577 research outputs found

    Volume 2 – Conference

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    We are pleased to present the conference proceedings for the 12th edition of the International Fluid Power Conference (IFK). The IFK is one of the world’s most significant scientific conferences on fluid power control technology and systems. It offers a common platform for the presentation and discussion of trends and innovations to manufacturers, users and scientists. The Chair of Fluid-Mechatronic Systems at the TU Dresden is organizing and hosting the IFK for the sixth time. Supporting hosts are the Fluid Power Association of the German Engineering Federation (VDMA), Dresdner Verein zur Förderung der Fluidtechnik e. V. (DVF) and GWT-TUD GmbH. The organization and the conference location alternates every two years between the Chair of Fluid-Mechatronic Systems in Dresden and the Institute for Fluid Power Drives and Systems in Aachen. The symposium on the first day is dedicated to presentations focused on methodology and fundamental research. The two following conference days offer a wide variety of application and technology orientated papers about the latest state of the art in fluid power. It is this combination that makes the IFK a unique and excellent forum for the exchange of academic research and industrial application experience. A simultaneously ongoing exhibition offers the possibility to get product information and to have individual talks with manufacturers. The theme of the 12th IFK is “Fluid Power – Future Technology”, covering topics that enable the development of 5G-ready, cost-efficient and demand-driven structures, as well as individual decentralized drives. Another topic is the real-time data exchange that allows the application of numerous predictive maintenance strategies, which will significantly increase the availability of fluid power systems and their elements and ensure their improved lifetime performance. We create an atmosphere for casual exchange by offering a vast frame and cultural program. This includes a get-together, a conference banquet, laboratory festivities and some physical activities such as jogging in Dresden’s old town.:Group 1 | 2: Digital systems Group 3: Novel displacement machines Group 4: Industrial applications Group 5: Components Group 6: Predictive maintenance Group 7: Electro-hydraulic actuatorsDer Download des Gesamtbandes wird erst nach der Konferenz ab 15. Oktober 2020 möglich sein.:Group 1 | 2: Digital systems Group 3: Novel displacement machines Group 4: Industrial applications Group 5: Components Group 6: Predictive maintenance Group 7: Electro-hydraulic actuator

    Pressure, leakage and energy management in water distribution systems

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    A fast and efficient method to calculate time schedules for internal and boundary PRVs and flow modulation curves has been developed and implemented. Both time and flow modulation can be applied to a single inlet DMA. The time modulation methodology is based on solving a nonlinear programming problem (NLP). In addition, Genetic Algorithms (GA) has been proposed and investigated to calculate the optimal coefficients of a second order relationship between the flow and the outlet pressure for a PRV to minimize the background leakage. The obtained curve can be subsequently implemented using a flow modulation controller in a feedback control scheme. The Aquai-Mod® is a hydraulic device to control and modulate the outlet pressure of a PRV according to the valve flow. The controller was experimentally tested to assess its performance and functionality in different conditions and operating ranges. The mathematical model of the controller has been developed and solved, in both steady state and dynamic conditions. The results of the model have been compared with the experimental data and showed a good agreement in the magnitude and trends. A new method for combined energy and pressure management via integration and coordination of pump scheduling with pressure control aspects has been created. The method is based on formulating and solving an optimisation NLP problem and involves pressure dependent leakage. The cost function of the optimisation problem represents the total cost of water treatment and pumping energy. Developed network scheduling algorithm consists of two stages. The first stage involves solving a continuous problem, where operation of each pump is described by continuous variable. Subsequently, the second stage continuous pump schedules are discretised using heuristic algorithm. Another area of research has been developing optimal feedback rules using GA to control the operation of pump stations. Each pump station has a rule described by two water levels in a downstream reservoir and a value of pump speed for each tariff period. The lower and upper water switching levels of the downstream reservoir correspond to the pump being “ON” or “OFF”. The achieved similar energy cost per 1 Ml of pumped water. In the considered case study, the optimal feedback rules had advantage of small number of ON/OFF switches, which increase the pump stations lifetime and reduce the maintenance cost as well

    Industrial and Municipal Wastewater Treatment with a Focus on Water-Reuse

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    Population growth and climate change are leading to global water scarcity. Water shortages are thus hindering rural, urban and industrial development. These days, approximately half of the world’s population is affected temporarily by water scarcity. To enable a secure water supply, alternative water sources must be generated to tackle the challenge of water scarcity. An important alternative resource is the reuse of treated wastewater. Water reuse processes are rarely considered and implemented. In contrast to the storage and use of rainwater, treated wastewater is a valuable resource, as it is available daily. Certain wastewater treatment processes are required to produce the new resource “reused water”. The treatment processes depend on the quality of the wastewater since industrial and municipal wastewater flows are characterized by different concentrations. Moreover, water reuse methods must be developed in order to use the treated wastewater as efficiently as possible. Ideally, the reused water can be provided according to the "fit for purpose" principle and applied directly in areas such as irrigation, street cleaning, toilet flushing or make-up water for cooling systems.The Special Issue brings together new wastewater treatment technologies and water reuse concepts to tackle the challenges of climate change with the aim of bringing the resource “reused water” according to the “fit for purpose” principle to the user. This issue aims to draw on global experiences, approaches and solutions

