38 research outputs found

    On the relation between vector annotated logic programs and defeasible theories

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    In this paper, we propose an annotated logic program called a VALPSN (Vector Annotated Logic Program with Strong Negation) to deal with defeasible reasoning. We propose a translation from Billington’s defeasible theory into VALPSN and clarify the relation between them based on the translation

    Complexity of fuzzy answer set programming under Łukasiewicz semantics

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    Fuzzy answer set programming (FASP) is a generalization of answer set programming (ASP) in which propositions are allowed to be graded. Little is known about the computational complexity of FASP and almost no techniques are available to compute the answer sets of a FASP program. In this paper, we analyze the computational complexity of FASP under Łukasiewicz semantics. In particular we show that the complexity of the main reasoning tasks is located at the first level of the polynomial hierarchy, even for disjunctive FASP programs for which reasoning is classically located at the second level. Moreover, we show a reduction from reasoning with such FASP programs to bilevel linear programming, thus opening the door to practical applications. For definite FASP programs we can show P-membership. Surprisingly, when allowing disjunctions to occur in the body of rules – a syntactic generalization which does not affect the expressivity of ASP in the classical case – the picture changes drastically. In particular, reasoning tasks are then located at the second level of the polynomial hierarchy, while for simple FASP programs, we can only show that the unique answer set can be found in pseudo-polynomial time. Moreover, the connection to an existing open problem about integer equations suggests that the problem of fully characterizing the complexity of FASP in this more general setting is not likely to have an easy solution

    Constructive Reasoning for Semantic Wikis

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    One of the main design goals of social software, such as wikis, is to support and facilitate interaction and collaboration. This dissertation explores challenges that arise from extending social software with advanced facilities such as reasoning and semantic annotations and presents tools in form of a conceptual model, structured tags, a rule language, and a set of novel forward chaining and reason maintenance methods for processing such rules that help to overcome the challenges. Wikis and semantic wikis were usually developed in an ad-hoc manner, without much thought about the underlying concepts. A conceptual model suitable for a semantic wiki that takes advanced features such as annotations and reasoning into account is proposed. Moreover, so called structured tags are proposed as a semi-formal knowledge representation step between informal and formal annotations. The focus of rule languages for the Semantic Web has been predominantly on expert users and on the interplay of rule languages and ontologies. KWRL, the KiWi Rule Language, is proposed as a rule language for a semantic wiki that is easily understandable for users as it is aware of the conceptual model of a wiki and as it is inconsistency-tolerant, and that can be efficiently evaluated as it builds upon Datalog concepts. The requirement for fast response times of interactive software translates in our work to bottom-up evaluation (materialization) of rules (views) ahead of time – that is when rules or data change, not when they are queried. Materialized views have to be updated when data or rules change. While incremental view maintenance was intensively studied in the past and literature on the subject is abundant, the existing methods have surprisingly many disadvantages – they do not provide all information desirable for explanation of derived information, they require evaluation of possibly substantially larger Datalog programs with negation, they recompute the whole extension of a predicate even if only a small part of it is affected by a change, they require adaptation for handling general rule changes. A particular contribution of this dissertation consists in a set of forward chaining and reason maintenance methods with a simple declarative description that are efficient and derive and maintain information necessary for reason maintenance and explanation. The reasoning methods and most of the reason maintenance methods are described in terms of a set of extended immediate consequence operators the properties of which are proven in the classical logical programming framework. In contrast to existing methods, the reason maintenance methods in this dissertation work by evaluating the original Datalog program – they do not introduce negation if it is not present in the input program – and only the affected part of a predicate’s extension is recomputed. Moreover, our methods directly handle changes in both data and rules; a rule change does not need to be handled as a special case. A framework of support graphs, a data structure inspired by justification graphs of classical reason maintenance, is proposed. Support graphs enable a unified description and a formal comparison of the various reasoning and reason maintenance methods and define a notion of a derivation such that the number of derivations of an atom is always finite even in the recursive Datalog case. A practical approach to implementing reasoning, reason maintenance, and explanation in the KiWi semantic platform is also investigated. It is shown how an implementation may benefit from using a graph database instead of or along with a relational database

    Foundations of fuzzy answer set programming

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    Answer set programming (ASP) is a declarative language that is tailored towards combinatorial search problems. Although ASP has been applied to many problems, such as planning, configuration and verification of software, and database repair, it is less suitable for describing continuous problems. In this thesis we therefore studied fuzzy answer set programming (FASP). FASP is a language that combines ASP with ideas from fuzzy logic -- a class of many-valued logics that are able to describe continuous problems. We study the following topics: 1. An important issue when modeling continuous optimization problems is how to cope with overconstrained problems. In many cases we can opt to allow imperfect solutions, i.e. solutions that do not satisfy all constraints, but are sufficiently acceptable. However, the question which one of these imperfect solutions is most suitable then arises. Current approaches to fuzzy answer set programming solve this problem by attaching weights to the rules of the program. However, it is often not clear how these weights should be chosen and moreover weights do not allow to order different solutions. We improve upon this technique by using aggregators, which eliminate the aforementioned problems. This allows a richer modeling language and bridges the gap between FASP and other techniques such as valued constraint satisfaction problems. 2. The wishes of users and implementers of a programming language are often in direct conflict with each other. Users prefer a rich language that is easy to model in, whereas implementers prefer a small language that is easy to implement. We reconcile these differences by identifying a core language for FASP, called core FASP (CFASP), that only consists of non-constraint rules with monotonically increasing functions and negators in the body. We show that CFASP is capable of simulating constraint rules, monotonically decreasing functions, aggregators, S-implicators and classical negation. Moreover we remark that the simulations of constraints and classical negation bear a great resemblance to their simulations in classical ASP, which provides further insight into the relationship between ASP and FASP. 3. As a first step towards the creation of an implementation method for FASP we research whether it is possible to translate a FASP program to a fuzzy SAT problem. We introduce the concept of the completion of a FASP program and show that for programs without loops the models of the completion coincide with the answer sets. Furthermore we show that if a program has loops, we can translate the program to a fuzzy SAT problem by generalizing the concept of loop formulas. We illustrate this on a continuous version of the k-center problem. Such a translation is important because it allows us to solve FASP programs by means of solvers for fuzzy SAT. Under the appropriate conditions it is for example possible to solve FASP programs by means of off-the-shelf solvers for mixed integer programming (MIP)

    The role of assumptions in knowledge engineering

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    The role of assumptions in knowledge engineering

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    The role of assumptions in knowledge engineering

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