4,670 research outputs found

    PLIT: An alignment-free computational tool for identification of long non-coding RNAs in plant transcriptomic datasets

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    Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) are a class of non-coding RNAs which play a significant role in several biological processes. RNA-seq based transcriptome sequencing has been extensively used for identification of lncRNAs. However, accurate identification of lncRNAs in RNA-seq datasets is crucial for exploring their characteristic functions in the genome as most coding potential computation (CPC) tools fail to accurately identify them in transcriptomic data. Well-known CPC tools such as CPC2, lncScore, CPAT are primarily designed for prediction of lncRNAs based on the GENCODE, NONCODE and CANTATAdb databases. The prediction accuracy of these tools often drops when tested on transcriptomic datasets. This leads to higher false positive results and inaccuracy in the function annotation process. In this study, we present a novel tool, PLIT, for the identification of lncRNAs in plants RNA-seq datasets. PLIT implements a feature selection method based on L1 regularization and iterative Random Forests (iRF) classification for selection of optimal features. Based on sequence and codon-bias features, it classifies the RNA-seq derived FASTA sequences into coding or long non-coding transcripts. Using L1 regularization, 31 optimal features were obtained based on lncRNA and protein-coding transcripts from 8 plant species. The performance of the tool was evaluated on 7 plant RNA-seq datasets using 10-fold cross-validation. The analysis exhibited superior accuracy when evaluated against currently available state-of-the-art CPC tools

    Investigation of sequence features of hinge-bending regions in proteins with domain movements using kernel logistic regression

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    Background: Hinge-bending movements in proteins comprising two or more domains form a large class of functional movements. Hinge-bending regions demarcate protein domains and collectively control the domain movement. Consequently, the ability to recognise sequence features of hinge-bending regions and to be able to predict them from sequence alone would benefit various areas of protein research. For example, an understanding of how the sequence features of these regions relate to dynamic properties in multi-domain proteins would aid in the rational design of linkers in therapeutic fusion proteins. Results: The DynDom database of protein domain movements comprises sequences annotated to indicate whether the amino acid residue is located within a hinge-bending region or within an intradomain region. Using statistical methods and Kernel Logistic Regression (KLR) models, this data was used to determine sequence features that favour or disfavour hinge-bending regions. This is a difficult classification problem as the number of negative cases (intradomain residues) is much larger than the number of positive cases (hinge residues). The statistical methods and the KLR models both show that cysteine has the lowest propensity for hinge-bending regions and proline has the highest, even though it is the most rigid amino acid. As hinge-bending regions have been previously shown to occur frequently at the terminal regions of the secondary structures, the propensity for proline at these regions is likely due to its tendency to break secondary structures. The KLR models also indicate that isoleucine may act as a domain-capping residue. We have found that a quadratic KLR model outperforms a linear KLR model and that improvement in performance occurs up to very long window lengths (eighty residues) indicating long-range correlations. Conclusion: In contrast to the only other approach that focused solely on interdomain hinge-bending regions, the method provides a modest and statistically significant improvement over a random classifier. An explanation of the KLR results is that in the prediction of hinge-bending regions a long-range correlation is at play between a small number amino acids that either favour or disfavour hinge-bending regions. The resulting sequence-based prediction tool, HingeSeek, is available to run through a webserver at hingeseek.cmp.uea.ac.uk

    Prediction of cis/trans isomerization in proteins using PSI-BLAST profiles and secondary structure information

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    BACKGROUND: The majority of peptide bonds in proteins are found to occur in the trans conformation. However, for proline residues, a considerable fraction of Prolyl peptide bonds adopt the cis form. Proline cis/trans isomerization is known to play a critical role in protein folding, splicing, cell signaling and transmembrane active transport. Accurate prediction of proline cis/trans isomerization in proteins would have many important applications towards the understanding of protein structure and function. RESULTS: In this paper, we propose a new approach to predict the proline cis/trans isomerization in proteins using support vector machine (SVM). The preliminary results indicated that using Radial Basis Function (RBF) kernels could lead to better prediction performance than that of polynomial and linear kernel functions. We used single sequence information of different local window sizes, amino acid compositions of different local sequences, multiple sequence alignment obtained from PSI-BLAST and the secondary structure information predicted by PSIPRED. We explored these different sequence encoding schemes in order to investigate their effects on the prediction performance. The training and testing of this approach was performed on a newly enlarged dataset of 2424 non-homologous proteins determined by X-Ray diffraction method using 5-fold cross-validation. Selecting the window size 11 provided the best performance for determining the proline cis/trans isomerization based on the single amino acid sequence. It was found that using multiple sequence alignments in the form of PSI-BLAST profiles could significantly improve the prediction performance, the prediction accuracy increased from 62.8% with single sequence to 69.8% and Matthews Correlation Coefficient (MCC) improved from 0.26 with single local sequence to 0.40. Furthermore, if coupled with the predicted secondary structure information by PSIPRED, our method yielded a prediction accuracy of 71.5% and MCC of 0.43, 9% and 0.17 higher than the accuracy achieved based on the singe sequence information, respectively. CONCLUSION: A new method has been developed to predict the proline cis/trans isomerization in proteins based on support vector machine, which used the single amino acid sequence with different local window sizes, the amino acid compositions of local sequence flanking centered proline residues, the position-specific scoring matrices (PSSMs) extracted by PSI-BLAST and the predicted secondary structures generated by PSIPRED. The successful application of SVM approach in this study reinforced that SVM is a powerful tool in predicting proline cis/trans isomerization in proteins and biological sequence analysis

