87 research outputs found

    Spectral Unmixing with Multiple Dictionaries

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    Spectral unmixing aims at recovering the spectral signatures of materials, called endmembers, mixed in a hyperspectral or multispectral image, along with their abundances. A typical assumption is that the image contains one pure pixel per endmember, in which case spectral unmixing reduces to identifying these pixels. Many fully automated methods have been proposed in recent years, but little work has been done to allow users to select areas where pure pixels are present manually or using a segmentation algorithm. Additionally, in a non-blind approach, several spectral libraries may be available rather than a single one, with a fixed number (or an upper or lower bound) of endmembers to chose from each. In this paper, we propose a multiple-dictionary constrained low-rank matrix approximation model that address these two problems. We propose an algorithm to compute this model, dubbed M2PALS, and its performance is discussed on both synthetic and real hyperspectral images

    Multiple Endmember Spectral Mixture Analysis (MESMA) Applied to the Study of Habitat Diversity in the Fine-Grained Landscapes of the Cantabrian Mountains

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    P. 1-19 ArtículoHeterogeneous and patchy landscapes where vegetation and abiotic factors vary at small spatial scale (fine-grained landscapes) represent a challenge for habitat diversity mapping using remote sensing imagery. In this context, techniques of spectral mixture analysis may have an advantage over traditional methods of land cover classification because they allow to decompose the spectral signature of a mixed pixel into several endmembers and their respective abundances. In this work, we present the application of Multiple Endmember Spectral Mixture Analysis (MESMA) to quantify habitat diversity and assess the compositional turnover at different spatial scales in the fine-grained landscapes of the Cantabrian Mountains (northwestern Iberian Peninsula). A Landsat-8 OLI scene and high-resolution orthophotographs (25 cm) were used to build a region-specific spectral library of the main types of habitats in this region (arboreal vegetation; shrubby vegetation; herbaceous vegetation; rocks–soil and water bodies). We optimized the spectral library with the Iterative Endmember Selection (IES) method and we applied MESMA to unmix the Landsat scene into five fraction images representing the five defined habitats (root mean square error, RMSE 0.025 in 99.45% of the pixels). The fraction images were validated by linear regressions using 250 reference plots from the orthophotographs and then used to calculate habitat diversity at the pixel ( -diversity: 30 30 m), landscape (-diversity: 1 1 km) and regional ("-diversity: 110 33 km) scales and thecompositional turnover ( - and -diversity) according to Simpson’s diversity index. Richness and evenness were also computed. Results showed that fraction images were highly related to reference data (R2 0.73 and RMSE 0.18). In general, our findings indicated that habitat diversity was highly dependent on the spatial scale, with values for the Simpson index ranging from 0.20 0.22 for -diversity to 0.60 0.09 for -diversity and 0.72 0.11 for "-diversity. Accordingly, we found -diversity to be higher than -diversity. This work contributes to advance in the estimation of ecological diversity in complex landscapes, showing the potential of MESMA to quantify habitat diversity in a comprehensive way using Landsat imageryS

    Mapping Impervious Surface Using Phenology-Integrated and Fisher Transformed Linear Spectral Mixture Analysis

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    The impervious surface area (ISA) is a key indicator of urbanization, which brings out serious adverse environmental and ecological consequences. The ISA is often estimated from remotely sensed data via spectral mixture analysis (SMA). However, accurate extraction of ISA using SMA is compromised by two major factors, endmember spectral variability and plant phenology. This study developed a novel approach that incorporates phenology with Fisher transformation into a conventional linear spectral mixture analysis (PF-LSMA) to address these challenges. Four endmembers, high albedo, low albedo, evergreen vegetation, and seasonally exposed soil (H-L-EV-SS) were identified for PF-LSMA, considering the phenological characteristic of Shanghai. Our study demonstrated that the PF-LSMA effectively reduced the within-endmember spectral signature variation and accounted for the endmember phenology effects, and thus well-discriminated impervious surface from seasonally exposed soil, enhancing the accuracy of ISA extraction. The ISA fraction map produced by PF-LSMA (RMSE = 0.1112) outperforms the single-date image Fisher transformed unmixing method (F-LSMA) (RMSE = 0.1327) and the other existing major global ISA products. The PF-LSMA was implemented on the Google Earth Engine platform and thus can be easily adapted to extract ISA in other places with similar climate conditions.Peer Reviewe

