7 research outputs found

    Fine-grained fault recognition method for shaft orbit of rotary machine based on convolutional neural network

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    In the fault diagnosis of the shaft orbit of rotating machinery, there are few prejudgments about the severity of the faults, which is very important for fault repair. Therefore, a fine-grained recognition method is proposed to detect different severity faults by shaft orbit. Since different shaft orbits represent different type and different severity of faults, the convolutional neural network (CNN) is applied for identifying the shaft orbits to recognize the type and severity of the fault. The recognition rate of proposed fine-grained fault identification method is 97.96 % on the simulated shaft orbit database, and it takes only 0.31 milliseconds for the recognition of single sample. Experimental result indicated that the classification performance of the proposed method are better than the traditional machine learning models. Moreover, the method is applied for the identification of the measured shaft orbits of rotor with different degree of imbalance faults, and the testing accuracy of the experiments in measured shaft orbits is 97.14 %, which has verified the effectiveness of the proposed fine-grained fault recognition method

    Eigen-spectrograms: an interpretable feature space for bearing fault diagnosis based on artificial intelligence and image processing

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    The Intelligent Fault Diagnosis of rotating machinery proposes some captivating challenges in light of the imminent big data era. Although results achieved by artificial intelligence and deep learning constantly improve, this field is characterized by several open issues. Models' interpretation is still buried under the foundations of data driven science, thus requiring attention to the development of new opportunities also for machine learning theories. This study proposes a machine learning diagnosis model, based on intelligent spectrogram recognition, via image processing. The approach is characterized by the introduction of the eigen-spectrograms and randomized linear algebra in fault diagnosis. The eigen-spectrograms hierarchically display inherent structures underlying spectrogram images. Also, different combinations of eigen-spectrograms are expected to describe multiple machine health states. Randomized algebra and eigen-spectrograms enable the construction of a significant feature space, which nonetheless emerges as a viable device to explore models' interpretations. The computational efficiency of randomized approaches further collocates this methodology in the big data perspective and provides new reading keys of well-established statistical learning theories, such as the Support Vector Machine (SVM). The conjunction of randomized algebra and Support Vector Machine for spectrogram recognition shows to be extremely accurate and efficient as compared to state of the art results.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figure

    Identification of Babbitt Damage and Excessive Clearance in Journal Bearings through an Intelligent Recognition Approach

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    Journal bearings play an important role on many rotating machines placed on industrial environments, especially in steam turbines of thermoelectric power plants. Babbitt damage (BD) and excessive clearance (C) are usual faults of steam turbine journal bearings. This paper is focused on achieving an effective identification of these faults through an intelligent recognition approach. The work was carried out through the processing of real data obtained from an industrial environment. In this work, a feature selection procedure was applied in order to choose the features more suitable to identify the faults. This feature selection procedure was performed through the computation of typical testors, which allows working with both quantitative and qualitative features. The classification tasks were carried out by using Nearest Neighbors, Voting Algorithm, Naïve Associative Classifier and Assisted Classification for Imbalance Data techniques. Several performance measures were computed and used in order to assess the classification effectiveness. The achieved results (e.g., six performance measures were above 0.998) showed the convenience of applying pattern recognition techniques to the automatic identification of BD and C

    Constructing a reliable health indicator for bearings using convolutional autoencoder and continuous wavelet transform

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    Estimating the remaining useful life (RUL) of components is a crucial task to enhance reliability, safety, productivity, and to reduce maintenance cost. In general, predicting the RUL of a component includes constructing a health indicator ( ) to infer the current condition of the component, and modelling the degradation process in order to estimate the future behavior. Although many signal processing and data‐driven methods have been proposed to construct the , most of the existing methods are based on manual feature extraction techniques and require the prior knowledge of experts, or rely on a large amount of failure data. Therefore, in this study, a new data‐driven method based on the convolutional autoencoder (CAE) is presented to construct the . For this purpose, the continuous wavelet transform (CWT) technique was used to convert the raw acquired vibrational signals into a two‐dimensional image; then, the CAE model was trained by the healthy operation dataset. Finally, the Mahalanobis distance (MD) between the healthy and failure stages was measured as the . The proposed method was tested on a benchmark bearing dataset and compared with several other traditional construction models. Experimental results indicate that the constructed exhibited a monotonically increasing degradation trend and had good performance in terms of detecting incipient faults

    A Novel Fault Diagnosis Method for Rotating Machinery Based on a Convolutional Neural Network

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    Fault diagnosis is critical to ensure the safety and reliable operation of rotating machinery. Most methods used in fault diagnosis of rotating machinery extract a few feature values from vibration signals for fault diagnosis, which is a dimensionality reduction from the original signal and may omit some important fault messages in the original signal. Thus, a novel diagnosis method is proposed involving the use of a convolutional neural network (CNN) to directly classify the continuous wavelet transform scalogram (CWTS), which is a time-frequency domain transform of the original signal and can contain most of the information of the vibration signals. In this method, CWTS is formed by discomposing vibration signals of rotating machinery in different scales using wavelet transform. Then the CNN is trained to diagnose faults, with CWTS as the input. A series of experiments is conducted on the rotor experiment platform using this method. The results indicate that the proposed method can diagnose the faults accurately. To verify the universality of this method, the trained CNN was also used to perform fault diagnosis for another piece of rotor equipment, and a good result was achieved