    Advanced modelling and simulation of water distribution systems with discontinuous control elements

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    Water distribution systems are large and complex structures. Hence, their construction, management and improvements are time consuming and expensive. But nearly all the optimisation methods, whether aimed at design or operation, suffer from the need for simulation models necessary to evaluate the performance of solutions to the problem. These simulation models, however, are increasing in size and complexity, and especially for operational control purposes, where there is a need to regularly update the control strategy to account for the fluctuations in demands, the combination of a hydraulic simulation model and optimisation is likely to be computationally excessive for all but the simplest of networks. The work presented in this thesis has been motivated by the need for reduced, whilst at the same time appropriately accurate, models to replicate the complex and nonlinear nature of water distribution systems in order to optimise their operation. This thesis attempts to establish the ground rules to form an underpinning basis for the formulation and subsequent evaluation of such models. Part I of this thesis introduces some of the modelling, simulation and optimisation problems currently faced by water industry. A case study is given to emphasise one particular subject, namely reduction of water distribution system models. A systematic research resulted in development of a new methodology which encapsulate not only the system mass balance but also the system energy distribution within the model reduction process. The methodology incorporates the energy audits concepts into the model reduction algorithm allowing the preservation of the original model energy distribution by imposing new pressure constraints in the reduced model. The appropriateness of the new methodology is illustrated on the theoretical and industrial case studies. Outcomes from these studies demonstrate that the new extension to the model reduction technique can simplify the inherent complexity of water networks while preserving the completeness of original information. An underlying premise which forms a common thread running through the thesis, linking Parts I and II, is in recognition of the need for the more efficient paradigm to model and simulate water networks; effectively accounting for the discontinuous behaviour exhibited by water network components. Motivated largely by the potential of contemplating a new paradigm to water distribution system modelling and simulation, a further major research area, which forms the basis of Part II, leads to a study of the discrete event specification formalism and quantised state systems to formulate a framework within which water distribution systems can be modelled and simulated. In contrast to the classic time-slicing simulators, depending on the numerical integration algorithms, the quantisation of system states would allow accounting for the discontinuities exhibited by control elements in a more efficient manner, and thereby, offer a significant increase in speed of the simulation of water network models. The proposed approach is evaluated on a number of case studies and compared with results obtained from the Epanet2 simulator and OpenModelica. Although the current state-of-art of the simulation tools utilising the quantised state systems do not allow to fully exploit their potential, the results from comparison demonstrate that, if the second or third order quantised-based integrations are used, the quantised state systems approach can outperform the conventional water network simulation methods in terms of simulation accuracy and run-time

    Towards Resilient Water Landscapes - Design Research Approaches from Europe and Australia : Proceedings of the International Symposium on Water Landscapes at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, October 2009

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    "Towards Resilient Water Landscapes" is the key focus of concern in these proceedings. Encapsulated in the approaches taken by the writers are clues into how researchers and designers – who must engage with the complexities of the landscapes, infrastructures and ecologies of cities and their communities – can contribute to growing design knowledge and critical debate in these times of rapid climate, environmental, spatial and cultural change. The realization that a multidisciplinary approach is essential to gain knowledge and to propose new solutions based upon design thinking underpins this collaboration between academics and designers from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Copenhagen University (UC) and Queensland University of Technology (QUT)

    Topical scientific researches into resource-saving technologies of mineral mining and processing

