225 research outputs found


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    With wireless vehicular communications, Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs) enable numerous applications to enhance traffic safety, traffic efficiency, and driving experience. However, VANETs also impose severe security and privacy challenges which need to be thoroughly investigated. In this dissertation, we enhance the security, privacy, and applications of VANETs, by 1) designing application-driven security and privacy solutions for VANETs, and 2) designing appealing VANET applications with proper security and privacy assurance. First, the security and privacy challenges of VANETs with most application significance are identified and thoroughly investigated. With both theoretical novelty and realistic considerations, these security and privacy schemes are especially appealing to VANETs. Specifically, multi-hop communications in VANETs suffer from packet dropping, packet tampering, and communication failures which have not been satisfyingly tackled in literature. Thus, a lightweight reliable and faithful data packet relaying framework (LEAPER) is proposed to ensure reliable and trustworthy multi-hop communications by enhancing the cooperation of neighboring nodes. Message verification, including both content and signature verification, generally is computation-extensive and incurs severe scalability issues to each node. The resource-aware message verification (RAMV) scheme is proposed to ensure resource-aware, secure, and application-friendly message verification in VANETs. On the other hand, to make VANETs acceptable to the privacy-sensitive users, the identity and location privacy of each node should be properly protected. To this end, a joint privacy and reputation assurance (JPRA) scheme is proposed to synergistically support privacy protection and reputation management by reconciling their inherent conflicting requirements. Besides, the privacy implications of short-time certificates are thoroughly investigated in a short-time certificates-based privacy protection (STCP2) scheme, to make privacy protection in VANETs feasible with short-time certificates. Secondly, three novel solutions, namely VANET-based ambient ad dissemination (VAAD), general-purpose automatic survey (GPAS), and VehicleView, are proposed to support the appealing value-added applications based on VANETs. These solutions all follow practical application models, and an incentive-centered architecture is proposed for each solution to balance the conflicting requirements of the involved entities. Besides, the critical security and privacy challenges of these applications are investigated and addressed with novel solutions. Thus, with proper security and privacy assurance, these solutions show great application significance and economic potentials to VANETs. Thus, by enhancing the security, privacy, and applications of VANETs, this dissertation fills the gap between the existing theoretic research and the realistic implementation of VANETs, facilitating the realistic deployment of VANETs

    Secure Location-Aided Routing Protocols With Wi-Fi Direct For Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks

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    Secure routing protocols are proposed for the vehicular ad hoc networks. The protocolsintegrate the security authentication process with the Location-Aided Routing (LAR) protocol to supportWi-Fi Direct communications between the vehicles. The methods are robust against various security threats.The security authentication process adopts a modified Diffie-Hellman key agreement protocol. The Diffie-Hellman protocol is used with a short authentication string (SAS)-based key agreement over Wi-Fi Directout-of-band communication channels. It protects the communication from any man-in-the-middle securitythreats. In particular, the security process is integrated into two LAR routing schemes, i.e., the request-zoneLAR scheme and the distance-based LAR scheme.We conduct extensive simulations with different networkparameters such as the vehicular node density, the number of the malicious nodes, and the speed of thenodes. Simulation results show that the proposed routing protocols provide superior performance in securedata delivery and average total packet delay. Also, the secure distance-based LAR protocol outperforms thesecure request-zone LAR protocol

    Overview of security issues in Vehicular ad-hoc networks

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    Vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs) are a promising communication scenario. Several new applications are envisioned, which will improve traffic management and safety. Nevertheless, those applications have stringent security requirements, as they affect road traffic safety. Moreover, VANETs face several security threats. As VANETs present some unique features (e.g. high mobility of nodes, geographic extension, etc.) traditional security mechanisms are not always suitable. Because of that, a plethora of research contributions have been presented so far. This chapter aims to describe and analyze the most representative VANET security developments

    A Review of Research on Privacy Protection of Internet of Vehicles Based on Blockchain

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    Numerous academic and industrial fields, such as healthcare, banking, and supply chain management, are rapidly adopting and relying on blockchain technology. It has also been suggested for application in the internet of vehicles (IoV) ecosystem as a way to improve service availability and reliability. Blockchain offers decentralized, distributed and tamper-proof solutions that bring innovation to data sharing and management, but do not themselves protect privacy and data confidentiality. Therefore, solutions using blockchain technology must take user privacy concerns into account. This article reviews the proposed solutions that use blockchain technology to provide different vehicle services while overcoming the privacy leakage problem which inherently exists in blockchain and vehicle services. We analyze the key features and attributes of prior schemes and identify their contributions to provide a comprehensive and critical overview. In addition, we highlight prospective future research topics and present research problems

