5,446 research outputs found

    A structural investigation of mechanism in human glutathione transferase omega 1

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    This thesis investigates the structural details of catalysis associated with the human enzyme, Glutathione Transferase Omega 1 (hGSTO1-1), a member of the most recently discovered class of Glutathione Transferase. The human genome contains two Omega class genes (hGSTO1 and 2) and their transcribed products have been found at varied levels within almost every tissue of the human body. The crystal structure of hGSTO1-1 displays a distinguishing cysteine residue in the active site, a feature that undoubtedly plays a role in the novel biochemistry it displays. Of most interest is the hGSTO1-1 mediated reduction of mono-and dimethylated arsenic species that result from human arsenic exposure. The enzyme is also essential for the enzymatic detoxification of alphahaloketones to acetophenones and exhibits a novel dehydroascorbate reductase activity. The following dissertation reports major progress in understanding the details of these chemical mechanisms. By observing these reactions within the crystallised enzyme using X-ray diffraction, several states within these catalytic cycles have been observed in great detail. Subsequently, hypotheses have been drawn about the product inhibition inferred during dehydroascorbate reduction, the existence of glutathione intermediates inherent to its interaction with methylated arsenicals, and the fundamental understanding of Omega mediated catalysis obtained by observing the enzymatic complex of oxidized glutathione and S-(4-Nitrophenacyl) glutathione simultaneously. In addition, adaptation of experimental conditions has led to the discovery of two new crystal forms with which to study the structural dynamics of this protein and its chemistry. The structure of a naturally occurring polymorphism involving the deletion of glutamate 155 has also been solved, revealing pronounced structural plasticity that correlates well with the apparent instability of the mutant enzyme in vivo. Discussions explore the broad implications for interpreting the role of hGSTO1-1 in the pathomechanisms of human disease states such as Alzheimer's disease and the biological mechanisms of arsenics' newly discovered potential as an anti-cancer agent

    Structure and assembly of the S-layer determine virulence in C. difficile

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    Many bacteria and archaea possess a cell surface layer – S-layer – made of a 2D protein array that covers the entire cell. As the outermost component of the cell envelope, S-layers play crucial roles in many aspects of cell physiology. Importantly, many clinically relevant bacterial pathogens possess a distinct S-layer that forms an initial interface with the host, making it a potential target for development of species-specific antimicrobials. Targeted therapeutics are particularly important for antibiotic resistant pathogens such as Clostridioides difficile, the most frequent cause of hospital acquired diarrhea, which relies on disruption of normal microbiota through antibiotic usage. Despite the ubiquity of S-layers, only partial structural information from a very limited number of species is available and their function and organization remains poorly understood. Here we report the first complete atomic level structure and in situ assembly model of an S-layer from a bacterial pathogen and reveal its role in disease severity. SlpA, the main C. difficile S-layer protein, assembles through tiling of triangular prisms abutting the cell wall, interlocked by distinct ridges facing the environment. This forms a tightly packed array, unlike the more porous S-layer models previously described. We report that removing one of the SlpA ridge features dramatically reduces disease severity, despite being dispensable for overall SlpA structure and S-layer assembly. Remarkably, the effect on disease severity is independent of toxin production and bacterial colonization within the mouse model of disease. Our work combines X-ray and electron crystallography to reveal a novel S-layer organization in atomic detail, highlighting the need for multiple technical approaches to obtain structural information on these paracrystalline arrays. These data also establish a direct link between specific structural elements of S-layer and virulence for the first time, in a crucial paradigm shift in our understanding of C. difficile disease, currently largely attributed to the action of potent toxins. This work highlights the crucial role of S-layers in pathogenicity and the importance of detailed structural information for providing new therapeutic avenues, targeting the S-layer. Understanding the interplay between S-layer and other virulence factors will further enhance our ability to tackle pathogens carrying an S-layer. We anticipate that this work provides a solid basis for development of new, C. difficile-specific therapeutics, targeting SlpA structure and S-layer assembly to reduce the healthcare burden of these infections.

