60 research outputs found

    A Source-Code Maintainability Evaluation Model for Software Products

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    The maintainability index (MI) has been proposed to calculate a single number which expresses the maintainability of a system. This article presents a model for evaluating the maintainability of software products. The model improves the shortcomings observed in the maintainability assessment approaches in the quality assessment models SQuaRE (ISO25000), ISO 9126, Squale and the FCM standard. Its main innovation is to take into account the importance of entities in the system when calculating the maintainability score. This implies that the same type of defect will have a different score depending on the entity presenting it. Seven experts with several years of experience evaluated the model. They confirmed the effectiveness and usability of the model. Then, we compared our model with the Squale maintainability index and the classical maintainability index. The results show no correlation between these models. The implications are that each method gives a slightly different view of maintainability

    Migrating a Large Scale Legacy Application to SOA: Challenges and Lessons Learned

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    Abstract—This paper presents the findings of a case study of a large scale legacy to service-oriented architecture migration process in the payments domain of a Dutch bank. The paper presents the business drivers that initiated the migration, and describes a 4-phase migration process. For each phase, the paper details benefits of using the techniques, best practices that contribute to the success, and possible challenges that are faced during migration. Based on these observations, the findings are discussed as lessons learned, including the implications of using reverse engineering techniques to facilitate the migration process, adopting a pragmatic migration realization approach, emphasizing the organizational and business perspectives, and harvesting knowledge of the system throughout the system’s life cycle. I

    Code Quality Evaluation Methodology Using The ISO/IEC 9126 Standard

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    This work proposes a methodology for source code quality and static behaviour evaluation of a software system, based on the standard ISO/IEC-9126. It uses elements automatically derived from source code enhanced with expert knowledge in the form of quality characteristic rankings, allowing software engineers to assign weights to source code attributes. It is flexible in terms of the set of metrics and source code attributes employed, even in terms of the ISO/IEC-9126 characteristics to be assessed. We applied the methodology to two case studies, involving five open source and one proprietary system. Results demonstrated that the methodology can capture software quality trends and express expert perceptions concerning system quality in a quantitative and systematic manner.Comment: 20 pages, 14 figure

    A Methodology to Evaluate the Maintainability of Enterprise Application Integration Frameworks

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    Consulting companies that specialise in Enterprise Application Integration commonly require adapting existing frameworks to specific domains. Currently, there are many such frameworks available, most of which provide a materialisation of the well-known catalogue of patterns that was devised by Hohpe and Woolf. The decision regarding which framework must be used is critical since adaptation costs are not negligible. In this article, we report on a methodology that helps practitioners make a decision regarding which framework should be selected. To the best of our knowledge, there is not a previous methodology in the literature. Its salient features are that we have assembled a catalogue of measures regarding which there is a consensus in the literature that they are clearly aligned with the effort required to maintain a piece of software and we propose a statistically-sound method to produce a rank. We illustrate our proposal with an industrial case study that we have performed using five open-source frameworks.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2007-64119Junta de Andalucía P07-TIC-2602Junta de Andalucía P08-TIC-4100Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2008-04718-EMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2010-21744Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad TIN2010-09809-EMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2010-10811-EMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2010-09988-EMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2013- 40848-

    Programinės įrangos priežiūrumo ir priežiūros matavimas

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    Programinės įrangos priežiūra suprantama kaip programinės įrangos modifikavimas atidavus naudotojui. Programos modifikuojamos taisant rastas klaidas, gerinant įvairius programinės įrangos parametrus, plečiant arba keičiant funkcionalumą. Programinės įrangos priežiūra yra viena iš programinės įrangos gyvavimo ciklo dalių. Ilgą laiką programinės įrangos priežiūrai buvo skiriamas mažesnis dėmesys nei jos kūrimui. Pastaruoju metu padėtis pasikeitė. Vertinant ir gerinant programinės įrangos kokybę bei priežiūrą, matuojamas tiek programinės įrangos procesas, tiek programinis produktas. Straipsnyje analizuojami programinės įrangos priežiūrumo, priežiūros proceso matai, taip pat šiam tikslui skirtos programinės priemonės.Software Maintainability and Maintenance MeasurementSigitas Dapkūnas, Valdemaras Zaramba SummarySoftware maintenance means software modification after its delivery to customers. The programs are modified with the purpose to correct faults, to improve performance or other program parameters, to enhance or change its functionality. Software maintenance is an integral part of a software life cycle. Historically, software maintenance received less attention than software development in most organizations. Recently, the situation has changed. For software quality or software maintenance assessment and improvement, software process or software product measurement is used. The paper deals with software maintenance measurement. It analyses software maintainability and maintenance measures, the measurement tools

    El nacimiento de una herramienta educativa libre

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    El software libre nos brinda una oportunidad inestimable para adecuar una aplicación a los requerimientos específicos de una propuesta docente, o para proponer o iniciar nuevos desarrollos que se adecuen a esas necesidades. En este trabajo presentamos las consideraciones pedagógicas y técnicas adoptadas para comenzar el desarrollo de una nueva herramienta educativa siguiendo el proceso de desarrollo del software libre. Específicamente, se trata de construir una aplicación que permita crear mapas conceptuales sencillos y que a la vez se pueda utilizar como soporte de una presentación mediante una interfaz de zooming dirigida por el propio docente o estudiante que diseña el diagrama en cuestión. También, exponemos las características del desarrollo propuesto, el estado actual, las limitaciones y expectativas y presentamos las conclusiones provisionales obtenidas de las experiencias realizadas hasta este momento.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Automatic feedback and assessment of team-coding assignments in a DevOps context

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    We describe an automated assessment process for team-coding assignments based on DevOps best practices. This system and methodology includes the definition of Team Performance Metrics measuring properties of the software developed by each team, and their correct use of DevOps techniques. It tracks the progress on each of metric by each group. The methodology also defines Individual Performance Metrics to measure the impact of individual student contributions to increase in Team Performance Metrics. Periodically scheduled reports using these metrics provide students valuable feedback. This process also facilitates the process of assessing the assignments. Although this method is not intended to produce the final grade of each student, it provides very valuable information to the lecturers. We have used it as the main source of information for student and team assessment in one programming course. Additionally, we use other assessment methods to calculate the final grade: written conceptual tests to check their understanding of the development processes, and cross-evaluations. Qualitative evaluation of the students filling relevant questionnaires are very positive and encouraging.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature