and content distributions. After content names are known, requesters can retrieve content opportunistically from any neighbor node that provides the content. However, in case of short contact times to content sources, content retrieval may be disrupted. Therefore, we develop a requester application that keeps meta information of disrupted content retrievals and enables resume operations when a new content source has been found. Besides message efficiency, we also evaluate power consumption of information-centric broadcast and unicast communication. Based on our findings, we develop two mechanisms to increase efficiency of information-centric wireless one-hop communication. The first approach called Dynamic Unicast (DU) avoids broadcast communication whenever possible since broadcast transmissions result in more duplicate Data transmissions, lower data rates and higher energy consumption on mobile nodes, which are not interested in overheard Data, compared to unicast communication. Hence, DU uses broadcast communication only until a content source has been found and then retrieves content directly via unicast from the same source. The second approach called RC-NDN targets efficiency of wireless broadcast communication by reducing the number of duplicate Data transmissions. In particular, RC-NDN is a Data encoding scheme for content sources that increases diversity in wireless broadcast transmissions such that multiple concurrent requesters can profit from each others’ (overheard) message transmissions. If requesters and content sources are not in one-hop distance to each other, requests need to be forwarded via multi-hop routing. Therefore, in a second part of this thesis, we investigate information-centric wireless multi-hop communication. First, we consider multi-hop broadcast communication in the context of rather static community networks. We introduce the concept of preferred forwarders, which relay Interest messages slightly faster than non-preferred forwarders to reduce redundant duplicate message transmissions. While this approach works well in static networks, the performance may degrade in mobile networks if preferred forwarders may regularly move away. Thus, to enable routing in mobile ad hoc networks, we extend DU for multi-hop communication. Compared to one-hop communication, multi-hop DU requires efficient path update mechanisms (since multi-hop paths may expire quickly) and new forwarding strategies to maintain NDN benefits (request aggregation and caching) such that only a few messages need to be transmitted over the entire end-to-end path even in case of multiple concurrent requesters. To perform quick retransmission in case of collisions or other transmission errors, we implement and evaluate retransmission timers from related work and compare them to CCNTimer, which is a new algorithm that enables shorter content retrieval times in information-centric wireless multi-hop communication. Yet, in case of intermittent connectivity between requesters and content sources, multi-hop routing protocols may not work because they require continuous end-to-end paths. Therefore, we present agent-based content retrieval (ACR) for delay-tolerant networks. In ACR, requester nodes can delegate content retrieval to mobile agent nodes, which move closer to content sources, can retrieve content and return it to requesters. Thus, ACR exploits the mobility of agent nodes to retrieve content from remote locations. To enable delay-tolerant communication via agents, retrieved content needs to be stored persistently such that requesters can verify its authenticity via original publisher signatures. To achieve this, we develop a persistent caching concept that maintains received popular content in repositories and deletes unpopular content if free space is required. Since our persistent caching concept can complement regular short-term caching in the content store, it can also be used for network caching to store popular delay-tolerant content at edge routers (to reduce network traffic and improve network performance) while real-time traffic can still be maintained and served from the content store

    Scalable Schedule-Aware Bundle Routing

