11 research outputs found

    Secure and efficient application monitoring and replication

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    Memory corruption vulnerabilities remain a grave threat to systems software written in C/C++. Current best practices dictate compiling programs with exploit mitigations such as stack canaries, address space layout randomization, and control-flow integrity. However, adversaries quickly find ways to circumvent such mitigations, sometimes even before these mitigations are widely deployed. In this paper, we focus on an "orthogonal" defense that amplifies the effectiveness of traditional exploit mitigations. The key idea is to create multiple diversified replicas of a vulnerable program and then execute these replicas in lockstep on identical inputs while simultaneously monitoring their behavior. A malicious input that causes the diversified replicas to diverge in their behavior will be detected by the monitor; this allows discovery of previously unknown attacks such as zero-day exploits. So far, such multi-variant execution environments (MVEEs) have been held back by substantial runtime overheads. This paper presents a new design, ReMon, that is non-intrusive, secure, and highly efficient. Whereas previous schemes either monitor every system call or none at all, our system enforces cross-checking only for security critical system calls while supporting more relaxed monitoring policies for system calls that are not security critical. We achieve this by splitting the monitoring and replication logic into an in-process component and a cross-process component. Our evaluation shows that ReMon offers same level of security as conservative MVEEs and run realistic server benchmarks at near-native speeds

    Byzantine Fault Tolerance for Nondeterministic Applications

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    The growing reliance on online services accessible on the Internet demands highly reliable system that would not be interrupted when encountering faults. A number of Byzantine fault tolerance (BFT) algorithms have been developed to mask the most complicated type of faults - Byzantine faults such as software bugs,operator mistakes, and malicious attacks, which are usually the major cause of service interruptions. However, it is often difficult to apply these algorithms to practical applications because such applications often exhibit sophisticated non-deterministic behaviors that the existing BFT algorithms could not cope with. In this thesis, we propose a classification of common types of replica nondeterminism with respect to the requirement of achieving Byzantine fault tolerance, and describe the design and implementation of the core mechanisms necessary to handle such replica nondeterminism within a Byzantine fault tolerance framework. In addition, we evaluated the performance of our BFT library, referred to as ND-BFT using both a micro-benchmark application and a more realistic online porker game application. The performance results show that the replicated online poker game performs approximately 13 slower than its nonreplicated counterpart in the presence of small number of player

    Byzantine Fault Tolerance for Nondeterministic Applications

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    The growing reliance on online services accessible on the Internet demands highly reliable system that would not be interrupted when encountering faults. A number of Byzantine fault tolerance (BFT) algorithms have been developed to mask the most complicated type of faults - Byzantine faults such as software bugs,operator mistakes, and malicious attacks, which are usually the major cause of service interruptions. However, it is often difficult to apply these algorithms to practical applications because such applications often exhibit sophisticated non-deterministic behaviors that the existing BFT algorithms could not cope with. In this thesis, we propose a classification of common types of replica nondeterminism with respect to the requirement of achieving Byzantine fault tolerance, and describe the design and implementation of the core mechanisms necessary to handle such replica nondeterminism within a Byzantine fault tolerance framework. In addition, we evaluated the performance of our BFT library, referred to as ND-BFT using both a micro-benchmark application and a more realistic online porker game application. The performance results show that the replicated online poker game performs approximately 13 slower than its nonreplicated counterpart in the presence of small number of player

    Byzantine Fault Tolerance for Nondeterministic Applications

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    The growing reliance on online services accessible on the Internet demands highly reliable system that would not be interrupted when encountering faults. A number of Byzantine fault tolerance (BFT) algorithms have been developed to mask the most complicated type of faults - Byzantine faults such as software bugs,operator mistakes, and malicious attacks, which are usually the major cause of service interruptions. However, it is often difficult to apply these algorithms to practical applications because such applications often exhibit sophisticated non-deterministic behaviors that the existing BFT algorithms could not cope with. In this thesis, we propose a classification of common types of replica nondeterminism with respect to the requirement of achieving Byzantine fault tolerance, and describe the design and implementation of the core mechanisms necessary to handle such replica nondeterminism within a Byzantine fault tolerance framework. In addition, we evaluated the performance of our BFT library, referred to as ND-BFT using both a micro-benchmark application and a more realistic online porker game application. The performance results show that the replicated online poker game performs approximately 13 slower than its nonreplicated counterpart in the presence of small number of player