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    Table of contents Preface . 5 Malanchuk Z.R., Soroka V.S., Lahodniuk O.A., Marchuk M.M. Physical-mechanical and technological features of amber extraction in the Rivne-Volyn region of Ukraine . 6 Moshynskyi, V.S., Korniyenko V.Ya., Khrystyuk A.O., Solvar L.M. Research of energy effective parameters of the process of hydro mechanical extraction of amber from sandy deposits . 24 Mohamed Tafsir Diallo, Mamadou Oury Fatoumata Diallo Tidal Park – Modeling and Control Strategy . 38 Savina N.B., Malanchuk L.O., Ignatiuk I.Z., Moshchych S.Z. Institutional basis and trends of management of the use of the subsoil in Ukraine . 51 Dedelyanova Kr.Y. Column flotation machine – innovative aeration, vibra-tory – acoustic and technological researches . 60 Makarenko V.D., Manhura A.M., Lartseva I.I., Manhura S.I. Magnetic field on asphalt, resin, paraffin and salt deposits 79 Krzysztof Tomiczek The problem of beds stability in the conditions of undermining higher deposited beds in the context of selected analytical solutions . 95 Safonyk A.P., Koziar M.M., Martyniuk P.M., Fylypchuk V.L. Management of pollution - purification system for mining plants . 117 Marinela Panayotova, Vladko Panayotov Recent developments in the flotation of sulfide ores of base metals - bioflotation . 130 Remez N., Dychko A., Bronytskyi V., Kraychuk S. Simulation of shock waves from explosion of mixture explosive charges . 149 Melodi M.M. Akande V.O. Analysis of productivity and technical efficiency in granite aggregate production in selected quarries in south-western, Nigeria . 166 Doroshenko Ya.V., Karpash O.M., Rybitskyi I.V. Investigation of dispersed contaminates influence on the hydraulic energy consumption of elements of gas pipeline systems with complex geometry . 182 Skipochka S.I., Krukovskyi O.P., Krukovska V.V., Palamarchuk T.A. Features of methane emission in coal mines at high speed longwall face advance 208 Daouda Keita, Valery Pozdnyakov Statistical analysis of experimental data on the indices of operation of the loading units of the bauxite compa-ny of Guinea (CBG) . 226 Yevhenii Malanchuk, Sergiy Stets, Ruslan Zhomyruk, Andriy Stets Modeling of the process of mining of zeolite-smectite tuffs by hydro-well method . 244 Samusia V. I., Kyrychenko Y. О., Cheberiachko I. M., Trofymova, O. P. Development of experimental methods to study heterogenic flows in the context of hydraulic hoisting design . 260 Makarenko V.D., Kharchenko M.O., Manhura A.M., Petrash O.V. Magnetic treatment of production fluid with high content of asphalt-resin-paraffin deposits . 268 Kovshun N.E., Ignatiuk I.Z., Moshchych S.Z. Malanchuk L.O. Innovative model of development of fuel and energy complex of Ukraine 279 Bondarenko А.O., Ostapchuk O.V. Design and implementation of a jet pump dredge . 296 Sotskov V.O., Dereviahina N.I. Research of dependencies of stope stress-strain state change under various conditions of partial stowing of developed space . 305 Sakhno S., Liulchenko Y., Chyrva T., Pischikova O. Determination of bear-ing capacity and calculation of the gain of the damaged span of a railway overpass by the finite element method . 326 Melodi М.М., Ojulari M.K. Oluwafemi V.I. Economic and environmental impacts of artisanal gold mining on near-by community of Sauka-Kahuta, Nigeria . 340 Kruchkov A.I., Besarabets Y.J., Yevtieieva L.I. Energy saving modes of excavators type power shovel . 353 Hryhorash M.V., Kuzminskyi V.P., Ovchinnikova O.V., Kukhar V.Yu. Energy saving through quality of technical water: new types of mechanical screen filters for various links of water treatment . 369 Didenko M. The modeling of the interaction of rock mass and compliant lining while it is expanded . 394 Makarenko V.D., Liashenko A.V. Complex approach to research and selection of hydrocarbon solvents for asphaltene-resin-paraffin-hydrate deposits control . 408 Mykhailovska O.V., Zotsenko M.L. Investigation of the oscillations amplitudes bases and foundations of the forming machine . 417 Inkin O.V., Puhach A.M., Dereviahina N.I. Physical-chemical and technological parameters of improving profitability of underground coal burning . 42

    Advances in Hydraulics and Hydroinformatics Volume 2

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    This Special Issue reports on recent research trends in hydraulics, hydrodynamics, and hydroinformatics, and their novel applications in practical engineering. The Issue covers a wide range of topics, including open channel flows, sediment transport dynamics, two-phase flows, flow-induced vibration and water quality. The collected papers provide insight into new developments in physical, mathematical, and numerical modelling of important problems in hydraulics and hydroinformatics, and include demonstrations of the application of such models in water resources engineering

    Integrated Active Control Strategies and Licensing Approaches for Urban Wastewater Systems