    A trust-driven privacy architecture for vehicular ad-hoc networks

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    Vehicular Ad-Hoc NETworks (VANETs) are an emerging technology which aims to improve road safety by preventing and reducing traffic accidents. While VANETs offer a great variety of promising applications, such as, safety-related and infotainment applications, they remain a number of security and privacy related research challenges that must be addressed. A common approach to security issues widely adopted in VANETs is the use of Public Key Infrastructures (PKI) and digital certificates in order to enable authentication, authorization and confidentiality. These approaches usually rely on a large set of regional Certification Authorities (CAs). Despite the advantages of PKI-based approaches, there are two main problems that arise, i) the secure interoperability among the different and usually unknown- issuing CAs, and ii) the sole use of PKI in a VANET environment cannot prevent privacy related attacks, such as, linking a vehicle with an identifier, tracking vehicles ¿big brother scenario" and user profiling. Additionally, since vehicles in VANETs will be able to store great amounts of information including private information, unauthorized access to such information should be carefully considered. This thesis addresses authentication and interoperability issues in vehicular communications, considering an inter-regional scenario where mutual authentication between nodes is needed. To provide interoperability between vehicles and services among different domains, an Inter-domain Authentication System (AS) is proposed. The AS supplies vehicles with a trusted set of authentication credentials by implementing a near real-time certificate status service. The proposed AS also implements a mechanism to quantitatively evaluate the trust level of a CA, in order to decide on-the-y if an interoperability relationship can be created. This research work also contributes with a Privacy Enhancing Model (PEM) to deal with important privacy issues in VANETs. The PEM consists of two PKI-based privacy protocols: i) the Attribute-Based Privacy (ABP) protocol, and ii) the Anonymous Information Retrieval (AIR) protocol. The ABP introduces Attribute-Based Credentials (ABC) to provide conditional anonymity and minimal information disclosure, which overcome with the privacy issues related to linkability (linking a vehicle with an identifier) and vehicle tracking (big brother scenario). The AIR protocol addresses user profiling when querying Service Providers (SPs), by relying in a user collaboration privacy protocol based on query forgery and permutation; and assuming that neither participant nodes nor SPs could be completely trusted. Finally, the Trust Validation Model (TVM) is proposed. The TVM supports decision making by evaluating entities trust based on context information, in order to provide i) access control to driver and vehicle's private information, and ii) public information trust validation

    Research on security and privacy in vehicular ad hoc networks

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    Los sistemas de redes ad hoc vehiculares (VANET) tienen como objetivo proporcionar una plataforma para diversas aplicaciones que pueden mejorar la seguridad vial, la eficiencia del tráfico, la asistencia a la conducción, la regulación del transporte, etc. o que pueden proveer de una mejor información y entretenimiento a los usuarios de los vehículos. Actualmente se está llevando a cabo un gran esfuerzo industrial y de investigación para desarrollar un mercado que se estima alcance en un futuro varios miles de millones de euros. Mientras que los enormes beneficios que se esperan de las comunicaciones vehiculares y el gran número de vehículos son los puntos fuertes de las VANET, su principal debilidad es la vulnerabilidad a los ataques contra la seguridad y la privacidad.En esta tesis proponemos cuatro protocolos para conseguir comunicaciones seguras entre vehículos. En nuestra primera propuesta empleamos a todas las unidades en carretera (RSU) para mantener y gestionar un grupo en tiempo real dentro de su rango de comunicación. Los vehículos que entren al grupo de forma anónima pueden emitir mensajes vehículo a vehículo (V2V) que inmediatamente pueden ser verificados por los vehículos del mismo grupo (y grupos de vecinos). Sin embargo, en la primera fase del despliegue de este sistema las RSU pueden no estar bien distribuídas. Consecuentemente, se propone un conjunto de mecanismos para hacer frente a la seguridad, privacidad y los requisitos de gestión de una VANET a gran escala sin la suposición de que las RSU estén densamente distribuidas. La tercera propuesta se centra principalmente en la compresión de las evidencias criptográficas que nos permitirán demostrar, por ejemplo, quien era el culpable en caso de accidente. Por último, investigamos los requisitos de seguridad de los sistemas basados en localización (LBS) sobre VANETs y proponemos un nuevo esquema para la preservación de la privacidad de la localización en estos sistemas sobre dichas redes.Vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) systems aim at providing a platform for various applications that can improve traffic safety and efficiency, driver assistance, transportation regulation, infotainment, etc. There is substantial research and industrial effort to develop this market. It is estimated that the market for vehicular communications will reach several billion euros. While the tremendous benefits expected from vehicular communications and the huge number of vehicles are strong points of VANETs, their weakness is vulnerability to attacks against security and privacy.In this thesis, we propose four protocols for secure vehicle communications. In our first proposal, we employ each road-side unit (RSU) to maintain and manage an on-the-fly group within its communication range. Vehicles entering the group can anonymously broadcast vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) messages, which can be instantly verified by the vehicles in the same group (and neighbor groups). However, at the early stage of VANET deployment, the RSUs may not be well distributed. We then propose a set of mechanisms to address the security, privacy, and management requirements of a large-scale VANET without the assumption of densely distributed RSUs. The third proposal is mainly focused on compressing cryptographic witnesses in VANETs. Finally, we investigate the security requirements of LBS in VANETs and propose a new privacy-preserving LBS scheme for those networks

