5 research outputs found

    A Data Science Methodology Based on Machine Learning Algorithms for Flood Severity Prediction

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    In this paper, a novel application of machine learning algorithms including Neural Network architecture is presented for the prediction of flood severity. Floods are considered natural disasters that cause wide scale devastation to areas affected. The phenomenon of flooding is commonly caused by runoff from rivers and precipitation, specifically during periods of extremely high rainfall. Due to the concerns surrounding global warming and extreme ecological effects, flooding is considered a serious problem that has a negative impact on infrastructure and humankind. This paper attempts to address the issue of flood mitigation through the presentation of a new flood dataset, comprising 2000 annotated flood events, where the severity of the outcome is categorised according to 3 target classes, demonstrating the respective severities of floods. The paper also presents various types of machine learning algorithms for predicting flood severity and classifying outcomes into three classes, normal, abnormal, and high-risk floods. Extensive research indicates that artificial intelligence algorithms could produce enhancement when utilised for the pre-processing of flood data. These approaches helped in acquiring better accuracy in the classification techniques. Neural network architectures generally produce good outcomes in many applications, however, our experiments results illustrated that random forest classifier yields the optimal results in comparison with the benchmarked models

    Segmentation of Lumbar Spine MRI Images for Stenosis Detection using Patch-based Pixel Classification Neural Network

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    This paper addresses the central problem of automatic segmentation of lumbar spine Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) images to delineate boundaries between the anterior arch and posterior arch of the lumbar spine. This is necessary to efficiently detect the occurrence of lumbar spinal stenosis as a leading cause of Chronic Lower Back Pain. A patch-based classification neural network consisting of convolutional and fully connected layers is used to classify and label pixels in MRI images. The classifier is trained using overlapping patches of size 25x25 pixels taken from a set of cropped axial-view T2-weighted MRI images of the bottom three intervertebral discs. A set of experiment is conducted to measure the performance of the classification network in segmenting the images when either all or each of the discs separately is used. Using pixel accuracy, mean accuracy, mean Intersection over Union (IoU), and frequency weighted IoU as the performance metrics we have shown that our approach produces better segmentation results than eleven other pixel classifiers. Furthermore, our experiment result also indicates that our approach produces more accurate delineation of all important boundaries and making it best suited for the subsequent stage of lumbar spinal stenosis detection

    A Machine Learning and Computer Assisted Methodology for Diagnosing Chronic Lower Back Pain on Lumbar Spine Magnetic Resonance Images

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    Chronic Lower Back Pain (CLBP) is one of the major types of pain that affects many people around the world. It is estimated that 28.1% of US adults suffer from this illness and 2.5 million of the UK population experience this type of pain every day. Most CLBP cases do not happen overnight and it is usually developed from a less serious but acute variant of lower back pain. An acute type of lower back pain can develop into a chronic one if the underlying cause is serious and left untreated. The longer a person is disabled by back pain, the less chance he or she returns to work and the more health care cost he or she will require. It is therefore important to identify the cause of back pains as early as possible in order to improve the chance of patient rehabilitation. The speediness of early diagnosis can depend on many factors including referral time from a general practitioner to the hospital, waiting time for a specialist appointment, time for a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scan and time for the analysis result to come out. Currently diagnosing the lower back pain is done by visual observation and analysis of the lumbar spine MRI images by radiologists and clinicians and this process could take up much of their time and effort. This, therefore, rationalizes the need for a new method to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the imaging diagnostic process. This thesis details a novel methodology to automatically aid clinicians in performing diagnosis of CLBP on lumbar spine MRI images. The methodology is based on the current accepted medical practice of manual inspection of the MRI scans of the patient’s lumbar spine as advised by several practitioners in this field. The main methodology is divided into three sub-methods the first sub-method is disc herniation detection using disc segmentation and centroid distance function. While the second sub-method is lumbar spinal stenosis detection via segmentation of area between anterior and posterior (AAP) Elements. Whereas, the last sub-method is the use of deep learning to perform semantic segmentation to identify regions in the MRI images that are relevant to the diagnosis process. The method then performs boundary delineation between these regions, identifies key points along the boundaries and measures distances between these points that can be used as an indication to the health of the lumbar spine. Due to a limitation in the size and suitability of the currently existing open-access lumbar spine dataset necessary to train and test any good classification algorithms, a dataset consisting of 48,345 MRI slices from a complete clinical lumbar MRI study of 515 symptomatic back pain patients from several specialty hospitals around the world has been created. Each MRI study is annotated by expert radiologists with notes regarding the observed characteristics, condition of the lumbar spine, or presence of diseases. The ground-truth dataset containing manually labelled segmented images has also been developed. To complement this ground-truth dataset, a novel method of constructing and evaluating the suitability of ground truth data for lumbar spine MRI image segmentation has been developed. A subset of the dataset, which includes the data for 101 patients, is used in a set of experiments that have been conducted using a variety of algorithms to conclude with using SegNet as the image segmentation algorithm. The network consists of VGG16 layers pre-trained using a subset of non-medical images from the ImageNet database and fine-tuned using the training portion of the ground-truth dataset. The results of these experiments show the accurate delineation of important boundaries of regions in lumbar spine MRI. The experiments also show very close agreement between the expert radiologists’ notes on the condition of a lumbar spine and the conclusion of the system about the lumbar spine in the majority of cases

    Machine Learning Approaches and Web-Based System to the Application of Disease Modifying Therapy for Sickle Cell

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    Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a common serious genetic disease, which has a severe impact due to red blood cell (RBCs) abnormality. According to the World Health Organisation, 7 million newborn babies each year suffer either from the congenital anomaly or from an inherited disease, primarily from thalassemia and sickle cell disease. In the case of SCD, recent research has shown the beneficial effects of a drug called hydroxyurea/hydroxycarbamide in modifying the disease phenotype. The clinical management of this disease-modifying therapy is difficult and time consuming for clinical staff. This includes finding an optimal classifier that can help to solve the issues with missing values, multi-class datasets, and features selection. For the classification and discriminant analysis of SCD datasets, 7 classifiers based on machine learning models are selected representing linear and non-linear methods. After running these classifiers with a single model, the results revealed that a single classifier has provided us with effective outcomes in terms of the classification performance evaluation metric. In order to produce such an optimal outcome, this research proposed and designed combined classifiers (ensemble classifiers) among the neural network’s models, the random forest classifier, and the K-nearest neighbour classifier. In this aspect, combining the levenberg-marquardt algorithm, the voted perceptron classifier, the radial basis neural classifier, and random forest classifier obtain the highest rate of performance and accuracy. This ensemble classifier receives better results during the training set and testing set process. Recent technology advances based on smart devices have improved the medical facilities and become increasingly popular in association with real-time health monitoring and remote/personal health-care. The web-based system developed under the supervision of the haematology specialist at the Alder Hey Children’s Hospital in order to produce such an effective and useful system for both patients and clinicians. To sum up, the simulation experiment concludes that using machine learning and the web-based system platforms represents an alternative procedure that could assist healthcare professionals, particularly for the specialist nurse and junior doctor to improve the quality of care with sickle cell disorder