18 research outputs found

    Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies: a Classification and Comparison of Architecture Drivers

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    Blockchain is a decentralized transaction and data management solution, the technological leap behind the success of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. As the variety of existing blockchains and distributed ledgers continues to increase, adopters should focus on selecting the solution that best fits their needs and the requirements of their decentralized applications, rather than developing yet another blockchain from scratch. In this paper we present a conceptual framework to aid software architects, developers, and decision makers to adopt the right blockchain technology. The framework exposes the interrelation between technological decisions and architectural features, capturing the knowledge from existing academic literature, industrial products, technical forums/blogs, and experts' feedback. We empirically show the applicability of our framework by dissecting the platforms behind Bitcoin and other top 10 cryptocurrencies, aided by a focus group with researchers and industry practitioners. Then, we leverage the framework together with key notions of the Architectural Tradeoff Analysis Method (ATAM) to analyze four real-world blockchain case studies from industry and academia. Results shown that applying our framework leads to a deeper understanding of the architectural tradeoffs, allowing to assess technologies more objectively and select the one that best fit developers needs, ultimately cutting costs, reducing time-to-market and accelerating return on investment.Comment: Accepted for publication at journal Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience. Special Issue on distributed large scale applications and environment

    How do Web 3.0, blockchain- and token-based businesses create and capture value?

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    The development of technology is constantly being driven forward. With that companies are in the need to adapt their business model to certain technologies to optimize their economic value. In the age of Web 3.0, blockchain technology and the possibilities and risk that come with decentralized applications and digital currencies plays a central role in the current state of technological development. Hence, it is of utmost importance to understand how this technology is used or can be used to optimize the company’s activities. This thesis aims to gain knowledge about the way businesses utilize blockchain technology to gain economic value. For that, the following research question has been examined: How do Web 3.0, blockchain- and token-based businesses create and capture value? To answer the question, existing literature about blockchain and business models has been reviewed and semi-structured interviews have been carried out. Specifically, the study looks at areas or existing business problems for which solutions can be found through the application or support of blockchain technology to generate or optimize economic value. Therefore, current literature as well as information collected through semi-structured interviews with four experts, founders, and employees in the German blockchain space have been analyzed. The research shows that the technology currently finds the most use in the financial sector and supply chain management, in which in a B2B relationship the value is created through offering a blockchain-based service network to improve security and transparency and the value is mostly captured through charging fees for that service.A fim de maximizar o seu valor económico, as empresas precisam de adaptar o seu modelo de negócio ao desenvolvimento de certas tecnologias. Na era Web 3.0, a tecnologia blockchain e as suas possibilidades e riscos, consequência de aplicações descentralizadas e moedas digitais, têm um papel importante no desenvolvimento tecnológico atual. Portanto, é da maior importância entender como esta tecnologia pode ser utilizada para melhorar as atividades das empresas. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo entender como é que as empresas utilizam a tecnologia blockchain de forma a obter valor económico. Para tal, a seguinte pergunta de investigação será analisada: Como é que a Web 3.0, Blockchain e empresas baseadas em tokens criam e obtêm valor? Para responder a esta pergunta, recorreu-se a literatura sobre blockchain e modelos de negócio, e foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas. Este estudo analisa áreas ou problemas de empresas, para os quais é possível encontrar uma solução através da implementação ou ajuda da tecnologia blockchain de modo a gerar ou otimizar valor económico. Assim sendo, e para além da literatura, foi analisada a informação obtida através de entrevistas semiestruturadas com quatro especialistas, fundadores e funcionários do espaço blockchain alemão. Este estudo demonstra que esta tecnologia tem atualmente bastante utilidade no setor financeiro e na gestão de cadeia logística onde, numa relação B2B o valor é criado através da oferta de um serviço baseado em rede blockchain para melhorar a segurança e transparência, sendo que o valor é maioritariamente obtido através das taxas cobradas por esse serviço

    The Metaverse as the Digital Leviathan: A Case Study of Bit.Country

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    As Bitcoin continued to make headlines in 2021, additional digital assets such as non-fungible tokens brought more users into the blockchain ecosystem. As more individuals and entities took a closer look at the use cases for blockchain technology, the term metaverse began to emerge across news outlets and social media platforms. With Mark Zuckerberg, the Chief Executive Officer of Facebook, announcing that the organization would become a metaverse company and change the organization’s name to Meta, this announcement came with some criticism in that the Meta metaverse would be centralized. In this case study, the current state of nation-states was viewed through the lens of Hobbes’ The Leviathan to assess whether decentralized metaverses will transition to a Digital Leviathan using Bit.Country - a metaverse within the Polkadot blockchain ecosystem. The case study was conducted through interviews and uncovered that the quadruple bottom line implemented in conventional business could be transferrable to a digital world built on various blockchains, non-fungible tokens, and governance in a Digital Leviathan governed by the people

