58 research outputs found


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    Pada penelitian ini telah dilakukan analisis tentang implementasi power line communication sebagai backbone Wi-Fi extender, sebagai referensi maupun sebagai acuan dalam memanfaatkan jaringan instalasi listrik yang ada untuk digunakan sebagai jaringan data ataupun sebagai backbone untuk pendistribusian data dalam suatu rumah atau gedung yang disertai dengan analisa QoS nya.Dari langkah-langkah pengujian yang sudah dilakukan, penggunaan teknologi PLC/Homeplug ini sudah cukup mumpuni untuk digunakan sebagai infrastruktur LAN ataupun sebagai backbone jaringan. Pengujian dan pengukuran menggunakan Jperf/Iperf, dengan background bandwidth yang sudah ditentukan untuk ketiga jenis skenario implementasi, membuktikan nilai-nilai QoS yang didapat masih dalam nilai-nilai kualifikasi TIPHON. Pada saat jaringan dibebani dengan traffic data streaming video terjadi kenaikan jitter dan delay, tetapi nilai QoS yang didapat masih dalam area nilai kualifikasi TIPHON. Dari pengujian video streaming ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa tidak ada penurunan kualitas dari hasil video secara kasat mata, walaupun kondisi jaringan listrik dalam kondisi beban penuh (semua peralatan listrik dinyalakan). Kata kunci : power line communication, PLC, homeplug, backbone, QoS, jitter, delay, packet loss, bandwidth, throughput, TIPHO


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    Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) dikembangkan untuk menghilangkan kegagalan dalam suatu node tunggal sistem gateway, sehingga meyebabkan terputusnya link jaringan. VRRP mampu menyediakan akses link jalur routing secara redundan. Penelitian kali ini menerapkan teknologi VRRP ini pada jaringan rumahan atau gedung yang memanfaatkan jaringan instalasi listrik sebagai LAN (Local Area Network) yang biasa disebut dengan HomeGrid, dan mengujinya dengan melakukan pengukuran metric QoS. Nilai-nilai QoS yang didapat kemudian dibandingkan dengan standar QoS pada TIPHON sebagai pembuktian bahwa kondisi jaringan masih dalam keadaan batas normal. Sistem diuji dengan menggunakan 3 (tiga) skema untuk mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal. Kondisi jaringan dengan menggunakan system VRRP ini hanya membutuhkan waktu downtime sangat singkat, bila dilihat dari monitoring packet capture memakan waktu hanya 3 sampai 4 detik pada semua skema. Dengan demikian kemampuan teknologi system VRRP telah teruji dan mampu menyediakan link yang high availability. Kata kunci : VRRP, Mikrotik, Router, JPerf, QoS, delay, latency, jitter, packet loss, throughpu

    A Comparison of Performance between TFRC and UDP over a Mobile IP Network

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    In this project we will study three performance metrics (packet loss, packet delay and jitter) of two different transport layer protocols over a Mobile IP Network. The researcher will be implementing TFRC and UDP in the Mobile IP Network, to identify which protocols could support mobility. Network Simulation NS-2 was proposed for implementing previous items and to present and interpret the results

    Inter-organizational fault management: Functional and organizational core aspects of management architectures

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    Outsourcing -- successful, and sometimes painful -- has become one of the hottest topics in IT service management discussions over the past decade. IT services are outsourced to external service provider in order to reduce the effort required for and overhead of delivering these services within the own organization. More recently also IT services providers themselves started to either outsource service parts or to deliver those services in a non-hierarchical cooperation with other providers. Splitting a service into several service parts is a non-trivial task as they have to be implemented, operated, and maintained by different providers. One key aspect of such inter-organizational cooperation is fault management, because it is crucial to locate and solve problems, which reduce the quality of service, quickly and reliably. In this article we present the results of a thorough use case based requirements analysis for an architecture for inter-organizational fault management (ioFMA). Furthermore, a concept of the organizational respective functional model of the ioFMA is given.Comment: International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC

    Probing Next Generation Portuguese Academic Network

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    Beyond plain connectivity, one of today’s biggest challenges for network managers and designers is guaranteeing network quality at any moment for evolving users’ needs. FCCN has been deploying several probes on the Portuguese Research and Education Network during last year. The analysis of data collected from this set of probes as well from other monitoring systems deployed inside RCTS will be considered. In this paper we will present and discuss the evaluation of the collected data by crosschecking results of the several monitoring systems. Our main focus will be the network layer running IPv6, but data from probes operated exclusively in IPv4 will also be presented, as a comparative source of network information.POS_Conhecimento (ref. POSC/338/1.3/C/NAC, FEDER


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    Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) was developed to eliminate internal failures a single node gateway system, causing a network link to be disconnected. VRRP is capable provide redundant routing path link access. This time the research applied technology This VRRP is on a home network or building that utilizes the electricity installation network as LAN (Local Area Network) commonly called HomeGrid, and test it by doing QoS metric measurement. The QoS values obtained are then compared to the QoS standard on TIPHON as proof that network conditions are still in normal limits. The system is tested using 3 (three) schemes to get maximum results. Condition network using this VRRP system only requires very short downtime, when viewed from packet capture monitoring takes only 3 to 4 seconds in all schemes. Thus the technological capabilities of the VRRP system have been tested and are capable provide high availability linksVirtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) was developed to eliminate internal failures a single node gateway system, causing a network link to be disconnected. VRRP is capable provide redundant routing path link access. This time the research applied technology This VRRP is on a home network or building that utilizes the electricity installation network as LAN (Local Area Network) commonly called HomeGrid, and test it by doing QoS metric measurement. The QoS values obtained are then compared to the QoS standard on TIPHON as proof that network conditions are still in normal limits. The system is tested using 3 (three) schemes to get maximum results. Condition network using this VRRP system only requires very short downtime, when viewed from packet capture monitoring takes only 3 to 4 seconds in all schemes. Thus the technological capabilities of the VRRP system have been tested and are capable provide high availability linksJournal of Science Innovare is licensed under  Keywords: VRRP;Mikrotik;Router;JPerf;QoS;jitte

    Next generation network provider architecture demonstrator

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    This paper presents a next generation network demonstrator currently under deployment in Aveiro. The demonstrator supports mobile IP with fast handovers with integrated QoS and AAAC issues considerations. A monitoring system provides network information adequate for QoS management, and a specially built QoS Broker is able to manage multiple types of Access Routers. The demonstrator has been tested with some applications, and is currently under refinement

    Integrated monitoring of multi-domain backbone connections -- Operational experience in the LHC optical private network

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    Novel large scale research projects often require cooperation between various different project partners that are spread among the entire world. They do not only need huge computing resources, but also a reliable network to operate on. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN is a representative example for such a project. Its experiments result in a vast amount of data, which is interesting for researchers around the world. For transporting the data from CERN to 11 data processing and storage sites, an optical private network (OPN) has been constructed. As the experiment data is highly valuable, LHC defines very high requirements to the underlying network infrastructure. In order to fulfil those requirements, the connections have to be managed and monitored permanently. In this paper, we present the integrated monitoring solution developed for the LHCOPN. We first outline the requirements and show how they are met on the single network layers. After that, we describe, how those single measurements can be combined into an integrated view. We cover design concepts as well as tool implementation highlights.Comment: International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC
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