12 research outputs found

    A Block Minorization--Maximization Algorithm for Heteroscedastic Regression

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    The computation of the maximum likelihood (ML) estimator for heteroscedastic regression models is considered. The traditional Newton algorithms for the problem require matrix multiplications and inversions, which are bottlenecks in modern Big Data contexts. A new Big Data-appropriate minorization--maximization (MM) algorithm is considered for the computation of the ML estimator. The MM algorithm is proved to generate monotonically increasing sequences of likelihood values and to be convergent to a stationary point of the log-likelihood function. A distributed and parallel implementation of the MM algorithm is presented and the MM algorithm is shown to have differing time complexity to the Newton algorithm. Simulation studies demonstrate that the MM algorithm improves upon the computation time of the Newton algorithm in some practical scenarios where the number of observations is large

    randUTV: A blocked randomized algorithm for computing a rank-revealing UTV factorization

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    This manuscript describes the randomized algorithm randUTV for computing a so called UTV factorization efficiently. Given a matrix AA, the algorithm computes a factorization A=UTVA = UTV^{*}, where UU and VV have orthonormal columns, and TT is triangular (either upper or lower, whichever is preferred). The algorithm randUTV is developed primarily to be a fast and easily parallelized alternative to algorithms for computing the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). randUTV provides accuracy very close to that of the SVD for problems such as low-rank approximation, solving ill-conditioned linear systems, determining bases for various subspaces associated with the matrix, etc. Moreover, randUTV produces highly accurate approximations to the singular values of AA. Unlike the SVD, the randomized algorithm proposed builds a UTV factorization in an incremental, single-stage, and non-iterative way, making it possible to halt the factorization process once a specified tolerance has been met. Numerical experiments comparing the accuracy and speed of randUTV to the SVD are presented. These experiments demonstrate that in comparison to column pivoted QR, which is another factorization that is often used as a relatively economic alternative to the SVD, randUTV compares favorably in terms of speed while providing far higher accuracy

    Energy-Aware Solution of Linear Systems with Many Right Hand Sides

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    Дослідження ефективності методу побудови багатовимірної лінійної регресії, заданої надлишковим описом

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    На основі аналізу результатів імітаційного моделювання роботи оригінального метода побудови багатовимірної лінійної регресії (БЛР), заданої надлишковим описом, сформульовані нові алгоритмічні процедури, що підвищують як його точність знаходження справжньої структури БЛР, так і його швидкодію за рахунок розпаралелювання обчислень.We have formulated new algorithmic procedures of constructing a multidimensional linear regression (MLR) given by a redundant description. We relied on the analysis of the original method simulation. The new method increases both accuracy of finding the true structure of the MLR and its performance due to the parallel computing

    randUTV: A Blocked Randomized Algorithm for Computing a Rank-Revealing UTV Factorization

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    A randomized algorithm for computing a so-called UTV factorization efficiently is presented. Given a matrix , the algorithm “randUTV” computes a factorization , where and have orthonormal columns, and is triangular (either upper or lower, whichever is preferred). The algorithm randUTV is developed primarily to be a fast and easily parallelized alternative to algorithms for computing the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). randUTV provides accuracy very close to that of the SVD for problems such as low-rank approximation, solving ill-conditioned linear systems, and determining bases for various subspaces associated with the matrix. Moreover, randUTV produces highly accurate approximations to the singular values of . Unlike the SVD, the randomized algorithm proposed builds a UTV factorization in an incremental, single-stage, and noniterative way, making it possible to halt the factorization process once a specified tolerance has been met. Numerical experiments comparing the accuracy and speed of randUTV to the SVD are presented. Other experiments also demonstrate that in comparison to column-pivoted QR, which is another factorization that is often used as a relatively economic alternative to the SVD, randUTV compares favorably in terms of speed while providing far higher accuracy

    Trading Off Performance for Energy in Linear Algebra Operations with Applications in Control Theory

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    Abstract We analyze the performance-power-energy balance of a conventional Intel Xeon multicore processor and two low-power architectures -an Intel Atom processor and a system with a quad-core ARM Cortex A9+NVIDIA Quadro 1000M-using a high performance implementation of Gauss-Jordan elimination (GJE) for matrix inversion. The blocked version of this algorithm employed in the experimental evaluation mostly comprises matrix-matrix products, so that the results from the evaluation carry beyond the simple matrix inversion and are representative for a wide variety of dense linear algebra operations/codes

    Elemental: A new framework for distributed memory dense matrix computations

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    Abstract Parallelizing dense matrix computations to distributed memory architectures is a well-studied subject and generally considered to be among the best understood domains of parallel computing. Two packages, developed in the mid 1990s, still enjoy regular use: ScaLAPACK and PLAPACK. With the advent of many-core architectures, which may very well take the shape of distributed memory architectures within a single processor, these packages must be revisited since it will likely not be practical to use MPI-based implementations. Thus, this is a good time to review what lessons we have learned since the introduction of these two packages and to propose a simple yet effective alternative. Preliminary performance results show the new solution achieves considerably better performance than the previously developed libraries