    A secure cross-domain interaction scheme for blockchain-based intelligent transportation systems

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    Si, H., Li, W., Wang, Q., Cao, H., Bação, F., & Sun, C. (2023). A secure cross-domain interaction scheme for blockchain-based intelligent transportation systems. PeerJ Computer Science, (November 2023), 1-36. https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj-cs.1678, https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj-cs.1678/supp-1, https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj-cs.1678/supp-2---This work was supported by the Henan Province Key Science-technology Research Project under Grant No. 232102520006 and 232102210122, the Key Research Project of Henan Provincial Higher Education Institution under Grant No. 23A520005, and the Henan Province Major Public Welfare Projects under Grant No. 201300210300. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.In the intelligent transportation system (ITS), secure and efficient data communication among vehicles, road testing equipment, computing nodes, and transportation agencies is important for building a smart city-integrated transportation system. However, the traditional centralized processing approach may face threats in terms of data leakage and trust. The use of distributed, tamper-proof blockchain technology can improve the decentralized storage and security of data in the ITS network. However, the cross-trust domain devices, terminals, and transportation agencies in the heterogeneous blockchain network of the ITS still face great challenges in trusted data communication and interoperability. In this article, we propose a heterogeneous cross-chain interaction mechanism based on relay nodes and identity encryption to solve the problem of data cross-domain interaction between devices and agencies in the ITS. First, we propose the ITS cross-chain communication framework and improve the cross-chain interaction model. The relay nodes are interconnected through libP2P to form a relay node chain, which is used for cross-chain information verification and transmission. Secondly, we propose a relay node secure access scheme based on identity-based encryption to provide reliable identity authentication for relay nodes. Finally, we build a standard cross-chain communication protocol and cross-chain transaction lifecycle for this mechanism. We use Hyperledger Fabric and FISCO BCOS blockchain to design and implement this solution, and verify the feasibility of this cross-chain interaction mechanism. The experimental results show that the mechanism can achieve a stable data cross-chain read throughput of 2,000 transactions per second, which can meet the requirements of secure and efficient cross-chain communication and interaction among heterogeneous blockchains in the ITS, and has high application value.publishersversionpublishe

    Opportunities for use of blockchain technology in supply chains: Australian manufacturer case study

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    The arrival and capabilities of Blockchain is set to change the traditional supply chain activities. The tracking all types of transaction more transparently and securely using Blockchain motivate us to explore the opportunities Blockchain offers across the supply chain. This paper explores opportunities for use of Blockchain technology in supply chains. Particularly, examine whether Blockchain technology makes a good fit for use in an Australian manufacturer supply chain. Blockchain allows us to have permissioned or permission-less distributed ledgers where stakeholders can interact with each other. It details how Blockchain works and the mechanism of hash algorithms which allows for greater security of information. Case study focuses on the supply chain management and looks at the intricacies of an Australian manufacturers supply chain. We present a summary of opportunities for using Blockchain technology in supply chains in an Australian manufacturing case study. The summary is proposed in using private Blockchain in the case study. The opportunities using Blockchain technology has the potential to bring greater transparency, validity across the supply chain, and improvement of communication between stakeholders involved.N/

    Blockchain in supply chain management: Australian manufacturer case study

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    The recent explosion of interest around Blockchain and capabilities of this technology to track all types of transaction more transparently and securely motivate us to explore the possibilities Blockchain offers across the supply chain. This paper examines whether Blockchain makes a good fit for use in an Australian manufacturer supply chain. To address this, the research uses Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) as a framework from the literature. Blockchain allows us to have permissioned or permission-less distributed ledgers where stakeholders can interact with each other. It details how Blockchain works and the mechanism of hash algorithms which allows for greater security of information. It also focuses on the supply chain management and looks at the intricacies of a manufacturers supply chain. We present a review of the processes in place of an electrical manufacturer and the problems faced in the supply chain. A model is proposed in using public and private Blockchains to overcome these issues. The proposed solution has the potential to bring greater transparency, validity across the supply chain, and improvement of communication between stakeholders involved. We also point out some potential issues that should be considered if adopting Blockchain.N/

    Efficiency and Sustainability of the Distributed Renewable Hybrid Power Systems Based on the Energy Internet, Blockchain Technology and Smart Contracts

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    The climate changes that are visible today are a challenge for the global research community. In this context, renewable energy sources, fuel cell systems, and other energy generating sources must be optimally combined and connected to the grid system using advanced energy transaction methods. As this book presents the latest solutions in the implementation of fuel cell and renewable energy in mobile and stationary applications such as hybrid and microgrid power systems based on energy internet, blockchain technology, and smart contracts, we hope that they are of interest to readers working in the related fields mentioned above