15 research outputs found

    Designing and implementing control flow graph for magic 4th generation language

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    A good compiler which implements many optimizations during its compilation phases must be able to perform several static analysis techniques such as control flow or data flow analysis. Besides compilers, these techniques are common for static analyzers as well to retrieve information from source code, for example for code auditing, quality assurance or testing purposes. Implementing control flow analysis requires handling many special structures of the target language. In our paper we present our experiences in implementing control flow graph (CFG) construction for a special 4th generation language called Magic. While we were designing and implementing the CFG for this language, we identified differences compared to 3rd generation languages mostly because of the unique programming technique of Magic (e.g. data access, parallel task execution, events). Our work was motivated by our industrial partner who needed precise static analysis tools (e.g. for quality assurance or testing purposes) for this language. We believe that our experiences for Magic, as a representative of 4GLs, might be generalized for other languages too

    Practical and effective higher-order optimizations

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    Inlining is an optimization that replaces a call to a function with that function’s body. This optimization not only reduces the overhead of a function call, but can expose additional optimization oppor-tunities to the compiler, such as removing redundant operations or unused conditional branches. Another optimization, copy propaga-tion, replaces a redundant copy of a still-live variable with the origi-nal. Copy propagation can reduce the total number of live variables, reducing register pressure and memory usage, and possibly elimi-nating redundant memory-to-memory copies. In practice, both of these optimizations are implemented in nearly every modern com-piler. These two optimizations are practical to implement and effec-tive in first-order languages, but in languages with lexically-scoped first-class functions (aka, closures), these optimizations are no

    Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science

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    dissertationControl-flow analysis of higher-order languages is a difficult problem, yet an important one. It aids in enabling optimizations, improved reliability, and improved security of programs written in these languages. This dissertation explores three techniques to improve the precision and speed of a small-step abstract interpreter: using a priority work list, environment unrolling, and strong function call. In an abstract interpreter, the interpreter is no longer deterministic and choices can be made in how the abstract state space is explored and trade-offs exist. A priority queue is one option. There are also many ways to abstract the concrete interpreter. Environment unrolling gives a slightly different approach than is usually taken, by holding off abstraction in order to gain precision, which can lead to a faster analysis. Strong function call is an approach to clean up some of the imprecision when making a function call that is introduced when abstractly interpreting a program. An alternative approach to building an abstract interpreter to perform static analysis is through the use of constraint solving. Existing techniques to do this have been developed over the last several decades. This dissertation maps these constraints to three different problems, allowing control-flow analysis of higher-order languages to be solved with tools that are already mature and well developed. The control-flow problem is mapped to pointer analysis of first-order languages, SAT, and linear-algebra operations. These mappings allow for fast and parallel implementations of control-flow analysis of higher-order languages. A recent development in the field of static analysis has been pushdown control-flow analysis, which is able to precisely match calls and returns, a weakness in the existing techniques. This dissertation also provides an encoding of pushdown control-flow analysis to linear-algebra operations. In the process, it demonstrates that under certain conditions (monovariance and flow insensitivity) that in terms of precision, a pushdown control-flow analysis is in fact equivalent to a direct style constraint-based formulation

    Control-flow analysis of function calls and returns by abstract interpretation

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    International audienceAbstract interpretation techniques are used to derive a control-flow analysis for a simple higher-order functional language. The analysis approximates the interprocedural control-flow of both function calls and returns in the presence of first-class functions and tail-call optimization. The analysis is systematically derived by abstract interpretation of a stack-based abstract machine using a series of Galois connections. We prove that the analysis is equivalent to an analysis obtained by first transforming the program into continuation-passing style and then performing control flow analysis of the transfored program. We then show how the analysis induces an equivalent constraint-based formulation, thereby providing a rational reconstruction of a constraint-based CFA from abstract interpretation principles

    Design and optimisation of scientific programs in a categorical language

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    This thesis presents an investigation into the use of advanced computer languages for scientific computing, an examination of performance issues that arise from using such languages for such a task, and a step toward achieving portable performance from compilers by attacking these problems in a way that compensates for the complexity of and differences between modern computer architectures. The language employed is Aldor, a functional language from computer algebra, and the scientific computing area is a subset of the family of iterative linear equation solvers applied to sparse systems. The linear equation solvers that are considered have much common structure, and this is factored out and represented explicitly in the lan-guage as a framework, by means of categories and domains. The flexibility introduced by decomposing the algorithms and the objects they act on into separate modules has a strong performance impact due to its negative effect on temporal locality. This necessi-tates breaking the barriers between modules to perform cross-component optimisation. In this instance the task reduces to one of collective loop fusion and array contrac

    Acta Cybernetica : Volume 21. Number 3.

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    Inferring useful static types for duck typed languages

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    Complete and precise identification of types is essential to the effectiveness of programming aids such as refactoring or code completion. Existing approaches that target dynamically typed languages infer types using flow analysis, but flow analysis does not cope well with heavily used features such as heterogeneous containers and implicit interfaces. Our solution makes the assumption that programs that are known to work do not encounter run-time type errors which allows us to derive extra type information from the way values are used, rather than simply where those values originate. This is in keeping with the “duck typing” philosophy of many dynamically typed languages. The information we derive must be conservative, so we describe and formalise a technique to ‘freeze’ the duck type of a variable using the features, such as named methods, that are provably present on any run of the program. Development environments can use these sets of features to provide code-completion suggestions and API documentation, amongst other things. We show that these sets of features can be used to refine imprecise flow analysis results by using the frozen duck type to perform a structural type-cast. We first formalise this for an idealised duck-typed language semantics and then show to what extent the technique would work for a real-world language, Python. We demonstrate its effectiveness by performing an analysis of several real-world Python programs which shows that we can infer the types of method-call receivers more precisely than can flow analysis alone