871 research outputs found

    Router-based algorithms for improving internet quality of service.

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    We begin this thesis by generalizing some results related to a recently proposed positive system model of TCP congestion control algorithms. Then, motivated by a mean ¯eld analysis of the positive system model, a novel, stateless, queue management scheme is designed: Multi-Level Comparisons with index l (MLC(l)). In the limit, MLC(l) enforces max-min fairness in a network of TCP flows. We go further, showing that counting past drops at a congested link provides su±cient information to enforce max-min fairness among long-lived flows and to reduce the flow completion times of short-lived flows. Analytical models are presented, and the accuracy of predictions are validated by packet level ns2 simulations. We then move our attention to e±cient measurement and monitoring techniques. A small active counter architecture is presented that addresses the problem of accurate approximation of statistics counter values at very-high speeds that can be both updated and estimated on a per-packet basis. These algorithms are necessary in the design of router-based flow control algorithms since on-chip Static RAM (SRAM) currently is a scarce resource, and being economical with its usage is an important task. A highly scalable method for heavy-hitter identifcation that uses our small active counters architecture is developed based on heuristic argument. Its performance is compared to several state-of-the-art algorithms and shown to out-perform them. In the last part of the thesis we discuss the delay-utilization tradeoff in the congested Internet links. While several groups of authors have recently analyzed this tradeoff, the lack of realistic assumption in their models and the extreme complexity in estimation of model parameters, reduces their applicability at real Internet links. We propose an adaptive scheme that regulates the available queue space to keep utilization at desired, high, level. As a consequence, in large-number-of-users regimes, sacrifcing 1-2% of bandwidth can result in queueing delays that are an order of magnitude smaller than in the standard BDP-bu®ering case. We go further and introduce an optimization framework for describing the problem of interest and propose an online algorithm for solving it

    Router-based algorithms for improving internet quality of service.

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    We begin this thesis by generalizing some results related to a recently proposed positive system model of TCP congestion control algorithms. Then, motivated by a mean ¯eld analysis of the positive system model, a novel, stateless, queue management scheme is designed: Multi-Level Comparisons with index l (MLC(l)). In the limit, MLC(l) enforces max-min fairness in a network of TCP flows. We go further, showing that counting past drops at a congested link provides su±cient information to enforce max-min fairness among long-lived flows and to reduce the flow completion times of short-lived flows. Analytical models are presented, and the accuracy of predictions are validated by packet level ns2 simulations. We then move our attention to e±cient measurement and monitoring techniques. A small active counter architecture is presented that addresses the problem of accurate approximation of statistics counter values at very-high speeds that can be both updated and estimated on a per-packet basis. These algorithms are necessary in the design of router-based flow control algorithms since on-chip Static RAM (SRAM) currently is a scarce resource, and being economical with its usage is an important task. A highly scalable method for heavy-hitter identifcation that uses our small active counters architecture is developed based on heuristic argument. Its performance is compared to several state-of-the-art algorithms and shown to out-perform them. In the last part of the thesis we discuss the delay-utilization tradeoff in the congested Internet links. While several groups of authors have recently analyzed this tradeoff, the lack of realistic assumption in their models and the extreme complexity in estimation of model parameters, reduces their applicability at real Internet links. We propose an adaptive scheme that regulates the available queue space to keep utilization at desired, high, level. As a consequence, in large-number-of-users regimes, sacrifcing 1-2% of bandwidth can result in queueing delays that are an order of magnitude smaller than in the standard BDP-bu®ering case. We go further and introduce an optimization framework for describing the problem of interest and propose an online algorithm for solving it

    Non-convex resource allocation in communication networks

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    The continuously growing number of applications competing for resources in current communication networks highlights the necessity for efficient resource allocation mechanisms to maximize user satisfaction. Optimization Theory can provide the necessary tools to develop such mechanisms that will allocate network resources optimally and fairly among users. However, the resource allocation problem in current networks has characteristics that turn the respective optimization problem into a non-convex one. First, current networks very often consist of a number of wireless links, whose capacity is not constant but follows Shannon capacity formula, which is a non-convex function. Second, the majority of the traffic in current networks is generated by multimedia applications, which are non-concave functions of rate. Third, current resource allocation methods follow the (bandwidth) proportional fairness policy, which when applied to networks shared by both concave and non-concave utilities leads to unfair resource allocations. These characteristics make current convex optimization frameworks inefficient in several aspects. This work aims to develop a non-convex optimization framework that will be able to allocate resources efficiently for non-convex resource allocation formulations. Towards this goal, a necessary and sufficient condition for the convergence of any primal-dual optimization algorithm to the optimal solution is proven. The wide applicability of this condition makes this a fundamental contribution for Optimization Theory in general. A number of optimization formulations are proposed, cases where this condition is not met are analysed and efficient alternative heuristics are provided to handle these cases. Furthermore, a novel multi-sigmoidal utility shape is proposed to model user satisfaction for multi-tiered multimedia applications more accurately. The advantages of such non-convex utilities and their effect in the optimization process are thoroughly examined. Alternative allocation policies are also investigated with respect to their ability to allocate resources fairly and deal with the non-convexity of the resource allocation problem. Specifically, the advantages of using Utility Proportional Fairness as an allocation policy are examined with respect to the development of distributed algorithms, their convergence to the optimal solution and their ability to adapt to the Quality of Service requirements of each application

