18 research outputs found

    The Polarimetric Detection Optimization Filter and Its Statistical Test for Ship Detection

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    Ship detection via synthetic aperture radar (SAR) has been demonstrated to be very useful as polarimetric information helps discriminate between targets and sea clutter. Among the available polarimetric detectors, optimal polarimetric detection (OPD) theoretically provides the best detection performance under the assumption that the fully developed speckle hypothesis stands. This study proposes a polarimetric detection optimization filter (PDOF). The target clutter ratio (TCR) over the speckle variation was maximized using a matrix transform to derive the PDOF. The objective function based on a matrix transform instead of a vector transform is optimized to obtain synthetic effects by combining a polarimetric whitening filter (PWF) and a polarimetric matched filter (PMF). Subspace form of the PDOF (SPDOF) is also proposed, which gives performance comparable to the PDOF. Assuming a Wishart distribution, the exact and approximate expressions of the closed-form probability density function (PDF) of the PDOF are derived. The probability of false alarm (PFA) was derived in a closed-form expression, which allows obtaining the PDOF threshold analytically. Moreover, the gamma model is extended to a generalized gamma distribution (GΓD) to adapt complicated resolutions and sea states. Experiments with simulated and real data validate the correctness and effectiveness of the results. The PDOF detector achieves the best performance in most virtual and real-world environments, especially in cases where the target statistics and clutter are not Wishart-distributed

    PolSAR Ship Detection Based on Neighborhood Polarimetric Covariance Matrix

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    The detection of small ships in polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (PolSAR) images is still a topic for further investigation. Recently, patch detection techniques, such as superpixel-level detection, have stimulated wide interest because they can use the information contained in similarities among neighboring pixels. In this article, we propose a novel neighborhood polarimetric covariance matrix (NPCM) to detect the small ships in PolSAR images, leading to a significant improvement in the separability between ship targets and sea clutter. The NPCM utilizes the spatial correlation between neighborhood pixels and maps the representation for a given pixel into a high-dimensional covariance matrix by embedding spatial and polarization information. Using the NPCM formalism, we apply a standard whitening filter, similar to the polarimetric whitening filter (PWF). We show how the inclusion of neighborhood information improves the performance compared with the traditional polarimetric covariance matrix. However, this is at the expense of a higher computation cost. The theory is validated via the simulated and measured data under different sea states and using different radar platforms

    Classification of Compact Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar Images

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    The RADARSAT Constellation Mission (RCM) was launched in June 2019. RCM, in addition to dual-polarization (DP) and fully quad-polarimetric (QP) imaging modes, provides compact polarimetric (CP) mode data. A CP synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is a coherent DP system in which a single circular polarization is transmitted followed by the reception in two orthogonal linear polarizations. A CP SAR fully characterizes the backscattered field using the Stokes parameters, or equivalently, the complex coherence matrix. This is the main advantage of a CP SAR over the traditional (non-coherent) DP SAR. Therefore, designing scene segmentation and classification methods using CP complex coherence matrix data is advocated in this thesis. Scene classification of remotely captured images is an important task in monitoring the Earth's surface. The high-resolution RCM CP SAR data can be used for land cover classification as well as sea-ice mapping. Mapping sea ice formed in ocean bodies is important for ship navigation and climate change modeling. The Canadian Ice Service (CIS) has expert ice analysts who manually generate sea-ice maps of Arctic areas on a daily basis. An automated sea-ice mapping process that can provide detailed yet reliable maps of ice types and water is desirable for CIS. In addition to linear DP SAR data in ScanSAR mode (500km), RCM wide-swath CP data (350km) can also be used in operational sea-ice mapping of the vast expanses in the Arctic areas. The smaller swath coverage of QP SAR data (50km) is the reason why the use of QP SAR data is limited for sea-ice mapping. This thesis involves the design and development of CP classification methods that consist of two steps: an unsupervised segmentation of CP data to identify homogeneous regions (superpixels) and a labeling step where a ground truth label is assigned to each super-pixel. An unsupervised segmentation algorithm is developed based on the existing Iterative Region Growing using Semantics (IRGS) for CP data and is called CP-IRGS. The constituents of feature model and spatial context model energy terms in CP-IRGS are developed based on the statistical properties of CP complex coherence matrix data. The superpixels generated by CP-IRGS are then used in a graph-based labeling method that incorporates the global spatial correlation among super-pixels in CP data. The classifications of sea-ice and land cover types using test scenes indicate that (a) CP scenes provide improved sea-ice classification than the linear DP scenes, (b) CP-IRGS performs more accurate segmentation than that using only CP channel intensity images, and (c) using global spatial information (provided by a graph-based labeling approach) provides an improvement in classification accuracy values over methods that do not exploit global spatial correlation