    Sequence variation in G-protein-coupled receptors: analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms

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    We assessed the disease-causing potential of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) based on a simple set of sequence-based features. We focused on SNPs from the dbSNP database in G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), a large class of important transmembrane (TM) proteins. Apart from the location of the SNP in the protein, we evaluated the predictive power of three major classes of features to differentiate between disease-causing mutations and neutral changes: (i) properties derived from amino-acid scales, such as volume and hydrophobicity; (ii) position-specific phylogenetic features reflecting evolutionary conservation, such as normalized site entropy, residue frequency and SIFT score; and (iii) substitution-matrix scores, such as those derived from the BLOSUM62, GRANTHAM and PHAT matrices. We validated our approach using a control dataset consisting of known disease-causing mutations and neutral variations. Logistic regression analyses indicated that position-specific phylogenetic features that describe the conservation of an amino acid at a specific site are the best discriminators of disease mutations versus neutral variations, and integration of all our features improves discrimination power. Overall, we identify 115 SNPs in GPCRs from dbSNP that are likely to be associated with disease and thus are good candidates for genotyping in association studies

    SCPRED: Accurate prediction of protein structural class for sequences of twilight-zone similarity with predicting sequences

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Protein structure prediction methods provide accurate results when a homologous protein is predicted, while poorer predictions are obtained in the absence of homologous templates. However, some protein chains that share twilight-zone pairwise identity can form similar folds and thus determining structural similarity without the sequence similarity would be desirable for the structure prediction. The folding type of a protein or its domain is defined as the structural class. Current structural class prediction methods that predict the four structural classes defined in SCOP provide up to 63% accuracy for the datasets in which sequence identity of any pair of sequences belongs to the twilight-zone. We propose SCPRED method that improves prediction accuracy for sequences that share twilight-zone pairwise similarity with sequences used for the prediction.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>SCPRED uses a support vector machine classifier that takes several custom-designed features as its input to predict the structural classes. Based on extensive design that considers over 2300 index-, composition- and physicochemical properties-based features along with features based on the predicted secondary structure and content, the classifier's input includes 8 features based on information extracted from the secondary structure predicted with PSI-PRED and one feature computed from the sequence. Tests performed with datasets of 1673 protein chains, in which any pair of sequences shares twilight-zone similarity, show that SCPRED obtains 80.3% accuracy when predicting the four SCOP-defined structural classes, which is superior when compared with over a dozen recent competing methods that are based on support vector machine, logistic regression, and ensemble of classifiers predictors.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The SCPRED can accurately find similar structures for sequences that share low identity with sequence used for the prediction. The high predictive accuracy achieved by SCPRED is attributed to the design of the features, which are capable of separating the structural classes in spite of their low dimensionality. We also demonstrate that the SCPRED's predictions can be successfully used as a post-processing filter to improve performance of modern fold classification methods.</p

    Optimizing Data Selection for Contact Prediction in Proteins

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    Proteins are essential to life across all organisms. They act as enzymes, antibodies, transporters of molecules, structural elements, among other important roles. Their ability to interact with specific molecules in a selective manner, is what makes them important. Being able to understand their interaction can provide many advantages in fields such as drug design and metabolic engineering. Current methods of predicting protein interaction attempt to geometrically fit the structures of two proteins together by generating a large amount of potential configurations and then discriminating the correct pose from the remaining ones. Given the large search space, approaches to reduce the complexity are often employed. Identifying a contact point between the pairing proteins is a good constraining factor. If at least one contact can be predicted among a small set of possibilities (e.g. 100), the search space will be significantly reduced. Using structural and evolutionary information of the interacting proteins, a machine learning predictor can be developed for this task. Such evolutionary measures are computed over a substantial amount of homologous sequences, which can be filtered and ordered in many different ways. As a result, a machine learning solution was developed that focused in measuring the effects that differing homolog arrangements can have over the final prediction

    Host sequence motifs shared by HIV predict response to antiretroviral therapy

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The HIV viral genome mutates at a high rate and poses a significant long term health risk even in the presence of combination antiretroviral therapy. Current methods for predicting a patient's response to therapy rely on site-directed mutagenesis experiments and <it>in vitro </it>resistance assays. In this bioinformatics study we treat response to antiretroviral therapy as a two-body problem: response to therapy is considered to be a function of both the host and pathogen proteomes. We set out to identify potential responders based on the presence or absence of host protein and DNA motifs on the HIV proteome.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>An alignment of thousands of HIV-1 sequences attested to extensive variation in nucleotide sequence but also showed conservation of eukaryotic short linear motifs on the protein coding regions. The reduction in viral load of patients in the Stanford HIV Drug Resistance Database exhibited a bimodal distribution after 24 weeks of antiretroviral therapy, with 2,000 copies/ml cutoff. Similarly, patients allocated into responder/non-responder categories based on consistent viral load reduction during a 24 week period showed clear separation. In both cases of phenotype identification, a set of features composed of short linear motifs in the reverse transcriptase region of HIV sequence accurately predicted a patient's response to therapy. Motifs that overlap resistance sites were highly predictive of responder identification in single drug regimens but these features lost importance in defining responders in multi-drug therapies.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>HIV sequence mutates in a way that preferentially preserves peptide sequence motifs that are also found in the human proteome. The presence and absence of such motifs at specific regions of the HIV sequence is highly predictive of response to therapy. Some of these predictive motifs overlap with known HIV-1 resistance sites. These motifs are well established in bioinformatics databases and hence do not require identification via <it>in vitro </it>mutation experiments.</p
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