20 research outputs found

    Vocal Folds Disorders Detection and Classification in Endoscopic Narrow-Band Images

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    The diagnosis of vocal folds (VF) diseases is error- prone due to the large variety of diseases that can affect them. VF lesions can be divided in nodular, e.g. nodules, polyps and cysts, and diffuse, e.g. hyperplastic laryngitis and carcinoma. By endoscopic examination, the clinician traditionally evaluates the presence of macroscopic formations and mucosal vessels alteration. Endoscopic narrow-band imaging (NBI) has recently started to be employed since it provides enhanced vessels contrast as compared to classical white-light endoscopy. This work presents a preliminary study on the development of an automatic diagnostic tool based on the assessment of vocal cords symmetry in NBI images. The objective is to identify possible protruding mass lesions on which subsequent vessels analysis may be performed. The method proposed here is based on the segmentation of the glottal area (GA) from the endoscopic images, based on which the right and the left portions of the vocal folds are detected and analyzed for the detection of protruding areas. The obtained information is then used to classify the VF edges as healthy or pathological. Results from the analysis of 22 endoscopic NBI images demonstrated that the proposed algorithm is robust and effective, providing a 100% success rate in the classification of VF edges as healthy or pathological. Such results support the investment in further research to expand and improve the algorithm presented here, potentially with the addition of vessels analysis to determine the pathological classification of detected protruding areas

    Concept for a Web Map Implementation with Faster Query Response

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    Vector data and in particular road networks are being used in many application domains such as in mobile computing. These systems would prefer to receive the query results very quickly. Lots of research is going on to make the query response faster. One technique is to compress vector data so that they can be transferred to the client quickly. If we look different compression technique that are used to make the response faster, we will see that some of them do not make the response fast enough and some of them make response fast but very complex to implement. We report the concept for the implementation of a web map with a simple compression technique to send query response to the client, and found it making response fast. We have used some open source/free components to make the development quick and easy. This paper may work as a guide line for quick implementation of a web map. Keywords: Web Map, PostGIS, Geoserver, GeoWebCache, Compression

    A Chain-Based Wireless Sensor Network Model Using the Douglas-Peucker Algorithm in the Iot Environment

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    WSNs which are the major component in the IoT mainly use interconnected intelligent wireless sensors. These wireless sensors sense monitor and gather data from their surroundings and then deliver them to users or access connected IoT devices remotely. One of the main issues in WSNs is that sensor nodes are generally powered by batteries, but because of the rugged environments, it is difficult to add energy. The other one may cause an unbalanced energy consumption among sensor nodes due to the uneven distribution of sensors. For these reasons, the death of nodes by the energy exhausting and the performance of the network may rapidly decrease. Hence, an efficient algorithm study for prolonging the network lifetime of WSNs is one of important challenges. In this paper, a chain-based wireless sensor network model is proposed to improve network performance with balanced energy consumption via the solution of the long-distance communication problem. The proposed algorithm is consisted of three phases: Segmentation, Chain Formation, and Data Collection. In segmentation phase, an optimal distance tolerance is determined, and then the network field is divided into small sub-regions according to its value. The chain formation is started from the sub-region far away from the sink, and then extended, and sensed data are collected along a chain and transmitted to a sink. Simulations have been performed to compare with PEGASIS and Enhanced PEGASIS using an OMNET++ simulator. The simulation results from this study showed that the proposed algorithm prolonged the network lifetime via the achievement of the balanced energy consumption compared to PEGASIS and Enhanced PEGASIS. The proposed algorithm can be used in any applications to improve network performance of WSNs


