574 research outputs found

    A Novel Methodology for Testing Hardware Security and Trust Exploiting On-Chip Power Noise Measurements (Extended Version)

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    Testing of electronic components is indispensable to minimize malfunction and failure of complex electronic systems. Currently, functionality and performance of these electronic components are the main parameters tested. However, validation of performance is not enough when the applications are safety or security critical. Therefore the security and trust of devices must also be tested before validation for such applications. In this paper, we promote the use of On-Chip Power noise Measurements (OCM), in order to test security using side-channel techniques. We then propose for the first time a standard side-channel measurement setup using OCM. Finally, we provide some key ideas on methodology to integrate the validation of hardware security and trust in the standard testing flow, exploiting OCM

    Assessing Hardware Security Threats Posed by Hardware Trojans in Power Electronics

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    This study investigates the threat of hardware Trojans (HTs) in power electronics applications, a rising concern due to the growing demand for cost-effective embedded solutions in power systems. With the supply chain for electronic hardware devices expanding globally, particularly to low-cost foundries in foreign locations, there is an increasing risk of HT attacks. While there has been extensive research on HTs in computer applications, little consideration has been given to their threat in power electronics. This study demonstrates the effectiveness of a power electronics HT by implementing a novel HT design into a gate drive circuit. Additionally, the research proposes several HT designs that exploit factors unique to power circuits, such as high power delivery and analog circuitry in order to illustrate the distinct attack space. The research highlights the need for enhanced detection, protection, and prevention methods in power electronics applications and offers a roadmap for future studies to develop more effective countermeasures and algorithms to mitigate the risks of HT attacks in power electronics

    Design, Fabrication, and Run-time Strategies for Hardware-Assisted Security

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    Today, electronic computing devices are critically involved in our daily lives, basic infrastructure, and national defense systems. With the growing number of threats against them, hardware-based security features offer the best chance for building secure and trustworthy cyber systems. In this dissertation, we investigate ways of making hardware-based security into a reality with primary focus on two areas: Hardware Trojan Detection and Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs). Hardware Trojans are malicious modifications made to original IC designs or layouts that can jeopardize the integrity of hardware and software platforms. Since most modern systems critically depend on ICs, detection of hardware Trojans has garnered significant interest in academia, industry, as well as governmental agencies. The majority of existing detection schemes focus on test-time because of the limited hardware resources available at run-time. In this dissertation, we explore innovative run-time solutions that utilize on-chip thermal sensor measurements and fundamental estimation/detection theory to expose changes in IC power/thermal profile caused by Trojan activation. The proposed solutions are low overhead and also generalizable to many other sensing modalities and problem instances. Simulation results using state-of-the-art tools on publicly available Trojan benchmarks verify that our approaches can detect Trojans quickly and with few false positives. Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs) are circuits that rely on IC fabrication variations to generate unique signatures for various security applications such as IC authentication, anti-counterfeiting, cryptographic key generation, and tamper resistance. While the existence of variations has been well exploited in PUF design, knowledge of exactly how variations come into existence has largely been ignored. Yet, for several decades the Design-for-Manufacturability (DFM) community has actually investigated the fundamental sources of these variations. Furthermore, since manufacturing variations are often harmful to IC yield, the existing DFM tools have been geared towards suppressing them (counter-intuitive for PUFs). In this dissertation, we make several improvements over current state-of-the-art work in PUFs. First, our approaches exploit existing DFM models to improve PUFs at physical layout and mask generation levels. Second, our proposed algorithms reverse the role of standard DFM tools and extend them towards improving PUF quality without harming non-PUF portions of the IC. Finally, since our approaches occur after design and before fabrication, they are applicable to all types of PUFs and have little overhead in terms of area, power, etc. The innovative and unconventional techniques presented in this dissertation should act as important building blocks for future work in cyber security

    A Physical Unclonable Function Based on Inter-Metal Layer Resistance Variations and an Evaluation of its Temperature and Voltage Stability

