582 research outputs found

    Energy Efficient Small Cell Planning For High Capacity Wireless Networks

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    This thesis presents a new strategy to densify Small Cells (i.e., add more low powered base stations within macro networks) and enhance the coverage and capacity of Heterogeneous Networks. This is accomplished by designing Micro Cell for outdoor applications, Pico and Femtocell for indoor applications. It is shown that, there exists a free space propagation medium in all propagation environments due to Fresnel zones, and the path loss slope within this zone is similar to free space propagation medium. This forms the basis of our development of the present work. The salient feature of the proposed work has two main considerations (a) The cell radius of Small Cells must be within the first Fresnel zone break point, and (b) The minimum inter-cell distance must be greater than twice of Small Cell radius. The proposed network is simulated in real a radio network simulator called ATOLL. The simulation results showed that densify Small Cells not only enhanced the capacity and coverage of Heterogeneous Networks but also improved the carrier to interference ratio significantly. Since the proposed work allows UE (user equipment) to have Line of Sight (LOS) communication with the serving cell, and UE can have higher uplink (UL) signal to interference plus noise ratio (SINR) that will further allow UE to reduce its transmission power, which will consequently lead to a longer battery life for the UE and reduce the interference in the system

    Enabling Hardware Green Internet of Things: A review of Substantial Issues

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    Between now and the near future, the Internet of Things (IoT) will redesign the socio-ecological morphology of the human terrain. The IoT ecosystem deploys diverse sensor platforms connecting millions of heterogeneous objects through the Internet. Irrespective of sensor functionality, most sensors are low energy consumption devices and are designed to transmit sporadically or continuously. However, when we consider the millions of connected sensors powering various user applications, their energy efficiency (EE) becomes a critical issue. Therefore, the importance of EE in IoT technology, as well as the development of EE solutions for sustainable IoT technology, cannot be overemphasised. Propelled by this need, EE proposals are expected to address the EE issues in the IoT context. Consequently, many developments continue to emerge, and the need to highlight them to provide clear insights to researchers on eco-sustainable and green IoT technologies becomes a crucial task. To pursue a clear vision of green IoT, this study aims to present the current state-of-the art insights into energy saving practices and strategies on green IoT. The major contribution of this study includes reviews and discussions of substantial issues in the enabling of hardware green IoT, such as green machine to machine, green wireless sensor networks, green radio frequency identification, green microcontroller units, integrated circuits and processors. This review will contribute significantly towards the future implementation of green and eco-sustainable IoT

    Energy Efficiency and Coverage Trade-Off in 5G for Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Cellular Networks

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    Recently, cellular networks’ energy efficiency has garnered research interest from academia and industry because of its considerable economic and ecological effects in the near future. This study proposes an approach to cooperation between the Long-Term Evolution (LTE) and next-generation wireless networks. The fifth-generation (5G) wireless network aims to negotiate a trade-off between wireless network performance (sustaining the demand for high speed packet rates during busy traffic periods) and energy efficiency (EE) by alternating 5G base stations’ (BSs) switching off/on based on the traffic instantaneous load condition and, at the same time, guaranteeing network coverage for mobile subscribers by the remaining active LTE BSs. The particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm was used to determine the optimum criteria of the active LTE BSs (transmission power, total antenna gain, spectrum/channel bandwidth, and signal-to-interference-noise ratio) that achieves maximum coverage for the entire area during the switch-off session of 5G BSs. Simulation results indicate that the energy savings can reach 3.52 kW per day, with a maximum data rate of up to 22.4 Gbps at peak traffic hours and 80.64 Mbps during a 5G BS switched-off session along with guaranteed full coverage over the entire region by the remaining active LTE BSs

    Human Body Scattering Effects at Millimeter Waves Frequencies for Future 5G Systems and Beyond

