447 research outputs found

    A Study of Concurrency Bugs and Advanced Development Support for Actor-based Programs

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    The actor model is an attractive foundation for developing concurrent applications because actors are isolated concurrent entities that communicate through asynchronous messages and do not share state. Thereby, they avoid concurrency bugs such as data races, but are not immune to concurrency bugs in general. This study taxonomizes concurrency bugs in actor-based programs reported in literature. Furthermore, it analyzes the bugs to identify the patterns causing them as well as their observable behavior. Based on this taxonomy, we further analyze the literature and find that current approaches to static analysis and testing focus on communication deadlocks and message protocol violations. However, they do not provide solutions to identify livelocks and behavioral deadlocks. The insights obtained in this study can be used to improve debugging support for actor-based programs with new debugging techniques to identify the root cause of complex concurrency bugs.Comment: - Submitted for review - Removed section 6 "Research Roadmap for Debuggers", its content was summarized in the Future Work section - Added references for section 1, section 3, section 4.3 and section 5.1 - Updated citation

    Modeling Concurrency in Parallel Debugging

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    We propose a description language, Data Path Expressions (DPEs), for modeling the behavior of parallel programs. We have designed DPEs as a high-level debugging language, where the debugging paradigm is for the programmer to describe the expected program behavior and for the debugger to compare the actual program behavior during execution to detect program errors. We classify DPEs into five subclasses according to syntactic criteria, and characterize their semantics in terms of a hierarchy of extended Petri Net models. The characterization demonstrates the power of DPEs for modeling (true) concurrency. We also present predecessor automata as a mechanism for implementing the third subclass of DPEs, which expresses bounded parallelism. Predecessor automata extend finite state automata to recognize or generate partial ordering graphs as well as strings, and provide efficient event recognizers for parallel debugging. We briefly describe the application of DPEs race conditions, deadlock and starvation

    The DS-Pnet modeling formalism for cyber-physical system development

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    This work presents the DS-Pnet modeling formalism (Dataflow, Signals and Petri nets), designed for the development of cyber-physical systems, combining the characteristics of Petri nets and dataflows to support the modeling of mixed systems containing both reactive parts and data processing operations. Inheriting the features of the parent IOPT Petri net class, including an external interface composed of input and output signals and events, the addition of dataflow operations brings enhanced modeling capabilities to specify mathematical data transformations and graphically express the dependencies between signals. Data-centric systems, that do not require reactive controllers, are designed using pure dataflow models. Component based model composition enables reusing existing components, create libraries of previously tested components and hierarchically decompose complex systems into smaller sub-systems. A precise execution semantics was defined, considering the relationship between dataflow and Petri net nodes, providing an abstraction to define the interface between reactive controllers and input and output signals, including analog sensors and actuators. The new formalism is supported by the IOPT-Flow Web based tool framework, offering tools to design and edit models, simulate model execution on the Web browser, plus model-checking and software/hardware automatic code generation tools to implement controllers running on embedded devices (C,VHDL and JavaScript). A new communication protocol was created to permit the automatic implementation of distributed cyber-physical systems composed of networks of remote components communicating over the Internet. The editor tool connects directly to remote embedded devices running DS-Pnet models and may import remote components into new models, contributing to simplify the creation of distributed cyber-physical applications, where the communication between distributed components is specified just by drawing arcs. Several application examples were designed to validate the proposed formalism and the associated framework, ranging from hardware solutions, industrial applications to distributed software applications

    Adding debugging support to the Prometheus methodology

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    This paper describes a debugger which uses the design artifacts of the Prometheus agent-oriented software engineering methodology to alert the developer testing the system, that a specification has been violated. Detailed information is provided regarding the error which can help the developer in locating its source. Interaction protocols specified during design, are converted to executable Petri net representations. The system can then be monitored at run time to identify situations which do not conform to specified protocols. A process for monitoring aspects of plan selection is also described. The paper then describes the Prometheus Design Tool, developed to support the Prometheus methodology, and presents a vision of an integrated development environment providing full life cycle support for the development of agent systems. The initial part of the paper provides a detailed summary of the Prometheus methodology and the artifacts on which the debugger is based