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    A maior parte dos sistemas de monitoramento de trânsito empregados atualmente utilizam operadores humanos para monitorar ocorrências. Esse trabalho apresenta uma abordagem para detectar e rastrear automaticamente a movimentação de veículos em imagens digitais de tráfego rodoviário para permitir que os operadores identifiquem facilmente a quantidade de veículos e os horários de mais tráfego na rodovia, independente de a placa do veículo estar presente. Elaborou-se um protótipo de software com técnicas de processamento de imagens e visão computacional, que incluem operações morfológicas, limiarização, subtração de fundo com MOG (Mixture of Gaussian), entre outras, para trabalhar com vídeos de monitoramento de trânsito. Os vídeos utilizados durante os experimentos permitem ao sistema efetuar a contagem de veículos corretamente e de forma automática na maioria dos testes; entretanto, nesses resultados preliminares, identificaram-se situações nas quais o algoritmo perde a precisão momentaneamente e esses casos interessantes também são discutidos.Palavras-chave: Detecção de objetos. Rastreamento de veículos. Visão computacional

    The Douglas-peucker algorithm: sufficiency conditions for non-self-intersections

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    The classic Douglas-Peucker line-simplification algorithm is recognized as the one that delivers the best perceptual representations of the original lines. It may, however, produce simplified polyline that is not topologically equivalent to the original one consisting of all vertex samples. On the basis of properties of the polyline hulls, Saalfeld devised a simple rule for detecting topological inconsistencies and proposed to solve them by carrying additional refinements. In this paper, we present an alternative form for the classic Douglas-Peucker to produce a simplified polyline which is homeomorphic to the original one. Our modified Douglas-Peucker algorithm is based on two propositions: (1) when an original polyline is star-shaped, its simplification from the Douglas-Peucker procedure cannot self-intersect; and (2) for any polyline, two of its star-shaped sub-polylines may only intersect if there is a vertex of one simplified sub-polyline inside the other's corresponding region.6784Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES


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    The Fortress of Riolo Terme, near Ravenna: digital survey and 3D printing for cultural dissemination

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    In this work, initially developed as a thesis project, it has been studied the management of the different information methods, derived from the 3D laser scanner survey, of the Fortress of Riolo Terme, near Ravenna, Italy. After studying the building and its history this type of survey has been chosen because of its fast acquisition of three-dimensional data, with the advantage of a level of details and a resolution impossible to be reached by other methods. The geometrical survey of the whole fortress and its surroundings has been enriched by the gathering of color information: taking a specific set of photos for every station, each single scan has been associated to a panoramic image, obtaining a point clouds provided with the corresponding color values. Given the complexity and articulation of the building part of the project was dedicated to the work program, in terms of the decimation of the data, balancing a fluid management of the vast amount of collected data, and the conservation of the appropriate resolution of the information. This brought to the creation of an automatism both for the alignment of the scans, and for the following graphic post-processing. In addition to the production of drawings as plans, elevations and sections, whose outlining has been automated by creating several procedures for Autodesk AutoCAD, a specific part of the project was aimed at the construction of an optimized model of a portion of the building, to be printed out using 3D technology. The project allowed investigating thoroughly an architectural complex that is an outcome of stratifications over time, from the XIV century until the contemporary age. The chosen approach and the type of products elaborated are part of a renovation project for the enjoyment and historical knowledge of the building, which was the primary aim of this work

    Extracting Geometric Structures in Images with Delaunay Point Processes

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    International audienceWe introduce Delaunay Point Processes, a framework for the extraction of geometric structures from images. Our approach simultaneously locates and groups geometric primitives (line segments, triangles) to form extended structures (line networks, polygons) for a variety of image analysis tasks. Similarly to traditional point processes, our approach uses Markov Chain Monte Carlo to minimize an energy that balances fidelity to the input image data with geometric priors on the output structures. However, while existing point processes struggle to model structures composed of interconnected components, we propose to embed the point process into a Delaunay triangulation, which provides high-quality connectivity by construction. We further leverage key properties of the Delaunay triangulation to devise a fast Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampler. We demonstrate the flexibility of our approach on a variety of applications, including line network extraction, object contouring, and mesh-based image compression