    Molecular Simulation Approaches to Proteins Structure and Dynamics and to Ligand Design

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    Molecular simulations approaches are powerful tools for structural biology and drug discovery. They provide additional and complementary information on structure, dynamics and energetics of biomolecules whose structures have been determined experimentally [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]. In particular, Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations [8], along with elastic network analysis [9], offer insights into molecular fluctuations, conformational changes and allosteric mechanisms. In addition, molecular simulation can be used to design novel and potent ligands to a specific target (either a protein or DNA) as well as to estimate ligands potency [10,11]. Attempts at predicting protein structures using bioinformatics and MD are also increasingly successful [12,13,14,15], as well as approaches that use solely simulation tools [16]. The development of new algorithms and the continuously growing computer power currently allow for the simulation of more and more complex biological systems, such as protein aggregates [7,17,18,19,20] and protein/DNA complexes [21]. In this context, a number of theoretical techniques (namely molecular dynamics simulations, elastic network analysis, electrostatic modeling and binding energy predictions) have here been applied to the study of specific proteins. On the basis of X-ray protein structures, molecular simulations have provided a detailed description of internal motions and interactions, which are not evident from the experimental data and have functional implications. First, we have used MD to investigate structural features, focusing on the differences between the solid state and the aqueous solution structures. Over 80% of data in the PDB [22] are X-ray structures, making protein crystallography the major resource in structural biology. Nevertheless, in a few cases, the structural details might be affected by environmental features, such as the presence of small compounds in the buffering solution and/or crystal packing contacts due to the periodic lattice. Here, a comparative MD study has been performed on the Catabolite Activator Protein (CAP), in both the crystal phase and in the aqueous solution. CAP is a bacterial DNA-binding transcription regulator whose activity is controlled by the binding of the intracellular mediator cyclic Adenosine MonoPhosphate (cAMP). CAP is a homodimeric protein and each subunit is formed by a cyclic nucleotide- and a DNA-binding domain. Inspection of the available CAP X-ray structure within the crystal environment [23] suggests that packing contacts do affect the native conformation of the ligand activated protein. Anticipating our results, we have found that indeed the conformation of the protein in solution is different, and that these differences may play a role for CAP biological function. Next, we have used molecular simulations to target structural flexibility. Conformational fluctuations often play a key role for the protein function and MD simulations can provide information on large-scale concerted motions of proteins [24,25,26]. We have addressed this point in the context of the Hyperpolarization-activated Cyclic Nucleotide-modulated (HCN) cation channel. The tetrameric HCN channels are opened by membrane hyperpolarization, while their activation is allosterically modulated by the binding of cAMP in the cytoplasm. The cytoplasmic part of the HCN2 channel, which is responsible for the channel modulation, has been here investigated by MD simulations and elastic network analysis, on the basis of the available X-ray structure [27], to earn new insights into the molecular mechanism triggered by cAMP. We have found that, in the presence of cAMP, the protein undergoes a quaternary structure oscillation, in which each subunit moves as a rigid body. This fluctuation, which is not observed in the absence of cAMP, could facilitate the channel opening transition. Finally, we have moved our attention to an issue relevant for structure-based drug design. Within a long-standing collaboration with Prof. Cattaneo\u2019s lab (SISSA and Motivations and Summary 7 Layline Genomics), our group has been interested in the design of mimics of proteins involved in the biochemical pathways that lead to the Alzheimer\u2019s disease. Here, on the basis of structural information [28], we have designed a peptide that could specifically target trkA, the high affinity receptor of the Nerve Growth Factor (NGF), which is a protein that plays a critical role for the development, survival and maintenance of neurons in the vertebrate nervous system and activates signaling pathways related to neuroprotection. The results of this research will be tested at the Prof. Cattaneo\u2019s Lab in order to validate the theoretical findings and assess the potency and the effects of such a ligand

    A review of mechanoluminescence in inorganic solids : compounds, mechanisms, models and applications

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    Mechanoluminescence (ML) is the non-thermal emission of light as a response to mechanical stimuli on a solid material. While this phenomenon has been observed for a long time when breaking certain materials, it is now being extensively explored, especially since the discovery of non-destructive ML upon elastic deformation. A great number of materials have already been identified as mechanoluminescent, but novel ones with colour tunability and improved sensitivity are still urgently needed. The physical origin of the phenomenon, which mainly involves the release of trapped carriers at defects with the help of stress, still remains unclear. This in turn hinders a deeper research, either theoretically or application oriented. In this review paper, we have tabulated the known ML compounds according to their structure prototypes based on the connectivity of anion polyhedra, highlighting structural features, such as framework distortion, layered structure, elastic anisotropy and microstructures, which are very relevant to the ML process. We then review the various proposed mechanisms and corresponding mathematical models. We comment on their contribution to a clearer understanding of the ML phenomenon and on the derived guidelines for improving properties of ML phosphors. Proven and potential applications of ML in various fields, such as stress field sensing, light sources, and sensing electric (magnetic) fields, are summarized. Finally, we point out the challenges and future directions in this active and emerging field of luminescence research

