328 research outputs found

    No Infimum Gap and Normality in Optimal Impulsive Control Under State Constraints

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    In this paper we consider an impulsive extension of an optimal control problem with unbounded controls, subject to endpoint and state constraints. We show that the existence of an extended-sense minimizer that is a normal extremal for a constrained Maximum Principle ensures that there is no gap between the infima of the original problem and of its extension. Furthermore, we translate such relation into verifiable sufficient conditions for normality in the form of constraint and endpoint qualifications. Links between existence of an infimum gap and normality in impulsive control have previously been explored for problems without state constraints. This paper establishes such links in the presence of state constraints and of an additional ordinary control, for locally Lipschitz continuous data

    Some recent developments in necessary conditions of optimality for impulsive control problems

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    Necessary conditions of optimality for impulsive control systems whose dynamics are defined by differential inclusions and whose state trajectory is subject to state constraints endpoint constraints are discussed. After discussing the motivation of this general control paradigm in the context of space systems, a natural concept of robust solution is introduced and some of his properties presented. Besides an independent interest for the construction of schemes approximating impulsive con- trol processes by conventional ones, it is shown in a brief outline of the proof how these properties play an important role in the derivation of the considered optimal- ity conditions. Finally, the relation between these conditions and the ones recently developed in the context of the considered solution concept

    Nondegenerate abnormality, controllability, and gap phenomena in optimal control with state constraints

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    In optimal control theory, infimum gap means that there is a gap between the infimum values of a given minimum problem and an extended problem, obtained by enlarging the set of original solutions and controls. The gap phenomenon is somewhat "dual" to the problem of the controllability of the original control system to an extended solution. In this paper we present sufficient conditions for the absence of an infimum gap and for controllability for a wide class of optimal control problems subject to endpoint and state constraints. These conditions are based on a nondegenerate version of the nonsmooth constrained maximum principle, expressed in terms of subdifferentials. In particular, under some new constraint qualification conditions, we prove that: (i) if an extended minimizer is a nondegenerate normal extremal, then no gap shows up; (ii) given an extended solution verifying the constraints, either it is a nondegenerate abnormal extremal, or the original system is controllable to it. An application to the impulsive extension of a free end-time, non-convex optimization problem with control-polynomial dynamics illustrates the results

    Additive Control of Stochastic Linear Systems with Finite Horizon

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    We consider a dynamic system whose state is governed by a linear stochastic differential equation with time-dependent coefficients. The control acts additively on the state of the system. Our objective is to minimize an integral cost which depends upon the evolution of the state and the total variation of the control process. It is proved that the optimal cost is the unique solution of an appropriate free boundary problem in a space-time domain. By using some decomposition arguments, the problems of a two-sided control, i.e. optimal corrections, and the case with constraints on the resources, i.e. finite fuel, can be reduced to a simpler case of only one-sided control, i.e. a monotone follower. These results are applied to solving some examples by the so-called method of similarity solutions

    Optimal Partial Harvesting Schedule for Aquaculture Operations

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    Abstract When growth is density dependent, partial harvest of the standing stock of cultured species (fish or shrimp) over the course of the growing season (i.e., partial harvesting) would decrease competition and thereby increase individual growth rates and total yield. Existing studies in optimal harvest management of aquaculture operations, however, have not provided a rigorous framework for determining "discrete" partial harvesting (i.e., partially harvest the cultured species at several discrete points until the final harvest). In this paper, we develop a partial harvesting model that is capable of addressing discrete partial harvesting and other partial harvesting using impulsive control theory. We derive necessary conditions of the efficient partial harvesting scheme for a single production cycle. We also present a numerical example to illustrate how partial harvesting can improve the profitability of an aquaculture enterprise compared to single-batch harvesting and gradual thinning. The study results indicate that well-designed partial harvesting schemes can enhance the profitability of aquaculture operations.Partial harvesting, impulsive control theory, aquaculture., Livestock Production/Industries, C61, Q22,

    An impulsive framework for the control of hybrid systems

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    An impulsive control formulation suitable for analyzing hybrid systems is presented. Besides a continuous evolution, the trajectory of an impulsive control system may also exhibit jumps. The jump trajectory is well characterized in this impulsive framework. These jumps can be interpreted as the discrete evolution of an hybrid system. Several examples of hybrid systems modeled in the impulsive framework are given. An impulsive formulation of a formation control problem, regarded as an hybrid system is detailed. Finally, an overview of important classes of control results available for impulsive control systems, notably, stability and optimality, attest the importance of this paradigm for the control of hybrid systems. These results are essential to investigate the properties of model predictive control schemes for hybrid systems

    A Hybrid Systems Model for Simple Manipulation and Self-Manipulation Systems

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    Rigid bodies, plastic impact, persistent contact, Coulomb friction, and massless limbs are ubiquitous simplifications introduced to reduce the complexity of mechanics models despite the obvious physical inaccuracies that each incurs individually. In concert, it is well known that the interaction of such idealized approximations can lead to conflicting and even paradoxical results. As robotics modeling moves from the consideration of isolated behaviors to the analysis of tasks requiring their composition, a mathematically tractable framework for building models that combine these simple approximations yet achieve reliable results is overdue. In this paper we present a formal hybrid dynamical system model that introduces suitably restricted compositions of these familiar abstractions with the guarantee of consistency analogous to global existence and uniqueness in classical dynamical systems. The hybrid system developed here provides a discontinuous but self-consistent approximation to the continuous (though possibly very stiff and fast) dynamics of a physical robot undergoing intermittent impacts. The modeling choices sacrifice some quantitative numerical efficiencies while maintaining qualitatively correct and analytically tractable results with consistency guarantees promoting their use in formal reasoning about mechanism, feedback control, and behavior design in robots that make and break contact with their environment. For more information: Kod*La
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