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    The wastewater sector in the UK and other EU member states are facing stringent regulatory standards. The environmental water quality standards such as the EU-WFD, on the one hand, require a higher level of wastewater treatment which can result in increased GHG emissions and operational cost through higher energy use, chemical consumption, and capital investment. On the other hand, the Carbon Reduction Commitment Energy Efficiency scheme requires the water industries to reduce their GHG emission significantly. The research assesses the advantage of integrated active control of existing WWTPs, their optimisation and dynamic licensing approach to tackle this challenge while maintaining the quality of the receiving river. The dynamic licensing approach focuses on the design of control strategies based on the receiving river’s assimilative capacity. A simulation approach is used to test control strategies and their optimisation, interventions, and dynamic licensing approaches. The study developed an integrated UWWS model that fully integrate WWTP, sewer network, and receiving river, which enables the assessment of the advantage of integrated control strategies and dynamic licensing approach. The hybrid modelling approach uses mechanistic, conceptual and data-driven models in order to reduce computational cost while maintaining the model accuracy. Initially, the WWTP model was set up using average values of model parameters from the literature. However, this did not give a model with good accuracy. Hence, through, a careful design and identification of key parameters, a data campaign was designed to characterise influent wastewater, flow pattern, and biological processes of a real-world case study. The model accuracy was further improved using auto-calibration processes using a sensitivity analysis, identifying influential parameters to which the final effluent and oxidation ditch quality indicators are sensitive to. The sensitivity and auto-calibration were done using statistical measures that compare simulated and measured data points. Nash-Sutcliff coefficient (NSE) and root-mean-square-error (RMSE) measures show consistency in the sensitivity analysis, but correlation coefficient R2 showed a slight difference as it focusses on pattern similarity than values closeness. The combined use of NSE and RMSE gave the best result in model accuracy using fewer generation in the multi-objective optimisation using NSGA-II. Further local sensitivity analysis is used to identify the effect of varying control handles on GHG emissions (as equivalent CO2 emission), operational cost and effluent quality. The GHG emissions both from direct and indirect sources are considered in this study. The indirect GHG emissions consider the major GHG emissions (CO2, N2O, and CH4) associated with the use of electricity, sludge transport, and offsite degradation of sludge and final effluent. Similarly, the direct GHG emissions consider the emission of these major gases from different biological processes within the WWTP such as substrate utilisation, denitrification and biomass decay. This knowledge helps in the development of control strategies by indicating influential control handles and aids the selection of control strategies for optimisation purposes. It is found that multi-objective optimisation can reduce GHG emissions, operational cost while operating under the effluent quality standards. Multi-objective optimisation of control loops coupled with integrated active control of oxygen using final effluent ammonia concentration showed the highest reduction in GHG emissions and reduction in operational cost without violating the current effluent quality standard. Through dynamic licensing approach, the oxygen level in the oxidation ditch is controlled based on the assimilative capacity of the receiving river, which reduces the operational cost and effluent quality index without increased GHG emissions. However, to benefit from the dynamic licensing approach, a trade-off needs to be considered further between final effluent NO3 concentration and reduction in oxygen level in the oxidation ditch to reduce biomass decay which is responsible for higher GHG emission in this scenario

    Irrigation Systems and Practices in Challenging Environments

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    The book Irrigation Systems and Practices in Challenging Environments is divided into two interesting sections, with the first section titled Agricultural Water Productivity in Stressed Environments, which consists of nine chapters technically crafted by experts in their own right in their fields of expertise. Topics range from effects of irrigation on the physiology of plants, deficit irrigation practices and the genetic manipulation, to creating drought tolerant variety and a host of interesting topics to cater for the those interested in the plant water soil atmosphere relationships and agronomic practices relevant in many challenging environments, more so with the onslaught of global warming, climate change and the accompanying agro-meteorological impacts. The second section, with eight chapters, deals with systems of irrigation practices around the world, covering different climate zones apart from showing casing practices for sustainable irrigation practices and more efficient ways of conveying irrigation waters - the life blood of agriculture, undoubtedly the most important sector in the world

    Smart Water Utilities

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    Today there is increasing pressure on the water infrastructure and although unsustainable water extraction and wastewater handling can continue for a while, at some point water needs to be managed in a way that is sustainable in the long-term. We need to handle water utilities “smarter”. New and effective tools and technologies are becoming available at an affordable cost and these technologies are steadily changing water infrastructure options. The quality and robustness of sensors are increasing rapidly and their reliability makes the automatic handling of critical processes viable. Online and real-time control means safer and more effective operation. The combination of better sensors and new water treatment technologies is a strong enabler for decentralised and diversified water treatment. Plants can be run with a minimum of personnel attendance. In the future, thousands of sensors in the water utility cycle will handle all the complexity in an effective way. Smart Water Utilities: Complexity Made Simple provides a framework for Smart Water Utilities based on an M-A-D (Measurement-Analysis-Decision). This enables the organisation and implementation of “Smart” in a water utility by providing an overview of supporting technologies and methods. The book presents an introduction to methods and tools, providing a perspective of what can and could be achieved. It provides a toolbox for all water challenges and is essential reading for the Water Utility Manager, Engineer and Director and for Consultants, Designers and Researchers