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    [ES] Se espera que las futuras comunicaciones móviles experimenten una revolución técnica que vaya más allá de las velocidades de datos de Gbps y reduzca las latencias de las velocidades de datos a niveles muy cercanos al milisegundo. Se han investigado nuevas tecnologías habilitadoras para lograr estas exigentes especificaciones. Y la utilización de las bandas de ondas milimétricas, donde hay mucho espectro disponible, es una de ellas. Debido a las numerosas dificultades técnicas asociadas a la utilización de esta banda de frecuencias, se necesitan complicados modelos de canal para anticipar las características del canal de radio y evaluar con precisión el rendimiento de los sistemas celulares en milimétricas. En concreto, los modelos de propagación más precisos son los basados en técnicas de trazado de rayos deterministas. Pero estas técnicas tienen el estigma de ser computacionalmente exigentes, y esto dificulta su uso para caracterizar el canal de radio en escenarios interiores complejos y dinámicos. La complejidad de la caracterización de estos escenarios depende en gran medida de la interacción del cuerpo humano con el entorno radioeléctrico, que en las ondas milimétricas suele ser destructiva y muy impredecible. Por otro lado, en los últimos años, la industria de los videojuegos ha desarrollado potentes herramientas para entornos hiperrealistas, donde la mayor parte de los avances en esta emulación de la realidad tienen que ver con el manejo de la luz. Así, los motores gráficos de estas plataformas se han vuelto cada vez más eficientes para manejar grandes volúmenes de información, por lo que son ideales para emular el comportamiento de la propagación de las ondas de radio, así como para reconstruir un escenario interior complejo. Por ello, en esta Tesis se ha aprovechado la capacidad computacional de este tipo de herramientas para evaluar el canal radioeléctrico milimétricas de la forma más eficiente posible. Esta Tesis ofrece unas pautas para optimizar la propagación de la señal en milimétricas en un entorno interior dinámico y complejo, para lo cual se proponen tres objetivos principales. El primer objetivo es evaluar los efectos de dispersión del cuerpo humano cuando interactúa con el canal de propagación. Una vez evaluado, se propuso un modelo matemático y geométrico simplificado para calcular este efecto de forma fiable y rápida. Otro objetivo fue el diseño de un reflector pasivo modular en milimétricas, que optimiza la cobertura en entornos de interior, evitando la interferencia del ser humano en la propagación. Y, por último, se diseñó un sistema de apuntamiento del haz predictivo en tiempo real, para que opere con el sistema de radiación en milimétricas, cuyo objetivo es evitar las pérdidas de propagación causadas por el cuerpo humano en entornos interiores dinámicos y complejos.[CA] S'espera que les futures comunicacions mòbils experimenten una revolució tècnica que vaja més enllà de les velocitats de dades de Gbps i reduïsca les latències de les velocitats de dades a nivells molt pròxims al milisegundo. S'han investigat noves tecnologies habilitadoras per a aconseguir estes exigents especificacions. I la utilització de les bandes d'ones millimètriques, on hi ha molt espectre disponible, és una d'elles. A causa de les nombroses dificultats tècniques associades a la utilització d'esta banda de freqüències, es necessiten complicats models de canal per a anticipar les característiques del canal de ràdio i avaluar amb precisió el rendiment dels sistemes cellulars en millimètriques. En concret, els models de propagació més precisos són els basats en tècniques de traçat de rajos deterministes. Però estes tècniques tenen l'estigma de ser computacionalment exigents, i açò dificulta el seu ús per a caracteritzar el canal de ràdio en escenaris interiors complexos i dinàmics. La complexitat de la caracterització d'estos escenaris depén en gran manera de la interacció del cos humà amb l'entorn radioelèctric, que en les ones millimètriques sol ser destructiva i molt impredicible. D'altra banda, en els últims anys, la indústria dels videojocs ha desenrotllat potents ferramentes per a entorns hiperrealistes, on la major part dels avanços en esta emulació de la realitat tenen a veure amb el maneig de la llum. Així, els motors gràfics d'estes plataformes s'han tornat cada vegada més eficients per a manejar grans volums d'informació, per la qual cosa són ideals per a emular el comportament de la propagació de les ones de ràdio, així com per a reconstruir un escenari interior complex. Per això, en esta Tesi s'ha aprofitat la capacitat computacional d'este tipus de ferramentes per a avaluar el canal radioelèctric millimètriques de la manera més eficient possible. Esta Tesi oferix unes pautes per a optimitzar la propagació del senyal en millimètriques en un entorn interior dinàmic i complex, per a la qual cosa es proposen tres objectius principals. El primer objectiu és avaluar els efectes de dispersió del cos humà quan interactua amb el canal de propagació. Una vegada avaluat, es va proposar un model matemàtic i geomètric simplificat per a calcular este efecte de forma fiable i ràpida. Un altre objectiu va ser el disseny d'un reflector passiu modular en millimètriques, que optimitza la cobertura en entorns d'interior, evitant la interferència del ser humà en la propagació, per a així evitar pèrdues de propagació addicionals. I, finalment, es va dissenyar un sistema d'apuntament del feix predictiu en temps real, perquè opere amb el sistema de radiació en millimètriques, l'objectiu del qual és evitar les pèrdues de propagació causades pel cos humà en entorns interiors dinàmics i complexos.[EN] Future mobile communications are expected to experience a technical revolution that goes beyond Gbps data rates and reduces data rate latencies to levels very close to a millisecond. New enabling technologies have been researched to achieve these demanding specifications. The utilization of mmWave bands, where a lot of spectrum is available, is one of them. Due to the numerous technical difficulties associated with using this frequency band, complicated channel models are necessary to anticipate the radio channel characteristics and to accurately evaluate the performance of cellular systems in mmWave. In particular, the most accurate propagation models are those based on deterministic ray tracing techniques. But these techniques have the stigma of being computationally intensive, and this makes it difficult to use them to characterize the radio channel in complex and dynamic indoor scenarios. The complexity of characterizing these scenarios depends largely on the interaction of the human body with the radio environment, which at mmWaves is often destructive and highly unpredictable. On the other hand, in recent years, the video game industry has developed powerful tools for hyper-realistic environments, where most of the progress in this reality emulation has to do with the handling of light. Therefore, the graphic engines of these platforms have become more and more efficient to handle large volumes of information, becoming ideal to emulate the radio wave propagation behavior, as well as to reconstruct a complex interior scenario. Therefore, in this Thesis one has taken advantage of the computational capacity of this type of tools to evaluate the mmWave radio channel in the most efficient way possible. This Thesis offers some guidelines to optimize the signal propagation in mmWaves in a dynamic and complex indoor environment, for which three main objectives are proposed. The first objective has been to evaluate the scattering effects of the human body when it interacts with the propagation channel. Once evaluated, a simplified mathematical and geometrical model has been proposed to calculate this effect in a reliable and fast way. Another objective has been the design of a modular passive reflector in mmWaves, which optimizes the coverage in indoor environments, avoiding human interference in the propagation, in order to avoid its harmful scattering effects. And finally, a real-time predictive beam steering system has been designed for the mmWaves radiation system, in order to avoid propagation losses caused by the human body in dynamic and complex indoor environments.Romero Peña, JS. (2022). Human Body Scattering Effects at Millimeter Waves Frequencies for Future 5G Systems and Beyond [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/19132