    Byzantine Fault Tolerance for Distributed Systems

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    The growing reliance on online services imposes a high dependability requirement on the computer systems that provide these services. Byzantine fault tolerance (BFT) is a promising technology to solidify such systems for the much needed high dependability. BFT employs redundant copies of the servers and ensures that a replicated system continues providing correct services despite the attacks on a small portion of the system. In this dissertation research, I developed novel algorithms and mechanisms to control various types of application nondeterminism and to ensure the long-term reliability of BFT systems via a migration-based proactive recovery scheme. I also investigated a new approach to significantly improve the overall system throughput by enabling concurrent processing using Software Transactional Memory (STM). Controlling application nondeterminism is essential to achieve strong replica consistency because the BFT technology is based on state-machine replication, which requires deterministic operation of each replica. Proactive recovery is necessary to ensure that the fundamental assumption of using the BFT technology is not violated over long term, i.e., less than one-third of replicas remain correct. Without proactive recovery, more and more replicas will be compromised under continuously attacks, which would render BFT ineffective. STM based concurrent processing maximized the system throughput by utilizing the power of multi-core CPUs while preserving strong replication consistenc

    Byzantine Fault Tolerance for Distributed Systems

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    The growing reliance on online services imposes a high dependability requirement on the computer systems that provide these services. Byzantine fault tolerance (BFT) is a promising technology to solidify such systems for the much needed high dependability. BFT employs redundant copies of the servers and ensures that a replicated system continues providing correct services despite the attacks on a small portion of the system. In this dissertation research, I developed novel algorithms and mechanisms to control various types of application nondeterminism and to ensure the long-term reliability of BFT systems via a migration-based proactive recovery scheme. I also investigated a new approach to significantly improve the overall system throughput by enabling concurrent processing using Software Transactional Memory (STM). Controlling application nondeterminism is essential to achieve strong replica consistency because the BFT technology is based on state-machine replication, which requires deterministic operation of each replica. Proactive recovery is necessary to ensure that the fundamental assumption of using the BFT technology is not violated over long term, i.e., less than one-third of replicas remain correct. Without proactive recovery, more and more replicas will be compromised under continuously attacks, which would render BFT ineffective. STM based concurrent processing maximized the system throughput by utilizing the power of multi-core CPUs while preserving strong replication consistenc

    A Preemptive Deterministic Scheduling Algorithm for Multithreaded Replicas

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    Software-based active replication is expensive in terms of performance overhead. Multithreading can help improve performance; however, thread scheduling is a source of nondeterminism in replica behavior. This paper presents a Preemptive Deterministic Scheduling (PDS) algorithm for ensuring deterministic replica behavior while preserving concurrency. Threads are synchronized only on updates to the shared state. A replica execution is broken into a sequence of rounds and in a round each thread can acquire up to two mutexes. If a thread cannot acquire a mutex it requests, then it checks if all other threads are suspended. If so, the thread fires a new round; otherwise, the thread is suspended. When a new round fires, all threads' mutex requests are known; thus, it is possible to form a deterministic scheduling of mutex acquisitions in the round. No inter-replica communication is required. The algorithm is formally specified, and the proposed formalism is used to prove its correctness. Failur

    A Preemptive Deterministic Scheduling Algorithm for Multithreaded Replicas

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    Software-based active replication is expensive in terms of performance overhead. Multithreading can help improve performance; however, thread scheduling is a source of nondeterminism in replica behavior. This paper presents a Preemptive Deterministic Scheduling (PDS) algorithm for ensuring deterministic replica behavior while preserving concurrency. Threads are synchronized only on updates to the shared state. A replica execution is broken into a sequence of rounds, and in a round each thread can acquire up to two mutexes. When a new round fires, all threads ’ mutex requests are known; thus, it is possible to form a deterministic scheduling of mutex acquisitions in the round. No inter-replica communication is required. The algorithm is formally specified, and the proposed formalism is used to prove its correctness. Failure behavior and performance of a PDS algorithm’s implementation are evaluated in a triplicated system and compared with two existing solutions: nonpreemptive deterministic schedulers and the Loose Synchronization Algorithm (LSA) proposed by the authors in an earlier paper. The results show that PDS outperforms nonpreemptive deterministic schedulers. Compared with LSA, PDS has lower throughput; however, it provides additional benefits in terms of system dependability and, hence, can be considered as a trade-off between performance and dependability. These characteristics are investigated with fault injection.