    A petri net toolkit for parallel program debugging

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    An effective debugger must support the language and operating system resource abstractions that are available to the programmer. Earlier debuggers worked at the machine architecture level: they dealt with machine instructions and registers. Current debuggers, designed for single process debugging, permit access to program variables and breakpoints and single-stepping at the level of high-level language statements. Eventhough the current debuggers, are already implemented to be a powerful tool, they still cannot do a job of parallel debugger. In this thesis, a computer simulation system has been established by Petri Nets execution providing a convenient and friendly interface as it allows the user to do parallel program debugging. The Parallel Debugger is simulated by providing a time parameter for each transition and thus simulating the net performance. Hitherto, this time parameter can either be constant or exponentially distributed

    NOVA mobility assistive system: Developed and remotely controlled with IOPT-tools

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    UID/EEA/00066/2020In this paper, a Mobility Assistive System (NOVA-MAS) and a model-driven development approach are proposed to support the acquisition and analysis of data, infrastructures control, and dissemination of information along public roads. A literature review showed that the work related to mobility assistance of pedestrians in wheelchairs has a gap in ensuring their safety on road. The problem is that pedestrians in wheelchairs and scooters often do not enjoy adequate and safe lanes for their circulation on public roads, having to travel sometimes side by side with vehicles and cars moving at high speed. With NOVA-MAS, city infrastructures can obtain information regarding the environment and provide it to their users/vehicles, increasing road safety in an inclusive way, contributing to the decrease of the accidents of pedestrians in wheelchairs. NOVA-MAS not only supports information dissemination, but also data acquisition from sensors and infrastructures control, such as traffic light signs. For that, it proposed a development approach that supports the acquisition of data from the environment and its control while using a tool framework, named IOPT-Tools (Input-Output Place-Transition Tools). IOPT-Tools support controllers’ specification, validation, and implementation, with remote operation capabilities. The infrastructures’ controllers are specified through IOPT Petri net models, which are then simulated using computational tools and verified using state-space-based model-checking tools. In addition, an automatic code generator tool generates the C code, which supports the controllers’ implementation, avoiding manual codification errors. A set of prototypes were developed and tested to validate and conclude on the feasibility of the proposals.publishersversionpublishe

    State-Based Techniques For Designing, Verifying And Debugging Message Passing Systems

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    Message passing systems support the applications of concurrent events, where independent or semi-independent events occur simultaneously in a nondeterministic fashion. The nature of independence, random interactions and concurrency made the code development of such applications complicated and error-prone. Conventional code development environments or IDEs, such as Microsoft Visual Studio, provide little programming support in this regard. Furthermore, ensuring the correctness of a message passing system is a challenge. Typically, it is important to guarantee that a system meets its desired specifications along its construction process. Model checking is one of the techniques used in software verification which has proven to be effective in discovering hidden design and implementation errors. The required advanced knowledge of formal methods and temporal languages is one of the impediments in adopting model checking by software developers. To integrate model checking environments and conventional IDEs, this dissertation proposes a multi-phase development framework that facilitates designing, verifying, implementing and debugging state-based message passing systems. The techniques and design principles of the proposed framework focus on improving and easing the software development experience. In the first phase, a two-level design methodology is proposed through using abstract high-level communication blocks and hierarchical state-behavioral descriptions that were developed in this research. In the second phase, a new method based on choosing from a pre-determined set of patterns in concurrent communication properties is proposed to facilitate collecting the essential specifications of the system where the atomic propositions are linked with the system design. A complex property can be attained by hierarchically nesting some of these patterns. A procedure to automatically generate formal models in a model checker (MC) language is proposed. Once the model that contains both the design and the properties of the system are generated, a model checker is used to verify the correctness of the proposed system and ensure its compliance with specifications. To help in locating the source of an undesired specification, if any, a procedure to map a counter example generated by the MC to the original design is presented. In the third phase, a skeleton code of the design specification is generated in a general programming language such as Microsoft C\#, Java, etc. moreover, the ability to debug the generated code using a conventional IDE while tracing the debugging process back to the original design was established. Finally, a graphical software tool that supports the proposed framework is developed where SPIN MC is used as a verifier. The tool was used to develop and verify several case studies. The proposed framework and the developed software tool can be considered a key solution for message passing systems design and verification
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