    Contributions to channel modelling and performance estimation of HAPS-based communication systems regarding IEEE Std 802.16TM

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    New and future telecommunication networks are and will be broadband type. The existing terrestrial and space radio communication infrastructures might be supplemented by new wireless networks that make and will make use of aeronautics-technology. Our study/contribution is referring to radio communications based on radio stations aboard a stratospheric platform named, by ITU-R, HAPS (High Altitude Platform Station). These new networks have been proposed as an alternative technology within the ITU framework to provide various narrow/broadband communication services. With the possibility of having a payload for Telecommunications in an aircraft or a balloon (HAPS), it can be carried out radio communications to provide backbone connections on ground and to access to broadband points for ground terminals. The latest implies a complex radio network planning. Therefore, the radio coverage analysis at outdoors and indoors becomes an important issue on the design of new radio systems. In this doctoral thesis, the contribution is related to the HAPS application for terrestrial fixed broadband communications. HAPS was hypothesised as a quasi-static platform with height above ground at the so-called stratospheric layer. Latter contribution was fulfilled by approaching via simulations the outdoor-indoor coverage with a simple efficient computational model at downlink mode. This work was assessing the ITU-R recommendations at bands recognised for the HAPS-based networks. It was contemplated the possibility of operating around 2 GHz (1820 MHz, specifically) because this band is recognised as an alternative for HAPS networks that can provide IMT-2000 and IMT-Advanced services. The global broadband radio communication model was composed of three parts: transmitter, channel, and receiver. The transmitter and receiver parts were based on the specifications of the IEEE Std 802.16TM-2009 (with its respective digital transmission techniques for a robust-reliable link), and the channel was subjected to the analysis of radio modelling at the level of HAPS and terrestrial (outdoors plus indoors) parts. For the channel modelling was used the two-state characterisation (physical situations associated with the transmitted/received signals), the state-oriented channel modelling. One of the channel-state contemplated the environmental transmission situation defined by a direct path between transmitter and receiver, and the remaining one regarded the conditions of shadowing. These states were dependent on the elevation angle related to the ray-tracing analysis: within the propagation environment, it was considered that a representative portion of the total energy of the signal was received by a direct or diffracted wave, and the remaining power signal was coming by a specular wave, to last-mentioned waves (rays) were added the scattered and random rays that constituted the diffuse wave. At indoors case, the variations of the transmitted signal were also considering the following matters additionally: the building penetration, construction material, angle of incidence, floor height, position of terminal in the room, and indoor fading; also, these indoors radiocommunications presented different type of paths to reach the receiver: obscured LOS, no LOS (NLOS), and hard NLOS. The evaluation of the feasible performance for the HAPS-to-ground terminal was accomplished by means of thorough simulations. The outcomes of the experiment were presented in terms of BER vs. Eb/N0 plotting, getting significant positive conclusions for these kind of system as access network technology based on HAPS
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