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    This thesis introduces approaches providing scalable delay-/disruption-tolerant routing capabilities in scheduled space topologies. The solution is developed for the requirements derived from use cases built according to predictions for future space topology, like the future Mars communications architecture report from the interagency operations advisory group. A novel routing algorithm is depicted to provide optimized networking performance that discards the scalability issues inherent to state-of-the-art approaches. This thesis also proposes a new recommendation to render volume management concerns generic and easily exchangeable, including a new simple management technique increasing volume awareness accuracy while being adaptable to more particular use cases. Additionally, this thesis introduces a more robust and scalable approach for internetworking between subnetworks to increase the throughput, reduce delays, and ease configuration thanks to its high flexibility.:1 Introduction 1.1 Motivation 1.2 Problem statement 1.3 Objectives 1.4 Outline 2 Requirements 2.1 Use cases 2.2 Requirements 2.2.1 Requirement analysis 2.2.2 Requirements relative to the routing algorithm 2.2.3 Requirements relative to the volume management 2.2.4 Requirements relative to interregional routing 3 Fundamentals 3.1 Delay-/disruption-tolerant networking 3.1.1 Architecture 3.1.2 Opportunistic and deterministic DTNs 3.1.3 DTN routing 3.1.4 Contact plans 3.1.5 Volume management 3.1.6 Regions 3.2 Contact graph routing 3.2.1 A non-replication routing scheme 3.2.2 Route construction 3.2.3 Route selection 3.2.4 Enhancements and main features 3.3 Graph theory and DTN routing 3.3.1 Mapping with DTN objects 3.3.2 Shortest path algorithm 3.3.3 Edge and vertex contraction 3.4 Algorithmic determinism and predictability 4 Preliminary analysis 4.1 Node and contact graphs 4.2 Scenario 4.3 Route construction in ION-CGR 4.4 Alternative route search 4.4.1 Yen’s algorithm scalability 4.4.2 Blocking issues with Yen 4.4.3 Limiting contact approaches 4.5 CGR-multicast and shortest-path tree search 4.6 Volume management 4.6.1 Volume obstruction 4.6.2 Contact sink 4.6.3 Ghost queue 4.6.4 Data rate variations 4.7 Hierarchical interregional routing 4.8 Other potential issues 5 State-of-the-art and related work 5.1 Taxonomy 5.2 Opportunistic and probabilistic approaches 5.2.1 Flooding approaches 5.2.2 PROPHET 5.2.3 MaxProp 5.2.4 Issues 5.3 Deterministic approaches 5.3.1 Movement-aware routing over interplanetary networks 5.3.2 Delay-tolerant link state routing 5.3.3 DTN routing for quasi-deterministic networks 5.3.4 Issues 5.4 CGR variants and enhancements 5.4.1 CGR alternative routing table computation 5.4.2 CGR-multicast 5.4.3 CGR extensions 5.4.4 RUCoP and CGR-hop 5.4.5 Issues 5.5 Interregional routing 5.5.1 Border gateway protocol 5.5.2 Hierarchical interregional routing 5.5.3 Issues 5.6 Further approaches 5.6.1 Machine learning approaches 5.6.2 Tropical geometry 6 Scalable schedule-aware bundle routing 6.1 Overview 6.2 Shortest-path tree routing for space networks 6.2.1 Structure 6.2.2 Tree construction 6.2.3 Tree management 6.2.4 Tree caching 6.3 Contact segmentation 6.3.1 Volume management interface 6.3.2 Simple volume manager 6.3.3 Enhanced volume manager 6.4 Contact passageways 6.4.1 Regional border definition 6.4.2 Virtual nodes 6.4.3 Pathfinding and administration 7 Evaluation 7.1 Methodology 7.1.1 Simulation tools 7.1.2 Simulator extensions 7.1.3 Algorithms and scenarios 7.2 Offline analysis 7.3 Eliminatory processing pressures 7.4 Networking performance 7.4.1 Intraregional unicast routing tests 7.4.2 Intraregional multicast tests 7.4.3 Interregional routing tests 7.4.4 Behavior with congestion 7.5 Requirement fulfillment 8 Summary and Outlook 8.1 Conclusion 8.2 Future works 8.2.1 Next development steps 8.2.2 Contact graph routin

    Security and Privacy Preservation in Vehicular Social Networks

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    Improving road safety and traffic efficiency has been a long-term endeavor for the government, automobile industry and academia. Recently, the U.S. Federal Communication Commission (FCC) has allocated a 75 MHz spectrum at 5.9 GHz for vehicular communications, opening a new door to combat the road fatalities by letting vehicles communicate to each other on the roads. Those communicating vehicles form a huge Ad Hoc Network, namely Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET). In VANETs, a variety of applications ranging from the safety related (e.g. emergence report, collision warning) to the non-safety related (e.g., delay tolerant network, infortainment sharing) are enabled by vehicle-to-vehicle (V-2-V) and vehicle-to-roadside (V-2-I) communications. However, the flourish of VANETs still hinges on fully understanding and managing the challenging issues over which the public show concern, particularly, security and privacy preservation issues. If the traffic related messages are not authenticated and integrity-protected in VANETs, a single bogus and/or malicious message can potentially incur a terrible traffic accident. In addition, considering VANET is usually implemented in civilian scenarios where