    Artificial intelligence (AI) methods in optical networks: A comprehensive survey

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    Producción CientíficaArtificial intelligence (AI) is an extensive scientific discipline which enables computer systems to solve problems by emulating complex biological processes such as learning, reasoning and self-correction. This paper presents a comprehensive review of the application of AI techniques for improving performance of optical communication systems and networks. The use of AI-based techniques is first studied in applications related to optical transmission, ranging from the characterization and operation of network components to performance monitoring, mitigation of nonlinearities, and quality of transmission estimation. Then, applications related to optical network control and management are also reviewed, including topics like optical network planning and operation in both transport and access networks. Finally, the paper also presents a summary of opportunities and challenges in optical networking where AI is expected to play a key role in the near future.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Project EC2014-53071-C3-2-P, TEC2015-71932-REDT

    Trading link utilization for queueing delays: an adaptive approach

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    Understanding the relationship between queueing delays and link utilization for general traffic conditions is an important open problem in networking research. Difficulties in understanding this relationship stem from the fact that it depends on the complex nature of arriving traffic and the problems associated with modelling such traffic. Existing AQM schemes achieve a "low delay" and "high utilization" by responding early to congestion without considering the exact relationship between delay and utilization. However, in the context of exploiting the delay/utilization tradeoff, the optimal choice of a queueing scheme's control parameter depends on the cost associated with the relative importance of queueing delay and utilization. The optimal choice of control parameter is the one that maximizes a benefit that can be defined as the difference between utilization and cost associated with queuing delay. We present two practical algorithms, Optimal Drop-Tail (ODT) and Optimal BLUE (OB), that are designed with a common performance goal: namely, maximizing this benefit. Their novelty lies in fact that they maximize the benefit in an online manner, without requiring knowledge of the traffic conditions, specific delay-utilization models, nor do they require complex parameter estimation. Packet level ns2 simulations are given to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed algorithms and the framework in which they are designed

    Floorplan-Aware High Performance NoC Design

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    Las actuales arquitecturas de m�ltiples n�cleos como los chip multiprocesadores (CMP) y soluciones multiprocesador para sistemas dentro del chip (MPSoCs) han adoptado a las redes dentro del chip (NoC) como elemento -ptimo para la inter-conexi-n de los diversos elementos de dichos sistemas. En este sentido, fabricantes de CMPs y MPSoCs han adoptado NoCs sencillas, generalmente con una topolog'a en malla o anillo, ya que son suficientes para satisfacer las necesidades de los sistemas actuales. Sin embargo a medida que los requerimientos del sistema -- baja latencia y alto rendimiento -- se hacen m�s exigentes, estas redes tan simples dejan de ser una soluci-n real. As', la comunidad investigadora ha propuesto y analizado NoCs m�s complejas. No obstante, estas soluciones son m�s dif'ciles de implementar -- especialmente los enlaces largos -- haciendo que este tipo de topolog'as complejas sean demasiado costosas o incluso inviables. En esta tesis, presentamos una metodolog'a de dise-o que minimiza la p�rdida de prestaciones de la red debido a su implementaci-n real. Los principales problemas que se encuentran al implementar una NoC son los conmutadores y los enlaces largos. En esta tesis, el conmutador se ha hecho modular, es decir, formado como uni-n de m-dulos m�s peque-os. En nuestro caso, los m-dulos son id�nticos, donde cada m-dulo es capaz de arbitrar, conmutar, y almacenar los mensajes que le llegan. Posteriormente, flexibilizamos la colocaci-n de estos m-dulos en el chip, permitiendo que m-dulos de un mismo conmutador est�n distribuidos por el chip. Esta metodolog'a de dise-o la hemos aplicado a diferentes escenarios. Primeramente, hemos introducido nuestro conmutador modular en NoCs con topolog'as conocidas como la malla 2D. Los resultados muestran como la modularidad y la distribuci-n del conmutador reducen la latencia y el consumo de potencia de la red. En segundo lugar, hemos utilizado nuestra metodolog'a de dise-o para implementar un crossbar distribuidRoca Pérez, A. (2012). Floorplan-Aware High Performance NoC Design [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/17844Palanci

    Towards Autonomous Computer Networks in Support of Critical Systems

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