    Improved boreal vegetation mapping using imaging spectroscopy to aid wildfire management, Interior Alaska

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    Thesis (Ph.D.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2023Wildfires are a natural and essential part of Alaska ecosystems, but excessive wildfires pose a risk to the ecosystem's health and diversity, as well as to human life and property. To manage wildfires effectively, vegetation/fuel maps play a critical role in identifying high-risk areas and allocating resources for prevention, suppression, and recovery efforts. Furthermore, vegetation/fuel maps are an important input for fire behavior models, along with weather and topography data. By predicting fire behavior, such as spread rate, intensity, and direction, fuel models allow fire managers to make informed decisions about wildfire suppression, management, and prevention. Traditionally used vegetation/fuel maps in Alaska are inadequate due to a lack of detailed information since they are primarily generated using coarser resolution (30m) multispectral data. Hyperspectral remote sensing offers an efficient approach for better characterization of forest vegetation due to the narrow bandwidth and finer spatial resolution. However, the high cost associated with data acquisition remains a significant challenge to the widespread application of hyperspectral data. The aim of this research is to create accurate and detailed vegetation maps and upscale them for the boreal region of Alaska. The study involves hyperspectral data simulation using Airborne Visible InfraRed Imaging Spectrometer - Next Generation (AVIRIS-NG) data and publicly available Sentinel-2 multispectral data, ground spectra convolved to Sentinel-2 and AVIRIS-NG using the spectral response function of each sensor. Simulated data captured the minute details found in the real AVIRIS-NG data and were classified to map vegetation. Using the ground data from Bonanza Creek Long-Term Ecological Research sites, we compared the new maps with the two existing map products (the LANDFIRE's Existing Vegetation Type (EVT) and Alaska Vegetation and Wetland Composite). The maps generated using simulated data showed an improvement of 33% in accuracy and are more detailed than existing map products. In addition to fuel maps, we performed sub-pixel level mapping to generate a needleleaf fraction map, which serves fire management needs since needleleaf species are highly flammable. However, validating the sub-pixel product was challenging. To overcome this, we devised a novel validation method incorporating high-resolution airborne hyperspectral data (1m) and ground data. The study addresses the limitations of traditional fuel/vegetation maps by providing a more detailed and accurate representation of vegetation/fuel in Alaska. The methods and findings advance fuel and vegetation mapping research in Alaska and offer a novel pathway to generate detailed fuel maps for boreal Alaska to aid wildfire management.Alaska Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR), AmericaView, and the College of Natural Science and Mathematics, National Science Foundation award OIA-1757348, State of Alaska and the U.S. Geological Survey Grant/Cooperative Agreement No. G18AP0007

    Mapping Impervious Surface Using Phenology-Integrated and Fisher Transformed Linear Spectral Mixture Analysis

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    The impervious surface area (ISA) is a key indicator of urbanization, which brings out serious adverse environmental and ecological consequences. The ISA is often estimated from remotely sensed data via spectral mixture analysis (SMA). However, accurate extraction of ISA using SMA is compromised by two major factors, endmember spectral variability and plant phenology. This study developed a novel approach that incorporates phenology with Fisher transformation into a conventional linear spectral mixture analysis (PF-LSMA) to address these challenges. Four endmembers, high albedo, low albedo, evergreen vegetation, and seasonally exposed soil (H-L-EV-SS) were identified for PF-LSMA, considering the phenological characteristic of Shanghai. Our study demonstrated that the PF-LSMA effectively reduced the within-endmember spectral signature variation and accounted for the endmember phenology effects, and thus well-discriminated impervious surface from seasonally exposed soil, enhancing the accuracy of ISA extraction. The ISA fraction map produced by PF-LSMA (RMSE = 0.1112) outperforms the single-date image Fisher transformed unmixing method (F-LSMA) (RMSE = 0.1327) and the other existing major global ISA products. The PF-LSMA was implemented on the Google Earth Engine platform and thus can be easily adapted to extract ISA in other places with similar climate conditions

    Mapping urban surface materials with imaging spectroscopy data on different spatial scales