locations of vehicles are closely related to drivers, VANET cannot be widely accepted by the public if VANET discloses the privacy information of the drivers, i.e., identity privacy and location privacy. Therefore, security and privacy preservation must be well addressed prior to its wide acceptance. Over the past years, much research has been done on considering VANET's unique characteristics and addressed some security and privacy issues in VANETs; however, little of it has taken the social characteristics of VANET into consideration. In VANETs, vehicles are usually driven in a city environment, and thus we can envision that the mobility of vehicles directly reflects drivers' social preferences and daily tasks, for example, the places where they usually go for shopping or work. Due to these human factors in VANETs, not only the safety related applications but also the non-safety related applications will have some social characteristics. In this thesis, we emphasize VANET's social characteristics and introduce the concept of vehicular social network (VSN), where both the safety and non-safety related applications in VANETs are influenced by human factors including human mobility, human self-interest status, and human preferences. In particular, we carry on research on vehicular delay tolerant networks and infotainment sharing --- two important non-safety related applications of VSN, and address the challenging security and privacy issues related to them. The main contributions are, i) taking the human mobility into consideration, we first propose a novel social based privacy-preserving packet forwarding protocol, called SPRING, for vehicular delay tolerant network, which is characterized by deploying roadside units (RSUs) at high social intersections to assist in packet forwarding. With the help of high-social RSUs, the probability of packet drop is dramatically reduced and as a result high reliability of packet forwarding in vehicular delay tolerant network can be achieved. In addition, the SPRING protocol also achieves conditional privacy preservation and resist most attacks facing vehicular delay tolerant network, such as packet analysis attack, packet tracing attack, and black (grey) hole attacks. Furthermore, based on the ``Sacrificing the Plum Tree for the Peach Tree" --- one of the Thirty-Six Strategies of Ancient China, we also propose a socialspot-based packet forwarding (SPF) protocol for protecting receiver-location privacy, and present an effective pseudonyms changing at social spots strategy, called PCS, to facilitate vehicles to achieve high-level location privacy in vehicular social network; ii) to protect the human factor --- interest preference privacy in vehicular social networks, we propose an efficient privacy-preserving protocol, called FLIP, for vehicles to find like-mined ones on the road, which allows two vehicles sharing the common interest to identify each other and establish a shared session key, and at the same time, protects their interest privacy (IP) from other vehicles who do not share the same interest on the road. To generalize the FLIP protocol, we also propose a lightweight privacy-preserving scalar product computation (PPSPC) protocol, which, compared with the previously reported PPSPC protocols, is more efficient in terms of computation and communication overheads; and iii) to deal with the human factor -- self-interest issue in vehicular delay tolerant network, we propose a practical incentive protocol, called Pi, to stimulate self-interest vehicles to cooperate in forwarding bundle packets. Through the adoption of the proper incentive policies, the proposed Pi protocol can not only improve the whole vehicle delay tolerant network's performance in terms of high delivery ratio and low average delay, but also achieve the fairness among vehicles. The research results of the thesis should be useful to the implementation of secure and privacy-preserving vehicular social networks

    Computer-network Solutions for Pervasive Computing

