79 research outputs found

    A Survey on Reconfigurable System-on-Chips

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    The requirements for high performance and low power consumption are becoming more and more inevitable when designing modern embedded systems, especially for the next generation multi-mode multimedia or communication standards. Ultra large-scale integration reconfigurable System-on-Chips (SoCs) have been proposed to achieve not only better performance and lower energy consumption but also higher flexibility and versatility in comparison with the conventional architectures. The unique characteristic of such systems is integration of many types of heterogeneous reconfigurable processing fabrics based on a Network-on-Chip. This paper analyzes and emphasizes the key research trends of the reconfigurable System-on-Chips (SoCs). Firstly, the emerging hardware architecture of SoCs is highlighted. Afterwards, the key issues of designing the reconfigurable SoCs are discussed, with the focus on the challenges when designing reconfigurable hardware fabrics and reconfigurable Network-on-Chips. Finally, some state-of-the-art reconfigurable SoCs are briefly discussed

    Memory hierarchy and data communication in heterogeneous reconfigurable SoCs

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    The miniaturization race in the hardware industry aiming at continuous increasing of transistor density on a die does not bring respective application performance improvements any more. One of the most promising alternatives is to exploit a heterogeneous nature of common applications in hardware. Supported by reconfigurable computation, which has already proved its efficiency in accelerating data intensive applications, this concept promises a breakthrough in contemporary technology development. Memory organization in such heterogeneous reconfigurable architectures becomes very critical. Two primary aspects introduce a sophisticated trade-off. On the one hand, a memory subsystem should provide well organized distributed data structure and guarantee the required data bandwidth. On the other hand, it should hide the heterogeneous hardware structure from the end-user, in order to support feasible high-level programmability of the system. This thesis work explores the heterogeneous reconfigurable hardware architectures and presents possible solutions to cope the problem of memory organization and data structure. By the example of the MORPHEUS heterogeneous platform, the discussion follows the complete design cycle, starting from decision making and justification, until hardware realization. Particular emphasis is made on the methods to support high system performance, meet application requirements, and provide a user-friendly programmer interface. As a result, the research introduces a complete heterogeneous platform enhanced with a hierarchical memory organization, which copes with its task by means of separating computation from communication, providing reconfigurable engines with computation and configuration data, and unification of heterogeneous computational devices using local storage buffers. It is distinguished from the related solutions by distributed data-flow organization, specifically engineered mechanisms to operate with data on local domains, particular communication infrastructure based on Network-on-Chip, and thorough methods to prevent computation and communication stalls. In addition, a novel advanced technique to accelerate memory access was developed and implemented

    A study on hardware design for high performance artificial neural network by using FPGA and NoC

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    制度:新 ; 報告番号:甲3421号 ; 学位の種類:博士(工学) ; 授与年月日:2011/9/15 ; 早大学位記番号:新574

    Exploration of communication strategies for computation intensive Systems-On-Chip

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    Virtual Runtime Application Partitions for Resource Management in Massively Parallel Architectures

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    This thesis presents a novel design paradigm, called Virtual Runtime Application Partitions (VRAP), to judiciously utilize the on-chip resources. As the dark silicon era approaches, where the power considerations will allow only a fraction chip to be powered on, judicious resource management will become a key consideration in future designs. Most of the works on resource management treat only the physical components (i.e. computation, communication, and memory blocks) as resources and manipulate the component to application mapping to optimize various parameters (e.g. energy efficiency). To further enhance the optimization potential, in addition to the physical resources we propose to manipulate abstract resources (i.e. voltage/frequency operating point, the fault-tolerance strength, the degree of parallelism, and the configuration architecture). The proposed framework (i.e. VRAP) encapsulates methods, algorithms, and hardware blocks to provide each application with the abstract resources tailored to its needs. To test the efficacy of this concept, we have developed three distinct self adaptive environments: (i) Private Operating Environment (POE), (ii) Private Reliability Environment (PRE), and (iii) Private Configuration Environment (PCE) that collectively ensure that each application meets its deadlines using minimal platform resources. In this work several novel architectural enhancements, algorithms and policies are presented to realize the virtual runtime application partitions efficiently. Considering the future design trends, we have chosen Coarse Grained Reconfigurable Architectures (CGRAs) and Network on Chips (NoCs) to test the feasibility of our approach. Specifically, we have chosen Dynamically Reconfigurable Resource Array (DRRA) and McNoC as the representative CGRA and NoC platforms. The proposed techniques are compared and evaluated using a variety of quantitative experiments. Synthesis and simulation results demonstrate VRAP significantly enhances the energy and power efficiency compared to state of the art.Siirretty Doriast

