22 research outputs found

    Approximate reasoning for real-time probabilistic processes

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    We develop a pseudo-metric analogue of bisimulation for generalized semi-Markov processes. The kernel of this pseudo-metric corresponds to bisimulation; thus we have extended bisimulation for continuous-time probabilistic processes to a much broader class of distributions than exponential distributions. This pseudo-metric gives a useful handle on approximate reasoning in the presence of numerical information -- such as probabilities and time -- in the model. We give a fixed point characterization of the pseudo-metric. This makes available coinductive reasoning principles for reasoning about distances. We demonstrate that our approach is insensitive to potentially ad hoc articulations of distance by showing that it is intrinsic to an underlying uniformity. We provide a logical characterization of this uniformity using a real-valued modal logic. We show that several quantitative properties of interest are continuous with respect to the pseudo-metric. Thus, if two processes are metrically close, then observable quantitative properties of interest are indeed close.Comment: Preliminary version appeared in QEST 0

    Modeling Adversaries in a Logic for Security Protocol Analysis

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    Logics for security protocol analysis require the formalization of an adversary model that specifies the capabilities of adversaries. A common model is the Dolev-Yao model, which considers only adversaries that can compose and replay messages, and decipher them with known keys. The Dolev-Yao model is a useful abstraction, but it suffers from some drawbacks: it cannot handle the adversary knowing protocol-specific information, and it cannot handle probabilistic notions, such as the adversary attempting to guess the keys. We show how we can analyze security protocols under different adversary models by using a logic with a notion of algorithmic knowledge. Roughly speaking, adversaries are assumed to use algorithms to compute their knowledge; adversary capabilities are captured by suitable restrictions on the algorithms used. We show how we can model the standard Dolev-Yao adversary in this setting, and how we can capture more general capabilities including protocol-specific knowledge and guesses.Comment: 23 pages. A preliminary version appeared in the proceedings of FaSec'0

    Computationally Sound Mechanized Proofs for Basic and Public-key Kerberos

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    We present a computationally sound mechanized analysis of Kerberos 5, both with and without its public-key extension PKINIT. We prove authentication and key secrecy properties using the prover CryptoVerif, which works directly in the computational model; these are the first mechanical proofs of a full industrial protocol at the computational level. We also generalize the notion of key usability and use CryptoVerif to prove that this definition is satisfied by keys in Kerberos

    Task-Structured Probabilistic I/O Automata

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    In the Probabilistic I/O Automata (PIOA) framework, nondeterministicchoices are resolved using perfect-information schedulers,which are similar to history-dependent policies for Markov decision processes(MDPs). These schedulers are too powerful in the setting of securityanalysis, leading to unrealistic adversarial behaviors. Therefore, weintroduce in this paper a novel mechanism of task partitions for PIOAs.This allows us to define partial-information adversaries in a systematicmanner, namely, via sequences of tasks.The resulting task-PIOA framework comes with simple notions of externalbehavior and implementation, and supports simple compositionalityresults. A new type of simulation relation is defined and proven soundwith respect to our notion of implementation. To illustrate the potentialof this framework, we summarize our verification of an ObliviousTransfer protocol, where we combine formal and computational analyses.Finally, we present an extension with extra expressive power, usinglocal schedulers of individual components

    Task-Structured Probabilistic I/O Automata

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    "May 28, 2009."Modeling frameworks such as Probabilistic I/O Automata (PIOA) and Markov Decision Processes permit both probabilistic and nondeterministic choices. In order to use these frameworks to express claims about probabilities of events, one needs mechanisms for resolving nondeterministic choices. For PIOAs, nondeterministic choices have traditionally been resolved by schedulers that have perfect information about the past execution. However, these schedulers are too powerful for certain settings, such as cryptographic protocol analysis, where information must sometimes be hidden. Here, we propose a new, less powerful nondeterminism-resolution mechanism for PIOAs, consisting of tasks and local schedulers. Tasks are equivalence classes of system actions that are scheduled by oblivious, global task sequences. Local schedulers resolve nondeterminism within system components, based on local information only. The resulting task-PIOA framework yields simple notions of external behavior and implementation, and supports simple compositionality results. We also define a new kind of simulation relation, and show it to be sound for proving implementation. We illustrate the potential of the task-PIOAframework by outlining its use in verifying an Oblivious Transfer protocol

    A probabilistic polynomial-time process calculus for the analysis of cryptographic protocols

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    AbstractWe prove properties of a process calculus that is designed for analysing security protocols. Our long-term goal is to develop a form of protocol analysis, consistent with standard cryptographic assumptions, that provides a language for expressing probabilistic polynomial-time protocol steps, a specification method based on a compositional form of equivalence, and a logical basis for reasoning about equivalence.The process calculus is a variant of CCS, with bounded replication and probabilistic polynomial-time expressions allowed in messages and boolean tests. To avoid inconsistency between security and nondeterminism, messages are scheduled probabilistically instead of nondeterministically. We prove that evaluation of any process expression halts in probabilistic polynomial time and define a form of asymptotic protocol equivalence that allows security properties to be expressed using observational equivalence, a standard relation from programming language theory that involves quantifying over all possible environments that might interact with the protocol.We develop a form of probabilistic bisimulation and use it to establish the soundness of an equational proof system based on observational equivalences. The proof system is illustrated by a formation derivation of the assertion, well-known in cryptography, that El Gamal encryption's semantic security is equivalent to the (computational) Decision Diffie–Hellman assumption. This example demonstrates the power of probabilistic bisimulation and equational reasoning for protocol security

    ILC: A Calculus for Composable, Computational Cryptography

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    The universal composability (UC) framework is the established standard for analyzing cryptographic protocols in a modular way, such that security is preserved under concurrent composition with arbitrary other protocols. However, although UC is widely used for on-paper proofs, prior attempts at systemizing it have fallen short, either by using a symbolic model (thereby ruling out computational reduction proofs), or by limiting its expressiveness. In this paper, we lay the groundwork for building a concrete, executable implementation of the UC framework. Our main contribution is a process calculus, dubbed the Interactive Lambda Calculus (ILC). ILC faithfully captures the computational model underlying UC---interactive Turing machines (ITMs)---by adapting ITMs to a subset of the pi-calculus through an affine typing discipline. In other words, well-typed ILC programs are expressible as ITMs. In turn, ILC\u27s strong confluence property enables reasoning about cryptographic security reductions. We use ILC to develop a simplified implementation of UC called SaUCy