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    Lo scenario delle reti di comunicazione di tipo wireless sta rapidamente evolvendo verso i sistemi pervasivi in cui i dispositivi wireless, di diversi tipi e grandezze, costituiscono parte integrante dell’ambiente in cui sono immersi, ed interagiscono continuamente ed in maniera trasparente con gli utenti che vi vivono o che lo attraversano. Si parla a tal proposito anche di ambienti intelligenti. Seguendo l’evoluzione dai sistemi mobili a quelli pervasivi, questa tesi rivisita diversi tipi di ambienti wireless che si sono sviluppati e diffusi negli ultimi 20 anni: a partire dalle wireless LANs, proseguendo con le reti ad hoc, per finire con le reti opportunistiche. Sebbene molte problematiche delle reti wireless si ripropongano in quasi tutti gli scenari (ad esempio il risparmio energetico), a scenari wireless diversi corrispondono in genere utilizzi differenti e diversi fabbisogni degli utenti, come pure problemi specifici che richiedono soluzioni dedicate. Alcune soluzioni specifiche sono analizzate e proposte in questa tesi. Le reti WLANs basate su infrastruttura sono usate generalmente per fornire accesso alla rete Internet ed infatti lo scenario che le comprende è solitamente riferito come Wireless Internet. Nonostante la presenza dell’infrastruttuta fissa garantisca in generale una trasmissione di dati affidabile, l’utilizzo di questo tipo di reti per fornire esattamente gli stessi tipi di servizi delle reti fisse provoca un elevato consumo di risorse che all’interno delle WLANs sono invece limitate. Inoltre l’utilizzo dei protocolli dello stack TCP/IP sui link wireless è di solito fonte di inefficienze viste le profonde differenze esistenti fra i link wireless e quelli fissi. La progettazione di servizi in uno scenario di wireless Internet ha come primario obiettivo quello di garantire la fruizione da parte degli utenti mobili senza soluzione di continuità, mascherando così la presenza del link wireless che ha banda nominale inferiore rispetto ai link fissi ed è soggetto a maggiori perdite, e supportando la mobilità degli utenti all’interno delle zone di copertura (handoff). La gestione dei servizi di wireless Internet deve sempre essere integrata con soluzioni di risparmio energetico tese ad allungare il più possibile l’autonomia energetica dei dispositivi degli utenti (alimentati a batteria) garantendo così loro un servizio duraturo nel tempo. Abbiamo studiato una soluzione per servizi di streaming audio-video verso terminali mobili in un ambiente di wireless LAN. Oltre a garantire la continuità della riproduzione multimediale con buona qualità, questa soluzione ottimizza il consumo energetico del terminale wireless agendo sulla scheda di rete wireless. Durante lo streaming infatti, la scheda di rete viene periodicamente messa in uno stato a basso consumo energetico (sleep). I periodi di sleep della scheda vengono calcolati adattivamente in funzione dello stato di avanzamento della riproduzione multimediale e della banda disponibile istantaneamente sul canale wireless opportunamente monitorato. Il riposo della scheda di rete non incide sul processo di riproduzione e quindi sulla qualità del servizio percepita dall’utente mobile. A differenza delle WLANs, le reti MANETs sono prive di infrastruttura fissa ed i nodi che vi partecipano si autoconfigurano ed autoorganizzano tra di loro. Le MANETs si mostrano particolarmente adatte ad esigenze temporanee di gruppi di utenti che vogliano condividere dati, scambiarsi messaggi, o altro. Uno dei principali interessi di ricerca nell’ambito delle reti MANETs ha riguardato storicamente lo studio dei protocolli di routing per l’instradamento delle informazioni fra nodi sorgente e nodi destinatari. In una rete MANET infatti, vista l’assenza di infrastruttura, ogni nodo è coinvolto nella funzione di instradamento. Negli ultimi anni tuttavia, un nuovo aspetto di ricerca sta acquistando sempre maggiore attenzione e riguarda la sperimentazione su testbed reali. Le poche esperienze sperimentali eseguite su MANETs hanno dimostrato l’inadeguatezza degli studi di tipo analitico-simulativo nel giudicare l’efficacia delle soluzioni progettate per reti MANETs. Questo è principalmente dovuto al fatto che gli scenari wireless sono estremamente complessi e soggetti a fenomeni di diversa natura che influiscono sulle comunicazioni ma che sono difficilmente condensabili in un modello analitico completo. I modelli esistenti nei simulatori attualmente diffusi sono spesso causa di errori nel validare o al contrario bocciare le soluzioni ed i protocolli testati. Le attività di sperimentazione su testbed reali hanno dunque un duplice scopo: i) validare protocolli e soluzioni proposte attualmente, e ii) gettare le basi per la costruizione di nuovi modelli analitici e simulativi che siano maggiormente attendibili di quelli attuali. L’esperienza condotta su di un testbed reale per reti ad hoc comprendente portatili e palmari fino ad un totale di 12 nodi, ha dimostrato l’efficacia delle implementazioni di due protocolli di routing: AODV (Ad hoc On demand Distance Vector) ed OLSR (Optimized Link State Routing). Tuttavia, benchè entrambi siano funzionalmente corretti, mostrano comportamenti differenti quando usati per supportare servizi di livello middleware ed applicativi (vedi ad esempio file sharing o trasferimenti ftp). In particolare, i ritardi causati dalla scoperta