    High level design and control of adaptive multiprocessor system-on-chips

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    The design of modern embedded systems is getting more and more complex, as more func- tionality is integrated into these systems. At the same time, in order to meet the compu- tational requirements while keeping a low level power consumption, MPSoCs have emerged as the main solutions for such embedded systems. Furthermore, embedded systems are be- coming more and more adaptive, as the adaptivity can bring a number of benefits, such as software flexibility and energy efficiency. This thesis targets the safe design of such adaptive MPSoCs. First, each system configuration must be analyzed concerning its functional and non- functional properties. We present an abstract design and analysis framework, which allows for faster and cost-effective implementation decisions. This framework is intended as an intermediate reasoning support for system level software/hardware co-design environments. It can prune the design space at its largest, and identify candidate design solutions in a fast and efficient way. In the framework, we use an abstract clock-based encoding to model system behaviors. Different mapping and scheduling scenarios of applications on MPSoCs are analyzed via clock traces representing system simulations. Among properties of interest are functional behavioral correctness, temporal performance and energy consumption. Second, the reconfiguration management of adaptive MPSoCs must be addressed. We are specially interested in MPSoCs implemented on reconfigurable hardware architectures (i.e., FPGA fabrics), which provide a good flexibility and computational efficiency for adap- tive MPSoCs. We propose a general design framework based on the discrete controller syn- thesis (DCS) technique to address this issue. The main advantage of this technique is that it allows the automatic controller synthesis w.r.t. a given specification of control objectives. In the framework, the system reconfiguration behavior is modeled in terms of synchronous parallel automata. The reconfiguration management computation problem w.r.t. multiple objectives regarding e.g., resource usages, performance and power consumption is encoded as a DCS problem. The existing BZR programming language and Sigali tool are employed to perform DCS and generate a controller that satisfies the system requirements. Finally, we investigate two different ways of combining the two proposed design frame- works for adaptive MPSoCs. Firstly, they are combined to construct a complete design flow for adaptive MPSoCs. Secondly, they are combined to present how the designed run-time manager by the second framework can be integrated into the first framework so that high level simulations can be performed to assess the run-time manager.La conception de systèmes embarqués modernes est de plus en plus complexe, car plus de fonctionnalités sont intégrées dans ces systèmes. En même temps, afin de répondre aux exigences de calcul tout en conservant une consommation d'énergie de faible niveau, MPSoCs sont apparus comme les principales solutions pour tels systèmes embarqués. En outre, les systèmes embarqués sont de plus en plus adaptatifs, comme l’adaptabilité peut apporter un certain nombre d'avantages, tels que la flexibilité du logiciel et l'efficacité énergétique. Cette thèse vise la conception sécuritaire de ces MPSoCs adaptatifs. Tout d'abord, chaque configuration de système doit être analysée en ce qui concerne ses propriétés fonctionnelles et non fonctionnelles. Nous présentons un cadre abstraite de conception et d’analyse qui permet des décisions d’implémentation plus rapide et plus rentable. Ce cadre est conçu comme un support de raisonnement intermédiaire pour les environnements de co-conception de logiciel / matériel au niveau de système. Il peut élaguer l'espace de conception à sa plus grande portée, et identifier les candidats de solutions de conception de manière rapide et efficace. Dans ce cadre, nous utilisons un codage basé sur l’horloge abstrait pour modéliser les comportements du système. Différents scénarios d'applications de mapping et de planification sur MPSoCs sont analysés via les traces d'horloge qui représentent les simulations du système. Les propriétés d'intérêt sont l’exactitude du comportement fonctionnel, la performance temporelle et la consommation d'énergie. Deuxièmement, la gestion de la reconfiguration de MPSoCs adaptatifs doit être abordée. Nous sommes particulièrement intéressés par les MPSoCs implémentés sur des architectures reconfigurables de hardware (ex. FPGA tissus) qui offrent une bonne flexibilité et une efficacité de calcul pour les MPSoCs adaptatifs. Nous proposons un cadre général de conception basésur la technique de la synthèse de contrôleurs discrets (SCD) pour résoudre ce problème. L’avantage principal de cette technique est qu'elle permet une synthèse d'un contrôleur automatique vis-à-vis d’une spécification donnée des objectifs de contrôle. Dans ce cadre, le comportement de reconfiguration du système est modélisé en termes d'automates synchrones en parallèle. Le problème de calcul de la gestion reconfiguration vis-à-vis de multiples objectifs concernant, par exemple, les usages des ressources, la performance et la consommation d’énergie est codé comme un problème de SCD . Le langage de programmation BZR existant et l’outil Sigali sont employés pour effectuer SCD et générer un contrôleur qui satisfait aux exigences du système. Finalement, nous étudions deux façons différentes de combiner les deux cadres de conception proposées pour MPSoCs adaptatifs. Tout d'abord, ils sont combinés pour construire un flot de conception complet pour MPSoCs adaptatifs. Deuxièmement, ils sont combinés pour présenter la façon dont le gestionnaire d'exécution conçu dans le second cadre peut être intégré dans le premier cadre de sorte que les simulations de haut niveau peuvent être effectuées pour évaluer le gestionnaire d'exécution