    Advanced techniques for classification of polarimetric synthetic aperture radar data

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    With various remote sensing technologies to aid Earth Observation, radar-based imaging is one of them gaining major interests due to advances in its imaging techniques in form of syn-thetic aperture radar (SAR) and polarimetry. The majority of radar applications focus on mon-itoring, detecting, and classifying local or global areas of interests to support humans within their efforts of decision-making, analysis, and interpretation of Earth’s environment. This thesis focuses on improving the classification performance and process particularly concerning the application of land use and land cover over polarimetric SAR (PolSAR) data. To achieve this, three contributions are studied related to superior feature description and ad-vanced machine-learning techniques including classifiers, principles, and data exploitation. First, this thesis investigates the application of color features within PolSAR image classi-fication to provide additional discrimination on top of the conventional scattering information and texture features. The color features are extracted over the visual presentation of fully and partially polarimetric SAR data by generation of pseudo color images. Within the experiments, the obtained results demonstrated that with the addition of the considered color features, the achieved classification performances outperformed results with common PolSAR features alone as well as achieved higher classification accuracies compared to the traditional combination of PolSAR and texture features. Second, to address the large-scale learning challenge in PolSAR image classification with the utmost efficiency, this thesis introduces the application of an adaptive and data-driven supervised classification topology called Collective Network of Binary Classifiers, CNBC. This topology incorporates active learning to support human users with the analysis and interpretation of PolSAR data focusing on collections of images, where changes or updates to the existing classifier might be required frequently due to surface, terrain, and object changes as well as certain variations in capturing time and position. Evaluations demonstrated the capabilities of CNBC over an extensive set of experimental results regarding the adaptation and data-driven classification of single as well as collections of PolSAR images. The experimental results verified that the evolutionary classification topology, CNBC, did provide an efficient solution for the problems of scalability and dynamic adaptability allowing both feature space dimensions and the number of terrain classes in PolSAR image collections to vary dynamically. Third, most PolSAR classification problems are undertaken by supervised machine learn-ing, which require manually labeled ground truth data available. To reduce the manual labeling efforts, supervised and unsupervised learning approaches are combined into semi-supervised learning to utilize the huge amount of unlabeled data. The application of semi-supervised learning in this thesis is motivated by ill-posed classification tasks related to the small training size problem. Therefore, this thesis investigates how much ground truth is actually necessary for certain classification problems to achieve satisfactory results in a supervised and semi-supervised learning scenario. To address this, two semi-supervised approaches are proposed by unsupervised extension of the training data and ensemble-based self-training. The evaluations showed that significant speed-ups and improvements in classification performance are achieved. In particular, for a remote sensing application such as PolSAR image classification, it is advantageous to exploit the location-based information from the labeled training data. Each of the developed techniques provides its stand-alone contribution from different viewpoints to improve land use and land cover classification. The introduction of a new fea-ture for better discrimination is independent of the underlying classification algorithms used. The application of the CNBC topology is applicable to various classification problems no matter how the underlying data have been acquired, for example in case of remote sensing data. Moreover, the semi-supervised learning approach tackles the challenge of utilizing the unlabeled data. By combining these techniques for superior feature description and advanced machine-learning techniques exploiting classifier topologies and data, further contributions to polarimetric SAR image classification are made. According to the performance evaluations conducted including visual and numerical assessments, the proposed and investigated tech-niques showed valuable improvements and are able to aid the analysis and interpretation of PolSAR image data. Due to the generic nature of the developed techniques, their applications to other remote sensing data will require only minor adjustments