delle rotte in AODV sono spesso causa di inefficienze o addirittura di interruzione del servizio. OLSR invece, seppure responsabile di un overhead di traffico maggiore, si mostra maggiormente adatto alle interazioni con i servizi dei livelli superiori. Infine, l’esperienza ha dimostrato la necessità di ripensare molti dei servizi disponibili su rete fissa per adeguarli alle caratteristiche delle reti wireless e particolarmente di quelle ad hoc. Una nuova tipologia di reti wireless sta emergendo attualmente e si sta rivelando di particolare interesse: quella delle reti opportunistiche. Le reti opportunistiche non si appoggiano su alcuna infrastruttura fissa, né cercano di autoconfigurarsi in una infrastruttura wireless temporanea costituita da nodi vicini. Sfruttano le opportunità di contatto che si verificano fra i nodi (dispositivi wireless di piccola taglia) trasportati dagli utenti nelle loro attività quotidiane (ad esempio a lavoro, sugli autobus, a scuola o all’università, ecc.). I messaggi sono scambiati ogni qualvolta si renda possibile, ovunque sia possibile ed il successo della loro trasmissione è strettamente legato alle dinamiche sociali in cui sono coinvolti gli utenti che trasportano i dispositivi ed alla storia degli incontri tra individui. Data la mobilità estremamente elevata che caratterizza questo nuovo scenario di reti, e la nota rumorosità delle comunicazioni wireless, l’affidabilità delle trasmissioni emerge come uno dei fattori di principale interesse. Infatti, le comunicazioni possono aver luogo soltanto durante i periodi di contatto tra i nodi e devono essere estremamente veloci ed efficaci. Questo porta a dover fare uno sforzo di progettazione per nuovi protocolli di comunicazione che si diversifichino da quelli oggi più diffusi e basati sulla ritrasmissione dei dati mancanti. Le ritrasmissioni infatti, nella maggior parte dei casi potrebbero non poter essere eseguite per mancanza di tempo. Una strategia valida per gestire l’affidabilità delle comunicazioni opportunistiche in simili scenari estremi (caratterizzati cioè da scarse risorse e scarsa connettività) prevede l’utilizzo combinato di tecniche di codifica dei dati e strategie di instradamento di tipo epidemico. Questo approccio sfrutta la ridondanza sia delle informazioni, sia dei percorsi. La ridondanza delle informazioni dà robustezza a fronte della perdita dei dati in rete poiché è necessario che soltanto un sottoinsieme dei codici generati arrivi a destinazione per consentire al ricostruzione corretta delle informazioni. La ridondanza dei percorsi invece è necessaria poichè non è possibile predirre in anticipo la sequenza dei contatti che può portare i dati a destinazione e pertanto è necessario distribuire l’informazione in più direzioni. Le reti opportunistiche caratterizzate dalla presenza di dispositivi con limitata autonomia energetica e risorse limitate, offrono attualmente lo scenario che meglio traduce il concetto di sistemi pervasivi. Di particolare interesse è il caso delle reti di sensori sparse in cui i sensori sono disposti nell’ambiente con funzione di monitoraggio ed i dati che collezionano vengono raccolti da degli agenti mobili che passano nelle vicinanze e che sono noti come data MULEs. I data MULEs possono utilizzare le informazioni acquisite dai sensori per eseguire applicazioni dipendenti dal contesto o possono semplicemente inoltrarle fino a quando raggiungono l’infrastruttura dove vengono elaborati e memorizzati. Le interazioni fra i sensori immersi nell’ambiente ed i data MULEs sono soltanto un primo passo di un sistema di comunicazione globale completamente opportunistico in cui i data MULEs scambiano l’un l’altro le informazioni che trasportano fino a quando infine, i dati pervengono alle destinazioni più lontane. In questo scenario, le comunicazioni wireless completano naturalmente le interazioni fra gli utenti e si verificano ogni qualvolta gli utenti si incontrano oppure si avvicinano casualmente l’un l’altro, dovunque questa interazione avvenga. Per supportare un simile framework, è necessario sviluppare nuovi paradigmi di comunicazione che tengano in considerazione l’assenza di link stabili tra i nodi che comunicano (connettività intermittente) e che assumano quindi la disponibilità di brevi periodi di contatto per comunicare. Inoltre i nuovi paradigmi di comunicazione devono generalmente assumere l’assenza di un percorso completo fra i nodi sorgente e destinatario e sfruttare invece forme di instradamento delle informazioni che sono simili al modo in cui avvengono le interazioni sociali fra le persone. Strategie di instradamento basate su codifica dei dati offrono una valida soluzione per supportare il framework emergente dei sistemi pervasivi