    A Modular Platform for Adaptive Heterogeneous Many-Core Architectures

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    Multi-/many-core heterogeneous architectures are shaping current and upcoming generations of compute-centric platforms which are widely used starting from mobile and wearable devices to high-performance cloud computing servers. Heterogeneous many-core architectures sought to achieve an order of magnitude higher energy efficiency as well as computing performance scaling by replacing homogeneous and power-hungry general-purpose processors with multiple heterogeneous compute units supporting multiple core types and domain-specific accelerators. Drifting from homogeneous architectures to complex heterogeneous systems is heavily adopted by chip designers and the silicon industry for more than a decade. Recent silicon chips are based on a heterogeneous SoC which combines a scalable number of heterogeneous processing units from different types (e.g. CPU, GPU, custom accelerator). This shifting in computing paradigm is associated with several system-level design challenges related to the integration and communication between a highly scalable number of heterogeneous compute units as well as SoC peripherals and storage units. Moreover, the increasing design complexities make the production of heterogeneous SoC chips a monopoly for only big market players due to the increasing development and design costs. Accordingly, recent initiatives towards agile hardware development open-source tools and microarchitecture aim to democratize silicon chip production for academic and commercial usage. Agile hardware development aims to reduce development costs by providing an ecosystem for open-source hardware microarchitectures and hardware design processes. Therefore, heterogeneous many-core development and customization will be relatively less complex and less time-consuming than conventional design process methods. In order to provide a modular and agile many-core development approach, this dissertation proposes a development platform for heterogeneous and self-adaptive many-core architectures consisting of a scalable number of heterogeneous tiles that maintain design regularity features while supporting heterogeneity. The proposed platform hides the integration complexities by supporting modular tile architectures for general-purpose processing cores supporting multi-instruction set architectures (multi-ISAs) and custom hardware accelerators. By leveraging field-programmable-gate-arrays (FPGAs), the self-adaptive feature of the many-core platform can be achieved by using dynamic and partial reconfiguration (DPR) techniques. This dissertation realizes the proposed modular and adaptive heterogeneous many-core platform through three main contributions. The first contribution proposes and realizes a many-core architecture for heterogeneous ISAs. It provides a modular and reusable tilebased architecture for several heterogeneous ISAs based on open-source RISC-V ISA. The modular tile-based architecture features a configurable number of processing cores with different RISC-V ISAs and different memory hierarchies. To increase the level of heterogeneity to support the integration of custom hardware accelerators, a novel hybrid memory/accelerator tile architecture is developed and realized as the second contribution. The hybrid tile is a modular and reusable tile that can be configured at run-time to operate as a scratchpad shared memory between compute tiles or as an accelerator tile hosting a local hardware accelerator logic. The hybrid tile is designed and implemented to be seamlessly integrated into the proposed tile-based platform. The third contribution deals with the self-adaptation features by providing a reconfiguration management approach to internally control the DPR process through processing cores (RISC-V based). The internal reconfiguration process relies on a novel DPR controller targeting FPGA design flow for RISC-V-based SoC to change the types and functionalities of compute tiles at run-time

    A hardware-software codesign framework for cellular computing

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    Until recently, the ever-increasing demand of computing power has been met on one hand by increasing the operating frequency of processors and on the other hand by designing architectures capable of exploiting parallelism at the instruction level through hardware mechanisms such as super-scalar execution. However, both these approaches seem to have reached a plateau, mainly due to issues related to design complexity and cost-effectiveness. To face the stabilization of performance of single-threaded processors, the current trend in processor design seems to favor a switch to coarser-grain parallelization, typically at the thread level. In other words, high computational power is achieved not only by a single, very fast and very complex processor, but through the parallel operation of several processors, each executing a different thread. Extrapolating this trend to take into account the vast amount of on-chip hardware resources that will be available in the next few decades (either through further shrinkage of silicon fabrication processes or by the introduction of molecular-scale devices), together with the predicted features of such devices (e.g., the impossibility of global synchronization or higher failure rates), it seems reasonable to foretell that current design techniques will not be able to cope with the requirements of next-generation electronic devices and that novel design tools and programming methods will have to be devised. A tempting source of inspiration to solve the problems implied by a massively parallel organization and inherently error-prone substrates is biology. In fact, living beings possess characteristics, such as robustness to damage and self-organization, which were shown in previous research as interesting to be implemented in hardware. For instance, it was possible to realize relatively simple systems, such as a self-repairing watch. Overall, these bio-inspired approaches seem very promising but their interest for a wider audience is problematic because their heavily hardware-oriented designs lack some of the flexibility achievable with a general purpose processor. In the context of this thesis, we will introduce a processor-grade processing element at the heart of a bio-inspired hardware system. This processor, based on a single-instruction, features some key properties that allow it to maintain the versatility required by the implementation of bio-inspired mechanisms and to realize general computation. We will also demonstrate that the flexibility of such a processor enables it to be evolved so it can be tailored to different types of applications. In the second half of this thesis, we will analyze how the implementation of a large number of these processors can be used on a hardware platform to explore various bio-inspired mechanisms. Based on an extensible platform of many FPGAs, configured as a networked structure of processors, the hardware part of this computing framework is backed by an open library of software components that provides primitives for efficient inter-processor communication and distributed computation. We will show that this dual software–hardware approach allows a very quick exploration of different ways to solve computational problems using bio-inspired techniques. In addition, we also show that the flexibility of our approach allows it to exploit replication as a solution to issues that concern standard embedded applications