    Lateral interactions govern self-assembly of the bacterial biofilm matrix protein BslA

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    The soil bacterium Bacillus subtilis is a model organism to investigate the formation of biofilms, the predominant form of microbial life. The secreted protein BslA self-assembles at the surface of the biofilm to give the B. subtilis biofilm its characteristic hydrophobicity. To understand the mechanism of BslA self-assembly at interfaces, here we built a molecular model based on the previous BslA crystal structure and the crystal structure of the BslA paralogue YweA that we determined. Our analysis revealed two conserved protein-protein interaction interfaces supporting BslA self-assembly into an infinite 2-dimensional lattice that fits previously determined transmission microscopy images. Molecular dynamics simulations and in vitro protein assays further support our model of BslA elastic film formation, while mutagenesis experiments highlight the importance of the identified interactions for biofilm structure. Based on this knowledge, YweA was engineered to form more stable elastic films and rescue biofilm structure in bslA deficient strains. These findings shed light on protein film assembly and will inform the development of BslA technologies which range from surface coatings to emulsions in fast-moving consumer goods.</p

    Lateral interactions govern self-assembly of the bacterial biofilm matrix protein BslA

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    The soil bacterium Bacillus subtilis is a model organism to investigate the formation of biofilms, the predominant form of microbial life. The secreted protein BslA self-assembles at the surface of the biofilm to give the B. subtilis biofilm its characteristic hydrophobicity. To understand the mechanism of BslA self-assembly at interfaces, here we built a molecular model based on the previous BslA crystal structure and the crystal structure of the BslA paralogue YweA that we determined. Our analysis revealed two conserved protein-protein interaction interfaces supporting BslA self-assembly into an infinite 2-dimensional lattice that fits previously determined transmission microscopy images. Molecular dynamics simulations and in vitro protein assays further support our model of BslA elastic film formation, while mutagenesis experiments highlight the importance of the identified interactions for biofilm structure. Based on this knowledge, YweA was engineered to form more stable elastic films and rescue biofilm structure in bslA deficient strains. These findings shed light on protein film assembly and will inform the development of BslA technologies which range from surface coatings to emulsions in fast-moving consumer goods.</p

    Structural insights into the basis and evolution of interactions in multi-subunit protein assemblies. tryptophan synthase and titin FNIII-repeats

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    Cellular processes benefit from evolutionary shaping when optimized protein-protein interactions result in enhanced functionality. In fact, most cellular proteins are tightly embedded into biological networks that function following a modularity principle. Modularity, whether based on components as parts of stable protein complexes or as dynamic units that interact only transiently (as in signalling and metabolic cascades), facilitates the combinatorial generation of complexity in protein networks through the re-wiring of modules in addition to the diversification of individual proteins – thereby increasing the “evolvability” of the system. The mechanisms that drive the emergence and evolution of molecular recognition in protein networks remain unclear. It is difficult to justify such evolution on the basis of organismic advantage, since the latter might only be noticeable once full pathways and cascades have evolved. It is then likely that the evolution of protein-protein interactions is in the first instance driven by a molecular principle of local advantage to the protein system itself - for example, molecular stability. Unfortunately, it is difficult to gain insights into the evolution of protein-protein interactions since the pathways of evolutionary shaping normally let intermediates of evolution disappear. Subsequently, conclusions are more usually drawn from the comparison of proteins between different species and by mutagenesis probing. In the current study, we aim at gaining an insight into the evolutionary shaping of proteins surfaces for hetero-complex formation by studying two systems at an early stage of development: Tryptophan Synthase B2b (TrpB2b) from S. solfataricus and the modular interfaces of the poly-FNIII tandems in the muscle filament titin. In the case of TrpB2b, the evolution of inter-subunit communication is addressed in addition. Both structures have been elucidated using X-ray crystallography and a comparative analysis of their surfaces has been carried out. The architectural elements subjected to evolutionary pressure have been identified and conclusions on their relation to function and evolution have been drawn
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