    Optimisation of microfluidic experiments for model calibration of a synthetic promoter in S. cerevisiae

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    This thesis explores, implements, and examines the methods to improve the efficiency of model calibration experiments for synthetic biological circuits in three aspects: experimental technique, optimal experimental design (OED), and automatic experiment abnormality screening (AEAS). Moreover, to obtain a specific benchmark that provides clear-cut evidence of the utility, an integrated synthetic orthogonal promoter in yeast (S. cerevisiae) and a corresponded model is selected as the experiment object. This work first focuses on the “wet-lab” part of the experiment. It verifies the theoretical benefit of adopting microfluidic technique by carrying out a series of in-vivo experiments on a developed automatic microfluidic experimental platform. Statistical analysis shows that compared to the models calibrated with flow-cytometry data (a representative traditional experimental technique), the models based on microfluidic data of the same experiment time give significantly more accurate behaviour predictions of never-encountered stimuli patterns. In other words, compare to flow-cytometry experiments, microfluidics can obtain models of the required prediction accuracy within less experiment time. The next aspect is to optimise the “dry-lab” part, i.e., the design of experiments and data processing. Previous works have proven that the informativeness of experiments can be improved by optimising the input design (OID). However, the amount of work and the time cost of the current OID approach rise dramatically with large and complex synthetic networks and mathematical models. To address this problem, this thesis introduces the parameter clustering analysis and visualisation (PCAV) to speed up the OID by narrowing down the parameters of interest. For the first time, this thesis proposes a parameter clustering algorithm based on the Fisher information matrix (FIMPC). Practices with in-silico experiments on the benchmarking promoter show that PCAV reduces the complexity of OID and provides a new way to explore the connections between parameters. Moreover, the analysis shows that experiments with FIMPC-based OID lead to significantly more accurate parameter estimations than the current OID approach. Automatic abnormality screening is the third aspect. For microfluidic experiments, the current identification of invalid microfluidic experiments is carried out by visual checks of the microscope images by experts after the experiments. To improve the automation level and robustness of this quality control process, this work develops an automatic experiment abnormality screening (AEAS) system supported by convolutional neural networks (CNNs). The system learns the features of six abnormal experiment conditions from images taken in actual microfluidic experiments and achieves identification within seconds in the application. The training and validation of six representative CNNs of different network depths and design strategies show that some shallow CNNs can already diagnose abnormal conditions with the desired accuracy. Moreover, to improve the training convergence of deep CNNs with small data sets, this thesis proposes a levelled-training method and improves the chance of convergence from 30% to 90%. With a benchmark of a synthetic promoter model in yeast, this thesis optimises model calibration experiments in three aspects to achieve a more efficient procedure: experimental technique, optimal experimental design (OED), and automatic experiment abnormality screening (AEAS). In this study, the efficiency of model calibration experiments for the benchmarking model can be improved by: adopting microfluidics technology, applying CAVP parameter analysis and FIMPC-based OID, and setting up an AEAS system supported by CNN. These contributions have the potential to be exploited for designing more efficient in-vivo experiments for model calibration in similar studies

    Application of data analytics for predictive maintenance in aerospace: an approach to imbalanced learning.

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    The use of aircraft operational logs to predict potential failure that may lead to disruption poses many challenges and has yet to be fully explored. These logs are captured during each flight and contain streamed data from various aircraft subsystems relating to status and warning indicators. They may, therefore, be regarded as complex multivariate time-series data. Given that aircraft are high-integrity assets, failures are extremely rare, and hence the distribution of relevant data containing prior indicators will be highly skewed to the normal (healthy) case. This will present a significant challenge in using data-driven techniques to 'learning' relationships/patterns that depict fault scenarios since the model will be biased to the heavily weighted no-fault outcomes. This thesis aims to develop a predictive model for aircraft component failure utilising data from the aircraft central maintenance system (ACMS). The initial objective is to determine the suitability of the ACMS data for predictive maintenance modelling. An exploratory analysis of the data revealed several inherent irregularities, including an extreme data imbalance problem, irregular patterns and trends, class overlapping, and small class disjunct, all of which are significant drawbacks for traditional machine learning algorithms, resulting in low-performance models. Four novel advanced imbalanced classification techniques are developed to handle the identified data irregularities. The first algorithm focuses on pattern extraction and uses bootstrapping to oversample the minority class; the second algorithm employs the balanced calibrated hybrid ensemble technique to overcome class overlapping and small class disjunct; the third algorithm uses a derived loss function and new network architecture to handle extremely imbalanced ratios in deep neural networks; and finally, a deep reinforcement learning approach for imbalanced classification problems in log- based datasets is developed. An ACMS dataset and its accompanying maintenance records were used to validate the proposed algorithms. The research's overall finding indicates that an advanced method for handling extremely imbalanced problems using the log-based ACMS datasets is viable for developing robust data-driven predictive maintenance models for aircraft component failure. When the four implementations were compared, deep reinforcement learning (DRL) strategies, specifically the proposed double deep State-action-reward-state-action with prioritised experience reply memory (DDSARSA+PER), outperformed other methods in terms of false-positive and false-negative rates for all the components considered. The validation result further suggests that the DDSARSA+PER model is capable of predicting around 90% of aircraft component replacements with a 0.005 false-negative rate in both A330 and A320 aircraft families studied in this researchPhD in Transport System