311 research outputs found

    Particle Swarm Optimization Based Source Seeking

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    Signal source seeking using autonomous vehicles is a complex problem. The complexity increases manifold when signal intensities captured by physical sensors onboard are noisy and unreliable. Added to the fact that signal strength decays with distance, noisy environments make it extremely difficult to describe and model a decay function. This paper addresses our work with seeking maximum signal strength in a continuous electromagnetic signal source with mobile robots, using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). A one to one correspondence with swarm members in a PSO and physical Mobile robots is established and the positions of the robots are iteratively updated as the PSO algorithm proceeds forward. Since physical robots are responsive to swarm position updates, modifications were required to implement the interaction between real robots and the PSO algorithm. The development of modifications necessary to implement PSO on mobile robots, and strategies to adapt to real life environments such as obstacles and collision objects are presented in this paper. Our findings are also validated using experimental testbeds.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figure

    Towards Odor-Sensitive Mobile Robots

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    J. Monroy, J. Gonzalez-Jimenez, "Towards Odor-Sensitive Mobile Robots", Electronic Nose Technologies and Advances in Machine Olfaction, IGI Global, pp. 244--263, 2018, doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-3862-2.ch012 Versión preprint, con permiso del editorOut of all the components of a mobile robot, its sensorial system is undoubtedly among the most critical ones when operating in real environments. Until now, these sensorial systems mostly relied on range sensors (laser scanner, sonar, active triangulation) and cameras. While electronic noses have barely been employed, they can provide a complementary sensory information, vital for some applications, as with humans. This chapter analyzes the motivation of providing a robot with gas-sensing capabilities and also reviews some of the hurdles that are preventing smell from achieving the importance of other sensing modalities in robotics. The achievements made so far are reviewed to illustrate the current status on the three main fields within robotics olfaction: the classification of volatile substances, the spatial estimation of the gas dispersion from sparse measurements, and the localization of the gas source within a known environment

    GUARDIANS final report

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    Emergencies in industrial warehouses are a major concern for firefghters. The large dimensions together with the development of dense smoke that drastically reduces visibility, represent major challenges. The Guardians robot swarm is designed to assist fire fighters in searching a large warehouse. In this report we discuss the technology developed for a swarm of robots searching and assisting fire fighters. We explain the swarming algorithms which provide the functionality by which the robots react to and follow humans while no communication is required. Next we discuss the wireless communication system, which is a so-called mobile ad-hoc network. The communication network provides also one of the means to locate the robots and humans. Thus the robot swarm is able to locate itself and provide guidance information to the humans. Together with the re ghters we explored how the robot swarm should feed information back to the human fire fighter. We have designed and experimented with interfaces for presenting swarm based information to human beings

    Network-centric Localization in MANETs Based on Particle Swarm Optimization

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    There exist several application scenarios of mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) in which the nodes need to locate a target or surround it. Severe resource constraints in MANETs call for energy efficient target localization and collaborative navigation. Centralized control of MANET nodes is not an attractive solution due to its high network utilization that can result in congestions and delays. In nature, many colonies of biological species (such as a flock of birds) can achieve effective collaborative navigation without any centralized control. Particle swarm optimization (PSO), a popular swarm intelligence approach that models social dynamics of a biological swarm is proposed in this paper for network-centric target localization in MANETs that are enhanced by mobile robots. Simulation study of two application scenarios is conducted. While one scenario focuses on quick target localization, the other aims at convergence of MANET nodes around the target. Reduction of swarm size during PSO search is proposed for accelerated convergence. The results of the study show that the proposed algorithm is effective in network-centric collaborative navigation. Emergence of converging behavior of MANET nodes is observed

    Odor Localization using Gas Sensor for Mobile Robot

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    This paper discusses the odor localization using Fuzzy logic algorithm. The concentrations of the source that is sensed by the gas sensors are used as the inputs of the fuzzy. The output of the Fuzzy logic is used to determine the PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) of driver motors of the robot. The path that the robot should track depends on the PWM of the right and left motors of the robot.  When the concentration in the right side of the robot is higher than the middle and the left side, the fuzzy logic will give decision to the robot to move to the right. In that condition, the left motor is in the high speed condition and the right motor is in slow speed condition. Therefore, the robot will move to the right.   The experiment was done in a conditioned room using a robot that is equipped with 3 gas sensors. Although the robot is still needed some improvements in accomplishing its task, the result shows that fuzzy algorithms are effective enough in performing odor localization task in mobile robot

    Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) for Simulating Robot Movement on Two-Dimensional Space Based on Odor Sensing

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    Nowadays, researches in robotic field have grown increasingly. There are several types of research categories in the field of robotic. Recently, one of the famous research works recently was odor sensing. Within the technology that grows rapidly, this topic has become an interest among researchers. An odor sensing is not only applied in the medical field, but it has also been widely used in the industry. The gradient of concentration of an odor is measured by diluting some amount to reach the threshold of an odor. This paper focused on the implementation of the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) method based on odor sensing in two (2) dimensional space. However, it only discusses and focuses on applying in ideal condition. An ideal condition here means that there is no disturbance included in this simulation. The main idea of this paper was to observe how the particle agents make the movement based on concentration by applying the PSO method. The real sensor cannot be implemented in this simulation because the value of concentration is measured due to the distance from the particles agent to the goal of agents. Higher gradient concentration is shown at the shorter distance to the goal. The contributions in this paper are mainly to create an algorithms model by using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) to calculate the paths of movement of mobile robot until they reach the goals (source of odor) with respect to the concepts of odor sensing

    Odor Recognition and Localization Using Sensor Networks

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