291 research outputs found

    Jointly Optimal Routing and Caching for Arbitrary Network Topologies

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    We study a problem of fundamental importance to ICNs, namely, minimizing routing costs by jointly optimizing caching and routing decisions over an arbitrary network topology. We consider both source routing and hop-by-hop routing settings. The respective offline problems are NP-hard. Nevertheless, we show that there exist polynomial time approximation algorithms producing solutions within a constant approximation from the optimal. We also produce distributed, adaptive algorithms with the same approximation guarantees. We simulate our adaptive algorithms over a broad array of different topologies. Our algorithms reduce routing costs by several orders of magnitude compared to prior art, including algorithms optimizing caching under fixed routing.Comment: This is the extended version of the paper "Jointly Optimal Routing and Caching for Arbitrary Network Topologies", appearing in the 4th ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking (ICN 2017), Berlin, Sep. 26-28, 201

    Proceedings of SAT Competition 2020 : Solver and Benchmark Descriptions

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    Proceedings of SAT Competition 2020 : Solver and Benchmark Descriptions

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    Combining Traditional Marketing and Viral Marketing with Amphibious Influence Maximization

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    In this paper, we propose the amphibious influence maximization (AIM) model that combines traditional marketing via content providers and viral marketing to consumers in social networks in a single framework. In AIM, a set of content providers and consumers form a bipartite network while consumers also form their social network, and influence propagates from the content providers to consumers and among consumers in the social network following the independent cascade model. An advertiser needs to select a subset of seed content providers and a subset of seed consumers, such that the influence from the seed providers passing through the seed consumers could reach a large number of consumers in the social network in expectation. We prove that the AIM problem is NP-hard to approximate to within any constant factor via a reduction from Feige's k-prover proof system for 3-SAT5. We also give evidence that even when the social network graph is trivial (i.e. has no edges), a polynomial time constant factor approximation for AIM is unlikely. However, when we assume that the weighted bi-adjacency matrix that describes the influence of content providers on consumers is of constant rank, a common assumption often used in recommender systems, we provide a polynomial-time algorithm that achieves approximation ratio of (11/eϵ)3(1-1/e-\epsilon)^3 for any (polynomially small) ϵ>0\epsilon > 0. Our algorithmic results still hold for a more general model where cascades in social network follow a general monotone and submodular function.Comment: An extended abstract appeared in the Proceedings of the 16th ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC), 201

    Proactive and reactive runtime service discovery: a framework and its evaluation

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    The identification of services during the execution of service-based applications to replace services in them that are no longer available and/or fail to satisfy certain requirements is an important issue. In this paper we present a framework to support runtime service discovery. This framework can execute service discovery queries in pull and push mode. In pull mode, it executes queries when a need for finding a replacement service arises. In push mode, queries are subscribed to the framework to be executed proactively, and in parallel with the operation of the application, in order to identify adequate services that could be used if the need for replacing a service arises. Hence, the proactive (push) mode of query execution makes it more likely to avoid interruptions in the operation of service-based applications when a service in them needs to be replaced at runtime. In both modes of query execution, the identification of services relies on distance-based matching of structural, behavioural, quality, and contextual characteristics of services and applications. A prototype implementation of the framework has been developed and an evaluation was carried out to assess the performance of the framework. This evaluation has shown positive results, which are discussed in the paper

    The Maximum Common Subgraph Problem: A Parallel and Multi-Engine Approach

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    The maximum common subgraph of two graphs is the largest possible common subgraph, i.e., the common subgraph with as many vertices as possible. Even if this problem is very challenging, as it has been long proven NP-hard, its countless practical applications still motivates searching for exact solutions. This work discusses the possibility to extend an existing, very effective branch-and-bound procedure on parallel multi-core and many-core architectures. We analyze a parallel multi-core implementation that exploits a divide-and-conquer approach based on a thread pool, which does not deteriorate the original algorithmic efficiency and it minimizes data structure repetitions. We also extend the original algorithm to parallel many-core GPU architectures adopting the CUDA programming framework, and we show how to handle the heavily workload-unbalance and the massive data dependency. Then, we suggest new heuristics to reorder the adjacency matrix, to deal with “dead-ends”, and to randomize the search with automatic restarts. These heuristics can achieve significant speed-ups on specific instances, even if they may not be competitive with the original strategy on average. Finally, we propose a portfolio approach, which integrates all the different local search algorithms as component tools; such portfolio, rather than choosing the best tool for a given instance up-front, takes the decision on-line. The proposed approach drastically limits memory bandwidth constraints and avoids other typical portfolio fragility as CPU and GPU versions often show a complementary efficiency and run on separated platforms. Experimental results support the claims and motivate further research to better exploit GPUs in embedded task-intensive and multi-engine parallel applications

    Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology

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