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    This work focuses on the development of methods for mapping urban surface materials by means of imaging spectroscopy data with different spatial resolution. General findings from this work represent a sensor- and site-independent framework for the automated extraction of spectrally pure pixels using an urban image spectral library while coping with its potential incompleteness. The extraction of spectrally pure pixels serves as a basic prerequisite for the subsequent use of image analysis methods to obtain detailed urban surface material maps. These material maps enabled the determination of gradual material transitions that were finally related to complex spectral mixtures resulting from 30 m spatial resolution imaging spectroscopy data to analyse typical material compositions within certain administrative units. The findings demonstrate the great potential of using upcoming spaceborne imaging spectroscopy data for a regular area-wide mapping of surface materials in urban areas. Im Fokus dieser Arbeit stand die Entwicklung von Methoden zur Kartierung urbaner Oberflächenmaterialien mittels abbildender Spektroskopiedaten unterschiedlicher räumlicher Auflösung. Das vorgestellte Konzept zur automatisierten sensor- und ortsunabhängigen Extraktion spektral reiner Pixel aus flugzeuggetragenen Fernerkundungsdaten berücksichtigt dabei die mögliche Unvollständigkeit einer urbanen Bildspektralbibliothek. Die Extraktion spektral reiner Pixel dient als Grundvoraussetzung für den späteren Einsatz von Bildanalyseverfahren zur Gewinnung detaillierter Kartierungen urbaner Oberflächenmaterialien. Aus diesen sind Materialgradienten ableitbar, die mit den komplexen Spektralmischungen aus Hyperspektraldaten mit 30 m räumlicher Auflösung in Verbindung gebracht wurden. Die Analyse typischer Materialzusammensetzungen innerhalb städtischer Verwaltungseinheiten zeigt das enorme Potential zukünftiger Hyperspektralsatelliten für die Erfassung des Materialvorkommens von Städten

    Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Data Analysis and Future Challenges

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    Endmember learning with k-means through SCD model in hyperspectral scene reconstructions

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    This paper proposes a simple yet effective method for improving the efficiency of sparse coding dictionary learning (DL) with an implication of enhancing the ultimate usefulness of compressive sensing (CS) technology for practical applications, such as in hyperspectral imaging (HSI) scene reconstruction. CS is the technique which allows sparse signals to be decomposed into a sparse representation “a” of a dictionary Du" role="presentation" style="max-height: none; display: inline; line-height: normal; word-spacing: normal; overflow-wrap: normal; white-space: nowrap; float: none; direction: ltr; max-width: none; min-width: 0px; min-height: 0px; border-width: 0px; border-style: initial; position: relative;">Du . The goodness of the learnt dictionary has direct impacts on the quality of the end results, e.g., in the HSI scene reconstructions. This paper proposes the construction of a concise and comprehensive dictionary by using the cluster centres of the input dataset, and then a greedy approach is adopted to learn all elements within this dictionary. The proposed method consists of an unsupervised clustering algorithm (K-Means), and it is then coupled with an advanced sparse coding dictionary (SCD) method such as the basis pursuit algorithm (orthogonal matching pursuit, OMP) for the dictionary learning. The effectiveness of the proposed K-Means Sparse Coding Dictionary (KMSCD) is illustrated through the reconstructions of several publicly available HSI scenes. The results have shown that the proposed KMSCD achieves ~40% greater accuracy, 5 times faster convergence and is twice as robust as that of the classic Spare Coding Dictionary (C-SCD) method that adopts random sampling of data for the dictionary learning. Over the five data sets that have been employed in this study, it is seen that the proposed KMSCD is capable of reconstructing these scenes with mean accuracies of approximately 20–500% better than all competing algorithms adopted in this work. Furthermore, the reconstruction efficiency of trace materials in the scene has been assessed: it is shown that the KMSCD is capable of recovering ~12% better than that of the C-SCD. These results suggest that the proposed DL using a simple clustering method for the construction of the dictionary has been shown to enhance the scene reconstruction substantially. When the proposed KMSCD is incorporated with the Fast non-negative orthogonal matching pursuit (FNNOMP) to constrain the maximum number of materials to coexist in a pixel to four, experiments have shown that it achieves approximately ten times better than that constrained by using the widely employed TMM algorithm. This may suggest that the proposed DL method using KMSCD and together with the FNNOMP will be more suitable to be the material allocation module of HSI scene simulators like the CameoSim packag
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