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    Keying material for encryption is stored as digital bistrings in non-volatile memory (NVM) on FPGAs and ASICs in current technologies. However, secrets stored this way are not secure against a determined adversary, who can use probing attacks to steal the secret. Physical Unclonable functions (PUFs) have emerged as an alternative. PUFs leverage random manufacturing variations as the source of entropy for generating random bitstrings, and incorporate an on-chip infrastructure for measuring and digitizing the corresponding variations in key electrical parameters, such as delay or voltage. PUFs are designed to reproduce a bitstring on demand and therefore eliminate the need for on-chip storage. In this dissertation, I propose a kind of PUF that measures resistance variations in inter-metal layers that define the power grid of the chip and evaluate its temperature and voltage stability. First, I introduce two implementations of a power grid-based PUF (PG-PUF). Then, I analyze the quality of bit strings generated without considering environmental variations from the PG-PUFs that leverage resistance variations in: 1) the power grid metal wires in 60 copies of a 90 nm chip and 2) in the power grid metal wires of 58 copies of a 65 nm chip. Next, I carry out a series of experiments in a set of 63 chips in IBM\u27s 90 nm technology at 9 TV corners, i.e., over all combination of 3 temperatures: -40oC, 25oC and 85oC and 3 voltages: nominal and +/-10% of the nominal supply voltage. The randomness, uniqueness and stability characteristics of bitstrings generated from PG-PUFs are evaluated. The stability of the PG-PUF and an on-chip voltage-to-digital (VDC) are also evaluated at 9 temperature-voltage corners. I introduce several techniques that have not been previously described, including a mechanism to eliminate voltage trends or \u27bias\u27 in the power grid voltage measurements, as well as a voltage threshold, Triple-Module-Redundancy (TMR) and majority voting scheme to identify and exclude unstable bits

    Ingress of threshold voltage-triggered hardware trojan in the modern FPGA fabric–detection methodology and mitigation

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    The ageing phenomenon of negative bias temperature instability (NBTI) continues to challenge the dynamic thermal management of modern FPGAs. Increased transistor density leads to thermal accumulation and propagates higher and non-uniform temperature variations across the FPGA. This aggravates the impact of NBTI on key PMOS transistor parameters such as threshold voltage and drain current. Where it ages the transistors, with a successive reduction in FPGA lifetime and reliability, it also challenges its security. The ingress of threshold voltage-triggered hardware Trojan, a stealthy and malicious electronic circuit, in the modern FPGA, is one such potential threat that could exploit NBTI and severely affect its performance. The development of an effective and efficient countermeasure against it is, therefore, highly critical. Accordingly, we present a comprehensive FPGA security scheme, comprising novel elements of hardware Trojan infection, detection, and mitigation, to protect FPGA applications against the hardware Trojan. Built around the threat model of a naval warship’s integrated self-protection system (ISPS), we propose a threshold voltage-triggered hardware Trojan that operates in a threshold voltage region of 0.45V to 0.998V, consuming ultra-low power (10.5nW), and remaining stealthy with an area overhead as low as 1.5% for a 28 nm technology node. The hardware Trojan detection sub-scheme provides a unique lightweight threshold voltage-aware sensor with a detection sensitivity of 0.251mV/nA. With fixed and dynamic ring oscillator-based sensor segments, the precise measurement of frequency and delay variations in response to shifts in the threshold voltage of a PMOS transistor is also proposed. Finally, the FPGA security scheme is reinforced with an online transistor dynamic scaling (OTDS) to mitigate the impact of hardware Trojan through run-time tolerant circuitry capable of identifying critical gates with worst-case drain current degradation

    Designing, Implementing, and Testing Hardware for Cybersecurity

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    Cybersecurity is one of the key issues facing the world today. With an ever-increasing number of devices connected across the internet, the need to secure all these different devices against potential attackers is an endless effort. This thesis is focussed on the most promising new developments in the hardware aspect of this battle for security. The first section of the thesis looks at what is the current state of the art when it comes to hardware security primitives, with a focus on random number generators and Physically Unclonable Functions (PUF). The strengths and weakness of the current implementations of these systems are analysed so that the areas which are most in need of improvement can be highlighted. The second major section of this thesis is looking to improve how random numbers are generated, which is essential for many current security systems. True random number generators have been presented as a potential solution to this problem but improvements in output bit rate, power consumption, and design complexity must be made. In this work we present a novel and experimentally verified true random number generator that exclusively uses conventional CMOS technology as well as offering key improvements over previous designs in complexity, output bit rate, and power consumption. It uses the inherent randomness of telegraph noise in the channel current of a single CMOS transistor as an entropy source. For the first time, multi-level and abnormal telegraph noise can be utilised, which greatly reduces device selectivity and offers much greater bit rates. The design is verified using a breadboard and FPGA proof of concept circuit and passes all 15 of the NIST randomness tests without any need for post-processing of the generated bitstream. The design also shows resilience against machine learning attacks performed by an LSTM neural network. The third major section describes the development of a novel PUF concept, which offers a new approach to authentication, allowing low power devices to be included in existing networks without compromising overall security. The new PUF concept introduces time dependence to vastly increase the efficiency of entropy source usage, when compared with a traditional PUF. This new PUF also introduces a probability-based model which greatly reduces the required server memory for Challenge Response Pair (CRP) storage when large numbers of CRPs are used. The concept is verified experimentally on nano-scale CMOS technology as well as through simulation and a proof-of-concept circuit. These combined benefits bring the PUF concept much closer to being a viable solution for widespread cybersecurity applications

    Design for prognostics and security in field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs).