    Remote Sensing of the Oceans

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    This book covers different topics in the framework of remote sensing of the oceans. Latest research advancements and brand-new studies are presented that address the exploitation of remote sensing instruments and simulation tools to improve the understanding of ocean processes and enable cutting-edge applications with the aim of preserving the ocean environment and supporting the blue economy. Hence, this book provides a reference framework for state-of-the-art remote sensing methods that deal with the generation of added-value products and the geophysical information retrieval in related fields, including: Oil spill detection and discrimination; Analysis of tropical cyclones and sea echoes; Shoreline and aquaculture area extraction; Monitoring coastal marine litter and moving vessels; Processing of SAR, HF radar and UAV measurements

    A Comprehensive Survey of Deep Learning in Remote Sensing: Theories, Tools and Challenges for the Community

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    In recent years, deep learning (DL), a re-branding of neural networks (NNs), has risen to the top in numerous areas, namely computer vision (CV), speech recognition, natural language processing, etc. Whereas remote sensing (RS) possesses a number of unique challenges, primarily related to sensors and applications, inevitably RS draws from many of the same theories as CV; e.g., statistics, fusion, and machine learning, to name a few. This means that the RS community should be aware of, if not at the leading edge of, of advancements like DL. Herein, we provide the most comprehensive survey of state-of-the-art RS DL research. We also review recent new developments in the DL field that can be used in DL for RS. Namely, we focus on theories, tools and challenges for the RS community. Specifically, we focus on unsolved challenges and opportunities as it relates to (i) inadequate data sets, (ii) human-understandable solutions for modelling physical phenomena, (iii) Big Data, (iv) non-traditional heterogeneous data sources, (v) DL architectures and learning algorithms for spectral, spatial and temporal data, (vi) transfer learning, (vii) an improved theoretical understanding of DL systems, (viii) high barriers to entry, and (ix) training and optimizing the DL.Comment: 64 pages, 411 references. To appear in Journal of Applied Remote Sensin

    Advanced machine learning algorithms for Canadian wetland mapping using polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (PolSAR) and optical imagery

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    Wetlands are complex land cover ecosystems that represent a wide range of biophysical conditions. They are one of the most productive ecosystems and provide several important environmental functionalities. As such, wetland mapping and monitoring using cost- and time-efficient approaches are of great interest for sustainable management and resource assessment. In this regard, satellite remote sensing data are greatly beneficial, as they capture a synoptic and multi-temporal view of landscapes. The ability to extract useful information from satellite imagery greatly affects the accuracy and reliability of the final products. This is of particular concern for mapping complex land cover ecosystems, such as wetlands, where complex, heterogeneous, and fragmented landscape results in similar backscatter/spectral signatures of land cover classes in satellite images. Accordingly, the overarching purpose of this thesis is to contribute to existing methodologies of wetland classification by proposing and developing several new techniques based on advanced remote sensing tools and optical and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery. Specifically, the importance of employing an efficient speckle reduction method for polarimetric SAR (PolSAR) image processing is discussed and a new speckle reduction technique is proposed. Two novel techniques are also introduced for improving the accuracy of wetland classification. In particular, a new hierarchical classification algorithm using multi-frequency SAR data is proposed that discriminates wetland classes in three steps depending on their complexity and similarity. The experimental results reveal that the proposed method is advantageous for mapping complex land cover ecosystems compared to single stream classification approaches, which have been extensively used in the literature. Furthermore, a new feature weighting approach is proposed based on the statistical and physical characteristics of PolSAR data to improve the discrimination capability of input features prior to incorporating them into the classification scheme. This study also demonstrates the transferability of existing classification algorithms, which have been developed based on RADARSAT-2 imagery, to compact polarimetry SAR data that will be collected by the upcoming RADARSAT Constellation Mission (RCM). The capability of several well-known deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architectures currently employed in computer vision is first introduced in this thesis for classification of wetland complexes using multispectral remote sensing data. Finally, this research results in the first provincial-scale wetland inventory maps of Newfoundland and Labrador using the Google Earth Engine (GEE) cloud computing resources and open access Earth Observation (EO) collected by the Copernicus Sentinel missions. Overall, the methodologies proposed in this thesis address fundamental limitations/challenges of wetland mapping using remote sensing data, which have been ignored in the literature. These challenges include the backscattering/spectrally similar signature of wetland classes, insufficient classification accuracy of wetland classes, and limitations of wetland mapping on large scales. In addition to the capabilities of the proposed methods for mapping wetland complexes, the use of these developed techniques for classifying other complex land cover types beyond wetlands, such as sea ice and crop ecosystems, offers a potential avenue for further research