    Anonymous authentication mechanism based on group signature and pseudonym public key infrastructure for safety application of vechicular ad hoc network

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    Safety applications of Vehicular Ad hoc Network (VANET) demand delay intolerant and are vulnerable to attacks due to the mobility of nodes and wireless nature of their communications. These applications require an integrated security mechanism, which provides message integrity, anonymity, non-repudiation, revocation, availability, and location authentication services. This mechanism should provide acceptable message delay with or without dependency to Road Side Units (RSUs). Realizing the importance of VANET security, two mechanisms are proposed and evaluated in this research. The mechanisms are aimed at fulfilling the VANET security requirements for safety applications with acceptable message delay. Two new lightweight security mechanisms, RSU-Aided Anonymous Authentication (RAAA) and Group Signature-based Anonymous Authentication (GSAA) have been proposed. These mechanisms are based on Group Signature (GS) and Pseudonym Public Key Infrastructure (PPKI). GS scheme was applied to ensure anonymity, non-repudiation and revocation, whereas PPKI was applied to achieve authentication and message integrity. Additionally, a novel function for location verification was proposed to guarantee availability and location authentication. Simulations were performed using NS2 to verify and evaluate the efficiency of the mechanisms for urban and highway scenarios with various traffic conditions. Simulation results showed that RAAA and GSAA outperformed Group Signature and Identity-based Signature (GSIS), and Short-Term Linkable Group Signatures with Categorized Batch Verification (STLGSCBV). In comparison to GSIS and STLGSCBV, the results indicated improvements of at least 5.26% and 7.95% in terms of vehicle density impact on message delay, and at least 11.65% and 11.22% in the case of vehicle density impact on message loss ratio. Furthermore, the simulated RAAA and GSAA methods resulted in approximately 11.09% and 10.71% improvement in message delay during signature verification in comparison to GSIS and STLGSCBV. Additionally, RAAA and GSAA proved to achieve at least 13.44% enhancement by considering signature verification on message loss ratio in comparison to GSIS and 7.59% in comparison to STLGSCBV. The simulation results also demonstrated that less than 20ms message delay was achieved by RAAA and GSAA mechanisms in the case of less than 90 vehicles within the communication range. This is an acceptable message delay and hence, the proposed mechanisms have a great potential to be used in safety critical applications

    State-of-the-art authentication and verification schemes in VANETs:A survey

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    Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs), a subset of Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANETs), are wireless networks formed around moving vehicles, enabling communication between vehicles, roadside infrastructure, and servers. With the rise of autonomous and connected vehicles, security concerns surrounding VANETs have grown. VANETs still face challenges related to privacy with full-scale deployment due to a lack of user trust. Critical factors shaping VANETs include their dynamic topology and high mobility characteristics. Authentication protocols emerge as the cornerstone of enabling the secure transmission of entities within a VANET. Despite concerted efforts, there remains a need to incorporate verification approaches for refining authentication protocols. Formal verification constitutes a mathematical approach enabling developers to validate protocols and rectify design errors with precision. Therefore, this review focuses on authentication protocols as a pivotal element for securing entity transmission within VANETs. It presents a comparative analysis of existing protocols, identifies research gaps, and introduces a novel framework that incorporates formal verification and threat modeling. The review considers key factors influencing security, sheds light on ongoing challenges, and emphasises the significance of user trust. The proposed framework not only enhances VANET security but also contributes to the growing field of formal verification in the automotive domain. As the outcomes of this study, several research gaps, challenges, and future research directions are identified. These insights would offer valuable guidance for researchers to establish secure authentication communication within VANETs