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    There is an evolutionary progression of Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) toward more complex and high power density architectures such as Systems-on- Chip (SoC) and Adaptive Compute Acceleration Platforms (ACAP). Primarily, this is attributable to the continual transistor miniaturisation and more innovative and efficient IC manufacturing processes. Concurrently, degradation mechanism of Bias Temperature Instability (BTI) has become more pronounced with respect to its ageing impact. It could weaken the reliability of VLSI devices, FPGAs in particular due to their run-time reconfigurability. At the same time, vulnerability of FPGAs to device-level attacks in the increasing cyber and hardware threat environment is also quadrupling as the susceptible reliability realm opens door for the rogue elements to intervene. Insertion of highly stealthy and malicious circuitry, called hardware Trojans, in FPGAs is one of such malicious interventions. On the one hand where such attacks/interventions adversely affect the security ambit of these devices, they also undermine their reliability substantially. Hitherto, the security and reliability are treated as two separate entities impacting the FPGA health. This has resulted in fragmented solutions that do not reflect the true state of the FPGA operational and functional readiness, thereby making them even more prone to hardware attacks. The recent episodes of Spectre and Meltdown vulnerabilities are some of the key examples. This research addresses these concerns by adopting an integrated approach and investigating the FPGA security and reliability as two inter-dependent entities with an additional dimension of health estimation/ prognostics. The design and implementation of a small footprint frequency and threshold voltage-shift detection sensor, a novel hardware Trojan, and an online transistor dynamic scaling circuitry present a viable FPGA security scheme that helps build a strong microarchitectural level defence against unscrupulous hardware attacks. Augmented with an efficient Kernel-based learning technique for FPGA health estimation/prognostics, the optimal integrated solution proves to be more dependable and trustworthy than the prevalent disjointed approach.Samie, Mohammad (Associate)PhD in Transport System

    Model Building and Security Analysis of PUF-Based Authentication

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    In the context of hardware systems, authentication refers to the process of confirming the identity and authenticity of chip, board and system components such as RFID tags, smart cards and remote sensors. The ability of physical unclonable functions (PUF) to provide bitstrings unique to each component can be leveraged as an authentication mechanism to detect tamper, impersonation and substitution of such components. However, authentication requires a strong PUF, i.e., one capable of producing a large, unique set of bits per device, and, unlike secret key generation for encryption, has additional challenges that relate to machine learning attacks, protocol attacks and constraints on device resources. We describe the requirements for PUF-based authentication, and present a PUF primitive and protocol designed for authentication in resource constrained devices. Our experimental results are derived from a 28 nm Xilinx FPGA. In the authentication scenario, strong PUFs are required since the adversary could collect a subset of challenges and response pairsto build a model and predict the responses for unseen challenges. Therefore, strong PUFs need to provide exponentially large challenge space and be resilient to model building attacks. We investigate the security properties of a Hardware-embedded Delay PUF called HELP which leverages within-die variations in path delays within a hardware-implemented macro (functional unit) as the entropy source. Several features of the HELP processing engine significantly improve its resistance to model-building attacks. We also investigate a novel technique that significantly improves the statistically quality of the generated bitstring for HELP. Stability across environmental variations such as temperature and voltage, is critically important for Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs). Nearly all existing PUF systems to date need a mechanism to deal with “bit flips” when exact regeneration of the bitstring is required, e.g., for cryptographic applications. Error correction (ECC) and error avoidance schemes have been proposed but both of these require helper data to be stored for the regeneration process. Unfortunately, helper data adds time and area overhead to the PUF system and provides opportunities for adversaries to reverse engineer the secret bitstring. We propose a non-volatile memory-based (NVM) PUF that is able to avoid bit flips without requiring any type of helper data. We describe the technique in the context of emerging nano-devices, in particular, resistive random access memory (Memristor) cells, but the methodology is applicable to any type of NVM including Flash
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