1,555 research outputs found

    Spatial Data Quality in the IoT Era:Management and Exploitation

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    Within the rapidly expanding Internet of Things (IoT), growing amounts of spatially referenced data are being generated. Due to the dynamic, decentralized, and heterogeneous nature of the IoT, spatial IoT data (SID) quality has attracted considerable attention in academia and industry. How to invent and use technologies for managing spatial data quality and exploiting low-quality spatial data are key challenges in the IoT. In this tutorial, we highlight the SID consumption requirements in applications and offer an overview of spatial data quality in the IoT setting. In addition, we review pertinent technologies for quality management and low-quality data exploitation, and we identify trends and future directions for quality-aware SID management and utilization. The tutorial aims to not only help researchers and practitioners to better comprehend SID quality challenges and solutions, but also offer insights that may enable innovative research and applications

    Location Based Indoor and Outdoor Lightweight Activity Recognition System

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    In intelligent environments one of the most relevant information that can be gathered about users is their location. Their position can be easily captured without the need for a large infrastructure through devices such as smartphones or smartwatches that we easily carry around in our daily life, providing new opportunities and services in the field of pervasive computing and sensing. Location data can be very useful to infer additional information in some cases such as elderly or sick care, where inferring additional information such as the activities or types of activities they perform can provide daily indicators about their behavior and habits. To do so, we present a system able to infer user activities in indoor and outdoor environments using Global Positioning System (GPS) data together with open data sources such as OpenStreetMaps (OSM) to analyse the user’s daily activities, requiring a minimal infrastructure

    Indoor Mobility Semantics Annotation Using Coupled Conditional Markov Networks

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    A Context-Aware Mobile Recommender System for Places of Interest

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    In this paper we introduce a novel setting mindful portable recommender framework for spots of intrigue (POIs). Not at all like existing frameworks, which gain clients' inclinations exclusively from their past evaluations, has it considered additionally their identity - utilizing the Five Factor Model. Identity is gained by requesting that clients finish a brief and engaging poll as a major aspect of the enlistment procedure, and is then misused in: (1) a dynamic learning module that effectively obtains evaluations in-setting for POIs that clients are probably going to have encountered, consequently diminishing the anxiety and inconvenience to rate (or skip rating) things that the clients don't have a clue; and (2) in the suggestion display that develops on network factorization and in this manner can be prepared regardless of the possibility that the clients haven't appraised any things yet

    Popularity, novelty and relevance in point of interest recommendation: an experimental analysis

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    AbstractRecommender Systems (RSs) are often assessed in off-line settings by measuring the system precision in predicting the observed user's ratings or choices. But, when apreciseRS is on-line, the generated recommendations can be perceived as marginally useful because lacking novelty. The underlying problem is that it is hard to build an RS that can correctly generalise, from the analysis of user's observed behaviour, and can identify the essential characteristics of novel and yet relevant recommendations. In this paper we address the above mentioned issue by considering four RSs that try to excel on different target criteria: precision, relevance and novelty. Two state of the art RSs called and follow a classical Nearest Neighbour approach, while the other two, and are based on Inverse Reinforcement Learning. and optimise precision, tries to identify the characteristics of POIs that make them relevant, and , a novel RS here introduced, is similar to but it also tries to recommend popular POIs. In an off-line experiment we discover that the recommendations produced by and optimise precision essentially by recommending quite popular POIs. can be tuned to achieve a desired level of precision at the cost of losing part of the best capability of to generate novel and yet relevant recommendations. In the on-line study we discover that the recommendations of and are liked more than those produced by . The rationale of that was found in the large percentage of novel recommendations produced by , which are difficult to appreciate. However, excels in recommending items that are both novel and liked by the users

    A Framework for Recommending Multimedia Cultural Visiting Paths

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    In this work, we present a general framework for Cultural Heritage applications able to uniformly manage heterogeneous multimedia data coming from several web repositories and to provide context- Aware recommendation services in order to generate dynamic multimedia visiting paths useful for the users during the exploration of different kinds of cultural sites. A specific application of our system within the cultural heritage domain is proposed together with some experimental results
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